Halloween Day

This is Halloween

"So what are you planning to do tomorrow?" asks Junhong and puts down his book.

It's only Junhong and Daehyun today at home. And of course Yongguk but he's busy with work.

"What do you mean?" Daehyun crooks his head.

"Tomorrow's Halloween! Man we can go down and still be in these funny bodies!" laughs Junhong "I think that this year I'm gonna ride a rollercoaster and eat whole bunch of candy floss! And pumpkin cake! I love pumpkin cake!"

"I don't know... I think I'm gonna stay here..." says Daehyun, as he rarely goes down in his human form on Halloween. Even though he looks like everyone else, he still feels different. When his mother (who was human) was still alive he was coming down to visit her but it's been years since she passed away. And Daehyun despite his passion to imagine how is it to be a human, has just lost interest in going down in his human form. Once he was caught by police for walking around some little kids ("They shouldn't wander around alone!"), he was accused of being a stalker and that was the last time he decided to show up.

"Come one. It's been years. Have some fun! Yongguk said he's worried about you too..." huffs Junhong.

"I will think about that..."

Junhong looks at Daehyun. He seems to be deep in thoughts. Junhong sighs.

"I have to go now, see you later."

"Yea..." mutters Daehyun softly and soon he is left alone in the room. He moves closer to the fire place to enjoy the warm feeling it gives. Of course he has been thinking about going down this year. Because this year is different. Since he helped Youngjae two weeks ago everything is different. He was checking up on him whenever the latter was on his path. With quite a surprise he noticed that the more windy it is the more Youngjae is smiling. Weird little human, he seemed to dislike cold winds on that one certain night. Despite the temptation Daehyun hasn't played with Youngjae how he did during their first meeting. It's too risky. And he has also been very busy during last two weeks.

Daehyun checks the time, he still has half an hour until he has to go out, mess a little bit. He wishes he could go earlier though. He's visiting Youngjae today again. It's Monday so he's gonna be at his university. During the past few weeks Daehyun might has learnt something about week-plan of the latter. No much. Just places that he regularly visits. Daehyun goes to the kitchen to pour some of the brew. It's super-sweet today but that's no wonder since if he remembers well Jongup was the one who made it. Jongup likes sweet things. Well, it's still better than when Himchan does cooking. He adds a lot of herbs and healthy plants and then whole thing tastes like a medicine. Daehyun knows that Himchan just cares about them but seriously he's sick of eating drugs on dinner.

The house is quiet except steps coming from upstairs. Yongguk must have a lot of work today. Father comes back in a few days and Yongguk has to prepare a report on what he did during past three weeks. That's a lot of responsibly. Daehyun knows that he couldn't handle that much of a work. He's a free spirit, all of his brothers are and being forced to sit in one room for enormous amount of hours a day must be suffocating. Yongguk used to be responsible for South Wind for a very long time until Junhong suddenly appeared out of fog. That came as quite a shock for the rest of the brothers since they've never witnessed the born of a spirit in Devine Sphere. Rest of them was born on Earth and then taken away by his father.

Daehyun looks at the winderer on the wall. The West Wind line is slowly appearing on the corner of the map. It's time to go.



Daehyun is in a good mood today. He plays with the birds flying on the sky, brings them to safe places deep in the woods. He stirs with a leaves on the ground. they look like dancing. He checks all classrooms on the university. Soon enough he spots Youngjae in the first row. He looks bored. Daehyun looks around. The strength of the wind around him is fine for now. He can take some time to entertain his "friend".

He notices that one of the windows is slightly opened. He knows that he can't go inside with his whole presence but he could slip his long wings a little bit. First thing he does is slamming the window. As expected all students in the classroom and the teacher immediately turn to see what happened. Is that a blink of excitement in Youngjae's eye? Maybe not? Daehyun can't tell.

"Maybe I will close this window?" asks teacher the students. Youngjae's hand immediately raises up.

"I feel a little bit warm here, if you allow I would like to keep in open for a little bit more."

