
seeking for safety

ljoe pov 


“Good morning my love,” ChanHee sang when I woke up from the couch. Yess we're a dating!! I found it hard to believe that he had the same feelings but I'm very happy he has. Life couldn’t be better with ChanHee by my side. And I’m in Teen Top! “I’ve made pancake to celebrate,” ChanHee shouted from the kitchen.

“Hmm I love pancakes!” I said while I sat down. “Do you have a schedule today?” I asked

“No but you have. So hurry up and we leave to the office to meet the director.” “Alright so now it is official, isn’t?” I asked to be sure

“yeah I’m so happy that you’ve tried to rap and made it in Teen Top. Now we're in the same band and we're dating!” I choked  when he said that it was so a shock to me that we're now dating, finally.


~ At the company~


ljoe pov 


“ByunHun-hyung,” ChangJo shouted before he jumped at me. “I heard you're now officially in Teen Top congrats!”

 “Yeah thank you,” I stuttered

“I hope you'll like it in Teen Top and that we're gonna make it big!” Ricky said. Everyone was being over joyed that I was in Teen Top and that Teen Top was finally was complete.

“we've to celebrate it,” C.A.P shouted. Afterwards we when to eat and then karaoke. It was really fun with everyone of Teen Top and they treated my so nice like if they know me for a long time and not just 2 days. But I noticed that Niel was very quiet and shy. Only with C.A.P was he  talkative but he didn’t say much to me I could sense he wasn’t at ease in my presence I think I should ask ChanHee if I did something wrong.


~At home~


ljoe pov 


“Say ChanHee-yah did I do something wrong with Niel?” I asked when we cuddle up on the couch (we love to sit together on the couch) “Hmm what do you meant I don’t understand your question?”

“Because Niel is so quiet he was the only one who didn’t seem to enjoy it and he hasn’t say a word to me when we met. So I thought maybe he don’t like me or something,” I explain.

“Ow that’s just how Niel is. He is very shy and don’t like to talk to strangers. The only one he is close to is C.A.P  it seems he only talk much to him. I suspect them to be in a relationship” “chinja? You can be right tonight Niel only talked much with C.A.P  and to others he said only the necessary.”

“You should just let him be when he is ready I’m sure he would talk more to you.”


The next few weeks were really busy with training. I needed to catch up with everyone especially with sang because I’m not so good at singing. But luckily I have a little bit of talent with rap and I can also dance. Today the manager came to our practice with a big announcement.

“Guys we have decided when you debut! And which song you debut with!”

“Yeaaayyyy,” everyone cheered.

“So now you must train even harder. Tomorrow we have a meeting with the director who’ll tell you the details about your debut. Now you all must  go home and prepare yourselves.” Manager-hyung said.

I was so happy that we debut very soon. But I’m also frighten about that my past gang may find out who I am and that they come to get me back. I didn’t know what to do...


Chunji pov


I saw that ByungHun was happy about the news from the manager but then on our way home he became very quiet and was in deep thoughts.

“ByunHun-ah is something bothering you?”I asked after I had ordered pizza (I was too lazy to make a proper dinner)

“Ahh ani, it’s nothing.”

I knew he was lying and I didn’t want to give up.

“Don’t lie I know when my lover has troubles in his mind,” I said. I saw he was fighting with his feelings. After a while of silence he began to speak.

“You know I told you why I came to North Korea?”

“Yes, you was in a gang and got discovered by the police.”

“Yes that’s true. Now I’m afraid that when they find me they take me back to South Korea and

 I don’t think I could bear it without you. The few weeks I have lived with you were the happiest weeks I have ever had. I love you so much that I don’t want to get chased away.”

“Shh we'll find a solution,” I said while I pull him in a tight hug. “You don’t have to worry I love you too much to let you get away from me. You stay forever by my side.” We hugged each other for a while then the bell rang and we ate our pizza in silence. Suddenly I had a great idea. Ï “Isfghoghjatkjeddohgjsljfksjkgpaert!” I shouted with pizza in my mouth. “Yah don’t talk when you eat I can’t understand what you were saying,” ByungHun said. “I said I know what we can do so you can stay with me” I repeated  “chinja ?!?! That’s so great tell me,” ByungHun jumped in joy.

“We should get you a asylum so you can stay legally in South Korea and then they can’t take back to North Korea that easily.”

“But do you think I can get an asylum? I mean I’m under aged and you too.”

“Hm that’s true maybe I can ask my father for help. Argg I’m so stupid that I didn’t think of it sooner. My father is a very good lawyer with a good reputation and a lot of money. So if I ask he would definitely get you a asylum.”

“Chinja? Say will you tell me why you live alone?” ByungHun asked curious.

 “Hmm alright but it isn’t an interesting story thought but I’ll tell, after dinner.”

 After dinner we sat on the couch.

“I’ll tell you my story,” I said while I pulled ByungHun closer to me. “Actually my mother died when I was very young, I don't remember her, I’ve only one picture from her. My father is a lawyer, a very good one and when my mother died he was very sad and stared to work more and more and he neglect me. I went to school, alone, I ate alone I did everything on my own. In the beginning we had a maid but after a few years she stopped with work and my father didn’t hired another one. I really hate my father for what he did until now. So when I turned 16 I started to live alone. My father felt guilty with his deeds but I can’t forgive him. But because he is ashamed of his deeds he brought me this apartment and I get a monthly contribution. And I’m sure he'll help you with your asylum, nowadays he does everything I ask him.” When I was done with my story I saw the tears in ByungHun eyes.

“And don’t you dear to cried!! This has nothing to do with you!” I said it meaner than I meant it. ByungHun started to cried, “buttt you were neglect by your own father!! It’s so sad.”

“Shhhss it wasn’t that bad I learned how live on my own,” I said while pulling him in a tight hug. “You're a crybaby. But you're my cute little crybaby,”I whispered in his ears.

“I’ll stay by your side forever I’ll never ever leave even in after life,” ByungHun said. “And so do I.”



a/n: Yeaahhh they finally debuted. And omo Chunji was neglect by his own father O.o 

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ahhhhhhhh....finished alredy??? huhuhu...i'm gonna missed it...

btw...nice ending...finally...chunjoe is TOGETHER...^^
Awww that's sweet~ <3 I wish this didn't have to end cuz I love this story so much! Good job author-shii!!! <3 <3 <3 ^u^ XD }( » ^)3
arghhhhhhh...if they'r gonna save that boy...isn't tht mean they'r dragging their ownself in danger too...OH NO!!!
@kimikoluvteentop: kyaa awesom!! that scene is soo cute!! <3 I have downloaded takumikun 5. But I'm sorry I don't know the link anymore :$ I think I downloaded it from tumblr (><) I hope you can find him because he's soo cute!! And is the last movie :((
chunjoe soo cute
chunjoeeee d cutestttt^^
thanks for d update luvly dongsaengieeee...^^
Waaahh, I love takumi kun! I like the last part in movie 3 XD....
But I didn't know the fifth movie was out!! Omg thank you~~ ^^
Did you streem/download it? Can you send me the link?? Please~~ OwO ♥
sherasazaly #8
together again..update soon:)
finally l.joe and chunji are back to together~