
Rainbow Bridge

They stand outside the hospital ward, watching Yebin and Minkyung sit by her bedside. Minkyung was sobbing quietly into her hands as Yebin gripped her hands so hard, her bruised knuckles turned white. Kyulkyung had told them about how Eunwoo was Siyeon's soulmate and how Siyeon had reacted. Minkyung had stared, horrified while Yebin had took one step forward and swung her fist as hard as she could. Siyeon turns to Nayoung and the older girl sees past her steadily swelling jaw and notices the sheer amount of guilt in her black eyes.

"It's my fault. I'm the one that did this to her. She doesn't deserve it, she doesn't."
Nayoung keeps silent and watches Siyeon crouch down onto the floor, hands buried deep in her hair, muttering intelligible words under her breath. Comfort was never her expertise, it was more of Kyulkyung's, that was what made them such compatible soulmates, they completed each other. And you would have to be blind to not see how Eunwoo would have completed Siyeon too, if only she would allow it. Like an angel, Kyulkyung appears by Siyeon's side and takes the shivering girl into her arms. It was only now that Nayoung bends down as well and together they sat in silence with Siyeon sandwiched in between them. But oh, how the situation has changed for all of them.

"Get up, visiting hours are over."

Siyeon awakes to someone shaking her shoulders and opens her eyes to see Yebin nudging Kyulkyung with her foot. Then Yebin offers her a hand and she hesitates to take it but Minkyung was the one who drags her up and onto her feet.

"We don't hate you if that's what you're thinking, Siyeon."

She opens to protest because they should, she was the reason their happy pill, the clumsy awkward Eunwoo who never failed to put a smile on their faces, was lying there motionless on that hospital bed. But Yebin steps up in front of her and stares her down.

"No, we don't. But make it right and we will forgive you." 

And Siyeon nods. If only she knew how hard it would be. Minkyung gathered all five of them after she returned from the hospital with Yebin the next day.

"She's awake and the flesh wounds are not too bad. She can come back in a month."

Siyeon suddenly feels a huge weight lift off her shoulders. Her hearts starts beating in her chest again but then she remembers her lack of colour and the weight begins creeping back.

"She can't remember you, Siyeon." 

 Yebin, straight to the point as always and Siyeon doesn't know if she should laugh or cry. Because the weight comes crashing down and she can't breathe. Nor does she want to.

"We asked her some things and it's like when she first came. She remembers all of us, except you. The doctors called it 'selective memory loss', we don't know when her memory might come back. And she can still see colours."

Siyeon rubs at her eyes tiredly and Nayoung notices how haggard her youngest friend suddenly looks. When she speaks, she just sounds tired.

"Don't tell her that I'm her soulmate. I don't deserve her." 

Yebin raises an eyebrow and Minkyung frowns. Nayoung feels Kyulkyung tap her thigh and turns to her, only to see a similar worry reflected in her eyes. Eunwoo returns, gone a month too long, all bright, cheerful smiles and loud, contagious laughter and it's almost like she's never left. Nothing was any different, except for Siyeon. She treated her like fragile sharp glass shards, always keeping her at arm's length and terrified to go any closer. Eventually, Eunwoo asked Yebin and Minkyung one day when they were all walking back to the dormitory after a hard day of practice. 

"Why is Siyeon like this? Did something happen between us before my accident?"

Yebin and Minkyung shared a look that spoke volumes and yet Eunwoo couldn't decipher the meaning behind their eyes. Then, Minkyung clears and smiles a waning smile at Eunwoo.

"You'ld have to ask her that."

So she did. 

"Siyeon, can we talk?"

The younger girl lifts her head from where it was bent over her phone and Eunwoo sees her already pale skin get a little whiter. Her eyes flicker to the opened door, her only escape route, before she clears and gestures to the empty chair opposite her. Eunwoo takes a seat and watches Siyeon's throat bob in a nervous swallow. 

"What was our relationship like before the accident? Did you always treat me this way?" 

Siyeon assumed that she would be ready with an answer when Eunwoo asked but nothing prepared her for the genuinely concerned look in Eunwoo's eyes, the innocent hurt tone of her voice. She hears a voice that sounds suspiciously like Nayoung's nagging her to be more honest with herself in her head and decides to heed it. Taking a deep breath to calm her nerves, Siyeon began. Once she started it was like she couldn't stop. And her words poured out in a torrent of emotions she had no chance of stopping.

"Our relationship wasn't that good. I bullied you a lot in the beginning because you were a new trainee. We didn't really like each other. But then you kinda proved that maybe you weren't going to leave so easily so I stopped. We still ignored each other but nothing else really happened. Then you got into the accident and I can't help but think it's my fault. And I'm sorry but I know you must hate me but I really didn't mean for you to get hit and it was raining and I was so scared and I-!"

Eunwoo had grabbed Siyeon hands in hers and she belatedly realises that she was shaking.

"I don't blame you. Whatever happened between us, it wasn't your fault. Look, I'm perfectly fine now!"