Teacher nods in agreement and Daehyun smiles. Maybe he didn't imagine that blink after all... Youngjae gets up and makes his way to the window. He grabs the handle and opens it wider. Daehyun is looking straight at him but of course the other doesn't know that.

"Hi Youngjae..." whispers Daehyun. Since that one evening he has been trying to reach Youngjae for a long time but he's words remained unheard. This time it's the same. No reaction. But Youngjae's smiling anyway so it doesn't matter. Youngjae turns around and Daehyun sends a small blow of wind on his back. Youngjae's sweater is now tightly touching his back and his hair are a mess again. Youngjae caresses them as he sits down on his place. The smile seems to be glued to his face. This is good.

Daehyun has to leave this place for now but he should be back when Youngjae will be finishing his classes. Yes, he will come back then.



It's been tiring few hours. He had to gently work with Himchan in North Europe and that was awful. Himchan sticks awfully close to his orders and rarely talk while working. It's better than working alone but it wouldn't hurt if he would chat a little bit with Daehyun. Funny how he is the loudest one in the house and quiet and professional during doing his job. They also had a lot of work with putting Tornado back to sleep since he was growing restless.

Daehyun rushes through lands full of sand and snow, runs through the jungles and oceans... He lost some of his precious time.  He does his best to stay calm and now cause some unnatural stir which isn't easy. He only hopes that he won't cause Yongguk much troubles because seriously he has no idea how he can explain the urgent moves of a West wind across the half of the planet.

He calms down while passing the ocean, carefully jumping from an island to and island, he tries to stay away from the surface of Earth but close enough to see what's underneath him. Finally he sees a familiar shore. He abruptly slows down and Calms down the mob of sheep slowly crossing the bluish sky. That the white mob so it seems that it won't rain tomorrow. Daehyun content with his job, carefully lands on the roof of the university. He watches students from the distance looking for a man with a grey beanie.

There he is. Walking with his friends.

"Would that be very awful of me to come closer and listen to what they talk about...? I mean... I'm only wind..."

He gracefully goes down, causing few trees to bend a little bit. He slows down seeing that he accidentally caused one or two skirts to fly a little bit.

"I didn't mean that... I'm not a ert girls..." he mumbles and kisses the top of the head of one girl with two braids. She shivers. He could have expect that. He moves closer to Youngjae. Few students button up their jackets. A dreamy smile decorates Youngjae's face.

"Hello my fluffy..." whispers Daehyun to Youngjae ear.

Youngjae stops.

"Which one of you two said that?" shouts Youngjae in a little bit high-pitched voice at his two friends "Jaebum it was you, right?"

The taller of two guys turns around, followed by the shorter one.

"You're being Youngjae. I didn't say anything." says Jaebum guy "Neither did he." he added after few seconds, nodding in the other man direction.

"But I'm sure I heard..." Youngjae gasps and looks around.

Daehyun's heart beats faster than usual but he remained silent. He sees in the eyes of Youngjae friends that they are about to mock him so if accidentally Youngjae heard him again, and the latter replied, he would become a laughing stock for next few days. Instead Daehyun delicately caresses Youngjae's fluffy hair.

"I-I think I overheard... so-sorry..." stutters Youngjae and starts walking. His friends let a soft "bruh" and follow him.

Daehyun stays next to Youngjae all the time. He listens to his voice, he laughs when he laughs, he makes sure nothing interrupts his walk. He feels important, almost like his he was his boyfriend. He knows that soon Youngjae will reach his home and he will take a short nap after which he will probably study. But Daehyun won't get to see that today. He is needed in different part of the world. He has done enough of mess already.

"Are you going to tomorrow party?" asks Jaebum.

Youngjae hums.

"I don't know... I'm still not sure. I don't have any decent outfit."

"Just dress up as professor Oh and you will for sure win!" jokes boy knows as Jackson. The boys chuckle.

"Yeah I will think about that." declares mockingly Youngjae.

"Come one... It's gonna be fun!" keeps repeating Jaebum.

"Okay, okay!" snaps Youngjae "If I don't go you two will keep nagging me for ages..."

"That's true." grins Jaebum "Remember about your costume."

