Chapter 3

seeking for safety


L.Joe pov.


After my performance everyone was quiet and looked at me in surprise.

“Woow ByungHun-ah that was amazing!” C.A.P said enthusiastic and everyone nodded in agreement.

“Yeah C.A.P-hyung is right you were amazing I told you that you could rap,” ChanHee said with a big smile.

“You must rap for our manager. He would definitely hear you and maybe he offer you a place in Teen Top,” Ricky said to me.

“Yes he would love to!” ChanHee said before I could reject the offer. To be honest I didn’t feel like to be a rapper and become famous. Because I’m too scared that if I become famous that my gang would find me here. And I don’t want to leave South Korea especially not ChanHee.

“Alright than I’ll to find manager-hyung and bring him here,” C.A.P said.


When C.A.P was gone I began to felt really nervous.  ChanHee saw I became really nervous and whispered  “ByungHun-ah you can do it I believe in you, you’re the perfect rapper for Teen Top and once  manager-hyung heard your rap he let you in Teen Top I’m sure.” Those words gave me courage and I thought only about ChanHee and how much time  I could spent with him once I become a part of Teen Top.


Then the manager arrived and I started to rap again. The reaction form the manager was the same as what ChanHee predicted. He was totally overwhelmed by mine rap. “I want you in Teen Top,” was the first he said to me. At first I couldn’t believe him but then ChanHee hugged me and said “you did it for real! Now you’re gonna be a part of Teen Top.”

“Yeah I think so,” was the only I could said.


~At home~
Chunji pov.


“To celebrate that you’re in Teen Top I shall make a delicious dinner!” I said while we entered the house. “Ani you don’t have to do so much, it isn’t official though, “ ByungHun said lowly

“But I want to it’s very special that the manager-hyung  wanted you in the band, until now he had rejected all the people who came for an audition. And they were quite good, not so good as you though. So now you go watch some TV while I make the special dinner!”

“De, umma!” I chuckled when he said that, he was quite right with his statement.


“Dinner Is ready!” I screamed after 30 minutes

“Wahh it looks so delicious. You’re a really good cook!” ByungHun said while he taste the dish.

He looked so happy when he ate. I just stared at him like a fool “ChanHee-yah why don’t you eat?”ByungHun question brought me back to the reality. “Ah de.” After the meal we watched some TV but now we sat close to each other.


L.Joe pov.


the dinner was so delicious I had never in my life ate something that was so delicious. But everything ChanHee made was delicious. when I ate he stared at me for a long time and I got a strange feeling in my tummy, could it be love?

Suddenly ChanHee came really close, too close. “ByungHun you're so cute I want to kiss you. May I?”Before I could reject he placed a kiss on my lips. It came so sudden that I couldn’t move I just sat there. When ChanHee pulled back he had an apologetic look in his eyes. “I’m sorry I wasn’t thinking” I didn’t know what he mean and I grabbed his arm. “No it was g-great it f-felt very g-good” I stuttered and I kissed him to prove it. Soon ChanHee took over the kiss and my lips begging for entrance,  the kiss became very passionate. When we parted for some air ChanHee laid on top of me. “Saranghaeyo ByungHunnie” ChanHee whispered before he kissed my forehead. ChanHee moved while place little pecks on his way from my forehead to my jaw and my neck. He began to by my collarbone. Soon I began to be one mess I couldn’t think straight anymore I thought I went crazy if he goes any further. “I love you,” I whispered.  Then we cuddled together on the couch and felt asleep in each other arms on the couch for the second time but this time it wasn’t a shock but it felt really warm and loving in his arms. ‘I love him very much,’ were my last thoughts.


a/n sorry for the short chapter, but i really wanted to update !!!

I found this chapter so lovely especially the end with chunjoe ^.^

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ahhhhhhhh....finished alredy??? huhuhu...i'm gonna missed it...

btw...nice ending...finally...chunjoe is TOGETHER...^^
Awww that's sweet~ <3 I wish this didn't have to end cuz I love this story so much! Good job author-shii!!! <3 <3 <3 ^u^ XD }( » ^)3
arghhhhhhh...if they'r gonna save that boy...isn't tht mean they'r dragging their ownself in danger too...OH NO!!!
@kimikoluvteentop: kyaa awesom!! that scene is soo cute!! <3 I have downloaded takumikun 5. But I'm sorry I don't know the link anymore :$ I think I downloaded it from tumblr (><) I hope you can find him because he's soo cute!! And is the last movie :((
chunjoe soo cute
chunjoeeee d cutestttt^^
thanks for d update luvly dongsaengieeee...^^
Waaahh, I love takumi kun! I like the last part in movie 3 XD....
But I didn't know the fifth movie was out!! Omg thank you~~ ^^
Did you streem/download it? Can you send me the link?? Please~~ OwO ♥
sherasazaly #8
together again..update soon:)
finally l.joe and chunji are back to together~