
The Night Walkers | Jikook

Minji watched as Jihyun laughed at something Momo said. They had spent the entire morning talking and laughing, Minji had never seen Momo laugh that much but neither has Jihyun. Usually it was Jimin who made him happy and that was all inside the house, Jihyun rarely laughed and joked around in front of other people. Or strangers.

Which Momo was.

As much as she wanted to know what brought them together she didn’t want to interrupt anything. Jihyun seemed happy. She left the top of the stairs and went to her room. Minji felt better knowing both of her sons were happy. But Jihyun might have chosen the wrong person to be happy with.


“Really? I think they’d look funny.” Jihyun grimaced as he imagined a woman in a gown and large hat that resembled a large devilfish. Momo shrugged.

 “I’ve heard it’s called fashion.” “Fashion?”

“Um, something like, really nice and everyone likes it and wears it. The world is constantly changing. You should come with me to one of my travels. There’s so much to see, to witness, to like – you’d be amazed by how much people have evolved. I’ve heard there are a lot of schools opening in cities-“


“Yes, I think kids go there at young age and learn everything – about the entire world. And there’s a thing called clock, you know what time of day it is. They call suns days and moons nights – I think around thirty days is a month, twelve months is a year or a winter as you say.”

Jihyun gaped, taking in the information with glittery eyes. Momo talked, gaining confidence from the surprise and attention Jihyun was giving her. “That’s nice. Kids will be smart when they grow up.” Jihyun nodded in approval, feeling proud of whoever invented schools.

“Maybe older people can go there too.” Momo muttered, leaning back against the couch and throwing her head back, staring at the ceiling. Jihyun sighed, giving a short nod. “It’d be nice. You’ve just said so, I have a lot to learn. I’d love to learn.”

Momo smiled, raising her head to look at him. “I’m sure you’re really clever, you’d memorize things in a blink. Oh my God I heard a story about the creation of the universe!”

“Creation of what?”








Butterfly, Jimin could swear on his life a butterfly was flying all over his neck. He blinked the sleep from his eyes, noticing the bright room he had spent in his nights. The butterfly on his neck moved away and Jimin noticed the warmth wasn’t coming from the furs.

Jeongguk noticed Jimin’s red ears before the younger boy turned around to look at him. Jeongguk smiled, loving how the beauty in front of him belonged to him. Jimin raised his hands to rub the sleep from his eyes, squirming in Jeongguk’s arms and creating space between them. Jimin pulled the furs closer to his chest, shutting his eyes tightly when he remembered. He tried to raise his knees to his chest but winced.

“Jiminnie I’m so sorry. Are you okay?” Jeongguk sat up quickly, forgetting he was . Jimin turned away from him when he saw Jeongguk, covering his eyes with his hands. “Sorry! I forgot!” Jeongguk blushed in embarrassment, covering himself before moving closer to Jimin. H

e leaned over him carefully, his hand nervously hovering over Jimin’s hips but he decided not to touch him. Just in case Jimin regretted everything that happened night before. And if he maybe resented Jeongguk for using him.

“Jiminnie... do you want me to go?”

Jeongguk felt his heart leap out of his chest when Jimin shook his head.

It was silent for a while. Jeongguk didn’t want to say anything and let Jimin think of what he wanted to say. Jimin cleared his throat and rolled on his back, bumping into Jeongguk’s chest. His eyes glazed over Jeongguk’s exposed body, probably unintentionally because he wasn’t blushing. Jeongguk smiled as Jimin raised his hand, Jeongguk’s hand finding his and their fingers locking together.

“I don’t want you to go.” Jimin muttered, letting go of Jeongguk’s hand and wrapping it around Jeongguk’s neck, pulling him down for a hug. Jeongguk almost giggled loudly as he held the younger boy tightly. Jimin sighed against Jeongguk’s ear.  “My legs hurt. My neck hurts. But I don’t feel bad. I feel nice.” Jimin moved away to look into Jeongguk’s eyes. “I realize now how lonely I felt before.”

Jeongguk nodded, eyes closed and lungs full of their mixed scents. “I feel so too. You’re telling me you don’t regret what happened last night? Do you even remember last night?”

Jimin thought for a moment before nodding. “Yes, I remember everything. How could I regret that?” Jimin inhaled Jeongguk’s scent and sighed. “I’m embarrassed. But it’s you. It’s nice if it’s you.”

Jeongguk grinned. Jimin raised his head to look at Jeongguk and the older boy laughed at the red face of his mate. “Don’t laugh! I’m having a moment here! And you hurt my legs! Idiot!” Jimin hit his chest. Jeongguk pouted but nodded.

 “That’s not what you said last night.”  “Yah!”

“You’re not going anywhere today. I’ll go and check if Lisa can make you something to eat.”  “Don’t you think it’s rude that you have a mate and you have to ask others for food?”  “Can you cook?”

Jimin shyly scratched the back of his head before shaking his head. “No.” His voice was small but clear. Jeongguk rolled his eyes playfully. He slowly rolled them aside and hugged Jimin’s waist, his head lying on Jimin’s stomach.

Of course he was afraid of telling Jimin he could be carrying pups. After knotting an omega conceiving had always been guaranteed, Jeongguk had never heard of an omega that was knotted and didn’t end up pregnant – plus Jimin was in heat.

“Jeongguk, I’m hungry.”

Jeongguk had no idea why he was afraid of Jimin having his pups, they were mates after all but Jimin had never spoken about wanting one. Usually mates discussed the matter before an omega went into heat or an alpha into rut. Once that happens both of the mates give in to their wolves and the only thing that matters is the agreement they had made earlier.

“Jiminnie, have you thought about having pups?” Jeongguk raised his head to look at Jimin, the younger boy’s eyes were wide. He had not expected the question after all.

“No.” Jimin drawled, tilting his head aside in confusion. “Jeongguk... are you telling me I could’ve got pregnant last night?”

“N-No, I’m most definitely not telling you that! I’ll go get you food!” Jeongguk jumped out of the bed , picking his clothes from the floor.

 “Yah! Jeongguk you idiot! Come back here! I’m going to kill you!”

“I love you Jiminnie!”








Jeongguk listened to Taehyung laugh while his head rested against the table. Taehyung and Yoongi were helping Lisa collect wood for the bonfire. Since Taehyung couldn’t have been alone with another omega Yoongi had to come as an alpha. Lisa agreed to make something for Jimin without questions. Taehyung was the one who did that.

After telling Yoongi and Lisa that Jeongguk knotted Jimin the older alpha couldn’t help but wonder if Jeongguk had hurt his head recently. There was no doubt he’d ever force himself on Jimin, and Jimin definitely wanted it as much because he wasn’t in heat. “I was standing in the hall when Jeongguk ran inside the house, eyes red and looking for Jimin. I swear to Moon I’d never seen him like that! Seriously, Jimin is making Jeongguk act like someone else!”

Yoongi agreed, having noticed the exact same thing. Perhaps it was just Jeongguk becoming an adult and realizing a few things, after all having a mate meant having someone to take care of, plus the pups that come along the way. You have to be responsible.

“You knotted him?” Yoongi asked and Jeongguk looked as red as the fresh tomatoes Lisa had on the table. Jeongguk cleared his throat, awkwardly glancing up at Yoongi who was smirking at him. “Well?”

“I might have.”

Strangely Taehyung stayed quiet after the confession. Yoongi found his hand beneath the table. Yoongi was worried, he knew very well humans were very different from them and he knew they couldn’t pop a knot nor could they go into heats. It was worrisome but it wasn’t like Jeongguk forced himself on Jimin.