They bid their fall wells. And Youngjae disappears in the staircase.

Daehyun's thoughts are in pieces. If it's a costume party and tomorrow is Halloween... He could come... In theory he could. But that meant interactions with people. Lots of people. Something Daehyun hasn't done in years. Of course he has some friends in Devine Sphere but this is different. They aren't human. And if Daehyun learnt something after years of wandering around the world it's that there are some differences between humans and spirits. Besides what if Youngjae doesn't like him? Daehyun swings with few leaves. Watching them flying up and down make him realize how far away from Earth are the flying spirits. With one quick move he crushes the leaves against the wall nearby.

It's time to go home.



When he comes back everyone are home already. It would be weird on a normal day but only two hours left till Halloween and the boys are done with their work for next day. According to what they've planned for next day. It's gonna be a little bit rainy in the morning but afternoon will be warm and nice. Junhong pouts about how he wanted to go to the amusement park in the morning and that Himchan with his North Wind made it impossible. Jongup tries to ease his little brother by offering going to the water park in the morning and amusement park in the afternoon. Finally Junhong agrees. Yongguk appears just when everybody manage to settle down after a recent disagreement.  He comes closer to the fireplace which surprisingly is still burning.

"Daehyun..." starts Yongguk "Could you kindly explain to be when you rushed on a full speed through freaking Sahara today?" his voice isn't angry nor cold but still Daehyun shivers. So he did create some trouble afterall. He feels bad. Because of his pitiful interest in a certain human he caused Yongguk problems.

"I... had to check something..." replies shortly Daehyun, visibly ashamed with his recent actions.

"And what is that?" dwells Himchan and Daehyun wishes he would just shut up.

Awkward silence fills the room. Everyone are looking at Daehyun who shifts on his sit.

"Does it matter?" he turns away his gaze and blushes slightly.

Junhong starts laughing.

"Omg is that a blush I see on my older brother's face? Jongup can you see it?"

"I can see clearly my brother." giggles Jongup and soon the rest of the brothers follow example of the youngest. Daehyun meanwhile turned in the big, red potato. It took the brother few minutes to calm down.

"Jokes aside, I'm gonna need you in the navigation room." announces Yongguk still giggling. Daehyun knows that there's no use in putting that away, he doesn't want to cause more trouble.

When they arrive upstairs Yongguk explains Daehyun what's the problem about. Basically he messed up big this time. And because of that he couldn't have free Halloween. Not until to cleans up the mess. Enough to say that it was a lot of work. And most of it had to be done in the middle of nowhere. Daehyun sighs.

"Sorry that you have to do this on Halloween..." Yongguk ruffles his hair "I would help you but..."

"Even if you wanted, I wouldn't agree." opposes Daehyun. He's not going to let Yongguk pass on his only free day during the year.

Older brother smiles sadly and back-hugs sitting Daehyun.

"Thank yiu for helping little brother."

"I'm the one who made this mess and I'm the one who should clean it up... Have fun today Guk..." he says and Yongguk leaves the room. Soon enough the clock downstairs starts playing a short melody and the slam of doors fills the house.

It's Halloween and Daehyun for the first time feels sorry that he can't go down.



When Daehyun finally is done with work and puts the final line under the day-results he is tloadly tired. He has been working since midnight till know which is afternoon net day. He spend almost all Halloween on working because he wanted to see a certain human. He laughs to himself. This is pathetic. He ruffles his hair and rubs eyes.

"Is it too late?" he asks himself and looks into the reflection in the mirror. He looks deadly tired but he can call that a make-up. He runs to his room. It's small but cozy. Almost immediately all the clothes from his wardrobe land on his bed. He doesn't have many clothes since for most of the time he's not even physical person but these owns have to be enough. His Halloween costume was both easy and sarcastic- he was grey ghost. With his long grey tunic and grey skinny jeans his outfit was perfect and the brand-new eye-bags under his eyes were like cherry on the top.

