It's starting

Idol War

Jungkook soon learns all the boys names. After learning Jimin and then Yoongi the scary one, he learned Jin. Hoseok was already known and so was Taehyung.

They got through each boys audition, Jungkook feeling impressed with each one. They even watched Jungkook's and his audition was quite good, even Jin had admitted that.

It's now 12:45. There's only 15 minutes left of the show when Taehyung gets up from the bed, offering anyone drinks.

"Yes please, can I have water?" Hoseok asks, and Taehyung nods.

"I'll get you all water." Taehyung says, heading to his mini fridge where he retrieves 4 water bottles. He hands them out, giving everyone a bottle except himself and Jungkook.

", looks like I ran out of water." Taehyung says, looking at Jungkook with no pity.

"It's okay." Jungkook brushes it off, forewarding his attention back to the screen.

"Actually Jungkook, I have another drink that would probably taste better than water. I'll give it to you." Taehyung says, heading back to the fridge to grab a can of something.

Jungkook is a little confused as he watches the brown haired boy come back to the bed with a red can of something. 

"Take it." Taehyung reaches his hand out with the can, offering it to Jungkook.

"Uh... it's okay, I'm not that thirsty." Jungkook shakes his head, feeling unsure about the suspicious can.

"I think It would be rude if you didn't take the can. I'm being nice." Taehyung says, pushing the can closer to Jungkook where the black haired boy looks down at.

"Okay." Jungkook hesitates, grabbing the cold red can in his hands and noticing more than just red. There's also pink and a few other colours on the can, making it look really sweet. There's no name on it and it's as if the sticker has been ripped off.

Jungkook looks to Taehyung hesitantly before opening up the can and bringing it to his mouth. 

He takes a sip, filling his mouth with cold, thick liquid. 

Taehyung keeps his eyes on Jungkook as the boy takes a sip.

"Hmm... this is good!" Jungkook's eyes widen as he tastes chocolate and a tint of caffeine. It's thick and milky but overall taste better than he'd expected. 

"Drink it all up." Taehyung shoots Jungkook a small smile before directing his eyes back to the screen where Namjoon wraps up the show.

When Idol War finishes its 12:58pm and all the boys are very quick to scurry to their own rooms. 2 minutes until curfew.

Jungkook chugs the rest of the drink Taehyung gave him before waving goodbye to the boy.

Jungkook reaches his own room, unlocking his door as his body feels like it's buzzing with energy.

Jungkook sets his key onto his nightstand table and discards his slippers. He slips into his warm bed but keeps the air conditioning on. He always sleeps better when it's cold.

 He puts his phone on his nightstand and shuts off the light, leaving him in the complete dark. Jungkook closes his eyes, laying on his side while clutching one of his many pillows.

And Jungkook soon changes directions, changing to his other side for more comfort. However he doesn't feel comfortable so he decides to sleep on his back.

The room is so quiet and Jungkook tries to sleep peacefully. However his legs are buzzing and he can't stop moving, switching from side to side until he can get comfortable. 

However the boy can't seem to get comfortable, and no matter how many minutes he spends with his eyes closed, he no longer feels tired.

After trying to sleep for almost 2 hours, Jungkook opens his eyes and reaches over to his bedside table for his phone.

He turns it on, reading the time as 3:25am. 

Jungkook groans, sitting himself up in bed a little while scrolling through his phone.

He probably just can't sleep because it's a new room. Or maybe he's just too excited. That must be it.

After checking Instagram and all his other social media, Jungkook decides to plug his earphones in and try to sleep again.

And Jungkook doesn't for one single hour get himself to fall asleep. With extreme frustration, the boy tosses and turns aggressively all night, internally yelling at himself to fall asleep. 

And when the clock hits 8am, Jungkook can't take it anymore, with his eyes twitching and his body feeling completely restless, the boy throws his blankets off of his body and pushes himself out of bed.

