Don't Wanna Cry (SEVENTEEN Joshua)


Despite their long-distance relationship, Joshua was just faithful on loving his girlfriend. But the time came that the latter's heart changed for someone else. That made him broken.

But he did not know while he was going through heartaches, a girl ran away with him being dragged. He just got dragged, but how come that he completely got dragged to her life, making him slowly forget the pained heart he got from his ex-girlfriend? Is she going to mend him? Or just repeat the same experience, an experience that broke him before meeting her?


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Don't Wanna Cry


"You left me unaware. Unaware of where you are, of how you are doing, or of you, still loving me. I don't know if I would still believe and wait for you. I don't want to cry, although I have a lot of tears. My heart is getting tired, but still beating only for you. When do we see each other again?"

– Joshua.


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