Chapter 4

Take Care of You


"Did you get yourself warm yesterday?" Jisoo crouched beside the half-Korean kid eating with his best friend, Boo Seungkwan.

The kid was chewing on his rice before finally gulping it down fast. "I did!"

Jisoo seemed to hesitate for a bit. But in the end he tapped his hand on Hansol's shoulder. "Um, so, how is your father? Is he alright?

Realization seemed to hit the kid's face. "No! He kept on sneezing yesterday! This morning too!" He was seemingly in deep thoughts, worrying about his father. 

The teacher bit his lip. Now he felt bad, it was not like if he did not drive Jisoo home it would be any different but.. he felt concerned about his dad. "Hansolie.. Seems like your Appa is sick, is it?" He watched the kid nodded with a frown, "don't worry. You're a big boy, you can take care of him, can you?

"How?" Hansol innocently asked.



Seungcheol was taken aback when Hansol suddenly kissed his cheeks when he picked him up in the lobby that day. He thought his kid was in that age already, he didn't even want to hold hands with him anymore, and now he's kissing him? And he was not even a kissy person to begin with.

"Appa you don't go to work?" Hansol tilted his head as he observe his dad in his casual attire, he usually was dressed in his suit and tie, but now he was wearing jeans and some sweater. He wondered why didn't he notice this morning.

"No, Appa don't feel really well." Seungcheol took the kid's hand in his. Hansol jumped due to the significant heat on the large hand around his tinier one but said none.

They walk hand in hand, unlike usual, to their black car. Once they got inside, Hansol reached out for his bag. The zip of the yellow backpack was tugged clumsily before he shove his hand in and tried to find something. His face lit up as his hand touched the objects he was looking for. It was an orange and a piece of paper stuck unto it.

"What do you have there?" Seungcheol noticed his son was holding the orange towards him.

"It's for you." The kid said holding up the fruit. 

Though confused, Seungcheol found it so cute of him. He took the orange in his hand and gave him a big smile and thank you.

"You have to eat it," Hansol continued, "Josh said it has a lot of Vitamin C. Your cold will get better." He chanted it well ase if he was reading a pledge, he clearly remembered it by words. But he did not stop there, he held up the notes and read what was in there for his dad. "First, you have to eat the orange. Second, you have to drink hot tea. Third, you have to sleep well today. Fourth, you have to take the medicine and I will bring you water!" He finished with a proud smile.

Seungcheol silenced for a while, before cracking a chuckle. His gummy smile mimicked the smaller Choi. "Where did you learn it? Did Joshua tell you to do that to take care of your Appa?"

"Yes! Joshua was worried too!" 

The sentence some way somehow brought a spark of warmth in his chest. "Really? Such a kind person." He refrain a chuckle to himself.


Hansol pushed his dad to his room after they finish their lunch. The father complied to his son's antic, he tucked the elder in his bed, kissed his forehead, and acted as if Seungcheol was the baby. (He cringed though, when Seungcheol said, "ah your kisses healed me already." "Appa stop.")

Seungcheol was laying still in his bedroom while the kid went out to bring him glass of water. His head felt heavy, his nose blocked, and he felt a bit soulless but his heart was light. 

Hansol came back holding a glass of water and the orange he hadn't eaten. "I'll peel the orange for you." He said as he climbed up the bed and sat by his side. His tiny hands tried to duck themselves into the orange peel, he managed to peel a piece off. A small bit. He frowned. How did Teacher Lee Seokmin peel it so effortlessly? Within few minutes, however, he had fully peeled the orange and now was proudly presenting it to his dad, who was staring at him adoringly.

His small hand held a piece of orange in it and place it in front of his dad's lips. "Appa eat up." 

Seungcheol giggled at his mature act, he opened his mouth anyway. 

"Josh said, vitamin C will help heal your cold." He was feeding his dad yet another one. 

By the time the orange was finished, he stood up and jumped down to throw the orange peel. But Seungcheol's low voice stopped him from his track, "Hansolie." 


"I have to say thank you to Josh, he taught you well on how to take care of your Appa. You did very great." 

Hansol felt his cheeks warmed. He suppressed a smile and instead he shrugged. "Not a big deal, now, you sleep." 

"Okay, dad." Seungcheol chuckled as he saw the kid ran out his bedroom. 


"How are you?" Joshua once again crouched by Hansol's desk the next day. Hansol packing his books inside his bag, getting ready to go home as the bell rang just a while ago. He stopped for a while, with knitted eyebrows, if he was not wrong, he heard Joshua asked him the same question numerous of time today. Weird. Did he forgot he asked so? Was something wrong with him?

"Uh, I'm good, thank you." Little Hansol answered anyway, his dad told him how to behave towards adult, and he was following just how he was raised. 

His teacher was staring at him for a quite some time, the kid was finished with his packing and was about to jump down the stool to go with Seungkwan, when he cleared his throat. "Uh, yeah, what about your dad? Is he alright?" 

The kid stopped his pace once again, he shrugged, "yeah, I guess so, he didn't sneeze as much today," he was once again about to walk away with Seungkwan before something clicked in his little head. "Oh! Josh! Appa said to say thank you, how can I forget! Thank you Josh!" He bowed down respectfully to the flustered brunette behind him. 

Despite being all flustered, he managed to crack a smile, the brunette chuckled at the rare formality between them. He followed the two best friends out of the class, "why would you thank me though, you're the one who took care of him." He watched the kids walk by his side, their heights were so contrasting, kids are so small, but that's exactly why he loved them, they're small and cute, and innocent.