Quite happy with the final effect whit heart racing like crazy Daehyun walks out of his house. He jumps down and with joy notices that he happens to land on Youngjae's street. Perfect. He unsurely stands his feet on the ground. After months of walking on soft cloud-like floors and stairs hard ground under him feels weird. He unsurely walks few steps. It's really been a while since he put his actual legs on the Earth. He walks slowly, trying his best now to bump into something. Normally he doesn't have to care about that- he's a spirit, he naturally slips through or around buildings, benches and trees but now he has to deal with his actual body which feels really different here on Earth comparing to Devine Sphere. He speeds up a little bit. He doesn't want to be late. Luckily for him he managed to remember the address Jaebum gave to Youngjae. It's not far away from here. Daehyun looks down once again to check if he stands his feet normally. He doesn't want to walk in front of Youngjae like a duck. He's so stressed with that that he doesn't notice that just in front of him someone has just opened a door.

Daehyun slams with glass with a loud crack. His head hurts so much that he has to close his eyes. It's been a while he slammed into something. He forgot how painful it can be.

"Holy sorry, I didn't notice you!"

He immediately opens his eyes to the familiar voice.

A pair of two eyes which are even more black than usual thanks to the eyeliner glare into him. Daehyun gulps. His heart is beating so fast that he's almost sure it's going to explode any minute soon.

"Are you okay?" asks Youngjae and awkwardly rubs Daehyun's arm.

"Y-yea." stutters Daehyun. Well, that could go way worse...

"Hey! Are you by any chance going at the Ilhoon's party?"

Rule number one- if someone you like asks you a question, always say "yes".

Daehyun slowly nods.

"Cool! Me too! I'm literally a modern vampire what are you?"

"A-a grey ghost..." replies Daehyun faintly.

"I see.. So just like me you just didn't have an idea so you just put on whatever, huh? Don't worry there are many like us there."

Daehyun doesn't know what to say so he just remains silent. They slowly walk down the street and it brings back nice memories to Daehyun. Youngjae is rumbling about some little things from his day while Daehyun just listens. Some would say that nothing changed- Daehyun is almost invisible, he doesn't say anything just follows Youngjae and listens but for him a lot has changed- Youngjae is actually talking to him, no someone else. And this quite excited if you ask Daehyun.

“You’re silent all the time, am I boring you?” asks Youngjae suddenly.

“No, not at all actually. I just don’t have much to say, that’s all.” Replies Daehyun quietly. That’s true though. He prefers to listen to the latter than talk about himself. Besides he can’t really share much. He doesn’t want to lie to Youngjae and hardly anything about Daehyun’s life in “normal”.

“Oh come on don’t say that! You look like a person with many secrets!” nags his Youngjae and offers a slight punch on Daehyun’s arm “You can tell me all of them I won’t tell, promise.” He grins and Daehyun can’t help but smile too. He knows that Youngjae has strong attitude but he can be really sweet at times.

“Sorry to disappoint you, my life really is quite boring.” He laughs and Youngjae pouts.

“I don’t believe you… Tell me where do you live then! I haven’t seen you here and I’m pretty sure I would remember face like that.”

Daehyun blushes lightly. Was that some kind of a flirt of something?

“I… I live quite far away… We can say that I’m vacations here.”

“You’re visiting someone?” asks Youngjae

“Yeah… A friend.” Daehyun smiles lightly.

“Cool… Do you… Oh look here we are!” Youngjae wanted to ask something more but in the same time they stand in front of heavily decorated little house. People are everywhere either drinking or dancing. Loud music pumps out of the house and Daehyun shivers. What a loud place. Youngjae waves to a group of friends with Jaebum among them. They shout at him to come and Youngjae seems to completely forget about Daehyun as he makes his way toward them.

Daehyun sighs. That was it. He had his little moment with Youngjae. It was awkward at first but he will still cherish that memory. He tries to fish out Youngjae in the crowd but it’s not as easy as when he is part of an air. Now everybody are on the same level as he is. He sighs he could as well come back home now but something keeps him away from this idea. Instead he goes on the backyard.

