
Don't tell me what to do!

-Continuation from last chapter-

Sinb looked behind her and saw Yerin holding her sleeve, "what is it?". Yerin let go of Sinb's uniform and looked down, "can you stop getting involved with me?.. Like kissing... Can you stop that? And I think in the Ferris wheel... You took it too far, I always dreamed of doing it with the person I love". 

Yerin heard Sinb's footsteps coming towards her, she gripped the granola bar, expecting Sinb to kiss her. 

"I do it because it's the thing you hate the most." Sinb walked and paused in front of Yerin, she brushed the older girl's hair to the side, "when I first did it to you, you cried right? I just thought it was the perfect way to discipline you.. Don't you also feel good when you obey me?". 

I said this so many times already.. But seriously she's a demon! Yerin threw the granola bar at the younger girl and ran to the cabinet, finding a pair of scissors. She grabbed a big chunk of her hair and was getting prepared to cut it, "if you're angry about that time when I cut your hair..."*snip*  "we're even". 

Sinb widdened her eyes at the sudden act of courage that Yerin made. Yerin stomped her way to the younger girl and yanked Sinb's tie, making her lean forward, "I'm definitely not the black demon's object, got that?!". 


Yerin backed away when her stomach started grumbling, she held her hand up, "wait a minute", jeez why can't I ever end it being cool? She picked up the granola bar and rushed to the door, "I'll take this though, it will give me energy. Toodles". 

Did I just cut my hair? How stupid of me... 

*Next day* 

Yuju walked passed Yerin and noticed that her unnie cut her hair short, "woah! Morning unnie, what happened to your hair?". 

"S-since it was getting hot I wanted to cut it.. Is it ok?"

"Yeah! Still looking good as always, just watch out for Eunha and Sowon they might tease you again." Yuju laughed. The two girls talked for a few minutes and parted ways afterwards, since Yerin had to do something important. 


Yerin awkwardly sat on a chair as her future boss examines her resume, "oh so you're in high school..." 

"Umm yes! Third year high school sir" 

There was a long pause until the man spoke again, "everything looks good! You're hired, let's get along during the summer vacation." Yerin smiled and shook his hand, "me too thank you for having me".

A huge smile appeared on her face as she left the building, she skipped all the way to the subway, I finally found a job.. It was easier than I thought. Yerin stopped and saw someone familiar, Umji?

"excuse me miss? Would you like to be our model for our clothing company?" Two ladies appeared in front of Umji. She smiled to the both of them before rejecting their offer. 

Wow she's getting scouted?! 

The two girls left Umji and she started walking away. Yerin ran to the girl, "Umji! Umm.... D-do you want to go back home together?" Her heart started pounding as the younger girl stared at her. Umji giggled and held yerin's hand, "of course let's go home then". Wait she's not mad? 

They walked in silence until Yerin gathered all her courage to finally apologize to Umji, "about yesterday... I'm really sorry". Umji didn't say anything and gave her a questioning look. "I'm talking about your face..." 

Umji touched her face and felt the light scab forming on her cheek, "I'm sorry too.. I guess I surprised you." 

"Not at all!!" 

"Rather than that, what happened to your hair? I'm guessing because it's almost summer" 

Yerin played along and nodded, Umji smiled and touched her hair, "unnie, do you perhaps have a pair of scissors?". She took out her make up pouch and brought out a small scissors. Umji lead her to a small park and made the older girl sit down on a bench. She took the scissors and started fixing yerin's hair 

"I won't cut it any shorter, if that's what you're worried about. I'll only trim the edges". 

Yerin sat up and let the white princess do her job, everytime umji's fingers brush along her neck, Yerin gulps and shiver at the soft touch. 

"This reminds me, I also trimmed Sinb's hair. I've been cutting it since we were kids.. Crazy right? But I guess I got from my mom." Umji giggled. hmmm I just heard an angle laugh, music to my ears..  Yerin couldn't help but laugh as well. 

As the laughter died down, Umji was finishing up with her unnie's hair, "I can't help but get curious but.. Did something happen again between you and Sinb? I mean.. I'll give her scolding" she laughed. Yerin bit her lip and looked behind her, I swear she's a mind reader 

Umji held yerin's shoulder from behind making her look forward, she leaned in and whispered into her ear, "it's dangerous if you move... Since the scissors is small". Yerin blushed and didn't move, oh jeez, she's close, such sweet fragrance. 

The younger girl leant Yerin a small mirror and gasp at herself, "wow thanks Umji, I look even better now that you fixed it". 

Umji smiled at how impressed Yerin was, "no problem, let's head home?". The older girl nodded and stood up, trailing behind the white princess. 

Even if I get rejected by Umji, I still want to tell her my feelings. Because I believe that this feeling I have is... Love...

*Next day// at school* 

Yerin rushed to her next class which was phys. Ed, their class is currently doing a swim unit so they all have to meet up at the school rooftop where the swimming pool was located. Everyone was changing into their swim suit. A few girls that barged into the girls change room was some of the girls from class- C , and one of them was Yuju. 