“Jimin didn’t mind, right? He agreed?”

“Of course! I’d never do something-“  “-Okay! I get it! Damn, don’t be so loud.” Yoongi rubbed his temples, closing his eyes while Taehyung giggled.

“Ggukie, can I talk to you outside for a moment?” Taehyung asked, making both of the alphas look at him; Jeongguk in confusion and Yoongi in curiosity. “Sure.”


Taehyung closed the door and sighed, looking up at Jeongguk who waited patiently. “Jeongguk, last night I couldn’t help but notice something about Jimin.”

Jeongguk visibly paled, eyes widening and Taehyung was ready to reassure him that nothing bad happened. But Jeongguk looked down at his hands before sliding them in his pockets. “Yeah, I know. It wasn’t really that hard to notice.”

Taehyung stared him with wide eyes, hand coming up to cover his wide opened mouth. “Jimin is... an omega wolf?” Taehyung whispered as he walked over closer to Jeongguk. Jeongguk nodded. “Yeah, his father was dad’s friend Youngjae. You don’t know him but I do. Last night Jimin was in heat. And I...”

Taehyung looked around in case anyone was watching them. “You knotted him.” When Jeongguk sighed in defeat Taehyung gasped. “Did you tell him?”  “Uh, sort of?”

“What? Sort of told him he could be giving birth in less than a winter?! Jeongguk you’re such an idiot!”

 “I’ve been trying to sort things out in my head before telling him in a stupid way!”

 “Well you sort of already told him in a stupid way!”

Jeongguk groaned, rubbing his eyes with his palms. “Taehyung, I want him to have my pups. I know he might not want them but... I’m really sorry now for even giving in to him last moon.”

Jeongguk sat down on a stair. Taehyung crouched next to him before carefully hugging him. “Jeonggukie, Jimin is a really great human, I don’t think he’d mind that much. Of course he might be hurt and disappointed but he has no reason to hold a grudge against you when you’ve been nothing but absolute sweetheart to him. I’ve seen how you look at him, how you treat him – if he didn’t notice either then there’s something wrong with him.”

“There’s nothing wrong with him, Tae. I used him. He was in heat. And he remembers everything.”   “Really?”  “Yeah, he told me so.”   “Ah, right, he’s still human. Maybe he wasn’t used, Jeongguk. If he’s human then he was most probably aware. Didn’t you even talk to him at all? We can’t just guess and be in fear like this! Jimin is your mate! Go and talk to him you !”

“He’s hungry. I’m still waiting for Lisa.”  “It’s okay I’ll bring the food as soon as Lisa’s done. Go and discuss this because it’s your future we’re talking about. Okay?” Jeongguk pouted but nodded.

“Thanks, Tae. You’re not an idiot all the time. Bye!” Jeongguk ran before Taehyung could slap him.








Jeongguk quietly closed the door of the house, glancing up at the stairs in case Jimin heard him. He slowly climbed the stairs.


Jeongguk crouched on the floor next to the door when he heard the nickname, stopping himself from squealing as he covered his head.

His Jiminnie’s voice was like an angel’s! He sounded so cute and his voice was so soft! No doubt it was the perfect melody to lull anyone to sleep! So soft, so soft...

 He was overjoyed because Jimin didn’t sound angry. The scent of roses and grass became stronger but Jeongguk remained small on the floor. Jimin stood in front of him, covered by one of the furs. He was clutching on them tightly in fear someone else came but they became loose when he realized it was Jeongguk.

“What’s wrong? Jeonggukie?” Jimin crouched next to him, carefully placing his hand on top of Jeongguk’s head. Jeongguk smiled like an idiot as he took Jimin by surprise and picked him off the ground. “Hey!” Jimin clung onto Jeongguk and prayed the furs wouldn’t reveal anything he wanted to keep hidden

Jeongguk laid Jimin down and sat down beside him. Jimin sat up with a scoff on his face. “Did something happen?” Jimin asked, worried about Jeongguk’s behaviour.

 “Nothing’s wrong. I was just glad you’re not angry with me.” Jeongguk pouted, his eyes wide shining with happiness and even if Jimin was angry it was replaced by a feeling of satisfaction for not arguing with Jeongguk as he wanted to do. Because he was ready to give him a life lesson about getting Jimin pregnant without giving Jimin a heads up.

Leaving someone in the bed after telling them they could be pregnant was something to argue about but Jimin thought he could remain calm and discuss things rather than argue. After all, Jeongguk didn’t really do anything Jimin didn’t want to. Just Jimin was a bit unsure and afraid. Just that. He wanted it, wouldn’t deny it.

“Jeongguk, it’s something serious we have to talk about. Having kids means a lot.” Jimin softly spoke, hoping he wouldn’t strike something within Jeongguk.

Jeongguk nodded, his hands finding Jimin’s in his lap. “I know. And I want to have pups, Jiminnie. The question behind everything we do is; do you want it? I am ready to accept anything you throw my way, I will say yes to anything – the only thing I want to know is if you want it. I don’t want pups if you don’t want them, I’m fine with that because I have you, I need you and no one else.”

Jimin nodded, finding his heart beating faster as the words shot right through it. “Jeongguk I... I don’t feel ready to be a parent.” Tears filled his eyes as he felt like he disappointed Jeongguk despite the older boy saying he was fine with his decision. Jeongguk chuckled and wrapped his arms around him.

“What did I just tell you, you brat? It’s okay. We won’t mention this again. Smile, Jiminnie, come one, give me the nice old smile.” Jeongguk grabbed Jimin’s cheeks and stretched them, making Jimin hit him. Jeongguk laughed.

 “Seriously, I’m fine with being only with you. And since you’ll be here for awhile we can have pups anytime.” Jeongguk squeezed Jimin’s hands and nodded. Jimin nodded back with a forced and dishonest smile that made Jeongguk sigh in defeat.

“Sorry.” Jimin whispered. Jeongguk shook his head. “Don’t-“ “-I was talking about now. I don’t want pups now. I have a lot to learn about you, I want to learn about pups before giving birth to one.” Jimin blushed, glancing briefly at Jeongguk who was already grinning from ear to ear.

Jimin laughed when Jeongguk tackled him on the bed. Jimin pushed Jeongguk aside and sat on his stomach, straddling him. Jimin glared with a smile on his face. “You’re an idiot, Jeongguk.”

 “Jimin, I love you. And I’ll be here with every decision you make.”

Jimin leaned down, hiding his beat red face in Jeongguk’s neck, easily finding the mark he left the night before. “I bit you this much?” Jimin asked, ashamed for turning into such an animal. And hurting his mate. But it didn’t look fresh, it looked a few days old. “Why is it healing so fast?”

Jeongguk smirked and wiggled his eyebrows. “Because you took good care of me. Wolves’ saliva helps in the healing process.”

 Jimin cleared his throat and nodded. “That’s why my mark healed.” Jimin tapped the mark on his own neck, lower lip jutting out in impression as he nodded.

Jeongguk shrugged like it was no big deal. “It takes longer for bigger wounds to heal but it works really fast between lovers and close family members. Pups don’t need their parents’ saliva if their wound isn’t big, it can heal on its own really fast.”

“Really? That’s amazing. Jihyun and I healed fast too, when we were kids. Because we’re wolves.” “You were a clumsy pup?” Jeongguk teased as he pushed Jimin back and pinned him on the bed. Jimin giggled and shrugged. “Depends on your definition of clumsy.”