He slips his slippers back on and doesn't bother checking himself in the mirror before walking out of his room and heading to the 1st floor where breakfast is being served.

When Jungkook restlessly finds his was around the first floor, walking from through and endless hallway until he finally finds an almost-restaurant type like room where he smells the delicious smell of food. Namjoon had showed him the way just yesterday. 

Jungkook walks over to see a buffet of eggs, sausage, bacon and everything he can imagine. He grabs a plate and quickly fills his plate, answering to his grumbling stomach.

There's many tables in the room, some full of crew and producers, however Jungkook notices a further table that sits a few familiar faces.

He decides to take his plate over to the table. 

"Can I sit here?" Jungkook asks, looking down at the three boys.

Yoongi doesn't look up from his plate, making Jimin roll his eyes.

"Of course Jungkook, you can sit next to me. Yoongi push over." Jimin forces the grumpy mint haired boy to move over so that Jungkook can take a seat.

"Thanks." Jungkook says while placing his plate on the table. Jungkook notices another boy sitting across from him, his eyes looking down at his food. 

"Morning Taehyung." Jungkook mutters before stuffing a piece of bacon into his mouth.

Taehyung looks up at Jungkook, his hair slightly messy which Jungkook isn't used to seeing.

"How'd you sleep last night Jungkook?" Taehyung randomly asks, a small smirk appearing on his face. And if Jungkook read into it, his smirk was almost...devilish.

"Actually...I had a pretty terrible sleep. I was so awake, I couldn't fall asleep and I don't know why." Jungkook says, remembering his sleepless night. Even just thinking about it makes the boy start to feel a little sleepy. 

"Jungkook-ah didn't you drink that chocolate frappucino before bed? The one Taehyung gave you?" Jimin interjects, looking at him with a raised brow.

"Frappacino?..uhh...I guess yeah?" Jungkook says, recalling the weird red-canned drink.

"Was it in a red, colourful can?" Jimin asks, Taehyung just watching both boys talk.

"Yes." Jungkook says, unsure as to why Jimin would be asking that.

"You're an idiot." Jimin suddenly sighs, rolling his eyes. 

"Eh..what'd I do!?" Jungkook drops his fork to look at Jimin who's shaking his head.

"Jungkook no wonder you couldn't sleep! That drink has 90% caffeine in it! It has the power to run you through a whole day of activity." Jimin says, making Jungkook feel extremely dumb.

"Oh." Jungkook looks down to his plate, where his food suddenly doesn't appeal to him as his eyes feel a little heavier.

Jungkook stares down at his plate, wondering why he drank such a drink right before bed. 

However he suddenly remembers Taehyung forcefully handing him the drink, telling him it'd be rude if he didn't drink it. 

And just as Jungkook looks up to Taehyung, confrontation on the tip of his tongue, his eyelids seem to shut and he feels his head drop down onto the table, too exhausted to keep his head up anymore. 

He crashed.

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This is indeed the end of Idol War! Thanks everyone for reading and commenting, I absolutely love reading your comments. Check out my other books!


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ILikeYourEyeballs #1
Chapter 46: One of the best fanfics I have ever read on any site!
Kfrees #2
Chapter 46: Great story and very well written. I loved the way you could feel the emotions. ?
Chapter 45: My heart is hammering in my chest <3
Chapter 46: WHAT??!?!! No, nonnono!!! We need to know what happens in room 314
Chapter 46: This can't be the end yet! I need to know what happened in room 314!!!
Tara80 #6
Chapter 46: WAIIIITTT... THAT'S IT???? I WANNA KNOW WHAT'S GONNA HAPPEN IN ROOM 314, AT 11:30!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SunnySunhee #7
Chapter 46: Nonono. They have a hot af scene and then

How do u like ur eggs?
Chapter 46: Awww
Chapter 46: Oooo cute beautiful story... thanku author nim..
omoruyi #10
Chapter 46: Wow this was a very good story !thank you so much