Yerin arched her eyebrow at the sudden appearance of her best friend, "Yuju? What are you doing here? This isn't your class pabo". Yuju hanged her bags on the hook beside yerin's and started ing her blouse,  "I know. It's just that we did this unit before your class and well... We failed it and have to re- take this unit again.". 

Yuju failing? That's weird.. Why phys Ed of all subjects? She's athletic and love sports. Yerin shook the thoughts and waited for Yuju to get dressed into her one piece bathing suit. 


"why do we have swim with boys?" Yuju groaned and covered herself with a towel. Yerin shrugged and waited for their teacher to appear, wish me luck, swimming is my weakest point. Her attention went to a few girls that was staring at a certain someone, receiving squeals and loud screams. 

Yerin turned around and saw Sinb leaning on a wall while reading a book, what the?! That's not fair she's not swimming with the class? 

The girls continued muttering and staring at the black demon: 

"so sad~ she's only going to watch?" 

"I even brought my digital camera" 

"the black princess doesn't easily show her  body, you know" 

"*gasp* maybe she has wings on her back" 

 "hey Dahyun, do you know why she isn't participating?" Yerin walked up to the girl who was fixing her goggles. Dahyun sighed and laughed, "well... We were one of the girls that arrived early in the changing room, she called the room disgusting and dirty"

"dirty? It looked fairly clean to me" 

"I guess not to her hahaha" 

The teacher arrived and started their swimming lesson. Yerin and Yuju had a mini race when it was time for break time and of course, Yuju won. 

"Hey Yerin, I don't like this" Yuju took her cap off and looked down. The older girl can sense that she was feeling uncomfortable, "what's wrong?". 

 "I just heard that the boys are rating and checking out our swimsuits" 

those bastards... 

"Let's get out of the water" Yerin made her way to the ladder and saw Sinb looking at her,  why is she looking?! It's so awkward to get out. 


Yerin turned around saw Yuju sinking and helplessly trying to float back up, "my leg cramped!!" 

There was a series of splashing and panicking from the students, Yerin jumped and swam to Yuju, already sank to the bottom. She took yuju's arms and put them around her neck, but no avail, I can't swim up, we're going to drown... 

Just then, yerin felt someone carrying her and Yuju back up. When they reached the surface, Yerin coughed out water and looked at the person that saved them. Sinb?! 

 "How unsightly" Sinb let Yerin go to float on her own, she took yuju's arms and carried her to the surface. Sinb laid Yuju down on the floor and covered her with a towel. The teacher rushed to the two and helped her sit up, "it's alright Yuju ssi I got you" *crack* as soon as the teacher was prepared to carry Yuju, his back cracked and asked Sinb for assistance. 

Yerin made her way to Yuju only to see Sinb carrying her bridal style. 

"Wow Sinb is so cool" 

"carry me too Sinb- ya!" 

Sinb glared at the crowd around her and pushed them to the side, "shut up and move it". With that everyone stayed silent until the black demon was gone. I hope Yuju is ok... 


*After class* 

It was a good thing that phys ed was Yerin last class so she could go check up on Yuju. Yerin rushed buttoning her blouse not bothering to wear her tie. As she was running down the hallway, she saw Sinb walking out of the nurse's office. Yerin gulped once she saw the demon with only a tank top and black leggings on, yerin's heart started beating fast when she was walking towards her. 

She looks... Hot.. 


Yerin mentally slapped herself when she thought Sinb as an attractive person, tch as if.  She saw Sinb walking past her not even giving her a look. "H-hey, thanks for saving-" 

"Yerin!" Sowon's loud scream echoed through the hallway. Yerin smiled at her friends, relieved that Yuju was ok, "Yuju you got me worried sick! Are you ok?". Yuju nodded found herself looking at Sinb's back as she was walking away from the group of friends. Yerin lightly pushed yuju's shoulder, "are you sure you're ok? Your face is all red". 

Yuju gulped and brought her hands to her face. 

"The black princess.. I think... I might like her.. What should I do?" 




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Chapter 16: came back to read this amazing story again. ☺️
Chapter 15: YERIN: You work for me now. . . You're mine Hwang Eunbi

-waaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh. . .
(Person screaming on the street and running everywhere)
Chapter 16: Reread this again... Faveee..
Chapter 16: Reread this again... Faveee..
eunhas_btch #5
Chapter 16: Ngl i really reeeally enjoy reading this fic so much. My heart just did 10 back flips while reading this AAAAAAAA sinb is a big tsun. Anyway, thank you for writing this wonderful story, author nim! I love it so much ? will re-read it again someday~
Chapter 16: thank you authornim
Chapter 15: dont tell me what to do whenever you are near..
dont tell me what to say my heart is floating in tears..
Chapter 14: just wait for me..
i mean.. wait for umji
Chapter 12: yerin having delusions..
over thinker
Chapter 11: just why youll become jealous when you even agreed on having a fake relationship... eyyyyy (`へ´≠)