
Beautiful Death


CHAPTER two  “meeting”



Sunggyu blinked. This could not be happening.

The sketch (or whatever it was at this moment) stared back at him silently, with its dark orbs, as if willing him to challenge it.

“Y-You’re not real…” Sunggyu began, convinced that it was all but a talking sketch.

“Who says I’m not real? I’m talking to you here, yeah. God. What is wrong with people and the concept of a guy in a book?” The sketch said slightly annoyed, rolling its eye in what Sunggyu thought was a diva-ish way.

“And, I introduced myself to you. Shouldn’t you say something back? Here, let’s start again. I’m Woohyun.”

There was a loud silence as Sunggyu debated whether to answer the drawing (which was by far, in his 24 years of age, an inanimate object), or keep quiet and avoid looking like a loony talking to a sketch in a book. (No matter how well-drawn it was, or how the object of interest was so mind-blowingly handsome)

“I-I’m Sunggyu.” He spluttered, such a peculiar situation like this making him incapable of normal human speech.

The figure (or Woohyun, as he had said) in the sketch smiled. “That’s better, isn’t it?”

Sunggyu nodded slowly, seemingly not knowing how to comprehend the matter at hand. There was yet again another silence as neither knew what to say.

“So Sunggyu, aren’t you gonna ask how I ended up like this?” Woohyun gestured to his body discreetly.

Sunggyu contemplated his answer. How on earth are you supposed to ask a guy how he ended up as a sketch in a book?

“Well I guess if you wanted to tell me, you would already have.” Sunggyu said finally, thinking that the reasons were none of his concern, and that he would find out in the time to come if Woohyun opened up to him. But that possibility didn’t seem too near at this moment, that he was sure.

Woohyun looked slightly surprised at the prospect of Sunggyu’s answer. Wouldn’t everyone be curious as to why a guy ended up trapped in a book? Or how, for that matter? Perhaps there were people like Sunggyu. People who looked so handsome with this caramel coloured hair falling slightly over his almond shaped eyes, and people like Sunggyu who was the most beautiful thing Woohyun had ever seen in his live(s).

“Y-Yeah, but what if I told you I’m willing to share my story?” Woohyun looked Sunggyu dead in the eye, his gaze smoldering.

“I wouldn’t mind hearing you out…” Sunggyu seemed apprehensive at what was to come.

“Well then, it started like this…” 







author's note 

hey guys, hope you're liking the new story so far. This was more of a filler chapter, i'm so sorry T^T i'll make it up to you in the next chapter, promise. in the mean time, i shall leave you with a cliff hanger MUAHAHA. Anyway, if you could do me a favour, do click that arrow at the side of the title AND VOMMENT! (Essentially, vote and comment) See you soon! 

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sha_alina19 #1
Chapter 3: Aww.....why its stop here?? Please continue the story....its intrestingggg
marshimaru #2
Chapter 3: OMG PLS CONTINUE :'((
its 2016 and i see the last updatewas in 2012:( im ready to cry you know.. when i saw that theres no next button, i was like "..w.wha-WHAT" i realyreallyreally wanna know what will happen next:'
i hope you continue~~<3
neko_gyu_kyeopta #3
Chapter 3: This's interesting!! I love it!! Hey are you still writing this story bcoz the last update is in 2012 .. if you're still on it please continue~!! I really want to know what happen next ♥♥♥ cute~
Chapter 3: So interesting! I want to know more about woohyun too! Hope you can update soon!
hamstergyu28 #5
When are you updating this? we're already in 2014 :D
Chapter 3: please update ;;; this story was so awesome!!
Chapter 3: OH MY GOD...
cant wait for the next update.^^
it new brand fics !
really it first time I read something like this!
Love this!
Update soon !
*O* This is soooo interesting~ Gonna wait for the next update, Steph-chan!! >w<