Jeongguk didn’t seem to have paid attention to Jimin’s answer. Instead he stared at Jimin in silence, afraid of talking and waking up from the dream full of Jimin’s giggles and smiles, his touches and eyes. Jimin looked like a dream.

Jimin raised an eyebrow when he noticed Jeongguk was staring at him with a quite creepy smile on his face. “Jeongguk?” “Yes?”

Jeongguk laughed quietly, more to himself as he nuzzled Jimin’s neck, butterfly that woke Jimin up returned to his neck. Jimin sighed when Jeongguk kissed his mark, feeling weightless and calmer than he realized he could be. He closed his eyes and was close to falling asleep when Jeongguk moved away.

“Jeongguk! Jimin! I brought breakfast!” Lisa’s voice came from downstairs.

Jimin’s eyes widened as he looked up at Jeongguk. “I’m not dressed!”

Jeongguk jumped off the bed and ran downstairs while Jimin looked for his clothes.

“Lisa, hi!” Jeongguk greeted, noticing that Taehyung was also helping her carry the food.

“Jeongguk! Hey, you didn’t say anything specific so I’m sorry if Jimin doesn’t like something.” Jeongguk took the plate and carried it to the kitchen.

“Jimin already said he loves your food, I doubt he’d dislike something.” Jeongguk smiled at the sweet scent of meat that filled his nostrils. “Smells delicious.”

Lisa slapped his shoulder and glared. “That’s for your mate! Tae Tae, bring Jeongguk’s food!” Taehyung walked over to Jeongguk with an evil smirk that made Jeongguk shiver.

Taehyung uncovered the plate to reveal vegetables and fruit on it. He looked up at Lisa with a incredulous look while he she smiled, not noticing there was something wrong with his food. “Lisa, this is not meat.”

Lisa rolled her eyes. “Vegetables are healthy, Jeongguk, you should have learned by now. You’re an alpha, you should eat more vegetables.” Even though Lisa was younger by a year she grabbed Jeongguk’s cheeks and squeezed them hard until Jeongguk’s eyes filled with tears. Taehyung shivered behind Lisa, knowing it hurt more than it looked like. Lisa was a beast underneath those smiles, motherly care and excellent cooking.

“Alphas need meat!” Jeongguk whined, setting the plate down and crossing his arms on his chest, hoping the pain-filled eyes would get to the devil in front of him. Lisa smirked, eyeing him from head to toe.

“You want meat, Jeonggukie?” Lisa asked, voice sugar coated. Jeongguk nodded, pouting like a child.

Lisa nodded, moving closer to him and wrapping her arm around his shoulders. Taehyung tiptoed away from the demonic vibes that were coming off the woman.

“Then go and hunt, you stupid pig! You think I’d hunt for your to eat well?! Huh!? I picked those vegetables and fruit myself, you inconsiderate moron!” Jeongguk ran away from her while holding his bleeding ear. “Don’t go running away! Weren’t you asking for meat!?” Lisa growled, running after him.

Taehyung laughed as he watched Jeongguk run around the house but Lisa caught Jeongguk’s ear and dragged him back to the kitchen. “Tae, go and call Jimin.”

Jeongguk growled when he remembered Jimin possibly wasn’t dressed yet. “Don’t go upstairs!” Jeongguk warned him but Taehyung rolled his eyes as he stepped on the stairs. “Hey!” Lisa tugged on Jeongguk’s ear but he barely budged. “Lisa let go!”

 “You think just because I’m an omega I haven’t learned to deal with a bunch of proud mutts like you!? Huh!” Jeongguk almost screamed when he felt like his ear was starting to fall off.

Jimin stared with wide eyes at the sight of Jeongguk in pain. Playful or not, Jimin ran over to Jeongguk and hugged him. Lisa was surprised by the sudden appearance of the younger boy and stepped away, releasing Jeongguk’s ear in the process. She could smell their strong and fresh scents telling her they were mated recently and she should keep away because Jimin unintentionally glared at her.

The alpha sighed in relief, holding Jimin close and pressing his hot lips against Jimin’s neck, leaving a kiss. The younger boy shuddered and breathed loudly.

“Don’t get in front of my food! Moon, these pups are rude!” Lisa scolded. Taehyung nodded, completely agreeing. “You’re a pup too!” Taehyung winced when Lisa slapped his forehead.

“Let’s eat. Something smells nice.” Jimin whispered in Jeongguk’s ear, peeling himself away from the alpha who whined. “I almost lost an ear!”

Lisa laughed. “I told you already, Jeongguk. Go and hunt. food supplies will be eaten in the matter of suns because of the block out.”

Lisa set up the table for the two before she dragged Taehyung out of the cabin. Taehyung wanted to watch the fresh mates but his own was waiting in front of the cabin. Yoongi thought it was for the better if he didn’t invade Jeongguk’s cabin while the alpha was still protective of the mating bite.

Jimin stared at the meat in front of him, blushing in embarrassment even though Jeongguk didn’t pay attention to it. He was rather busy smiling at Jimin, glad his mate was provided with the best piece of meat. Jimin, who was sitting opposite of Jeongguk, stood up and dragged his food in front of Jeongguk before sitting next to him. Jeongguk’s smile widened when his mate sat next to him. He pulled Jimin’s chair closer until Jimin was leaning against Jeongguk’s shoulder.

Jimin cut a piece of meat and raised it up to Jeongguk’s mouth but the alpha shook his head and leaned away. “No, eat and be healthy, Jiminnie.”  “I want you to be healthy too!” Jimin huffed, not feeling like dealing with Jeongguk’s alpha-ness.

 “I am, look at all these- these-“ Jeongguk made a disgusted face at the broccoli.

 “-Jeongguk it tastes worse than I imagine. Come on.” Jimin used his chance when Jeongguk opened his mouth to argue and pushed the meat in. Jeongguk glared but it morphed into a smile when he saw how satisfied Jimin looked. When he realized he was supposed to be satisfied with his own food Jeongguk cleared his throat and shook his head, raising his hand to stop Jimin.

“Eat your own food, Jimin.”

Jimin scoffed, pushing his plate away. “I heard you pissing and about not having meat. I’m trying to be a good mate, why won’t you let me do that?”

Jeongguk felt his chest break at the sight of Jimin leaning back in his chair, arms crossed over his chest and looking disappointed and hurt. It took a mouthful of Jeongguk’s heart and chewed it.

“Jiminnie.” Jeongguk tried to hold Jimin’s hand but the boy turned away from him.

You’re such a disappointment, Jeongguk scolded himself as he glanced at the meat on Jimin’s plate.

“I’ll eat the meat, please don’t be angry. I just want you to be healthy! Meat is really important!”

“You’re saying that and you don’t have any meat on your plate! Shut up, Jeongguk!” Jimin cut another piece of meat and pushed it in Jeongguk’s mouth, not really caring if he choked. “You’re such an alpha. Let me be an omega while you’re at it.”

Jeongguk nodded, opening his mouth obediently when Jimin fed him another piece. “You eat too.” Jeongguk spoke and almost choked on the meat. Jimin nodded, not fighting back the smile as he ate too.

“Lisa is really... brave.” Jimin said. Jeongguk shivered at the memory. “Don’t mention her while I’m eating please. Don’t you think this meat could be poisoned?”

