Time Machine


Have you ever wanted to see or ride a time machine?


Do you have any memories or situations in the past that you want to come back onto?


What exactly is a time machine? they say it can bring you back to the past,even to the before of today which is yesterday


and to the next of today which is tomorrow


or even in the future,however no one knows if a time machine have ever existed


now back to the second question,are there any memories or situations in the past that you want to come back onto?,do you even want to go back?



Well there's this one girl who wants to,she wants to rewind everything and make the right thing,yet fate isn't with her 


or is it?


Oneshot or Twoshot,I don't know,I had this thing stucked in my mind and I felt like I have to publish it and anyways my other story have its chapters drafted since I edited them,I might publish them tomorrow or the day after tomorrow


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Starky #1
Chapter 1: It's great ! Really nice work !