Love me, love me

Our love (is not over)

       They try to behave as friends after that for Yerim and for others, and it actually works pretty well, despite the fact that each of their hearts are breaking every second, but that’s bearable when they see, that Yerim is doing a little better. When they told her that morning, she ran to them hugging, mumbling I’m sorry, I’m sorry, please, don’t hate me, I only wanted to do something under her breath with tear-stained cheeks. They couldn’t be angry at this child, who just wanted better for them, so they forgave her.

       They are hanging out again, all of them together. It’s still a bit awkward, but thanks to Wendy’s constant bright attitude and Yerim’s and Sooyoung’s bickering, it’s a little less awkward. Yes, things changed. Yes, they are not dating anymore. But she would lie if she said, that things completely changed. Because there are still times, when she and Joohyun act like parents towards Yerim, whether scolding her or praising for something she did. Because there are still times, when she asks her to text her when she gets home in that soft voice. Because there are still those touches.

       Touches that were there during the time they were together. Casual back hugs that don’t cause Joohyun to jump, instead leaning more into Seulgi’s chest. Their pinkies intertwining, when their hands are close, and no one dares to move. Soft whispers in each other’s ears. Fingers reaching to fix the hair. Joohyun slapping Seulgi’s arms, when the latter starts cracking her joints too loudly. They start joking around each other again, and Seulgi thinks that she can do this whole ‘friends’ thing.


       Someone asks Joohyun out, and Seulgi realizes that she, in fact, cannot do this whole ‘friends’ thing. Nope. Not when her ex-lover throws her a glance and after some contemplating agrees to go out with that Song Minho. Seulgi understands, why she does. He’s handsome, his GPA is higher than hers. And Joohyun’s free to go out with anyone she wants. It’s okay. It’s okay. It’s okay she repeats in her mind as she quickly goes to the bathroom so no one could see her crying. She sobs quietly after she closes stall after her, and stops immediately when she hears bathroom’s door open. Please, don’t be Joohyun, please. It’s not Joohyun. It’s Yerim. Of course, it’s Yerim. Sweet, little Yerimie, who worries about her unnie so much.


       “It’s okay Yerim.” It’s not. “I don’t care anymore.” I do. “I can’t.”

       She and Yerim both know that she’s lying, but the younger doesn’t say anything after that and just pulls her closer and she swears her heart ing breaks, when she sees Seulgi.

       That’s it, she guesses. She’s tried everything. She’s tried to get them back together with everything she could possibly think of: ditching them together, lying to them, etc. But it still didn’t work. Maybe it’s time to give up. Maybe they truly aren’t destined to be together. Just like Wendy said, life isn’t some kind of drama. And maybe they aren’t supposed to have their happy ending.

       Next morning, on her way to Seulgi's apartment she feels sick. Even though she just woke up she already feels dead tired and wants to go to sleep again to hide from the world. You know this feeling, when you want something, but someone takes it away from you and tells that you can never get it? That's how she feels right now. She failed. She knows she did. She accepts it. She's a grown person, who learns to accept things. But why does it hurt so much, even when she understands that she's failed, even when she accepts her failure... Why does her heart hurts so much for those two incredible, silly people she jokingly calls - called - her parents? Why do the tears, she tried so hard to suppress, resurface again, when she thinks, that there are no more tears left?


       She knocks on the door of Seulgi’s apartment and stands, waiting for it to be opened. There’s no answer for almost two minutes, and she decides that Seulgi’s probably not home, and gets ready to leave. She stops on her feet when she hears a faint sound of footsteps behind the door. She gasps when it’s opened by Seulgi, who’s only wearing a shirt, by the look of it. She looks closely and sees red marks on her neck, her hair messy.

       She’s sure her heart stops, when she hears a soft voice, coming from behind Seulgi.

       “Babe, who is it?”



       Joohyun sits at this bar, that Minho invited her to. He’s talking about something, but she can’t bring herself to care, because this bar fills her mind with some memories. To be exact, memories of her and Seulgi together. She smiles a little, when she looks at the bar counter.

       She’s sitting there alone, waiting for Seulgi, who went to the bathroom. All of their friends have already left, and she’s just playing with the purple straw in her glass filled with juice, when suddenly a male voice starts speaking right in her ear.

       “Hey there. Why is such a beautiful girl alone at this place?” She doesn’t even look at him, keeping her gaze ahead.

       “Would you like a drink?”

       No answer.

