Long Fall

Rainbows at night

 G7 were all standing infront of the abandoned warehouse that had been in the picture. The thing is it was no longer abandoned.

There was movement inside and lights were shinning through the windows high up.

JB sent Youngjae to fly up to see if there was an easy way to look in. Even in their human bodies dragons had amazing hearing, eyesight and the ability to fly by manipulating the wind.

Youngjae was the one that had the biggest control over wind, each member had their own special ability.

Each would become apparent through the course of the mission.

Youngjae flew back down and told the group what he found.

"There's a panneled skylight on top of the buliding and one of the windows is open."

"Perfect" whispers JB

"Lets all head up quietly" Jinyoung says

Youngjae lead the way to the skylight and they all followed.

There were enough pannels for everyone to see in so they sat and watched atop the roof.

Everyone was catching fragments of conversation which they would be able to put together later.

Bambam and Yugeom were still young so their ears weren't fully developed. They moved towards the one window that was open so they could hear better.

"Do you think we'll be able to fix it" Bambam asked Yugeom as he craddled his ring

"Show me" Yugeom asked softly holding out his hand

As Bambam was passing the ring to Yugeom for inspection there was a large gust of wind and he lost his footing.

Yugeom was easily able to catch him but what they forgot about was the ring.

Bambam's look of gratefullness was soon wiped off his face as he heard the clatter of his ring hit the floor.

Inside the warehouse.

"" He whispered to himself

Everyone turned to him with a scowl on their faces. JB's face was like a thunderstorm. Bambam knew he was going to pay for this later.

"Run" JB utters quietly but with such menace it stirs everyone into action.

He knew the Akin were going to be hot on their heals, as did everyone else. Jackson was sure that was not the only reason Bambam was flying so fast.

They did not want to be discoverd and so flew and ran as fast as they could over streets and across apartment blocks.

Jackson looked back and sure enough a group of the Akin were chasing them. Luckily for G7 they were far behind as they had to travel along the streets instead of the rooftops.

"They're following us" Jackson called out to his friends

"We'll have to portal jump soon" Youngjae inputs.

"Look over there" 

Mark was pointing at an apartment block across the laneway that was higher than the one they were currently on. It was just close enough for them to aim their rings at.

"Good idea" JB commended

"Let's head for that wall , everyone get your rings ready" JB called out

They all began running off the building and manipulating the wind to carry their bodies toward the wall. Just as they had opened the portal they heard an ear splitting scream.

This time Jackson whipped his head around in worry. That scream did not come from a pissed off Bambam but from a woman.

A girl with short brown hair was falling at an increasingly fast rate towrds the pavement.

At that moment in time Jackson did not care if they were on the run from the Akin. There was someone's life in danger and if he didn't do anything about it they could die.

Jackson abandons his team and rushes over to the falling girl. He was too late to catch her though and her body landed on the pavement with a sickening crack.

Jackson knelt beside the body and felt drained of life, he hadn't been able to save her...... yet another person he could add to that list.

Her blood was everywhere, gushing from the wounds on her limbs and the gash at the back of her head. She looked like an old rag doll thrown on the ground.

Jackson could feel tears welling up and didn't know if he'd be able to stop them

"Well are you going to save her or what " Mark asked hurriedly as he knelt down beside her.

Jackson had already jumped to the conclusion she was dead, not realising her life force was still there and she was still breathing.

This gave Jackson new motivation and he pushed back his tears

His power was one of healing and he was about to put it to good use.

His hands hovered over her body and a warm light radiated off of them. He fused her skull back together and sealed up any wounds.

He healed nerve endings and made sure everything was in the right place. The blood stopped pumping out of her and instead was flowing to each part of her body. 

She was going to be ok.

While Jackson had been saving this girls life JB had G7 working as a team

"Youngjae mask us with a wind covering spell"

"Bambam and Yugeom keep an eye out for the Akin"

"Jinyoung keep the portal open we're still going to need to leave"

JB then turned to Jackson

"Well, is she alright?"