Jimin laughed, nudging Jeongguk not to be that cruel because she wasn’t a bad person. From what he found out Lisa was mated at a young age and her mate disappeared. Lisa didn’t look like she lost anyone in her life, she looked more like she had everything and she was pleased with it. That’s why Jimin gained respect for her he didn’t know he could have for someone.

“Lisa is more like my mom, even though I’m older.” Jeongguk shrugged. Jimin nodded. “I’ve noticed. She’s a mom to everyone.”

“She knows how it feels to be lonely, to not have anyone. Grandfather found Lisa near the forest, she wasn’t born in the pack. But no one came looking for her. So my dad and gramps took her in and raised her. Lisa’s an omega, like you, so they were all really scary as she grew up. When I grew up I realized why.”


“It’s not just because you’re an omega, it’s because you’re family. Like you – I don’t want to protect you because I think you’re weak, or that you’re not capable of protecting yourself – I’ve noticed wolves love to take care of each other and they don’t mind the affection and protection. They’re not afraid of their loved ones protecting them. Alphas protect omegas but omegas also protect alphas. It’s a beautiful thing when you think about it.”

Jimin felt flattered and honoured to have a mate like Jeongguk. With a smile he pushed another piece of meat in his mouth. Jeongguk coughed but Jimin laughed. “See? Omegas can be dangerous too.” Jeongguk muttered. Jimin raised an eyebrow as he shrugged while Jeongguk continued to cough and drink water.

“But that’s nice what you said.”

Jeongguk rubbed his throat with a pout. “Don’t I deserve a kiss for being an understanding and nice alpha?” Jeongguk puckered his lips. “Yes you do.”

Jimin took a piece of carrot and pushed it past his lips. Jeongguk spit the vegetable out and gagged while Jimin giggled.







It was night when Jeongguk said he had to go to the forest again. Jimin understood, despite feeling like clinging onto Jeongguk like a koala he nodded and kissed him goodbye. Jimin heard from Taehyung about scary traps that can chop your leg off, you can be like that for suns and moons and Jimin felt even more worried. It was night – do they see better at night or day? What if the traps are so well hidden that they don’t see them? What if Jeongguk loses a limb and bleeds to death because no one can smell him?

Taehyung was sitting next to him, hugging his body close and trying to release his scent as comforting as he could. He knew an omega’s scent was sweet and calming not only to alphas but to omegas and betas. Jimin’s cries turned into sobs and he held tightly onto Taehyung’s shirt.

“Jiminnie, my Yoongi bear is running with him. He wouldn’t let something happen to Jeongguk. They’re like brothers. Don’t worry, please.” Taehyung patted his back.

“You said he can lose his leg!”  “Did not! I just said traps do that!”

“What if Jeongguk steps on it?” “Jiminnie Jeongguk is one of the best alphas in the pack. Please don’t underestimate your mate. Jeongguk would be insulted.”

“I don’t care about his pride, Taehyung. I care about his safety.”

Taehyung sighed.

Both of them looked up at the window when someone knocked. Jimin looked up at Taehyung but the fellow omega shook his head. “I don’t think Jeongguk knocks, right?”

Jimin shook his head and stood up. Taehyung however grabbed his hand and pulled him back. “Wait, it’s not safe to open the door.”

“It can be someone from the pack.”

“Jimin, don’t you think they’d say something?”

Jimin stayed quiet, knowing Taehyung was right. It was the truth, Jeongguk didn’t knock but other pack members would definitely voice themselves instead of just knocking. Taehyung held Jimin’s hand tightly as they waited for the knocking to come again but it didn’t. It was silent once again.

Taehyung looked upstairs, mind filled with thoughts of someone invading the pack. “We should check the cabin.”

“We should get something to defend ourselves with first.” Jimin dragged Taehyung to the kitchen and grabbed knives, handing Taehyung one.

As they turned around they almost dropped them.

There were two men standing in front of them, bloody and muddy, holding blades in their hands pointed towards the two omegas in a threatening manner.

“If I hear one sound from you-“ The man spoke while taking slow steps towards them.

Jimin moved closer to Taehyung who stepped in front of him. “If you come closer you’ll get more than screaming!” Taehyung growled, eyes flashing yellow in warning. Taehyung could tell they escaped. They were the hunters Yoongi said they captured. How could they have escaped?

The man glared. “You want your friend to live? Do you want to live? Be quiet and put the knives down.” Taehyung swallowed a lump in his throat, smelling Jimin’s fear but his own was also there. Jimin grabbed the back of his shirt and held tightly. Taehyung placed the knife on the table. Jimin did the same, his hands trembling and heartbeat so loud Taehyung could hear it.

 The other man who was silent walked over to the two omegas and grabbed Jimin’s hand roughly making Jimin wince. Taehyung growled and almost ran at him but the other man kicked him in the stomach and punched him on the back of the head, successfully knocking him out.

“Taehyung!” Jimin yelled, struggling to get out of the grip of the hunter but he punched Jimin, knocking him to the floor. He held his hand over his throbbing cheek, tasting blood in his mouth. Tears of pain filled his eyes as he continued to fight back the hunter.

The other hunter threw Taehyung over his shoulder and glared at Jimin. “I will ing slit his throat if you don’t keep that tongue behind your teeth!” Jimin glared back, letting the hunter grab his arm and tug him towards the door that lead to the backyard. Jimin stumbled forward as the hunter dragged him, his blade pointed towards Jimin.

“They’re both omegas.” The one carrying Taehyung said, turning to smirk at Jimin who glared. Cloudless sky let the little bit of moonlight lighten the forest. But Jimin thought the evil glint in the man’s eyes would shine in the pitch darkness.

The man looked up at the stars and stopped for a moment before changing direction. “The mutts are searching the forest every night but can’t come up with anything. Hurry up, Taewoo. We have to go back without running into any of them.”








Momo sighed as she continued to watch Jihyun sleep. Sharing really did help people get closer. She smiled as she remembered his funny faces and lame jokes. She looked around the house that became home in a short amount of time. Momo couldn’t remember the last time she talked that much to someone, revealed so much to someone.

Covering Jihyun’s body with a blanket Momo sighed and stepped away. She turned towards the door, ready to leave but Minji was standing on her way.

She hadn’t talked to the woman since Jimin left and truth be told she didn’t mind her absence. If anything it made her more comfortable and relaxed knowing there wasn’t anyone staring at her like she carried dynamite under her shirt.

“Going to sleep?” Minji asked, arms crossed as she looked up at Momo. And Momo couldn’t see the suspicion from before. Even her voice was soft. Momo was at loss words for a moment. Minji smiled and nodded. “It’s okay if you don’t want to tell. I just wanted to say I still think you’re hiding something. But you’re not a bad person. Whatever it is you’re hiding, if my son gets hurt I’m having your head on a plate.”

And there is Minji Momo knew. Momo smiled. “Don’t worry.” Having a feeling Minji wouldn’t find her words convincing just like she hadn’t before. Momo side stepped and passed the woman, leaving the house quietly.

Jihyun stirred, as if the coldness from outside reached him. Minji sat down beside him and sighed. Glancing outside through the window she managed to see Momo leave towards the gate. With narrowed eyes Minji watched her leave the village. The only protection she could probably have.





Jimin silently cried as he held Taehyung’s head in his lap, praying he’d wake up before someone takes him away. They were in a cage, in the middle of a clearing surrounded by tents and humans who were walking quietly and Jimin could tell by the coldness they were close to the river. And Jimin could remember Jeongguk telling him the river was really far and they didn’t like going to the place often.

