North Wind

This is Halloween

People think that life of an eternal spirit is easy.

That it's endless fun.

They are wrong.

Or at least that's what Daehyun thinks.

Being one of the sons of the Great Wind Navigator, he doesn't get to have fun at all. First of all- he has a lot of work to do. Second of all even though he works his off hardly anyone knows his name despite the fact that he has effected life of every  person on this Earth. Everybody just call him "nasty wind". "West Wind" if he's lucky and someone knows the geography.

So being an eternal spirit responsible for west wind Daehyun has an unstable, almost boring life.

He also sees things he doesn't want to see. Like on daily basics. He has been witnessing countless of murders and crimes and couldn't do anything about it. Because he all of his moves are planned by his father- The Great Wind Navigator and because he is a damn wind on Earth. Yes he can try re-directing the knife, yes he can try calling the police by rolling their donuts down the streets but in most of the cases he can’t do anything. Instead he is forced to take balloons away from little children, break umbrellas and shake with old trees until they collapse.

And he can't do anything about that. Because all he has to do is blowing cold wind in the direction he was given in this week's schedule.

Sure, flying through the green trees in the forest in the summer is fun. Playing with animals is adorable too. At least they can feel him as something more than just a wind. They feel his presence. Something Daehyun has been craving to feel himself. Because being a windy spirit he is... he has hard time feeling himself. It's like his "I" was slipping through his invisible hands.

So overall- no. Daehyun thinks that being eternal spirit isn't fun at all.



Daehyun lazily rolls through the door of his house. Most of his brothers are here. There's Jongup, the warm East Wind. There's Junhong, quirky South Wind. There's even Himchan, the professional North Wind.

"Hi guys..." he mumbles and collapses on the chair nearby. His family's house in the Divide Sphere is the only place where he can appear in his human form. The chair is very puffy and he finds himself almost drowning in it. It's because his father thing to put these damn elastic objects everywhere. It because he wants to fit into everything even in his own house, if you ask Daehyun.

"Tough day?" asks Junhong.

"Like every other..." Daehyun massages his nape.

"Did you steal anyone's umbrella today too? I heard that Eunji was messing up with the rain." adds Jongup.

"She did... I had to help her. She couldn't decide in which direction should the rain fall..." sighs Daehyun. He hates working with Eunji, the daughter of The Rain Navigator. She's responsible for storms. And it happens that according to the Wind Navigator and Rain Navigator, Daehyun and Eunji work perfectly together.

"It's because she wants to spend more time with you, little bro." smiles Himchan.

"I know." groans Daehyun. "That's the worst part..."

The flames quietly consume the wood in the fireplace. It is nice sound. It’s warm sound. It’s cozy sound.. Warmness is something what wind doesn't feel often so Daehyun moves a little bit closer. He wants to touch the flames but surpasses the urge. Maybe there will be other time to feel warmer.

Suddenly a violent blow of the wind blows out the fireplace. Daehyun sighs.

"Hi Yongguk."

Yongguk is his oldest brother. Very caring but also with lots of unpleasant duties. He's the Younger Wind Navigator which means that in some time he's going to replace Daehyun's father as The Great Navigator. Daehyun knows that Yongguk didn't ask for that but he also didn't have a choice. It's just a role he has to play.

"Hi boys. Ugh it's cold here. Why is there no fire in the fireplace?" Daehyun doesn't turn around to see Yongguk’s face but he knows that the latter is frowning. Sometimes he just doesn't realize how powerful he actually is. His sneeze is enough the break whole electric installation. So putting off the fireplace while opening the door is just as much as something natural to him. Even if he doesn’t intend to do that.

"As always we forgot brother." smiles Himchan and without a further explanation he puts on a new fire. Daehyun smiles to him. Himchan is always very protective over Yongguk, who deep inside is very sensitive spirit. He would be very sad if he knew that he did that.

Yongguk hums. He has very vibrant and deep voice. The papers on the table nearby him rustles but no one pays attention to that. It’s normal in this house for things to fly away even if there’s no way it was windy in here. Because it’s winds’ house, the winds themselves can’t do their “magic” here.

"Daehyun I need you for a minute or two."

Daehyun finally turns around. He knows what Yongguk speaks about. An urgent need of West Wind. Great. Just when he thought he's gonna get some rest. He planned all his helpers around the world to blow gently during this one night because he wanted to spend some time with his brothers. Turns out that it's impossible.

"Of course brother, I'm coming." nods Daehyun, he knows it’s not Yongguk fault. He also wanted to have a free night today.

The two of them climb up long, spiral stairs made of wood and clouds. Their steps are silent and soft. Daehyun looks down. He has no idea over which country they hang today. His family house has tendency to just fly wherever it wants. Not even Daehyun's father can change that. They tried multiplex times but it never worked to change direction of tis flight.

Yongguk lets Daehyun go inside the navigation room first. It has huge windows and everywhere are books with records and papers with calculations.

"You need to clean up this place someday. Father won't be pleased to see this." points Daehyun.

"I know but he told me to handle stuff until the end of October so I still have a lot of time."