There are hardly any people there. The view  he sees in front of him is relaxing. The sun is coming down and part of the sky is already covered with darkness of the night. Last sun beams light up the sky with a dash of pink and orange. Some guy offers Daehyun a drink but he politely refuses. He shouldn’t drink or eat anything here on Earth. The backyard is completely empty now. Only Daehyun and nature in the afternoon. He hasn’t even realized before that Youngjae lives so close to the fields and woods. That shows just as much he was occupied with Youngjae himself. He looks around no one’s here so it is safe to blow a little bit of small wind here, right? He abruptly breathes in an air so slowly let it leave his lungs. Autumn leaves starts dancing across the yard, swirling around flowerbeds and an abandoned grill. The wind brings to Daehyun the scent of forest in the night and wet ground. He takes a deep breathe. This is really relaxing.

“Oh I see that the wind ain’t dead afterall.” Snorts the voice behind Daehyun. He immediately turns around.

Youngjae leans against the bluish wall of the house. He looks really good in skinny black jeans and black cardigan. Daehyun panics a little bit. Does Youngjae know? Was he suggesting something? Did he see?

“There wasn’t any wind since the early morning I don’t know why.” Adds Youngjae seeing that Daehyun remains silent. He sits next to the latter. Their arms rub against each other as there isn’t much place on the bench.

“You run away from me earlier.” Reproaches Youngjae.

“I did?” asks Daehyun. As much as he can remember Youngjae was the one who disappeared in the crowd.

“Yeah, I thought that you were following me all that time but turns out you didn’t.”

“I’m bad with the crowds, I guess…” admits Daehyun. That is completely true.

Youngjae eyes him for a while and Daehyun can’t calm down his own beating heart. He feels so small in front of Youngjae even in fact he’s a little bit taller than him.

“Same here…” sighs finally Youngjae “I was dragged on this party by my friends. I didn’t want to go at all… But it’s not so bad after all, I got to meet you.” He smiles widely and playfully bumps into Daehyun with his arm. Daehyun laughs in reply.

“Thank you, I guess?” he chuckles. “And same goes to you… I wasn’t sure if I should come to the last minute but after all I’m glad I did.”

Youngjae blushes slightly but maybe it’s because it’s slowly getting colder. He also tugs into the sleeves of his cardigan.

“Are you cold?” asks Daehyun.

Youngjae chuckles.

“Don’t worry, I like being cold. Especially cold wind… it’s refreshing don’t you think?”

Daehyun gulps. This is dangerous subject.

“I guess so…”

“Really? Oh good! Finally someone who thinks so too!” Youngjae looks relieved “Usually when I say that to someone they just look at me like on the freak but actually… recently I’ve started liking wind.”

“Mhm?” murmurs Daehyun “And why is that?”

“Okay you may call me a total freak now…” Youngjae gets up and stands in front of Daehyun to add a little bit of body language to his story (Daehyun has already noticed that Youngjae likes to gesture with his hands a lot) “… Few weeks ago I was going home late and suddenly I felt like I wasn’t alone at all? There wasn’t anyone on the street and that was kind of weird and then this… wind started yanking at my jacket and hand? Or at least it felt like that! And… okay don’t laugh now but I even though I heard someone talking to me? Like it was very quiet voice but I just… I don’t know… This voice told me to run so I started running until I reached my apartment and it was like super-weird man because it felt like I was literally running with the wind. Like it was a person flying next to me!”

“Waaa!” says Daehyun, not really knowing how to react. Luckily for him Youngjae barely pays any attention to his fake reactions.

“And that’s not even the end. A lot of strange things happened later! Windy events shall I call them! Like really it almost feels like wind found a friend in me and supports me whenever I go out or something! And it makes me feel so good to know that I have a friend up there!” Youngjae laughs at the end.

Daehyun raises his eyebrow.

“Have you been drinking Youngjae?” he asks finally and both of them starts laughing again. Honestly this is how Daehyun hopes to escape from this subject- through lame jokes (a/n that’s how I try to slip through life).

“Maybe one or two shots but I swear I’m completely sober and this story is in fact true!” snorts Youngjae “Just see by yourself!”