"But you taught me how!" He chirped as he explained expressively to the curious Seungkwan, bragging on how he tucked his father to sleep and kiss him good night. Joshua giggled along as he listened to his explanation.

"But it was not much, see, you took care of him better than I ever expected. You're such a smart boy." It was a small walk, down to the ground floor, that without them realizing they have reached the gate where the parents were supposed to wait for their children.

"Yes, he really is." A low voice beamed right beside him. Joshua nearly jumped if the sound did not sound so comforting in his ears. 

It was the very person they were talking about, standing just a bit taller than the brunette, but his figure much bigger and felt overpowering. Even if he was speaking a bit muffled behind his mask. Or was it actually his padding. Jisoo could not care less, he was just there standing frozen, watching Hansol threw himself to the towering man.

"Jisoo-ssi," Seungcheol nodded to the brunette, greeting him subtly. His lips might be under the mask but his smile reached his doe eyes. 

"Seungcheol-ssi." The younger sheepishly said. He averted his gaze for a while when the older Choi whispered something to his son, he took the time to wave Seungkwan and his mom good-bye, but came back to the pretty eyes. He opened his mouth, but closed it immediately. Seungcheol seemed to get it though, so he waited and stayed silent. 

"How are you? Hansol said you caught cold yesterday." Jisoo began. He did not even realize he actually shifted from a foot to another.

The elder let out an light chuckle. "Yeah, it was probably the rain and the fact I skipped lunch. But I feel a lot better, I'm not the type who get sick for long." His big hand reached for his son's small one. Joshua actually wondered if it was warm. He meant, like sick warm, not comfortable warm. 

He was smiling absentmindedly when Seungcheol stepped closer. "Thank you for your help, this is just a little something from me and Hansol." His shrugged his left shoulder, it caught Jisoo's attention and forced him to look at the end of his hand, where the chunky fingers wrapped themselves on a thin string of a small bag. A brown paper bag. He noticed how the parent tried to be subtle as to not gather attention, getting gifts from parents was not the most righteous thing to do.

It was actually catching him off guard. The brunette looked around, before settling with a shake of head anyway.

"No, I mean, thank you so much, but I can't accept gifts, it's not right to accept anything in the school premises." He waved his hand around, trying to push down the persistent hand wanting to give him the paper bag. 

It made Seungcheol knit his thick eyebrows together. Then one raised subtly. "Then it is okay if I drop it by your house?" The teacher could swear, behind the professional and calm tone of the man, he saw twinkle in his eyes, they shined mischief.

His jaw slacked. He ducked his face, to hide his slightly warm cheeks, "that's not exactly what I'm implying." He could not suppress a shy chuckle from his lips. By looking down he could notice the confused child in his dad's hand. His face was scrunched up, as if thinking, what was wrong with these adults. Exactly. 

"Please? It's nothing big. Just our gratitude, Hansolie," his dad took advantage of his big eyes, then shifted them to his own son, "Jisoo taught you well to take care of Appa, didn't he? You did a terrific job." 

Hansol, still confused, nodded anyway. Muttering something like a bit incoherent but seemingly agreeing to his dad. 

When the two looked at the brunette with their big eyes, cheeks dimpled on Hansol, and Seungcheol's back of hand touching his with the bag in it, Jisoo knew well enough to gave up. He scoffed, not in an impolite manner, and received it silently. 

"Thank you," he said to the Chois. He liked watching how the smaller Choi grinned in satisfaction. 

With that the father and son excused himself to the young teacher. They bowed and walked away hand in hand, before stopping just for a second. 

"Eat it well!" Again he watched Hansol's Appa's smile reaching his eyes under the dark mop of hair. Later that day, he opened the small bag as he sat in the almost empty office, with Seokmin packing up by his side. It was a box of tangerines; orange, perky, and shiny. 

"I'll pretend I didn't see anything." Seokmin chirped, grinning from ears to ears. Jisoo contemplated whether he should defend himself, stating it was just some fruits, or actually feel regretful and embarrassed at the teasing. He actually opted for the former. 







Hello, I said I would be updating every werk but I did't exactly keep the promiseㅠㅠ I'm sorry, but uni work is literal SH*t I can't. My deadline will be in 2 weeks, please bear with me..

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Haha chapter 6 will be long haha


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Chapter 5: i just started reading this but it's honestly so cute and Seungcheol is so smooth in this chapter lmao T^T
pit-a-pat #2
omg. i'm a new reader and i'm already loving this. can't wait for the update.
Chapter 5: So cute
Chapter 5: witty cheol!!!!!!
Chapter 5: smooth af smooth af SMOOTH AF
LifeInLondon17 #6
Chapter 5: THIS IS AMAZING AUTHOR-NIM!!! (Omgggg Cheol is so slick XDDDDD)
Chapter 5: Omg that was so smooth cheolie~ XD
And the part "shy but witty" yes hahaha that describe jisoo well XD
rosequartznserenity #8
Chapter 5: Wow, that was such smooth flirting! Kudos to you for writing so naturally~
Chapter 5: Thanks for the update ;)

I really like how this story is developing and how we learn all those things about CheolSoo and little Vernon :D
During the discussion about the vegetables I totally remembered my niece and nephew kind of being like little Hansol so it made me smile a lot. :)

I can‘t wait to read how the dinner will go and if they get closer :P
I really do like this story and how close it is to reality so that you can relate to it pretty well :)