"Oh..." Daehyun nods. So father gives Yongguk more and more credit. If he didn't trust him he would never allow him to handle everything for whole two weeks. "And where is he?"

"Taking a nap. But that's not what I wanted to talk about Daehyun..." Yongguk leans over the round table with some map. There are a lot of notes here and there but Daehyun doesn't understand them at all. He was never learnt to. Yongguk hands him much clearer, smaller map with few lines here and there. "I need your help here, here and... here..." Yongguk points few spots on the map. "You're going to be alone and it's nothing big so you can have some fun if you want to. Just follow these lines. I need you to breeze a little bit harder around the shore because it seems that Rain is planning some bigger storm in the North and I don't want one certain ship to get drowned." finishes Yongguk and Daehyun smiles slightly. That's Yongguk. he cherishes people's life whenever he can and if there's a chance to save few lives- he will do everything he can to do so. "Oh and remember not to cross to ocean's line because I will be sending Himchan there in a few hours and you know... We don't want a Tornado to wake up."

Tornado was kind of family's pet. It was loud and noisy and very lovely but when he was on Earth he could cause lots of troubles. Including natural cataclysms and stuff like that so the brothers was trying to keep him home whenever they could.

"Ok, I got it Yongguk, don’t worry. I will go back when I’m  done." nods Daehyun. That's an easy job. He doubts if he's gonna to have fun but he knows that Yongguk meant good.

He walks out of the navigator room, rushes down stairs and crosses the porch. As always he takes his time to hold the doorknob before opening it. When he opens it his physical form disappears. It's always this way. He pushes the door and feels like the materiality around him breaks down. Only the inside left. And the inside is pure wild windy spirit. If he could he would smile. His consciousness is smiling though. He enjoys the rush in his wide wings when he jumps off the cloud. It feels like he could hug the whole world.

Daehyun laughs.

He has to admit, sometimes it is enjoyable to be the wind.



He slips through the small, dark streets. He's on the suburbs of some big city. He doesn't know which city is that though. He moves with the branches to check if they're safe for birds to sleep on them. He flies the old newspaper into the trash-cans. He pushes away fall leaves. Everything makes rustling sound but it's okay. He likes it. That sound means that he has everything under control. Everything moves. The air moves. He did that. Now he can rest a little bit. He starts his favorite game. It's called "pretend to be human". Daehyun imagines that his put into his human form again. His moves are slow, he pretends that his long wings are in fact legs. He pictures himself strolling down the dark alley with only two lamps . He even tries to imagine what it's like to have a wind in his hair.  But no matter how he tried he can't.

"Is it like scratching head?"

He lets his mind wonder whatever it feels like. He shuts down his eyes. This is a peaceful night in this part of the city. No screams, nothing suspicious or sad. Just cold night filled with gentle wind .

Suddenly Daehyun feels something goes through him. He opens his eyes and goes a little bit closer to the Earth. There's a man going down this street. He put up his collar so he's probably cold. On his shoulder hangs a slim bag. Must be a student coming back home after sitting late at school. Daehyun hums. The man is quite a looker. He has slim posture, pale skin and black round eyes. He sees a glimpse of button-like nose but nothing more since the man tugs into the collar of his jacket. Daehyun flies near the man, looking at him from different edges.

Yes, this man is really handsome. Makes it a pleasure to look at him.

Daehyun notices that he hid almost all of his hair under the grey beanie. He blows into man's face. He stands still shocked and shivers.

"oops, that must be a little bit too cold for him..." thinks Daehyun and with few moves warms up the air to let another blow in man's face. The beanie falls down. As Daehyun suspected the man has black hair.

"What the ..." mumbles man to himself and leans to grab his beanie.

Daehyun chuckles. It doesn't get boring to see how people react to situations like these. He blows again and delicately touches man's black hair.

"So fluffy!" he screams internally and runs through the hair again. And again and again and again. During that time man's hair manage to create a pile of unorganized fluffy wool. The man straightens up.

"What the is happening?" he ask himself and Daehyun stops the move. He doesn't want to bother this poor man too much.

Round eyes looks around warily as if waiting for another blow.

In the distance Daehyun hears some weird sound. Some sort of click. He turns round, flies up to see a nasty-looking silhouette with something sharp and shiny in his hand. That type walks down street and soon he will see the owner of fluffy hair. Daehyun gaps. Fluffy Sheep needs to run!

He quickly moves down. Fluffy Hair still stands still. Daehyun shouts at him to keep going but of course he doesn't hear. How could he hear the wind? Spirit jumps up to see where the man with the knife. And he's nearer than Daehyun expected!

He shouts at Fulffy Hair again but there's no use to.

An idea pops in his head and he tries to grab man's hand. But he feels as he slips around his skin unable to grab it. He put all of his strength. Finally. There's a reaction. The fingers move. Daehyun checks man's reaction. He is looking down with eyes even more round than before. Daehyun would have laughed but there's no time (I mean... come one it must be weird to see your fingers moving just like that). Daehyun have a hearing a little bit better than humankind so he can already hear the dangerously sounding steps of the man with a knife. If he could he would cry right now. For the last time he tries to drag Fluffy Hair with himself. To his utter surprise the hand he tried to hold slightly moves as if he really was holding it.

