My Date with Him

I want a Boyfriend for Christmas! NO NOT HIM!

I smiled and fixed my beanie one last time before running out the door

"Thank you" i grinned as Kikwang helped me up the bus

i sneezed and sneezed again

He smiled and placed his scarf around my neck

He's such a gentlemen! kyaa~

When we stepped off the bus, it seems as though we stepped into a beautiful white wonderland

I sneakily took the initiative move, hooking my arm with his arm

He looked at me and chuckled slighty

Am i in heaven? The beautiful christmas lights were lit everywhere we went

I had kikwang, the best looking guy at my school by my side

I'm dreaming right?

"yah what are you staring at me?" he asked, pinching my nose

"ah ah! it hurts! i'm not dreaming?!" I asked pinching my own cheeks this time

"why are you hurting yourself? My lovable girlfriend" he caught my hands and held them in his hands

  oh trust me. on the inside i was SCREAMING with  JOY

I bit my lip and looked into his eyes "i'm your girlfriend? when did that happen?"

"you are my girlfriend now" He turned to faced the road and began to walk again

As a car passed by, the light shined on me so that i could not see Kikwang anymore

"kikwang? where are you?"

more cars began to pass and it became an impossible task to find him

"kikwang?" i said helplessly

i began to throw a tantrum, kicking the snow, then squatted down as i covered my face

Though i didnt see him, I felt like i heard a voice. Snowman's voice, telling me that i was being a baby when everything would be alright

I felt myself smile, i exhaled deeply before standing up again

Kikwangs figure stood before me

"where have you been? i was looking for you?!" He threw his arms around me and hugged me tightly

I hugged him back...but why did i suddenly feel not as excited and happy like i did before?


A/N: A quick and boring update

hope you enjoy it all the same XDD

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Angelz0715 #1
Chapter 22: KYAAA this story is so cute ><
Very Cute~
i really loved it <3
wow , this story was sooo freaking cute !!<br />
I really don't have time to write a long comment... 'cause i have to read your sequel before going to bed ^^
...<br />
I just read all the chapters until chapter 12 without commenting because I was so into the story. It's interesting that Yoseob isn't really the same character that many ppl (like myself ^^ ) uses in stories with him. <br />
<br />
Well , the reason why I had to take a break from reading and comment.<br />
WHAT THE HELL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you let Gikwang get run over by a car !!! :'( I'm crying my eyes out !!!
OH i will defineitely read!<br />
ohhh its about boyfriend! cute!
Aww its sooo awesome...but the ending would have been even more awesome if you had stated what happened to kikwang and hara T.T lol
wanqiloh #8