He isn't as cute as he looks like
So Taemin want’s to make up with me, that’s cute (I know it sounds 
sarcastic but I mean it xD ). I wonder how he is going to do that…
Next day woohoo
Back to Taemin’s pov (again, you don’t like it? Deal with it)
“Babeeee…” I called Mai. “Yea?” she said while looking at me 
suspiciously. “Do you want to go on a date now?” Since it’s week-end we 
have the time now. I have this awesome idea for a date, first I bring her 
out for ice-cream, after that a street date and lastly at night I bring her 
to this romantic park. Yea awesome, I mean romantic ^.^ . “Sooo babe, are 
you free now??” I said while giving her my puppy do eyes, I know I’m good 
at aegyo but I don’t like doing it but it does work. I only use my cuteness 
for special occasions. You can compare it to a super power, superman can 
fly, I am incredibly cute, the ladies dig that. But the only lady I want is 
Mai and I know that she is hard to win over with cuteness.
“Babeee…” I whined. She sure likes making me anxious. “Sure Taemin, why 
not, did I make you nervous?” She smirked. She’s playing with me. “You 
evil girl” I said. She just smirked. I chuckled and started to kiss her. I 
hugged her waist and she put her arms around my waist too. I broke off the 
kiss and looked at her. I cannot believe she would think that I would even 
want to get back with Terza. She’s okay, I guess, but Mai is just perfect.
“What did you say?” Mai asked. Oh crap I was thinking out loud. “Ohh 
nothing honey, just thinking what did I do to deserve you.” I said smiling 
at her. She smiled back and kissed me. “you want to know what you did to 
get me?”she asked, I nodded, “You are nice to me and you love me, that’s 
how.” I was really enjoying this romantic moment, but then Terza called 
again. I sighed and didn’t answer the phone, doesn’t she get it, busy is 
busy. Wait, about being busy, the date. “Babe the date, shall we.” She 
nodded and we went out.
I brought her out to eat some ice-cream. She’s having an ice-cream coupe 
with white-chocolate flavor, chocolate flavor, banana flavor, chocolate 
sauce, brownies and whip cream. She sure loves chocolate. I looked at her 
and chuckled. “What is it?” she innocently asked. “There is chocolate all 
over your face.” She turned red, she really is the most adorable tomato I 
have ever seen. As she was trying to wipe of the ice-cream from her face I 
stopped her. I wanted to do it myself, I gently wiped off the ice-cream from 
her cheek I got lost in to her eyes. Wow I’m really becoming a softy.
When she leaned in I really thought that she would kiss me but instead she 
wiped my cheek.
She laughed at me while I tried to wipe away the rest of the chocolate.
"You are being totals un-romantic, you realize that?" I sighted at her. 
"Aww, I can be romantic. You just bring out the worse."
"That's mean." I playfully pouted.
"But, beloved, that will not withhold me from loving you."
"Beloved?" I tried not to laugh but when she did her aristocrat face I just 
couldn't hold in any longer.
Mai P.o.v.
After the ice cream we went to stroll through the busy main streets. He even 
agreed to went inside this awesome shop where they sold T-shirts. I bought a 
shirt with a unicorn and bought an other one for Taemin with viva-la-spudgy. 
And after that we went to eat ramen.
When it became dark he made me close my eyes. "But what if I fall?"
He took my left hand while holding my right shoulder so he was right behind 
me while walking. "I'll catch."
"As romantic as that sounds, I still doubt it."
"Hey, I really will."
"I really hope so."
"You're un-romantic."
"I'm being realistic."
We walked like that for a while. I seriously had no idea where we were 
going.  "Teamin, are you kidnapping me?" I felt his chuckles vibrating in 
his chest since he was walking so close which made me blush. "Would you like 
being kidnapped by me?""Yes, if I can kidnap you in return." He kissed my 
cheek and then turned me around so I was no facing him.
"You can open your eyes"
When I opened them I saw Taemin smiling at me. When I turned around I saw 
that we were standing in this big garden, lighted by old lanterns and little 
lights in the trees.  The whole garden was full of flowers with a big pond 
in the middle.
"Wow... It's beautiful." Taemin back-hugged me. "You like it?"
"I love it!"
"Even when it's this sappy and cheezy?" I turned around in his arms kissing 
him on his lips. "Yes, even then."
"You know that we sound like a badly written romantic novel right now, 
We walked over to the pond sitting on the bench there. The pond was lighted 
from below so we could see the fish swim.
"I like the black fish most." Taemin stated while pointing at it.
"The orange one is much more bad-." "How is an orange one even a little 
bad-" "He just is." "You're just jealous because you're not orange." 
"You're just jealous because you're not as bad- as the orange fish."
"Me?" Taemin stood up. "I'm much more bad-." Doing some weird little 
dance which still looked awesome. "See? Much more bad-."
He walked me home later and ended up staying again. Since it was late we 
went to bed. He back spooning me all night. (In pajama... you erts)
Teamin p.o.v.
I woke up that morning feeling incredibly cold. When I opened my eyes I 
noticed that I had no blanket except for the one I was hugging. But that one 
was breathing so I could not use it. Wait a second... breathing... 
blankets... hmmm. I picked up a corner I saw a dot of red hair.
Laughing quietly I stepped out off bed making sure not to wake her.
I picked up my phone, which was lying at the dinner table. When I turned it 
on, however, it told me about 5 missed calls and 10 text messages all from 
*dun dun duuuuuuun* Terza.
'Teamin-oppa, why aren't you answering your phone'
'Oppa, I must tell you some thing important, please pick up.'
'Oppa, It's really important.'
'Oppa, aren't you not anwering because your with Mai?'
Well that escalated quickly...
I have my own personal stalker now, that's great. Not.


a/n: we're so so so so sorry *dancing sorry sorry*, we had like a HUGE writersblock and yea...

next few days we'll be updating frequently for you guys and this haitus thingy will never happen again (we hope -.-'' )

please comment and subscribe ahhhhwsummm readerzzzz

love, tha writurzzz (lol that sounds creepy)

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Chapter 2: I am hooked your really good!
Ohh! Just by looking at the foreword you got me hooked up alrdy xD hahha~ I really like commenting so yea. Hope you won't get annoyed or something hah xP hwaiting~ ^^
TaeminOppa16 #3
OMG! This story is awesome...puh-lease update soon *puppy dog eyes*
p.s. Love the video XD
SURE! I want Taemin pov! update soon~^^
Ahah I wonder why there aren't many people commenting in this :( but yes I want a Taemin POV hehe ^^Update soon! Fighting!
WAAAHHH!!! Update soon. <3
OOOOOOH is a fight starting?! :D AaaAaAaaAAaaAAaaahhh and I love that the main and Taemin got together because of the ball <3 that is sooo cute
cupcakesandnoodles #8
Just noticed that we didn't reply to your lovely comments yet O.O
I'm sorry for the late reply, please forgive me...
*insert puppydog face*
@ fluff-scloud; I'm so sorry for making him cry, I just couldn't help myself, please forgive us and thank you for your support <3
@ Melovesshinee; Thank you for commenting, we love shinnee too :D
@ Ryeo_bfflau75; Omg thank you for commenting again :D We really appreciate it and sorry for such a late reply and the lack of updates TT-TT, We're trying to update more ofter , and yeah Jung mo can be knda blunt sometimes xd

Thank you all for commenting and sorry for being to lazy to reply earlier >.<
Omg I love this<33 ahaha I love how jungmo straight out said to ask Taemin to be her date XDD lawlz I wonder how it's going to go^^ I can't wait!
jigglypuff #10
Me gusta xD