
I want a Boyfriend for Christmas! NO NOT HIM!

Many years have passed

but Yoseob has been with me every minute of my life

From the death of my Mother and  the day i became a mother myself

As Christmas came up each year our old memories seemed surreal


She tugged on the bottom of my skirt and said "Mommy! Mommy! can i buy that?!"

"Suzy dont waste money on toys you wont play with" I respsonded

"Daddyy!! Buy me it! Buy me it!"

As the father, He spoils her to death

Shes daddy's little girl

"alright sweetie i'll buy it for you"

Yoseob squatted to her level and waited for his kiss

Our daughter giggled then kissed him on the cheek

skipping away happily


Yoseob looked up and met my deadly glare

"you're spoiling her!"

"Its okay! dont be jealous I'll spoil her mommmy just as much" He gave me a small peck on the lips then chuckled

Each year that passed was never bland and always filled with surprises with yoseob around


Muhahha my turn to surprise yoseob

man the first time I did this Yoseob freaked out and jumped around the room screaming "IM going to be a DAD!!"



Yoseob followed little Suzy around the room

"suzy! come here to mommy"

"do you want a little brother or sister? shhh! tell me quietly" i whispered

"What are you two so secretive about?!" yoseob asked coming towards or direction

Suzy began to jump up and down "YEAH YEAH YEAH!"

"okay okay! should we tell daddy?"

"DADDY!! i want a little brother or sister!"

yoseob had a weird look on his face, a little held back by suzy's sudden demand

"suzy baby why dont you go upstairs to brush your teeth. its late now" I her hair then sent her on her way


"do you really want a baby that badly?"

I nodded my head

"well you should have talked to me first! What did you and Suzy talk abou-"

Yoseob continued to speak even though my hand was clearly covering his mouth


This is not going how i planned...

"We are... having another baby?"

"are you serious? really??"

i nodded hesitantly, wondering what his reaction is going to be

"WHOOOTTT!! IM GOING TO BE A FATHER! AGAIN! OMG OMGOMG What do i do?! we need to buy clothes! and and the baby bed and and..."


"ow! Suzy its not nice to kick people!"

"Thanks suzy, your daddy needed that kick" I giggled to myself


"watch your step! wa- watch that step"

"yoseob you're overreacting" i slapped the back of his head "right suzy? daddy's overreacting huh" 


Christmas time is almost here again

"OMG NOOO!! what if you slip! this is bad!!" yoseob gasped

I giggled and ran outside pulling suzy along with me

The ultimate plan

"JINA! dont runnn!!! wait for me you two!"

i walked towards yoseob with an innocent smile plastered on my face

"yah! dont scare me like that!"

"when did you become such a worry wart?! Have fun mr snowman!"

I smashed the snowball i held in my hand onto yoseobs face

I laughed happily as yoseob picked me up and spun me around

"Suzyy! noww!!"

The young girl threw and violently kick the snow with all her might


"I love you Jina"

"i love you too snowman"



"you have to be covered in snow to look like a snowman" i retorted

"I'll get you!!"

"GAH! Run Suzy RUN!"


A/N: awww the official end for this fic....a very long chapter...

hahha i keep writing new chapters...i really didnt want to stop writing

i hope you all enjoyed this story




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Angelz0715 #1
Chapter 22: KYAAA this story is so cute ><
Very Cute~
i really loved it <3
wow , this story was sooo freaking cute !!<br />
I really don't have time to write a long comment... 'cause i have to read your sequel before going to bed ^^
...<br />
I just read all the chapters until chapter 12 without commenting because I was so into the story. It's interesting that Yoseob isn't really the same character that many ppl (like myself ^^ ) uses in stories with him. <br />
<br />
Well , the reason why I had to take a break from reading and comment.<br />
WHAT THE HELL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you let Gikwang get run over by a car !!! :'( I'm crying my eyes out !!!
OH i will defineitely read!<br />
ohhh its about boyfriend! cute!
Aww its sooo awesome...but the ending would have been even more awesome if you had stated what happened to kikwang and hara T.T lol
wanqiloh #8