       “Hey, look at me, when I’m talking, you little bi–“

       “You better not finish this sentence, sir,” the voice of a person she’s been waiting for suddenly speaks up.

       The man stands up from his barstool and towers over Seulgi, who doesn’t even show that she’s scared, but Joohyun knows better, when she sees her finger twitching.

       “Yeah? Or what? You gon’ hit me?” He brags.

       “Exactly.” Seulgi raiser her hand and swings her fist with all her might at the bastard’s face. He falls down, and Joohyun can hear some amazed woahs around them.

       Seulgi takes her hand and leads them out of this place. When they start walking away from the place, Joohyun grabs Seulgi and leads her hurriedly to an alley nearby. She practically slams Seulgi into the brick wall of some building and smashes their lips together. She smirks, she hears Seulgi’s quiet moan.

       “You were so hot back there,” she says in between kisses.


       “Yeah,” Joohyun’s hands, that were previously on Seulgi’s hand, start traveling lower, grabbing, in her opinion, one of Seulgi’s best assets.

       “As much as I want to continue doing this, I don’t want to traumatize anyone,” Seulgi mumbles, lips still touching, trying to regain her breath.

       “Let’s go to your apartment.”


       Seulgi’s always been taking care of her, when she was sick, when she was hurt, sad or scared. Seulgi has always been there, right by her side. And where is she now? On a date with some guy. Why did she even agree in the first place? To prove something? What was it? She doesn’t even remember. She remembers the hurt look on Seulgi’s face, when she agreed.

       What the hell am I doing?

       Joohyun springs from her place.

       "Minho-ssi, I'm sorry but this was a mistake," he looks at her, confused. "I'm sorry to say this, but I agreed to go to this date with you, while I'm still in love with someone. And now I have to leave and get the love of my live. Thanks for the drink and sorry one more time," she downs her shot of soju and stands from the table. Joohyun runs out of the bar and sprints, like she never had before, after her love.

       She knows what she has to do.


       Seulgi is in the living room, watching TV and eating ice cream. What can she do now, after all? Her one and only is probably having fun with some man. And she's here alone, wearing Joohyun's sweater that she stole from her six months ago. It's this big, warm thing, that smells like lavender and Joohyun, and she thinks she's going to keep this sweater until it's ripped. They bought in a small store while walking in one of streets of Seoul. It was a warm day, and she asked Joohyun why would she need it, it's warm, to which the latter only laughed.

       And now she only has this sweater and memories of the days they were together.

       She feels, that her eyes are starting welling up and she tries to stop them by blinking at a fast rate.
There's loud knocking on her door, and she wonders who would come to her apartment at such late hour. Seriously, people, can't you let me suffer in piece? She goes to open it and when she does her heart stops.


       "Seulgi," she says, smiling happily and breathing hard.

       Why is she so happy? And did she run here?

       "Weren't you supposed to be on a date? Is everything alr-"

       She can't say anything more, because Joohyun walks closer to her and grabs her face, smashing their lips together.


       Seulgi doesn’t understand anything at that moment, but Joohyun’s lips make forget about everything. Her lips are still as soft as they were before. She missed Joohyun’s lips. She missed Joohyun’s lavender scent. She missed Joohyun’s hands. She missed Joohyun. The latter breaks the kiss, but Seulgi still can feel every word against her own lips.

       “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry…” She trails of, and Seulgi’s surprised, when she feels the tears on her lips.

       She was smiling a second ago and now she’s crying. I can never understand that woman.

       Seulgi raises her hands to Joohyun’s face and starts wiping the tears, that roll down. Her face is still is still as soft as I remember. Joohyun stares straight in Seulgi’s eyes.

       “I want us to have this goddamn happy ending!” She speaks loud and clear, but Seulgi still doesn’t understand anything.

       “What happy ending?” She asks dumbly.

       “Ugh, will you stop being so dense for once?!” Joohyun mutters under her breath and Seulgi’s stomach churns.

       But then she rises on her tiptoes and plants a kiss, not like the previous passionate ones, but soft, full with longing and love. Just a gentle touch of their lips.

       And Seulgi finally gets it.

       She picks up Joohyun, who wraps her legs around her waist and takes her to the bedroom, slamming the door behind them.


       They are laying together in her bed, dark sheets covering their bodies. Seulgi gave them a t-shirt each, so they don’t get cold though she doubts that it’s possible, considering their previous… activities. They don’t say anything and just look at their loved one. Seulgi takes Joohyun’s hand and brings it to her lips, pecking every finger gently. Joohyun looks at the other woman, completely hypnotized by her actions.