Oh Jeongguk, Jimin sobbed, his head tilting to hide the mark on his neck in case anyone sees it. It was Jeongguk’s after all, why would they look at it? Jimin had no idea why they captured the two of them but he could see other wolves, shifted and not, in prisons and in even worse conditions. They were filthy, skinny, bruised and battered and some looked dead.

Jimin wondered what exactly they were hunted for and why were they tortured. A man crouched next to his cage and it made Jimin crawl back away from him, stopped by the iron bars behind him. Taehyung groaned as he woke up with a headache.

“Aren’t you two cute.” The man smirked. Jimin hadn’t seen him before. “Wolves from the wild always had better furs.” The man’s eyes ran over Jimin’s small body and Jimin felt violated, as if he touched him. He covered the bite mark over his neck and subconsciously let out a warning growl. The hunter chuckled.

“Wild.” He muttered to himself, his lips and Jimin felt a shiver run down his spine. “You’re just waiting for someone to tame you.”

Jimin’s eyes widened, stomach twisting in fear, dread and disgust. Taehyung sat up, almost knocking his head against Jimin’s. “Jimin!?” He looked around, hoping what happened was a dream. But the cage and the man outside of it were enough of a proof.

“You little !” Taehyung lunged forward, his hand going through the bars as he tried to reach for the man’s throat. But he stepped away easily. “Come back here! You think you’ll be spared once my mate finds you!? Huh!? You think he’ll leave you alive!? You’re all going to die by his hand! Filth!”

Jimin admired Taehyung’s bravery while the man seemed amused and mocking. “Really? Look at me, I’m pissing my pants.” The hunter picked up a bowl from the ground and both omegas were confused. Were they going to feed them? From that?

But what was in the bottle hurt more than anything. The hunter swung the bowl and Taehyung screamed in agony when the liquid touched his skin. Jimin panicked, not reacting the same. It was rather irritating his skin but not creating open wounds like it did to Taehyung. The man stared in shock at Jimin who cried over Taehyung’s body.

“Impossible.” The man muttered, looking at the omega in pain then at the one who didn’t seem bothered by the wolfsbane at all.

“Taehyung, what’s wrong?” Jimin had no idea what to do, he had no idea how water could cause such horrible wounds.

Taehyung gritted his teeth in pain, twisting on the floor as the pain echoed through his entire body. But that’s how wolfsbane worked. Bom had discovered that a long time ago; a beautiful flower that harmed a wolf as much fire harmed humans. And it spread through the entire body fast like venom. In small doses their body could fight it and survive but in bigger doses death was imminent.

“It’s wolfsbane.” Taehyung growled. Jimin held his hands, watching the wounds on Taehyung’s hands and feeling like crying. Why did he do in his life to deserve something like this? He tried to be patient, kind, understanding, friendly – why?

The hunter smirked, bitting his lip as he watched Jimin. Wasn’t he a wolf? There was never a case of a wolf being resistant to wolfsbane. Maybe he wasn’t a wolf? No, the redness on his skin told the man different. He most definitely had a wolf inside him. But maybe...

“Oh boss is going to love this.”








“Gone!? What the do you mean gone!?”

Jeongguk screamed. Yoongi watched as he threw things all over the cabin. He understood him. After all Taehyung was gone too. They returned when Jeongguk said he felt weird and afraid. Moments after his neck hurt and it didn’t take too long before Jimin’s fear moved through the bon and into Jeongguk’s heart.

The same anger Yoongi could smell coming from Jeongguk crept in his bones, pushing him towards the forest but he had to stay rational. He wouldn’t find anything alone. They were a pack, they had to act like one. Yoongi bit the inside of his cheek as he left the house. He wanted to hide from the pitying looks of his pack members. He just wanted to get his mate back and call it a night.

Junghyun stepped in front of him and without a word hugged him. “We’ll find him. You have my word.” Junghyun shook his shoulder with a tight grip on it and a firm nod, making Yoongi nod back. It wasn’t sympathy that came from Junghyun, it was determination and anger. Junghyun didn’t feel sorry for Yoongi, he was angry and seething for Yoongi.

He looked behind Yoongi to see Jeongguk storming outside, moments from shifting. “Jeongguk!” Junghyun grabbed his wrist and pulled him back but Jeongguk punched without thinking, making other alphas hurry to hold Jeongguk down.

“Let me go! I have to find my mate! I have to save Jimin! Let go you s!” Jeongguk was hot, his skin becoming red and his eyes blazing red in warning, his scent making the alphas shiver. It was strong. Too strong for them to not get angry along with him.

Junghyun opened his mouth to speak when a smaller figure stepped in front of him. Jeongguk’s glare remained unwavering as Bom raised his hand and slapped him as hard as she could. She wasn’t done mourning her friend and if they didn’t save Dara she’d probably mourn her forever.

“You think you can find Jimin on your own? You don’t need anyone? You don’t have anyone to help you or to come with you? You’re the only friend Jimin has? Jimin is the only one in need of salvation?”

Jeongguk looked down at the ground, feeling his hand become heavier from the punch he gave his father. Bom scoffed, stepping even closer and grabbing his chin, forcing him to look at her.

“We’re a pack, a family. It means we’re in this together. It means everyone matters the same. It means you and Jimin are not alone. Get your together you ing moron because we have to hurry if you’re so desperate to find him.”

The alphas released their hold on him, making sure he could stand properly before nudging him – smiling to confirm Bom’s words silently. Yes Jeongguk you dumb weren’t we here since day one? Jeongguk scolded himself for being reckless. But the mark on his neck was fresh.

Bom watched as his hand subconsciously went to his neck, his eyes becoming glossy as he closed them and inhaled. “I’m sorry.” His tone was different from the one before. He sounded broken, crushed and honestly sorry. Bom wordlessly hugged him, patting his head. “It’s okay.”


After Jeongguk calmed down they all went to Junghyun’s cabin to discuss the situation. Grandfather was absent, his body was weaker every day and it became weaker every day. Bom tried her best but old age had no cure. It wasn’t an illness.

“We’ve searched the forest thoroughly countless times since the pack came to exist and we never noticed anything wrong. Pack members disappeared literally in front of our nose and that means we’re missing something.” Junghyun rubbed his face. He couldn’t sit down, standing at the head of the table restlessly he shifted from one leg to another.

“Maybe they’re not in the forest?” Hyuna spoke softly. She was still in shock after hearing about Dara, they were close friends even though Dara was older. But Hyuna saw a mother in Dara who worried about everyone like they were their own blood. And everyone missed her. Everyone missed the sunshine of the pack. And now Jimin and Taehyung were gone too.

Junghyun nodded. “Maybe. There were no signs of anyone sleeping in the forest, those hunters probably came to set up traps and they’d leave without us catching them.”

“They carried no food or water, just the bags. That means they’re close.” Yoongi spoke. He glanced at Jeongguk was staring at one point on the table, eyes glittery with unshed tears. Bom was sitting beside him, holding his hand but there was only one person Jeongguk wanted to touch at that moment. If anyone understood him it was Yoongi.

“Where haven’t we checked?”

The familiar but changed voice made everyone rise to their feet in respect and worry. Junghyun stared at his father with wide eyes before running over to him. He was leaning against the door, supporting his weight that was too much for him to carry despite being almost all bones. Jeongguk was worried about the old man but then he laughed. It was a weak laugh but it was meant as reassurance.

“Don’t fuss all over me, there’s still life in these bones. Now, where haven’t we checked that’s close?” Bom helped him sit down and remained by his side, holding his hand tightly and smiling.

