Chapter I

With No Regrets


Clothes scattered everywhere, traces of empty food wraps, paint stains on the floor. Apparently, nothing out of normal. That’s how you lived for almost two weeks since you moved out of the college dormitories. Your old roommate finished her exchange program and so, she had to move back to her country. With no one to keep your big secret anymore you were almost forced to move out before everyone noticed.


That awful decision almost made you cry like a homeless hobo, but because you love that thing so much it was destined to be that way. There was no method to hide it by yourself and probably your new roommate wouldn’t be as comprehensive as the last one. Now it’s been a week since you tried to find someone to share your apartment in order to pay the rent fees that were killing you.


A ring from your phone made you stop your painting and drop the flat brush beside the table. You manage to pick up the phone without dirtying it with your hands full of paints. Slowly you placed the phone between your right shoulder and hear.


“Hello?” You carelessly said while trying to clean some paint off your hands.


“Where have you been?” One of your close friends and classmates called and you knew exactly why the reason was. You rolled your eyes in annoyance plopped yourself on the couch. “It’s been already two weeks, when are you going to come back and take classes?”


“I’m not going back.” A simple reply from you made her flare in anger. “I don’t feel like my art is enough.”


“Yes, you are. By the way my boyfriend found someone who can share the apartment with you!” Your ears perked up and made you sat straight on the couch.


“Really?” You asked excited for not being the only paying the rent. Soon.


“Yes, but there is something I need to tell you.”




“It’s a boy…” Your eyes widened, it not like you were a feminist or anything but it wasn’t appropriate to live in the same apartment with a boy and less when that thing doesn’t like males either.


“Can you find someone else?”


“No, don’t complain! You were the first one to move out of the dormitories so be grateful you won’t be paying the rent alone. Besides he is Korean like you so I think you can get along pretty well.” She said and you sighed.


“Bring him along I will interview him…” And with that you hung up the phone going back to finish what you were painting.



Kim Myungsoo arrived to Italy two weeks ago. For him the college life was great and he made some few friends on the way. He was amazed with the beautiful view of this country specially Rome. He wanted to visit and take pictures so bad.  Aside from the poker face everyone back in Korea attributed him he was a very calm person. The only one who knew him kind of well was his best friend. Now thinking about her made his heart ache just a bit. He didn’t call her since the day he arrived because he has been busy catching up with his culinary studies and training for chef Emiliano, a very recognized cook in Italy.


The problem is that the college dormitories were kind of far from the restaurant making him arrive late to work once classes were over. So he decided to look for some apartment in between. He offer was soon made as one of his new friends were advertising about someone willing to share a place to stay.


He missed home, his friends, his grandmother and of course her. Everything was so different in a foreign country he was trying to adapt. Something he didn’t missed was the unwanted attention he was attracting with the female population of the university as for some males too. By the third day of his arrival he got a confession from a guy which he uneasily turned down and which awkwardly also was his roommate…


“Myungsoo?” His friend waved and called him out of his daze. He replies with a simple nod. “My girlfriend said you need to go to her friend apartment for an interview. Be careful that person is kind of 4D.” He frowned annoyed and judging by his looks he or she might be kind of hyperactive-easy going person-annoying to core.


“Yeah, sure.” Myungsoo simply said before going back to his notes.



You were pacing back and forth about ten minutes already. It was great someone wanted to share the apartment with you, but a male? A freaking male? Even if he agreed, you didn’t know how he was going to live with your fluffy male-hater Samoyed dog. Mr. Kimchi Fried Rice was your biggest secret, back home you snuck him out to bring him all the way to Italy, he was just too precious to leave him in a house full of greedy people. Or that’s what you thought of your family.


Mr. Kimchi was bawling for attention as you tried to control him by getting him food. Actually he ate better than you because pet food was two times more expensive.


A sudden knock on the door made you look up and stroll to there. You swiftly opened the door to see who was disturbing your peaceful evening. You glared at the intruder without looking attentively.


“Hello” His velvet voice echoed in your ears making you take a double check of the owner of that beautiful voice. Your eyes were lost in his gorgeous face, calm expression. Overall he was handsome. Just like your favorite TV celebrities back at home like rocker Lee Hyunsoo and Jiu a serial killer of a Japanese drama. He was perfect.


Mr. Kimchi began barking and ran to the direction of the stranger. You snapped out of dreamland and remember how much your dog hate males; you tried to take a hold of his leash before he could attack the poor visitor.


“Mr. Kimchi come back here!” you shouted. But the dog was faster and hovered over him.


What your dog did next stunned you the most; apparently he wasn’t attacking the guy. Mr. Kimchi was him in an affectionate way as he sat up and patted him on the head. ‘What the hell’ you thought.


That moment you knew he was the one. Your new muse. 


Yes, I posted the first chapter lol xD 

Just so that you know Lee Hyunsoo (from Shut Up Flower Boyband) and Jiu are not Myungsoo they are vaguely mentioned in this fic as her favorite idol and characters...If you haven't seen those dramas yet go and do it now! :D

Remember that to understand some parts mention in this fic you must read Love Recipe!

Yes sir I love that dog xD credit to the owner who made this screencaps.

Please leave a comment and thanks for subscribing!

See you all until next update, like on mid May!

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14/7 A thousand apologies for not being able to update. I'll update as soon as I can!


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Chapter 2: Update please >< be honest t little sad it's hoya not myungsoo, tought both of them is my bias I feel pitty bad for myungsoo ToT but author good job xD
Chapter 2: So.. Is she starting to like Myunsoo? *raised eyebrows* hahaha

I would have the same reaction if I have Kim Myunsoo in front of me xD

Thanks for the update!<3
prettynina #3
lol I'm laughing at the girl she's so funny XD
pleaseee update soon!
nabi_devi #4
Chapter 2: yayy I'm so glad you got to update!
maryda #5
I'm a fan of your other fanfic :)
LOL guys confessed to L XD
Hehe, muse immediately made me think of Shut Up Flower Boy Band :D
L is really good with dogs ^^
Update soon!!
Myungsoo..... Ahahaha
It must be really awkward for him to confessed by a guy lol
Anyway update soon
ok!! I love this. LOL.