"Yep" Jackson said with a mix of relief and exhaustion "She'll be just fine"

The girl in question started to move and let out a groan

"Mark I'm going to leave you to deal with this" JB said

"Yes Boss"

Mark was the one with the most important power. Passed on from generation to generation of royalty.

Mind control.

He was able to worm his way in to anyones mind and take control of it. He could alter peoples memories or take them away.

He began to enter the girls mind and alter her memories of that night, as he did so he realised something that he should have already.

He knew this girl, it was Fern whom he had English with in college. He hadn't recognised her at first due to the amount of blood and how dark it had been.

There was something else about her that he hadn't sensed before but insead he pushed it to the back of his mind as he finished changing her memories.

"All done" He said

"Woah, I'll never get over how cool that is" whispered yugeom in awe

"You'll have your own powers someday don't worry gyeomie" Mark said reassuringly

"Enough chit chat, someone needs to get that girl home before I die of exhaustion. I'm not keeping this portal open forever you know" Jinyoung shouted

"I'll do it" Jacksn volunteers

Even though he's exhausted from saving her life he still wants to see her get home safe

"Alright but be quick about it, we'll be waiting for you in sharp wing. If you take too long we'll come back and check on you" JB instructs

"Aye Aye captain"

With that all of G7 apart from Jackson flew up to the portal and disappeared into it's depths. Jackson had his own ring so he knew he could make it back safely.

He gently picked up the semi concious girl and pushed off to fly up to her balcony.

But he didn't go anywhere.

It turned out that the girl he was holding was heavier than he thought even though she looked so slim.

Jackson put it down to the fact he was so drained from using his powers. He would rather die than insult a woman, even if she was only half concious.

Jackson decide to opt for the stairs instead of flying.

He went around to the front of her apartment building and hurried up the inumberable flights of stairs.

He was glad it was so late at night so everyone was in bed. He was sure eyebrows would be raised if they saw him with a semi concious girl in his arms.

Jackosn soon reached the door he assumed was hers and pushed it open. He was slightly out of breath yet for some reason the girl had become lighter. Jackson was too tired to worry about that right now.

As he entered her apartment he was greeted by a sleek black cat. It looked him in the eye and seemed to bow its head in a sign of respect. It made sense as cats were highly aware animals and dragons were the surperior race.

What perplexed Jackson was the flash of green that passed over the cats eyes.

"That's odd.." he began to say but soon the body in his arms began to move as she was waking up.

All thoughts of the cat vanished as he raced in to find her room. He placed her gently on her bed and threw a blanket carefully over her.

The cat folowed him in and jumped up on her bed, she stood guard over her as Jackson made his escape.

He aimed his ring at her bedroom door but didn't twist his ring before he glanced back at her one last time.

Jackson thought about how he'd probably never see her again which to be honest saddend him. There was something about her and that cat that were intriguing but he couldn't pin point it.

No matter it probably was nothing really. He twisted his ring and walked on in to the realm of dragons where he could finally fall into bed.


"Beep beep beep beep, beep beep beep beep..."

 Fern slammed her hand down on the criminal device that disturbed her sleep. Her head was in less pain but she still felt dizzy.

She climbed out of bed to the annoyance of Minzy who had been perfectly comfortable

"Oh I'm sorry baby but I have to go to school" Fern cooed as she bent down to rub her cat.

"Your lucky you get to stay in bed, ugh I wish i was a cat you live such good lives" Minzy purred in agreement as Fern rubbed under her chin.

"Right I'm going to need some music to start off my day"

Fern grabbed her phone and threw on one of her favourite playlists, it was a mix of Halsey and Melanie Martinez. Fern could not go a day without listening to her music, it was her life source.