“The mountain.” “Yeah, there are caves up there.”

“No, if they kidnap wolves they need space, plus they have to carry them. So it’s extremely close.” Grandfather shook his head.

“The other side of the river?”

Everyone seemed to consider the idea before Grandfather looked at Bom. “The omega... can she help?”

Bom shrugged. “I don’t think she’d be much of help, in the attempt to run away she had no destination in mind. She just wanted to get away.”

“What about her sense of smell? Did she identify anything at all?”

“No. She did say she saw trees. Maybe they’re really on the other side of the river.”

Grandfather nodded as he looked at Junghyun. “If you don’t end this tonight I have no idea if I’ll rest in peace.”

Junghyun chuckled, patting his shoulder. “We wouldn’t want that to happen.”


As they left the cabin Yoongi walked side by side with Jeongguk. He was having a hard time arranging his thoughts because he couldn’t stop thinking about Taehyung and all the things that could be happening to him.

“Jeongguk.” Jeongguk nodded, not finding strength to speak. If he did he’d probably end up crying. “Jimin will be fine. My mate will be fine. They’re both strong. We’re going to find them and they’ll be coming home with us. Stay strong for him. Okay?”

Jeongguk nodded once more. If Yoongi hyung could be strong with his mate gone then Jeongguk could do it too. Jimin wouldn’t like to see him cry.

“Jeongguk, you’re the strongest man I know. Don’t think like that, don’t speak like that, I believe in you. Will that be enough?” Jimin smiled...

It felt surreal. He really lost his mate? Jimin was really gone? How could he just accept that? How can anyone accept that? What the hell was wrong with Yoongi? Jeongguk ain’t waiting for them.

“Jeongguk!” Yoongi yelled as Jeongguk shifted in a blink and left without waiting for anyone. Bom gasped in disbelief, sitting down in defeat beside Grandfather who sighed. “Hurry and go!” He hurried Junghyun who seemed worried because the plan hadn’t been worked out that nicely. But it didn’t take long for all of them to shift and leave.

Bom ran her hand soothingly along Grandfather’s back. “We should go inside. It’s not safe here.”

Grandfather glared at her. “I’m on my way to the other side and you want me to be among four walls? We’ll see when you’re in my years.”

Bom chuckled. “Well that wit surely isn’t affected by time.”

Grandfather smiled. He nodded as he looked up at the star-filled sky. “What a man wants to last will last. But will has to be conveyed.”

“Are you going all wise on me, Gramps? Now when I’m a doctor?”

Grandfather stayed quiet, staring down at his hands. Hands that did good and evil, consciously and unconsciously, to ones he loved and ones he despised. He closed his eyes, feeling ashamed suddenly when his life caught up with him. Bom noticed the tear on his other cheek. But she didn’t say anything.

“You were so little when I first saw you, barely alive and weak.” Bom glared. “And now it’s like looking at someone else. I hoped you’d find this pack one day.”

“I’m glad I found you, Gramps.”

“I’m not your father even in my last moments?”

Bom smiled, wrapping her arms around him and inhaling the scent of chamomiles, same as the first day she scented it.

“You’ve always been my father.”








Jimin struggled as he tried to sneak his hands out of the shackles around his wrists but it only made his skin bruise and redden. The hunter in front of him grabbed the back of his neck and squeezed it, hurting the mark in the process. Jimin whined, trying to peel his fingers from the mark as the skin burned and his entire body hurt.

Taehyung sat up and gasped in pain, the wolfsbane seemed to be eating up his skin. “Jimin...” He could barely hold his eyes opened. He was just too weak, his entire world was swirling and Jimin was at the mercy of the hunter.

Jimin growled when he noticed the hunter wasn’t letting go. “Behave!” He yelled, punching Jimin’s stomach. Jimin gasped, the air left his lungs and he out for a moment. He groaned, clawing at his chest before he could take small gulps of air.

“What’s happening here?”

A woman asked.

Jimin’s eyes widened when he recognized the voice. He raised his head up to look into the eyes of the woman he had met suns ago.

Jihyun’s friend was standing in front of him, hands on her hips and her hair tied in a ponytail. She looked at Jimin with eyes that were nothing similar to those kind and warm ones she displayed to him and his family.

“You-“ Jimin gasped, heart breaking with worry for his brother and mother. “Where is my brother? Did you do something to him!?”

“Where did you find this one?” She asked, ignoring Jimin who was trying to run at her but it only annoyed the hunter who tightened his grip on his neck.

“In the pack in the forest. Got caught by the wolves but we made it out with him and another one.”

“Really? Isn’t that your tenth time getting caught?”

“ off Momo.” The man rolled his eyes as he dragged Jimin away, his gaze lingering on her. Momo bit her lip, looking around for another new face. She ran over to the cage and sighed in relief for being lucky.

“Hey.” She nudged the boy who was unconscious. She noticed the burns on his hands, no doubt the jerk used the wolfsbane. Momo ran over to a carriage, looking around before grabbing a bottle of water. She ran back to the boy and covered his mouth before pouring the water over the burns.

“Sh, I’m trying to wash the wounds.”

Taehyung had never seen the woman before, but as she continued to wash his wounds and looking around in case someone caught her he hoped she could help him and Jimin run away.

“Help me.” He rasped, his voice weaker than he had ever heard it before. The woman shook her head. “I don’t know how much I can do. I pray to God your pack finds this place soon.”

Taehyung looked around, noticing other cages with omegas inside them. He watched with wide eyes as women fed their pups, there were children in there but no adult wolves. And Taehyung couldn’t smell anything or anyone but he knew by their looks they were omegas.

“Where are the alphas?” Taehyung asked, his eyes closing involuntarily.

Momo stopped washing the wounds for a moment, making Taehyung open his eyes. She swallowed a lump in as she whispered. “They’re breeding omegas at the moment.”








Jeongguk felt his entire world stop moving when he saw it.

Light on the other side of the river.

He paced behind the bushes while trying his best to see if there’re any signs of someone he knew. He passed countless traps and hoped none of his friends would fall for them. He heard paws behind him. It was his father with the rest of the alphas behind him. He gave Jeongguk a strong nudge, a scold for leaving first but he couldn’t help it.

Jeongguk stood beside him while he watched. He nodded to the other pack members, a sign to surround the place in a crescent formation. Jeongguk wanted to satisfy his thirst for blood. He felt his throat itching for it. His wolf wanted to avenge his mate. If something happened to him... Jeongguk would bury himself with Jimin.








Taehyung caught the sight of Dara, lying sprawled in a cage at the bottom. She was unconscious. He felt tears spring to his eyes. “Noona! Dara! Noona!” Taehyung cried, holding tightly onto the bars. He winced when someone hit him. “Be quiet beast!”

Taehyung glared at him but a whine escaped from his heart at the sight of her bruised and barely clothed body.

If what the huntress told him was the truth then this was the hell Taehyung never thought he’d visit. The furs. They forced them to breed because of the furs. Real wolves were almost killed off but wolves like them were bigger, that meant more fur and that meant more money. He couldn’t even hear them, smell them – he felt so... human.

Looking at the cages once more Taehyung saw a woman, a familiar woman. It was Haejun, Minhyuk’s mother, holding a pup in her hands and staring at it with wide absent eyes. Was she too? All those years she was forced to breed and give birth to pups to watch them die?








Momo glanced at Jay who was drinking the alcohol like his life depended on it. She tried it once, he offered it but it numbed her senses and although she did feel lighter she didn’t like feeling sick. So she avoided Jay and his drink he once named but she couldn’t remember it. Not that it matter.

