Lets-annoy-the--out-off-Mai day xd

He isn't as cute as he looks like

This was officaly the first time that I was awake on a monday morning out of free will. I'm kinda proud of myself.
Not the fact that it was cold nor the fact that Jungmo had a hangover (His party was a little bit more hardcore than ours.) Was going to get my mood down. I just hoped that last night was true.

"It was so beautiful, and my parents like him, and he-"
"god damn Mai, just shut up, I will listen to all your cute lite stories when my head stops pounding,"
We were in Jungmo's car, on our way to school.
"Weren't you supposed to be a morning person."
"I am, just not today."

I kept quiet. I was nervous. What if yesterday was a dream or just a joke, what if Taemin was jus playing around or mabye changed his mind over night. When we finally arrived at school the first thing that came to mind was that my first lesson would be with Taemin.
I couldn't decide if I would run to see him or avoid him.
I walked into the classroom, my eyes drifting over my classmates, searching for someone. That 'someone' seemed to try hard not to be seen.

"Taemin?" He jumped up.
"Uhm, good morning Mai?"
"Yeah good morning, uhm yesterday?"
"Yesterday, uhm, yes."
"Did we?"
"I think so"
"Are we"
"If you still want to." We were now both blushing really bad.
"I still want to."
"That is great..."He sighted relived. "I thought that it might had been a dream."

I chuckled and told him that I had been freaking out the whole morning, and wondering if I had gone crazy. He smiled and stood before hugging me. That was when I realized that we were in class. Not that I really mind. But the people around happened to be very...present.

"Omo, she is talking and hugging Taemin." So what?
"She must be playing with him." Excuse me?
"Yeah, sure, he is not really good enough for her."...
"After all, she is rich, it's a common thing to do right?" They should not have said that.

I looked at Taemin, who looked confused and hurt by the comments made about him. Thats when I launched myself at him. My arm around his neck standing on my toes to kiss that soft lips. I saw people staring after our kiss.
"Just so you know he is mine, say something like that again and I will hit you." (What... I just can't stand people like that. And beside, I had learned how to fight in London. I would not be afraid for some barbie-look-a-likes)

"Miss Pang-""Vang""Pang, no kissing in my classroom."
"Yes sir"

Me and Taemin sat down. I looked pissed, he was blushing.

When break started me and Taemin walked to the table where Jung mo and his friends would sit.
I think news travels fast around her. People were staring and whispering.

"Omg mai, You're dating with Taemin!? What the heck?" Jung mo popped up in front of us.
"Uh, yes, thats what I was telling you this morning."
"You did?"
"Yes, I did."

He gave me a hug. "I'm so happy for you, I thought that you would be miss forever-alone." He squealed (in a manly way *couch*)
"Excuse me?"
"Just kidding. By the way, Taemin, nice move bro." Giving him a man hug. He tried to make it unable for me to hear but he whispered to loud...
"But if you hurt her, I will hunt you down and I will hurt you, get it."
Taemin nodded while looking intimidated
"Stop threatening my boyfriend"
Thats when I noticed Taemin staring, then blushing, before looking down, covering his mouth.
He just shook his head.
"Taemin, what!?"
He pulled me away from Jungmo before saying;"It's the first time you called me your boyfriend in front of me."

He was blushing while grinning like a idiot, which made me blush.
"I love you."
"I love you to" I pecked his lips quick.

All the people in the room gasped. Wait... were they watching all this time.
Taemin chuckled while I pulled him with me outside.

When school finished I decided to do some homework in the library. Taemin had to go home early 'cuz of his job.
I settled down at the second floor, making my chemic homework.
I didn't notice the group of people coming up to me.

"Is it true?" I looked up to see Nicki, Ez and Myre standing like a gang.
"Uhm what?"
"That your dating Taemin."

They looked at each other.
"Okay, look Mai." Ez started.
"We like you, we would want you to be friends with us, but you can't date Taemin."
"Yeah he is a loser, a nobody, and gay on top of that. Don't ruin you reputation."
"You can just dump him now and say it was a joke. No harm done. They will like you for it"
I balled my fist before standing up, slamming down on the table. I really don't like fights but they went to far.
(People did that a lot lately. Is it lets-annoy-the--out-off-Mai day)?

"Okay first of all, I would never be friends with es like you. Second, I couldn't care less about my reputation. And third, get out before I punch you." Giving them the Hell-es-you're-going-down face.

They stared, then Nicki raised and eyebrow (Or what was left of it...after all the epilation)
"Well, if thats how you think about it, just don't come begging for it later."
"Trust me, I won't."


Omg, we updated...AGAIN

You should be gratefull, BOW FOR ME (Just joking ^-^ YOU SHOULD KNEEL!!!!)


Sorry sorry~

Thank you for reading, we love all our dear readers <3

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(We love comments and puppies)

Jigglypuff and Cupcakesandnoodles

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Chapter 2: I am hooked your really good!
Ohh! Just by looking at the foreword you got me hooked up alrdy xD hahha~ I really like commenting so yea. Hope you won't get annoyed or something hah xP hwaiting~ ^^
TaeminOppa16 #3
OMG! This story is awesome...puh-lease update soon *puppy dog eyes*
p.s. Love the video XD
SURE! I want Taemin pov! update soon~^^
Ahah I wonder why there aren't many people commenting in this :( but yes I want a Taemin POV hehe ^^Update soon! Fighting!
WAAAHHH!!! Update soon. <3
OOOOOOH is a fight starting?! :D AaaAaAaaAAaaAAaaahhh and I love that the main and Taemin got together because of the ball <3 that is sooo cute
cupcakesandnoodles #8
Just noticed that we didn't reply to your lovely comments yet O.O
I'm sorry for the late reply, please forgive me...
*insert puppydog face*
@ fluff-scloud; I'm so sorry for making him cry, I just couldn't help myself, please forgive us and thank you for your support <3
@ Melovesshinee; Thank you for commenting, we love shinnee too :D
@ Ryeo_bfflau75; Omg thank you for commenting again :D We really appreciate it and sorry for such a late reply and the lack of updates TT-TT, We're trying to update more ofter , and yeah Jung mo can be knda blunt sometimes xd

Thank you all for commenting and sorry for being to lazy to reply earlier >.<
Omg I love this<33 ahaha I love how jungmo straight out said to ask Taemin to be her date XDD lawlz I wonder how it's going to go^^ I can't wait!
jigglypuff #10
Me gusta xD