"Come Fluffy you gotta go please..." he whines quietly.

Something changes on the Fluffy Hair's face.

"Who-who is this?"

Daehyun freezes. Did he just.... asked...? If yes, then this is his chance. He has to let him know to run, run away from this place.

"Go, go, go, go, go..." repeats Daehyun and windswepts the sleeve of his jacket.

Fluffy Hair begins to run. Finally. Daehyun runs right next to him. He doesn't care that he's blowing a little bit too hard. The branches are cracking, the leaves come out of their way. Daehyun makes sure nothing stops the running man. He hears that the distance between them and the man with the knife is growing bigger and bigger. The pass another alleys, all of them are empty. He wants to tell Fluffy Hair that he can stop running now but this time the words doesn’t reach little, red because of the wind and temperature ears. After all West Wind is cold.

Finally Fluffy Hair slows down. Daehyun slows down too. Both of them stand in from of the entrance to the staircase. The wind stops blowing since Daehyun stopped too.

"That was some weird ..." mumbled Fluffy Hair. "Why was I running? Did I really... hear...?" he doesn't say anything more yet his lips move. He has nice lips, thinks Daehyun, they look a little bit too cold though. He should get inside.

"To the place I don't have access to..." it surprises him that it is a bittersweet thought.

"Is anyone here?" asks Fluffy Hair into nothingness.

"I'm here." replies Daehyun but it doesn't seem like Fluffy Hair hears him. So that was probably some error that he was heard back then. He is still invisible after all, he is still only a wind for this man, nothing more.

"If you're here... than thank you... you're welcome to go inside if you mean no harm to me..." black round eyes are wary, yet welcoming and Daehyun really wishes he could come inside. But he can't, he would cause too much trouble. Fluffy Hair opens the door and keeps it open for few second as if he was holding it for someone. Daehyun tries touching that hand but as always he slips around the skin.

"Aw, that's some nasty cold wind. Ugh... Of course no one's here. Only me and wind..." grunts Fluffy Hair and closes the door behind himself. Daehyun sees that the skin on his cheeks got sprinkled with embarrassed blush. He chuckles quietly. Human are adorable. Especially this one. Then Daehyun remembers what the man said.

"Nasty cold wind huh?" that was cold but true. He is indeed nothing else than cold nasty wind. Daehyun swallows the bitterness in his "throat" and jumps up. His work for today was done and no one is going to pay him for extra time anyway. He swirls around the house. It have 5 floors. Some of the flats have lights . Daehyun takes his time to look into every window. He sees a two little girls playing on the bed with their dolls. He sees an older man making a tea. He sees a mother cooking dinner. A man filling something in his notebook. And a couple making out of the couch. The checks the last floor. Almost every room is filled with students.

Daehyun's heart starts beating faster and he slows down a little bit. He scans every room looking for black fluffy hair and round eyes. He doesn't find him. A little bit sad he turns the last corner to soon fly up. He passes the balconies.

Suddenly one door open and Daehyun stops.

Fluffy Hair puts a cigarette between his lips. His slim fingers ramble against the metallic barrier.

"Smoking is bad for you beauty..." frowns Daehyun and softly precipitates the cigarette out of his hand. Fluffy Hair watches the cigarette falling and sighs.

"Youngjae what are you doing here? Come back inside you're missing the party!" someone shouts through the opened door.

"So his name is Youngjae..."

"I’m oing some thinking here, -hole. Give me something to smoke because I've just lost my last one.”

Daehyun chuckles. Youngjae has one hell of an attitude.

He grabs the slim cigarette from his friend and is yet again left alone on the balcony. He lights up the cigarette but Daehyun's already here to put it down. Youngjae frowns. Small wrinkles appear on his nose. He turns on the lighter again but Daehyun's faster again. Youngjae brings the cigarette closer to his lips and Daehyun with one strong blow throws it away.

Youngjae chuckles.

"Guess I wasn't that paranoid huh?"

Daehyun laughs too. Youngjae looks cute when he smiles.

"Youngjae come inside damn or I will close the ing door with you outside!" some girl shouts from inside and Youngjae, mumbling something about girl's being annoying, comes to the slightly opened, glassy door. Daehyun rests in the corner of the barrier watching every move of the other.

"Nasty wind." chuckles Youngjae and opens the door.

With one quick move Daehyun closes them behind him.

He looks at Youngjae smiling through the window.

This human is adorable.



Next and last update is going to be up on the Day of Halloween ^^

Much love, Checlie

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Chapter 2: This story it's cute, but it's also sad. Idk I'm crying TTTTT
alialio #2
Chapter 2: That was so cute, but I wish they could be together :') I guess we could wait for the next Halloween ?

Thank you for this \(*0*)/
RealFangirl #3
Chapter 2: ohmy.. ..lord....thats so sweetㅠㅠ i want mooree pleeassee:''))
tvxq_luv #4
Chapter 2: oh this was such a sweet piece <3 it’s a cool idea that the boys are wind spirits, and especially tornado being a pet, that’s so cute xD
Yay!! It's here! I'm so excited to read this! :D