Fern went into her bathroom to grab a quick shower, after she got changed and dried her hair she began brushing her teeth. She was humming along to her favourite song when Minzy began to scratch on her bedroom door.

"What is it girl" Fern mumbled through the toothpaste

Minzy continued to paw at the door and so Fern quickly ran back into her bathroom to spit out the minty foam. She dropped her toothbrush and went to open her door for Minzy.

The second she did Minzy zoomed into the kitchen.

"Of course" Fern said with a knowing laugh.

Before tending to her cat's needs Fern grabbed her schoolbag filled with her projects and her phone then she headed out to the kitchen.

"When aren't you hungry Minzy?" Fern asked jokingly

"Never" Minzy purred in response

Fern dropped her schoolbag and turned slowly to her cat.

"Did you just say "Never" Minzy?"

Minzy simply tilted her head and continued to paw at her bowl 

"No no of course you didn't, I must still be a litlle drunk after last night..."

Fern trailed off. What had she done last night? She remembered having a bottle of soju but then it was all a total blank

Fern was brought back to reality when a screeching noise split her eardrums.

She coverd her ears and groaned in pain as she tried to find the source of the unearthly noise. It turned out to be the music coming from her phone. She turned it off and the pain stopped imediately.

Fern looked around confused as to what just happened, but Minzy seemed unfased and was still awaiting food.

"Sorry babe I don't know what just happened. Here" Fern poured some cat food into Minzy's bowl and she began to munch away happily.

After the pain Fern's eardrums had sustained and the hangover she still had she decide walking to school would not be a good idea.

She gave Talia a call while she rooted around in her cuboard for some medicine.

"Hey sunshine, how you feeling on this beautiful morning?"

"Not so great to be honest" Fern said as the ringing continued in her ears

"Woah baby girl it's a bit early to have been drinking"

"I was drinking last night actually but I still feel like , could you be a dear and please drive me to school?"

"Yeah of course, anything for you hun, send me your adress and I'll be there in 10. Are you sure your ok for school?"

Talia sounded sincerely concerned, awh what a sweat pea Fern thought

"Ya I'm sure I'll feel better after some medicine, I'll send you my adress now"

"Ok cool I'll see you later"

Fern ended the call as she chucked two different coloured pills into and swallowed them whole.

Talia was obviously unconvinced but she knew how stuborn Fern was so it didn't make a difference.

Fern brewed a pot of coffee and sourced some sunglasses as she waited for a text from Talia.

When she received the awaited text she said goodbye to Minzy and grabbed her schoolbag. She made sure to lock her door as for some reason it was already open when she went to leave.

Running down the stairs would not have been capable for anyone with a real hangover but Fern seemed to manage it fine. She also was not out of breath when she reached her friends car.

Strange she thought, maybe it was just the medicine working its magic.

"Hop in" Talia called out through the rolled down window

Talai had a cute little car which Fern absolutely adored, it was a mint green mini cooper that had been on many adventures.

Fern sat in on the passenger seat side and waited for Talia to start driving, when nothing happened Fern turned towards Talia. Talia had an expectant look on her face

"Show me how bad it is" she demanded

Fern sheepishly pulled down her sunglasses, prepared for Talia to gasp at her bloodshot weary eyes.

"They look fine to me" Talia said unconcerned  "Whatever medicine you had must have done the trick"

Talia started the engine as Fern pulled down the car mirror, and just as Talia had said, her eyes looked fine.

This day was getting weirder and weirder for Fern. She was starting to wonder whether she should see someone about it or not.


Fern hadn't noticed the time passing and soon she was standing infront of her school gates waving goodbye to Talia

They had had so much to catch up on that the journey was made shorter than usual.

"See you at the cafe again this evening right?" Talia called out before she pulled away

"You bet" 

"Make sure you don't burn down anything hun" Talia said jokingly

"Hey isn't that my line?" Fern whines but Talia has already pulled back into the line of traffic.

