Could You Love Me?

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Oh Sehun, a successful businessman who doesn’t believe in Love anymore.


Kim Jongin, a university student majoring in dancing happens to fall in love with this cruel man.


What will happen when their road crosses again in an arranged marriage?


Kim Jongin's life changed for the worse after being forced into marrying the heir to Oh Corporation, found himself in a marriage fooling apart.


Jongin rubs his teary eyes trying to hold himself back when he handles the divorce paper to Sehun.


Everything hurts so much. He wants to feel loved, to be cherished for once.


"Don't leave me, I'll be broken again, I'll fall again"


And Jongin let his tears fall.






Story Cover credit:


Thanks to KangnimBread from   

The ?Merry? Graphic Shop for this beautiful Cover.



This is , am sorry :'(


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788 streak #1
Chapter 12: I voted for advancing the storyline. If Sehun finds out Xiumin is Minseok, it would be grief overload and that would not be good for him right now. I feel so sorry for all involved, even Jongin, who just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. I am looking forward to seeing how they navigate through this heartache. You’re doing a good job, so glad I ran across this story.
cikihem #2
Zndjcjaj #3
Chapter 11: My gosh, what deception.
Kyoyanemesis #5
Chapter 10: When are you going to upload the next chapter?
Chapter 10: Welcome back. And thank you for the updates
Chapter 8: Hopping for more updates!!!!
Chapter 9: This is very interesting I want to know why Kyungsoo really broke up and who is Lu kissing. Hope you get some inspiration soon.
What is main couple?!
sekai or honhun???
Chapter 7: What she did is so disgusting. I'm so thankful I didn't read any of her stories. Use kaisoo to gain fame and then talk bout my babies urgh i hate her. Already blocked her as soon as I saw this tweet on twitter. She's pathetic.