She turned to walk inside her tent when she heard something. She looked at the forest that surrounded them. Then she heard it again.

“Jay!” She tried to be fast, running towards him but she could only watch as a wolf jumped on him and ripped his head off without giving him a chance to scream. For a moment it felt like the time slowed down, she could only focus on the red eyes of the giant black wolf. With all of her strength she ran.

But she didn’t scream, she didn’t tell anyone wolves came. As she reached Taehyung’s cage she grabbed a rock and hit the locket with everything she had. Taehyung was surprised, not expecting of her to rebel. But he realized why when he heard a howl.

The locked snapped and the door opened. Taehyung ran outside and grabbed the rock, running over to the cage and hitting the lockets. Momo grabbed another rock and joined him, looking around in case someone approached them.



Jeongguk had no idea how many he killed but he felt good. He couldn’t smell Jimin or Taehyung or anything for the matter. But he could hear his cries. He howled, knowing Jimin could recognize it.

He avoided the blade before pouncing on the man and snapping his neck, leaving him to bleed.



“Jeongguk!” Jimin screamed, trying to push the man off him. “Quiet!” Jimin gasped at the slap. The man had touched him everywhere after taking his clothes off and Jimin felt filthy, like the man’s hands left marks over his body. Come on Jeongguk, Jimin prayed, trying to grab the man’s hands but he kept slapping Jimin, thinking it’d make him give up.

He heard something crack and then a scream. Jimin could sit up finally, hands covering his exposed body as he looked around. The tent was ripped apart and the man was beneath a huge black wolf, its jaws cutting the hunter’s head off.

Jimin knew it was Jeongguk, he knew his mate heard him and came to save him. He stumbled towards him, face stained with tears and  feeling weak. Jeongguk turned around and whined at the sight of his mate, nuzzling his chest as Jimin tried to hug him but he was still in shackles.

“You found me.” Jimin whispered, sobbing as his knees buckled and he was soon lying with Jeongguk curled around him. Jeongguk the wounds on his body, trying his best to clean him, even smelling and nipping at the shackles but Jimin shook his head.

“Let’s go home. Please.” Jimin wiped his tears away and stood up, not even glancing at the body a few steps away from him. Jeongguk served as support to him, he leaned on the wolf that was the same height as him. He dressed his pants, finding keys beside them. He unlocked the shackles and threw the chains away before swinging his foot over Jeongguk’s back. He held tightly, Jeongguk would’ve minded but he could feel it; Jimin’s fear. It was starting to choke both of them.

He passed by Taehyung and Yoongi. Both of them were crying, Yoongi was holding Taehyung tight, nosing against the mark on Taehyung’s neck. Everything Yoongi was holding himself back from doing in front of other wolves came to the surface at that moment. Taehyung quietly cried, big, fat tears rolling down his cheeks as he told something to Yoongi.

Jeongguk watched the omegas eating and drinking, there were only women and pups, no signs of alphas. Jeongguk glanced at Jimin who was still holding him tightly and his eyes were wide opened.







Jeongguk washed and dresses Jimin in his clothes after he brought him home. He cuddled him on the couch after starting the fire. He brought the furs from the bed room and covered both of them. Jeongguk listened to him cry, he only held him closer, kissing the mark on his neck. Jimin sobbed, hugging Jeongguk and lying on top of him. Jeongguk didn’t speak, only closing his eyes and trying not to think of how the roses smelled of ashes.

He was back, Jeongguk sighed mentally, trying to relax his mind but everything that happened flashed in front of his eyes once more.

It became hard to swallow the spit in his mouth, it became harder to breathe and Jimin’s weight wasn’t the reason. Jeongguk tangled his fingers in Jimin’s hair, covering his head as he remembered the fear of losing him, of possibilities there were of never seeing him again. He couldn’t hold back the whine, the sob or the cry.

“I’m so sorry Jimin. I am so, so sorry.” Jeongguk kissed the top of Jimin’s head, his lips lingering on the locks. He remembered the fear Jimin felt, the fear and hope that Jeongguk wouldn’t make it and save him and then the fear of being touched by that filthy animal.

Jimin raised his head, cheeks wet as he lifted himself to kiss Jeongguk’s lips he missed so much. Jimin moved up to nuzzle Jeongguk’s neck and he closed his eyes for a moment.

“I love you Jeonggukie.” Jimin whispered. “I love you so much. Please... please hold me tighter.” Jimin trembled as he started to cry again, not believing what had happened to him. He could not believe humans were capable of doing such things. And he lived with someone he called monster.

Humans had no idea where monsters were.








Yoongi rocked forth and back as Taehyung closed his eyes, blinking the last bits of tears away. “I don’t want to see a human again in my life.” Taehyung whispered, inhaling Yoongi’s scent like it was drug.

Yoongi nodded. “I’ll probably end up killing someone.”

Taehyung would’ve laughed. But Taehyung couldn’t laugh, and Yoongi wasn’t joking.

Taehyung moved back, making Yoongi stop rocking and look at him. Taehyung’s lip trembled.

The omegas were taken care of by the pack, Bom, Lisa, Jisoo  and other betas from the pack helped to treat them. Bom cried some more, Hyuna had to hold Minhyuk back when he smelled his mother. It was chaotic for a moment but things calmed down – Bom took care of Dara first to ease her conscious then put Minhyuk to sleep and carried him away.

Taehyung looked at his hands that were resting in his lap. “He hurt me so much.”  Yoongi growled, wrapping his arms around the boy and pulling him close, nipping at the bite mark. Taehyung breathed in the beautiful scent of green apples, his body going slack as the scent became heavier. Taehyung smiled because he knew Yoongi was releasing the scent to calm his mate down.



“I want pups.”


Yoongi stayed quiet. Taehyung waited, staring at the vase with withered daisies. He had to throw those away before Yoongi gave him another lesson about responsibility.


Taehyung’s eyes widened. He moved back again to look at his mate. “What?”

Yoongi smiled, taking Taehyung’s hands and staring at the bandages. “It was stupid of me for thinking we should wait. But right now I really think we shouldn’t because you’re not at your best and honestly neither am I.”

Taehyung nodded, pressing his lips against the tip Yoongi’s nose, another one on his cheek and a long one on his lips. He sighed, eyes closed and head tilted aside exposing his neck to his alpha. Yoongi smiled, pushing Taehyung back on the bed, his hand resting on his sides. When he giggled Yoongi nodded. “Right, I forgot.”

Taehyung laughed when Yoongi started to tickle him.







Jihyun’s eyes snapped open when the door slammed shut. He looked at Momo who was stumbling and cursing under her breath. “Momo?” He ran over to her and caught her before she could fall. Without much effort he carried her upstairs to her room.

“Jihyun?!” Minji watched with wide eyes as he carried the barely conscious woman, noticing bite marks and blood on her skin. “What happened to her!?”

“I don’t know! She came back like this!”

Minji ran back to her room to grab clean rags and ointment before she ran back to Jimin’s room. She pushed Jihyun away and sat down next to the woman who was gasping. “Go and bring me clean water! Hurry!” Jihyun obeyed, hesitant because there were a lot of questions Momo had to answer.

“Poor child.” Minji muttered, removing the hair strands on Momo’s face. The younger woman looked at Minji with tearful eyes. “I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry.” “Shh.” Minji shook her head. “It’s okay, you’re safe. It’s okay, Momo.”