And Siyeon feels a fresh wave of tears burn its way to the back of her eyes. You should, she wants to scream at Eunwoo. You should hate me, you could tell me that you never want to see me again and I will leave without a word. You can slap me, kick me, throw all my songs into the fire and I would still say I deserve it. The last cry is one she knows she shouldn't even entertain but if you tell me you don't want me as a soulmate, I'll walk away without a word, with nothing but well wishes on my lips. Instead, she sobs quietly into her palms.

"I don't deserve you, Eunwoo eonnie."

If she closes her eyes, she could just see Eunwoo in her favourite blue hoodie with her smile that shone with all the colours of the rainbow. So she does, and feels a different kind of warmth envelope her heart. Is this how having a soulmate feels like? They just grow closer after that, Kyulkyung tells her that it was a soulmate thing. And if she had not been Kyulkyung, Siyeon would have allowed all the dark shadows that were festering in her chest out.

"She likes you, you know that right?"

Siyeon knows that Eunwoo likes her more than a friend, sees it in the way Eunwoo's eyes meet hers guiltily after staring at her figure during the choreography of Black Widow, hears it from Yebin, Minkyung, Nayoung, Jieqiong and the rest of Pristin, feels it in the way her fingers linger on her shoulder or wrist just a second too long to be considered platonic. She just didnt expect the question that followed so soon. Eunwoo had groaned that she was starving, a result of missing dinner due to her school's late dismissal time. So Siyeon, although exhausted, wordlessly agrees to accompany her to the convenience store down the road for a late night snack after dance practice. Because she would move mountains for her but she didn't need to know that. They silently watch the rest head back for the dormitory and Eunwoo immediately takes Siyeon's hand, drags her in the opposite direction and launches into a tirade of everything she wanted to eat while Siyeon just smiles, nods and tries not to fall deeper than she already has.

"Can you see colours?" 

Her smile freezes in place, heart suddenly palpitating too fast in her chest. Siyeon prays, pleads, cries to whatever God that will listen for her staccato heartbeat to not reach Eunwoo's ears. She has to swallow a couple of times before she's ready to reply her and by then, Eunwoo has already gotten her answer. And Siyeon pretends she doesn't see the way the eyes that usually shined so brightly when they were together dim under the yellow streetlights. Eunwoo looks positively heartbroken. Exactly how she looked back then, when Siyeon blatantly rejected her. But she blinks and Eunwoo suddenly looks so determined, her brain blanks for a second. Apparently, she can't think properly around Eunwoo either, because she replies with a question that she knows is just for formality sake.

"You can see colours, right?" 

Of course she can, you little idiot. 

Eunwoo nods, although it's timid and not at all like how she acts around her fellow members.

"But I can't remember when I first started." 

Siyeon nods without a word, she just wants the conversation to stop. So she quickens her pace, but only just, and Eunwoo looks shocked for a second before she moves to catch up, reaching for Siyeon's hand. Her fingers close loosely in a hold around Siyeon's wrist but it's more than enough to stop her in her tracks. And even with no memory of her, Eunwoo still manages to read her so well.

"I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable. But I really needed to know." 

Siyeon merely shrugs, not trusting her voice just yet. But Eunwoo doesn't seem all that convinced and opens to continue with what Siyeon knows would have been a steady stream of apologies so she clears and says.

"It's okay. I'm okay with you asking."

"You're not hurt or anything? Since everyone around you has already gotten their soulmate?"

Siyeon smiles and stares at something Eunwoo can't see. It makes Eunwoo's stomach curl unpleasantly and she doesn't know why.

"I don't think I should feel that way, Eunwoo eonnie."

Then she's walking towards the convenience store, hands balled into tight fists in her pockets. When she showers later that night, Siyeon finds tiny cresent marks in her palm that sting, but it doesn't hurt more than her heart.

"Eunwoo really likes you."

It's Nayoung again and Siyeon doesn't say anything when she stands in front of her, blocking her view of the television both of them know she was not watching, merely patting the empty space beside her on the couch she was slouching on. Nayoung sits down with a small sigh as the female lead in the drama swoons before the black and white screen suddenly floods in colour. She picks up the remote to switch it off but Siyeon turns pleading eyes to her and Nayoung immediately drops the device.

"You must really like torturing yourself, Siyeon..."

She murmurs under her breath as the younger girl turns lifeless eyes back to the now colourful bright screen. Siyeon huffs a short bark of laughter but both of them heard no trace of mirth in the bland sound. She inches closer to Nayoung who lifts her arm, allowing her to scoot just a little closer and turn her head into her shoulder. Both of them pretend that they don't feel the slight trembles that shake the younger girl, the soft but harsh breathing, the tears running down Siyeon's face. It's a while before any of them dares to speak.

"You know Eunwoo really doesn't care about these things. Don't you want to give her a chance?"

Siyeon hesitates because she's heard this before and, Yes, she wants to shout. Yes, I want Eunwoo. But she mutters into the wet cloth of Nayoung's shirt.

"I know but I don't think I deserve her."

"Knowing Eunwoo, she'll find you soon enough. You never know when her memory might return."

And when Eunwoo approaches her as she playing in the corner of the waiting room with Kyla, Siyeon thinks that she should really start trusting Nayoung a lot more.

"Can we talk?"