After saying this Youngjae moves a little bit back into the backyard and after examination if he has enough space starts spinning around with his eyes closed. One, two, three, four times and again and again. Daehyun chuckles. Youngjae is even more fun that he seemed to be. He looks at the latter for a while before raising his hand and blowing a little bit of air on it. Then with the warm air he has just breathed out he starts drawing waves and lops in the air. Soon the whole garden starts spinning with Youngjae. His black, fluffy hair seems to be flying around his head like an elegant black halo. His slim body moves like a flexible twiggy, under the pressure of gentle blows. On his peaceful face blooms a smile. He stops spinning.

“You see? My friend came to play with me!” he exclaims happily and let’s a quiet “oh” as everything in his head keeps spinning. Daehyun is much quicker than the gravity and he manages to catch Youngjae in the flight. The wind around them disappears. The air is yet again almost still.

“My friend would have caught me…” grunts Youngjae and Daehyun can’t stop himself from adding:

“He did.”

Youngjae looks into Daehyun’s eyes for a while. Even though the whole world is spinning around and moving back and forwards, Daehyun’s face seems to be unchangeable, pleasantly still in this crazy world. He slowly caresses Daehyun’s cheeks and his skin responds with pink blush. It’s hardly visible in the darkness. The music coming from the house seems muted, like the whole world was built on quietness. Youngjae’s head is fine already but he doesn’t do anything to tangle out of Daehyun’s arms.

“So you’re saying that my friend did catch me?” Youngjae asks softly. Daehyun looks deep into his eyes. The eyeliner is already a little bit blurred around but the eyes keep their original darkness. Daehyun gulps loudly.

“Yes, he did.”

“My friend wind or someone else?”

Daehyun chuckles awkwardly.

“Who knows? Maybe another friend flied on the wings of wind?”

Youngjae keeps the eye contact for a little bit longer and finally breaks out of Daehyun’s embrace.

“You have awfully familiar voice. I’m almost sure I’ve heard you before…” he says more to himself than to Daehyun.

A red light turns on in Daehyun’s head once again. He has no idea why Youngjae keeps asking him questions and talking about weird stuff. He would rather spend this night listening to Youngjae than to Youngjae listen to him.

“M-maybe you heard me somewhere on the street?” suggests Daehyun.

“Maybe… But haven’t you told me that you live far away from here?” points Youngjae, he looks quite determined.

“Y-yeah, but sometimes I do come here…” stutters Daehyun. He’s not good at lying, he has never been. And he can clearly see that his stutters don’t help his situation.

“I think you’re hiding something.” Says Youngjae and moves a step closer to Daehyun. The space between them isn’t big but still Youngjae somehow manages to raise a finger to “threaten” Daehyun.

“Where you by any chance someone who proposed me a one-night thingy? Or maybe I was the one who suggest it? I wouldn’t be surprised you got the look and you got the personality on point too…” he hums quietly. Daehyun opens his mouth to deny that but before his tongue sets free the words Youngjae’s lips land on his own. Daehyun freezes. That’s the last thing he expected today. Soon his lips move in the same rhythm as Youngjae. The kiss is slow and long, both of the boys takes time to taste the other one. Daehyun tries his best not to put too much feelings into the whole action while butterflies in his stomach literally cry with happiness. Until now he wasn’t sure how much and in what way does he like Youngjae. Now these questions seem foolish and childish.

Finally Youngjae breaks the contact and his lips. Daehyun can’t help but watch the action, he would give everything to carry on the kissing.

“I was just checking if I by any chance have kissed you before.” He winks to Daehyun before moving away.

Daehyun’s head is hazy and works somehow slower than usual.

“And?” he asks.

“Negative. I’m pretty sure I would remember kisser like you.”

Daehyun blushes again. He feels so warm from inside. Youngjae felt so warm. A feeling West Wind doesn’t get to experience often.

“And I that bad?” he asks shyly.

Youngjae laughs.

“Quite opposite actually but I’m not gonna test you for any longer.”



“Nothing.” Shuts up Daehyun immediately. Even if that was just a simple test, he still is the happiest wind on this planet. “Can you tell me what time is it?” he asks. He has only time until midnight. Like in the story about Cinderella. After that he will become thick air again and he doesn’t want Youngjae to see that.

