9410 about the departures


Thru Sehun and Lay, regarding the departures. Short work.


I'm checking all of my drafts in my folder, and I found this work titled 'just random scene'... when I read it, oh, it was my POV for Sehun and Lay during 'those times'.

Even though it's so short, I hope, somewhat you're able to understand the feelings that will arise during 'those times'. I won't take each members' points of view of the departures of the three. But, with Sehunnie who's dubbed today as the Loyal Sehun. And with Lay, that I trust.


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Chapter 1: "Someone will always leave. Maybe not today but someday in the future" no no no no no. I won't allow that statement to come true. Specially now when Lay is in China and some fans are doubting his return :'(