Eunwoo stares at her expectantly and Siyeon feels Kyla's warm hand on her knee. She nudges Siyeon, who suddenly seems to have forgotten how to speak. 

"I'll go find Yebin eonnie."

Kyla says as she moves to stand up and Siyeon completely misses Eunwoo's grateful look shot her way. But she hears her whisper nonetheless.

"Eonnie, you'll be fine."

Siyeon barely has any time to ponder over Kyla's cryptic words before Eunwoo had grabbed her hands, hauled her off the chair and proceeded to drag her out of the room.

"Eonnie! Where are we-"

"I need to talk to you in private."

So she keeps silent and allows herself to be dragged out of the room, and into the hallways of MBC, weaving through all the staff and the other members from other groups.

"Will they be okay?"

Nayoung and Kyulkyung stand at the doorway, watching their two members duck through all the people before they turn a corner and disappear out of sight.

"I'm worried."

Nayoung whispers and feels Kyulkyung's hand slide into her own. She looks at her soulmate and breathes. 

"They'll be fine. I trust them."

She grips Kyulkyung's hand just a little tighter.

"You wanted to talk to me?"

Siyeon hates how meek she sounds, how unsure she is of her next move. But with Eunwoo standing in front of her without a word in this empty room for the past minute, Siyeon doesn't know what else to do. So she clears tries to get her heart to slow down. 

"I had a weird dream last night."

Eunwoo begins, and Siyeon digs her fingers into her arm to stop herself from thinking too far.

"Of when we first met."

She maps Eunwoo's face in black and white, sears it into her memory before dropping her gaze.

"Can you remember everything?"

Her voice is low, soft, resigned and Siyeon cannot bring herself to meet Eunwoo's eyes. It would still be a dull black, not the vibrant glowing hazel she remembers.

"So was it true? You didn't want me?" 

Siyeon nods and tries to block out how hurt she sounds. 

"Why? Why would you do something like that?" 

To yourself. To me. And it's those unspoken words that made the guilt bubble over, Siyeon snapped.

"BECAUSE I WAS STUPID! BECAUSE I WAS SCARED! And you have no idea how much I regret it!"

Siyeon ignores that way her voice cracks at the end, the way Eunwoo's eyes glisten with unshed tears.

" I'm sorry, I can't take back what I did to you. But I can at least try to make you happy again. And if I'll have to go forever without anymore colour in my life, then I'll do it."

"So how you treated me, was it all from your guilt then?"

Siyeon's eyes widened and she takes a step back.

"No! I wanted you, very much. But what if you didn't debut with me, Eunwoo eonnie? What if you left and decided you didn't want to be with a girl who placed her debut on a pedestal, who felt that it was more important than all this soulmate business? I don't think I would have been able to take it. I was scared, I still am."

Eunwoo laughs as tears stream down her cheeks and Siyeon grimaces.

"I can't believe it. All this time I've loved you and you were an idiot. And somehow, even when I can't remember you, I still fell for you again. Funny how the world works, Siyeon?"

"Even now, you still?"

Eunwoo rolls her eyes and sighs with so much exasperation that has Siyeon's stomach flipping into itself. But then she takes one step towards and the same warm feeling returns, now stronger than ever.

"I love you, Park Siyeon. And I will try my best to regain my memory. I don't want you to live in a world without any colour when that's all I can see when I'm with you."

Siyeon feels her eyes burn and she throws herself into Eunwoo's arms before any of the tears can fall. That's how Nayoung finds them later on, asleep in the corner, contented smiles on their faces. 

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223 streak #1
Chapter 3: I liked the story within the story and the whole story as well. Am I making any sense? It's just amazing hahaha. I've never read a color soulmate au with one losing sight of colors and regaining them again. It's a really nice concept you came up with. Good job ^^
supermanandjokbal #2
Chapter 3: LEGENDARY this was so amazing to read it's so Ouch at first but so cute now and you write so well the world is blessed for having siwoo fanfics like this
Jun_2388 #3
Chapter 3: Finally a happy ending! Seriously, this colour and soulmate thing is really something. I've never seen stories concept like this before. You do a good job author-nim!
kuetie #4
Chapter 1: EUNWOO NO
Chapter 3: i was shookt when you updated!! oasdfsjsjcjja this is so fluffy i love adorable xiwoo and finally, that ending tho~ siyeon got to see the colors again i'm cryiiinngg thank you for this so much <333
supermanandjokbal #6
soulmate siwoo is the Best Concept ever and i love you for this?? i can't wait for the next chapter (hopefully siyeon gets to see eunwoo's glowing hazel eyes soon heh)
223 streak #7
Chapter 2: I am sooooo happy about this that my eyes are b with unshed tears while trying to contain this silly grin on my face lol.
I'm glad they finally had THE TALK. I hope she could see the colors again soon. Napink is like siyeon's parents here hahaha ^^
Jun_2388 #8
Chapter 2: Ah... So siyeon still can't see any colours?
Then it's not an ending yet, right?
Chapter 2: Are u going to continue the story? I want Siyeon to see colours again...
Maomao9 #10
Chapter 1: oh nooo dont tell me this is angst