       “It’s not just a one-time thing, right?” Seulgi asks, unsure, looking at their intertwined hands.

       So dense.

       Joohyun just pulls Seulgi’s head closer and places a chaste kiss on her lips, that lasts for a couple of seconds.

       “Of course, not, silly,” she smiles softly, when Seulgi’s eyes turn into crescents as she grins. Seulgi draws her closer and hugs her tightly.

       “I’m so happy right now,” she mumbles in Joohyun’s hair.

       “Me too.”

       Finally, they sigh as tiredness takes over them. They are finally together. In each other’s arms. They have their future in which they are together back. They will wake up in this bed tomorrow. They will wake up in one bed next week. And the next month. Hopefully, next year, too.

       “Let’s never fight like this anymore, please.”



       When Seulgi wakes up, the most beautiful sight in the world welcomes her. A face. The most beautiful face she has ever seen in her life. The face of a girl, that became her own world. The face of girl, who broke her heart and then glued the smallest of pieces with her love. The face of Bae Joohyun. The face, she wants to see for the rest of her life.

       Now she doesn’t have to restraint herself, and she dares to leave a small kiss on her forehead, smiling, when she sees her lover’s face scrunching up. She places another peck on her brow, and Joohyun’s face returns to its calm state. Seulgi trails her fingers down Joohyun’s hair, that is extremely messy from yesterday. Her grin widens; the thing about make-up being amazing turned out to be true.

       She is pulled out of this world, where only she and Joohyun exist, when she hears knocking on her door. She quickly stands up and hopes, that it won’t wake her girlfriend up.


       She smiles like a fool on her way to the door. When she opens it, she sees Yeri, who begins to study her. She sees her eyes trailing down from her sure messy hair to her neck, that she’s sure is covered in love bites from Joohyun’s lips, that she left earlier. She blushes, remembering her desperate moans and Joohyun’s teasing touches.

       Yerim? What is she doing here?

       The sound of soft footsteps appears behind her and she turns around to look at Joohyun, who must’ve been woken up because of insistent knocking.

       “Babe, who is it?” She asks as she walks closer and laces her hands around Seulgi’s back, leaving a small kiss at the back of her neck.

       “Ah, it’s Yerimie,” she answers, intertwining her hand with Joohyun’s smaller one, that lands on her stomach.

       “Hi, Yerimie, don’t stand there like a stranger, come in.”

       The younger doesn’t respond and just stares at the couple.

       “Are you two back together?” She sounds like she’s about to cry.

       Seulgi squeezes Joohyun’s soft hand, before letting out a soft yeah.

       Yerim doesn’t say anything and just runs towards them, enveloping the two of them in a bear hug. She starts sobbing quietly. But for the first time in such long time, she’s crying not because she’s sad. No. Those are tears of joy. Tears of happiness stream down her face and her shoulders start shaking. She misses the baffled glances the couple sends to each other. She feels one hand on her hair and another one on her back, rubbing soothing circles.

       “Hey, why are you crying?” Joohyun asks, bewildered.

       Yerim rises her face from where it rests in the spot of Seulgi’s neck and sends them a big, toothy smile, her cheeks still wet from tears.

       “I’m just really happy for the two of you.”

       And both, Seulgi and Joohyun, are also very happy for the two of them.

       (and they’re also happy to see this blinding smile on their turtle-child’s face)


does this make any sense? idk :D I hope you enjoyed this short story. Also, no more angst, only fluffy stuff from now on


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1064 streak #1
Chapter 3: awww kang family🥹🥹
78 streak #2
Chapter 3: WE CHEER!!!!
78 streak #3
Chapter 2: this sh it hurts
78 streak #4
Chapter 1: :(((( brb crying
78 streak #5
im not ready but lezgo read this!
438 streak #6
Chapter 3: Aww yeris so precious
Sir_Loin #7
Chapter 3: It’s great. I’m curious on why they broke up but i suppose Wendy’s pov stands here. But like… even wendy had an inclination to why and you didn’t mention~~~~~~ i digress. This is good. Angst with a happy ending is the best.
Sir_Loin #8
Chapter 1: Ah… just one of those slow leakage… don’t really know your eyes are leaking until. Ur nose starts to slowly be blocked… i’m ffffine
Chapter 3: So heartwarming in the end :')
Chapter 3: I enjoyed this story! Kang family is so precious :,) Thank you for writing this!