Chapter II

With No Regrets


Pondering on the decision of accepting such a good looking guy to be your roommate hasn’t been so difficult since, forever. You stood next to the TV watching agape about how the beautiful stranger interacts with Mr. Kimchi as if they were long time pals. He sat in the small blue couch you owned and started caressing your dog fur while it was purring like a lazy cat, a freaking cat… you almost had to double check if Mr. Kimchi was indeed a dog.


“So…” his velvet voice once ringed in your ears bringing you out of that awful stupid state one can describe as fascination.


“Y-yes?” blinking you stammered making you look incredibly stupid.


“I heard this apartment was in rent. Honestly I just need a room to sleep at night, I won’t be a bother since I’m studying in the morning and working in the afternoon.” Not that it will bother you ever… “We can split the bill expenses and I’ll do my laundry on Sundays.” He said in one go. The problem was you weren’t listening at all, just mesmerized by his handsome features.


You kept silent the whole time still watching him frown at you as if you had gotten a disease. He coughed and waved his hand in front of your stunned face, this time maybe finally snapping you out of wonderland. Because he was so close to you that it made you blush and back away hitting your back with the TV nearly knocking it off.


“Y-yes” another stutter and it made you look like a complete full time idiot.


“So it’s ok if I move in?” He asked expectantly tilting his head to the side.  You internally squealed not even knowing why.


“Yes.” You furiously nodded. He smiled and stood up extending his hand for a shake. Your heart soared at the skin contact making you hear little bells ringing inside your head.


“My name is Myungsoo by the way.” He bowed and then left the apartment before you could say a decent sentence not involving an embarrassing ‘yes’.


Yes? Why did you even agree? How about the extensive interview you were planning to do? Because it seems like he came, talk and you agreed, he bid farewell and BAM, he’s gone.


Letting out a terrible sigh you glance around your apartment and spotted all the mess around. It will take you at least the whole evening and night to clean the place, not to mention you just made a fool of yourself in front of Myungsoo. First impressions always count and you failed so badly at it.


You went to a cabinet and grabbed a big plastic bag ready to clean when Mr. Kimchi barked once again telling you he was hungry. You turned around and accidentally knocked a bucket of paint spilling all its contents to the floor making you mentally cry and groan, maybe it will take you the whole evening, night and next day to clean this disaster.


Another bark from your dog and you snapped. “FINE Mr. Kimchi I’ll feed you first, but you got to behave!” You face palmed yourself when Mr. Kimchi ran around in circles. “Stupid dog...”




He moved three days after the first meeting in your apartment and it’s been already a week since you both shared the place together. The pros were that he never bothers you on the things you do, that include moping around in the morning and painting some canvas until nine pm. The cons you don’t get to see him either because he will arrive at ten pm and go directly to his room, wake up early and leave once again.


You learned so little about him that it can be sum up in this: Kim Myungsoo, university student that has a part time job. Mysterious, good looking, wears checkered shirts most of the time, if not black.


The clock on the wall notified you it was almost time to take your pills as a defeated sigh scaped from your lips.  You fished inside your backpack a small bottle and unscrewed the cap before taking two pills.



Today you were going to go back to the university and retire your credits; after all you believed self taught artists were better than the ones who attended classes.


Your friend texted you to meet her at a nearby café inside campus, she wasn’t fond of the whole thought of being a dropped out doing nothing for your life rather than roam around Italy. Not that you cared, not that your parents care about you anyways.


“I think is a bad idea, just come back and study. My roommate is going to graduate soon, so you can move in with me, I will take care of Mr. Kimchi and no one will know that we are housing a pet inside dorms.” She tried to convince you with a hopeful look.


You took a sip of your smoothie and shook you head. “Nope, I don’t need to study more. My paints are not good enough and I doubt it will help me to get better since my inspiration is gone.”


“Do as you wish, but I’m still disagreeing with you. So how’s living with your new roommate in that cramped apartment of yours?” She asked while playing with the fork slicing the remaining pieces of her chocolate cake. What a waste you thought.


 “I don’t even get to see him! I swear he’s like a ghost or something. Every morning when I wake up he’s already gone.”


“For someone who wakes up at ten, please, no one is so lazy like you.” She pointed the knife at you with an incredulous look plastered. You scoffed but silently agreed. Well, it was partially your fault you didn’t get to see Myungsoo often. His face could bright up your day, but you weren’t ready to admit it. Maybe it was a little infatuation. “You could see him more if you were taking your classes.”


Your eyes left her coffee mug to gaze intently at your friend. “What?”


“Didn’t you know that he’s a Culinary Major studying here?” She raised an eyebrow at you. Your whole face lit up and you tried to suppress a giggle. She frowned even more.


“Really? Like really he does study here?” You were in the verge of crawling the table to reach the other side where your friend is seated and shake her shoulders.


“Yes.” She replied and put the knife down. “So when are you going to look for you credits? Might as well make you company since I’m done with my classes today.”


“Who said I was going to leave?” You said.




“I coming back to study.” After a small pause you replied and your friend was more confused than ever.


“You are weird, remind me of why we are friends.” She glared back at you but it didn’t affect you at all because you were going to see Myungsoo often.


New resume: Kim Myungsoo, university student of Culinary Arts that has a part time job. Mysterious, good looking, wears checkered shirts most of the time, if not black.



So I'm kinda back from my long hiatus, I should be writing more often from now on. Just felt like the inspiration hit back again lol!

Gonna come back later to edit typos. I'm in a hurry right now!

Please leave a lot of comments, subscribe and give a lot of love to this fic :c 

Bye see you later! ^^ 

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14/7 A thousand apologies for not being able to update. I'll update as soon as I can!


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Chapter 2: Update please >< be honest t little sad it's hoya not myungsoo, tought both of them is my bias I feel pitty bad for myungsoo ToT but author good job xD
Chapter 2: So.. Is she starting to like Myunsoo? *raised eyebrows* hahaha

I would have the same reaction if I have Kim Myunsoo in front of me xD

Thanks for the update!<3
prettynina #3
lol I'm laughing at the girl she's so funny XD
pleaseee update soon!
nabi_devi #4
Chapter 2: yayy I'm so glad you got to update!
maryda #5
I'm a fan of your other fanfic :)
LOL guys confessed to L XD
Hehe, muse immediately made me think of Shut Up Flower Boy Band :D
L is really good with dogs ^^
Update soon!!
Myungsoo..... Ahahaha
It must be really awkward for him to confessed by a guy lol
Anyway update soon
ok!! I love this. LOL.