Good Boy's Bad Side


Yoongi smirked at his teacher's unsuccessful attempt at trying to be strict. She knew he'd never be fazed by her countless times of throwing him out of class, yelling at him, and giving him detention.

After all, it was all for nothing, he didn't really give a slice of acknowledgement and everyone knew that.

With a completely stoic face on, he threw his backpack over his shoulder and put his blue headphones on, walking closer to the teacher who cowered in slight fear of the intimidating teenager. 

"Sure thing, teach."

He popped his gum and went to the door, smirking at the class who looked at him in surprise. His glare made them all turn their gazes away and continue their work.

He did a mock solute to a particular boy with glasses in the back of the class, who saw and put his head down in embarrassment as his face turned a bright shade of red. Yoongi chuckled at the sight of the boy whom he had never noticed until that moment, shrugged, and left the room, not forgetting to slam the door behind him.

He rapped to his loud music playing in his headphones, walking slowly to the principle's office. 

He felt someone walking up behind him, but ignored it when he made it to the office and entered without knocking.

He took off his headphones, letting them rest around his neck as he sat in front of the principle who was talking on the phone to someone, glaring at him with an eye that clearly reflected anger. 

He smirked, slamming his black sneakers onto her desk, testing her patience while popping another gum bubble.

The principle grumbled and mumbled a sorry to the person on the other side of the phone, pressing a button and setting it down.

"What did you do now, Yoongi." She demanded, glaring at his shoes on her well kept desk.

"That hag doesn't like me. She got mad at me for throwing paper at this girl in my class." He shrugged, popping his gum again, humming to the music that could still be heard blasting from his headphones. 

"I can see why she hates you, I hate you and I'm your mom." The principle snickered leaning back in her desk. "Still, I agree in the area of her being a hag. She's an old lady with an attitude, always telling me I need to expel you." 

Yoongi snickered, brushing his short blue bangs out of his eyes and fixing his black beanie on his head. 

"So what is it now, do I sit in here and listen to music for the rest of class again or do I go back to that hell hole?" He grumbled, removing his feet from her desk, fixing his ripped blue jeans and tying his shoe.

"Well, since you've had 'detention' so many times, you're supposed to be expelled by now, or put in alternative school. But I'm too lazy to give you the money to get a train there, so I'll give you another chance. On one accord."

She leaned on her desk, clamping her hands together like she meant business.
Yoongi nodded for her to continue, leaning forward, listening.

"Jimin, you can sit down now." Yoongi did a double-take when he turned around to see who she was talking to.

A boy, the same boy who he teased in class before he left the classroom, stood awkwardly at the opened door, face still red. He had bleached blonde hair, his bangs swept away from his eyes- which were a beautiful shade of brown. He wore a black Panic!! At The Disco hoodie that seemed overly baggy on his body, going to his mid thighs and covering most of his hands- which looked very small by what Yoongi could see. And his pants, dear lord his pants! They were simple skinny jeans, but they showed his amazing thighs! 

Yoongi gulped, his Adam's apple bobbing slightly in surprise. He spun around to his mom who smirked at him in return and nodded.

"You little..." he whispered to her before the boy sat dangerously close to him in the two-seater chair. He glared at his mother, who returned it with an innocent smile.

"Introduce yourself, hun." She spoke nodding at the other boy, who put his head down in embarrassment, booking at his hands that were clenched on his knees.

"I-I'm Jimin, I'm in your c-class..." his face became even more red, as he tried to cover it with his baby hands.

Yoongi smirked, looking at his mom, who's smile faltered as she realized what he was about to do.

"He sure as hell is cute, thanks for the gift, eomma I'll have to pay you back some day. You said your name was Jimin?" He nonchalantly stretched his arm around the other who flinched and almost fell off of the chair.

Regaining his composure, Jimin nodded, looking- for the first time- into the older's eyes. He found himself marveled at the sight, seeing the boy whom he'd liked since the beginning of freshman year of high-school in front of him. 

"Yeah..." he tried to make his blush less noticeable by it up, but failed miserably. "A-and thanks..." his lips pulled into a slight smile, making Yoongi almost stumble in awe.

The principle cleared overly-loud, glaring at her son whom was still smirking at her, his arm loosely around Jimin.

"Well, Min Yoongi, your chance is him. Since your grades are falling, you have to study- which I know you do none of- which leaves me with only one option." She trailed off, glancing between the two boys.

"You're giving me a boyfriend in hopes that I'll pull my grades up for him?" Yoongi chuckled, pulling his arm back, leaning it on his knee for a resting spot for his arm.

"-no, you will have to be tutored by him."

Yoongi's smug smirk disappeared as soon as those words fell out of , he stood up immediately, growling.

"REALLY?! A TUTOR MOM?! YOU THINK IM THAT STUPID?!" His face was red in anger. He slammed his palms against the hard surface of his mother's desk, making Jimin jump slightly, hurt a bit by Yoongi's reaction.

"I don't think you're stupid, Yoongi. Stop being stupid. He is the top student in our school, and has been since you both where freshmen. I trust him to help my son." She stood up calmly, reaching a hand out for Jimin to take. 

"I don't need help from some kid, mom. I can do what I want when I want. I'm not a kid you can't just-"



Yoongi's eyes opened wide as his hand flung up to his face, feeling an unfamiliar sting on his cheek. Jimin's reaction wasn't very different, more awkward than anything though.

"You are not to talk back. Your attitude and behavior is in called for, and if this continues, you can find a job and house to pay for. Jimin is a good role model and you will learn for him, you may leave now."

Jimin backed away slightly, scared of what Yoongi would do next.

To everyone's surprise, Yoongi turned to Jimin and flashed a smile- fake of corse- and put his hand out to shake, which the other hesitantly took.

"Nice to meet you, Jimin." 

The younger gulped in fear, realizing this wouldn't be easy, and he may not come out alive......

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I'm so sorry this took so long! I've had my exams and I've been really busy- not to mention I have writers/artist block- I apologize!! I hope you guys enjoy this chapter! If you see any mistakes, don't get triggered-of I shall edit soon enough, young one. Love you guys! Magos for life!


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xsugaxhanbinxme #1
Chapter 1: Omg I’m so excited ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️?