“Let me see… hmm…” Youngjae from unknown reasons has to check every pocket before fishing out the phone from the last one. “Oh, Halloween’s about the end! Last 15 minutes!” he exclaims surprised.

“15 minutes???” Daehyun’s eyes wide up. He didn’t realize it was that early. He thought he has at least an hour or two more.

“Is that bad?” Youngjae crooks his head.

“I… I gotta go Youngjae, it was so nice to meet you like…” Daehyun stops “… you really don’t know how nice. It’s been a real pleasure. I will cherish the memory of you until forever but I seriously have to go now.” He turns on his heels and runs away without looking back. He knows that if he will, he will see Youngjae and go back to him to say at least few words more. And he can’t do that at all cost. Daehyun slips through the crowd of people. Most of them don’t even notice him. He doesn’t know if it’s because he’s slowly losing his material body or just because no one cares. That doesn’t matter now. Finally he manages to escape from the premises and hides into the dark alley. His hearing is coming back to its super-natural state and out of all the voice he can hear someone running like a crazy.

Daehyun looks down. His hands and legs become to look more foggy and translucent. So this is really happening. He shuts his eyes down but only for a few seconds. A loud gasp comes from his left side.

“What the Daehyun?”

Daehyun opens his eyes. His body is already pretty foggy. He must look like a really blurred grey stain on the wall. Youngjae is dripping with sweat and is breathing quickly. His eyes are as big as saucers. No, no, no, no, no, Daehyun didn’t want this to end up this way.

“I’m… leaving for now…” replies Daehyun finally. His legs almost completely disappeared. Youngjae slowly walks forward his reeling like a drunk man.

“We’re not the same kind, aren’t we?” it’s more of a statement than a question.


“W-what are you…?” Youngjae voice is unsure and challenging but not frightened.

Daehyun smiles gently and slowly caresses Youngjae cheeks. His hands has almost disappeared. He already feels them as a windy, cold air more than a flesh. Youngjae shivers, his eyes open even wider.

“I’m your friend… You wanted to have a friend up there, didn’t you?”

Youngjae nods slowly.

“Now you have one.”

“I even have a crush, I guess…” mutters Youngjae under his breath blushing.

“I have a crush on human too, what a coincidence!” chuckles Daehyun. There’s almost nothing left from his body. Only a slowly fading image of his face.

“Am I going to see you again?” asks Youngjae sadly, a single tear rolls down his cheek. Daehyun tries to wipe it but his hands aren’t material anymore.

“I have free Halloween next year.” Smiles Daehyun softly.

“And earlier?”

“You just have to look for a cold, nasty West Wind…” whispers Daehyun and  places the last short, soft yet intimate kiss on Youngjae’s red lips. When the latter opens his eyes, he’s all alone in the alley. The wind  whistles around him.

“Wait! I forgot to say that I knew I’ve never kissed you before! It was just my lame excuse!” he doesn’t feel stupid for yelling into the air anymore. He knows that someone is listening to him.

Quite chuckle rings in this dark little street.

Or maybe it was just Youngjae’s imagination?




Little Halloween story! I hope you liked it! A little bit of fluff and (I think) a reasonable amount of daejae.

Those of you he are my readers probably know that in most of my stories daejae is rather subtle ship, with lots of talking and a little bit less of making out lol. I hope you enjoyed it anyway~

Have a spoopy Halloween kids,


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Chapter 2: This story it's cute, but it's also sad. Idk I'm crying TTTTT
alialio #2
Chapter 2: That was so cute, but I wish they could be together :') I guess we could wait for the next Halloween ?

Thank you for this \(*0*)/
RealFangirl #3
Chapter 2: ohmy.. ..lord....thats so sweetㅠㅠ i want mooree pleeassee:''))
tvxq_luv #4
Chapter 2: oh this was such a sweet piece <3 it’s a cool idea that the boys are wind spirits, and especially tornado being a pet, that’s so cute xD
Yay!! It's here! I'm so excited to read this! :D