No matter, she had still managed to leave a smile on Fern's face. Fern took in a deep breath of fresh air before marching into the big school building.

Due to the traffic Talia and her had got caught in she was nearly late for class but her was in the door before the bell rang.

"Cutting it close Ms. Bo" Fern's English teacher, Miss. Douglas said dissaprovingly

Fern simply smiled sheepishly.

"Sorry Miss" She muttered

"Go on take your seat" Miss. Douglas instructed.

Fern scooted to an empty seat and took out her books. Usually she was able to pay attention in class and that's why she had such good grades. But today her mind was elsewhere.

She was thinking about Minzy talking, her phone making diturbing noises and her new found fitness. She couldn't wrap her head around it.

They were five minutes into the lesson when someone else rushed in the door. Fern was glad she was not the last in but when she realised who it was she was surprised.

It was the one person in the school who had bothered to get to know her. He was also the one guy who was never late to class.

Mark tuan.

"Look who we have here" Miss. Douglas said obviously irritated

"You and Ms. Bo would make a brilliant pair don't you think class?"

The whole class broke out in laughter while Fern and Mark made eye contact.

Mark smiled at her and usually Fern would do the same but for some reason she felt like she was going to vomit. For some reason what happened next made Fern feel even more nauseous.

The whiteboard marker that Miss. Douglas had been writing with fell to the floor and broke.

Fern couldn't take it anymore and ran out of the room covering . She whisked past Mark and didn't give him a second glance.

"Hey" Miss. Douglas called out 

"I think she's sick Miss I'll just go check up on her" Mark said politely as if the teacher had already given him permission.

He clossed the door on the class inside that were making kissey faces at him and ran in search of Fern.

Fern had found the nearest window down the hallway and was sticking her head out for fresh air. The disgusting feeling in her stomach was still there but it had died down.

She had no idea what the hell was wrong with her and she was acctually worried about her sanity. She was so confused and scared she could feel tears coming to the forefront of her vision.

She didn't want them to spill over her lids but she couldn't help it, it was all too much.

Before more than one tear could roll down her face Mark was beside her. He tapped her gently on the shoulder.

"Hey are you alright?" He asked softly

Fern calmed herself down before turning around. She may have been close with Mark but she was not yet ready to show him her weaker side.

Mark stood back to give her some room.

"Ya I'm fine Mark, I just had too much to drink last night"

"You didn't pull a pepa pig stunt again did you?"

"No don't worry" Fern said laughing softly "I think I'm just going to ditch English and head to the infirmery"

"Ok ya that sounds like a good idea, I'll see you at lunch so?"

"Yep" Fern said brightening up "Make sure to save me something yummy"

"Sure thing" He said as he began to walk back to class.

Fern turned her back on Mark and headed to the infirmery. When Mark was sure no one was looking he hid inside the janitors closet.

Something was up with Fern and he could sense that it was dragon related, he'd have to ditch school and go back to inform the others. 

Mark pulled up his hand and aimed it at the back wall of the janitors closet. Just as Fern was nearing the infirmery she felt a familiar pull.

The pull toward something that she had been missing her whole life but didn't realise it. Her nauseousness entirely disappeared as she began to run to this ominous pull.

Mark twisted the red gem on his ring and the portal opened up infront of him. He had one foot in when Fern threw open the Janitors closet.

She gasped in shock at the sight before her. Mark had one foot stuck inside a mess of bright colours that were swirling around on the wall and next second his entire body dissapered into it.

Fern did the only thing she could think of at that moment in time and jumped right in after him.


A/N : Woah did Fern really do that? Will she make it to the other side alive? You never know, you'll have to wait until the next chapter. Also don't forget to subsribe to my accout for more action packed chapters. I know this was a long chapter but I had so much I wanted to get in. Pleses leave a comment telling me what you think so far and I'll make sure to read all of them

Love Nero1t






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muffin24680 #1
are u gonna update???
muffin24680 #2