Jihyun almost fell and spilt the water. Momo looked at him and her sobs became louder. “Forgive me! Please!” “What happened to her?” Jihyun panicked, watching as his mother soaked the rags in water and gently wiped the wounds on her arms.

“I have no idea. This looks like an animal attack. What were you doing in the forest, Momo?” Minji asked. Momo shook her head. “I’m sorry.” “For what? What did you do?”

Momo stared at Jihyun, her sobs quietening, her body calming. Jihyun thought she was dead, but she was still breathing. “Jimin.”







Jeongguk couldn’t see anything, it was pitch black but he could feel something. His stomach twisted in pain and fear while the mark on his neck burned. He winced, shifting a bit as if it would ease the pain and hearing a painful cry from his mate. Jeongguk’s eyes were wide opened and red, ready to murder.

Jimin was gasping, sloppily nipping on Jeongguk’s neck, leaving saliva all over it but Jeongguk couldn’t find it as anything but worrisome. “Jimin?” Jeongguk whispered, pulling him closer to his chest. Jimin sobbed, fingers digging in Jeongguk’s bicep. “What’s wrong?” Jeongguk’s lips brushed against Jimin’s ear, calming the omega down for a moment.

But Jimin remained silent, his sobs returning. Jeongguk sighed, wishing he could just pull the fear out of him. He’d love to tell Jimin he didn’t have to worry because they were home, but it was this home he was taken from. Like it was no protection at all.

Jeongguk closed his eyes and focused on everything he could feel Jimin feeling. All the fear and worry, the feeling of filth when that animal touched him – he pulled it all out.

Jimin whined, feeling breathless for a moment before relief washed over his tired body. He opened his eyes to see Jeongguk’s face scrunching in pain. “Jeongguk?” He cupped his face, sitting up and looking to see if he was hurt somewhere. Jeongguk groaned, following Jimin’s movement and leaning against him. “Jeongguk you’re scaring me.” Jimin panicked.

“I’m fine.” Jeongguk opened his eyes and smiled at Jimin. “You’re feeling better?”

Jimin opened his mouth to speak when he remembered he had a nightmare. There was a tingling sensation on his neck, precisely on the mark. “Yeah.” He muttered, unsure of what caused the feeling. He noticed the red freckles in Jeongguk’s eyes. “What happened to you?”

Jeongguk leaned back against the couch, heaving a sigh. Jimin pulled the furs and nested himself under Jeongguk’s arm, content with the feeling of protection it gave him.

“I’m just being a good mate. Hasn’t turned out to be successful.”

Jimin scoffed, nudging Jeongguk’s ribs. “You’re successful when it comes to being a good mate. I don’t want to talk about what happened. If you weren’t a good mate I’d still be here-“ Jimin almost choked on the tears that came before he could even think about holding them back.

Jeongguk kissed him, silencing the sobs. “Let’s go outside.”


Jeongguk watched the sky with Jimin lying in his arms, Jimin’s fingers drawing circles on Jeongguk’s chest right above his heart. “I was really worried about you.” Jimin muttered.


“What if you got caught? What if you got hurt? What if I lost you? But I wanted you to come. I wanted you to get me out of there because I had no idea who else could.”

“Jiminnie, no matter where you go, what happens I will always come to you. The pack is always there for you too. We’re all a family.”

“Family...” the word seemed to awaken something within Jimin. It made him think of Jihyun and his mom who were back at home, probably sleeping because the Sun was close to coming out. No, he was worried about them when he was captured. “I thought about Jihyun and mom when I was there.”

“You want to go back home tomorrow? The forest is safe now.” Jimin nodded before he closed his eyes and without troubles fell asleep.







Minji stared at Momo who was slowly eating her food. She glanced at the older woman, hoping she’d be uncomfortable with the eye contact but Minji stared intensely. “I’m waiting for the truth. What did you apologize for last night? Why did you apologize to Jihyun? Did you do something ill to him?”

Momo pushed the plate away and drank her water. She sighed, placing her hand over the bandages on her arm. “I am... a monster.”

Minji raised an eyebrow, having no idea what to think of. “What did you do?”

The girl bit the inside of her cheek and closed her eyes, feeling the tears coming. “I’m a wolf, Minji. I’m a rogue alpha.”

Minji’s eyes widened as she stared at her. “What?”

“I’ve destroyed many hunter groups hunting wolves. And there was one here. Until last night. The pack from the forest killed everyone but... I saw him there. I had no idea why he was there, they never brought humans before.” Momo cried.  Minji took her hand and held it tightly, eager to know who she was talking about. Jimin came to her head but she tried her best not to worry.

“Who? Who was there?”

“Jihyun’s brother Jimin. He was saved by his mate when I left. I’m so sorry Minji, I didn’t think Jimin would be caught!”

“How dare you!? My son!? Is he all right!? Was he hurt!?” Minji stood up, grabbing Momo’s shoulders, making her wince in pain. “His mate saved him and killed everyone. He’s safe. They’re all safe!”

Minji moved away from her and hurried out of the house. Momo ran after her. “Minji where are you going!?”  “Mom? Momo?” Jihyun appeared out of nowhere, carrying herbs in his hands.

Minji glared at him, disappointed in herself for not noticing who Momo really was. “You! You are coming with me!” Minji grabbed Momo’s hand and pulled her towards the gate. Jihyun dropped the herbs and ran over to them, noticing there were villagers watching them.

“Mom what the hell are you doing!?” Minji ripped her hand from his.

“I am taking her to take responsibility for what she had done! Move out of my way!” “Mom you should think-“ “-Jimin could’ve died! And she ran away because she was one of the people the pack was after! She is going to answer some questions!”







Jeongguk yawned before he opened his eyes. Jimin moved his head, pushing Jeongguk’s head aside to move closer to his neck. Jeongguk giggled before he could stop himself.

Jimin whined and patted his chest, probably wanted to hit him. “Don’t...” Jeongguk laughed loudly, moving more to climb on top of the younger boy and cup his cheeks. Placing a beautiful wake up kiss on his mate’s lips Jeongguk smiled when he moved away slightly. The same smile spread on Jimin’s lips before he opened his eyes.

“I wanted to say don’t move.”  “Well you’re glad I did.”  “Yes, but I’ll be even happier-“ Jimin grabbed Jeongguk’s shoulders, pulled him aside and sat on his stomach, their positions reverted. “-If you cuddle me.”

“You know what’d make me happy?” Jeongguk raised an eyebrow, his hands sliding beneath Jimin’s shirt. Jimin giggled. With a nod the younger boy leaned down and kissed him, cupping his cheeks. Jeongguk bit Jimin’s lower lip, making Jimin gasp. Jeongguk sat up with him in his lap, hands moving behind and gripping Jimin’s .

“You have a beautiful , Jimin.” Jimin laughed, throwing his head back as he had never received the comment before. “I’m serious-“ Jeongguk stopped to knead the soft meat, eyes rolling to the back of his head as he found pleasure in doing it. “-have you ever seen or touched your ?”

“No.” Jimin giggled, leaning down and nipping on the mating bite. Jeongguk’s eyes fluttered shut at the sensitivity his neck had when it came to Jimin’s mouth. Jimin stopped moving when Jeongguk’s hands pushed his pants down. Jeongguk also stopped moving because a terrible feeling flew through him.

Coming through the bond.

From Jimin.

Jeongguk quickly pulled his hands away and hugged the boy. Jimin remained motionless. Jeongguk kissed his neck. Jimin tilted his head aside, body relaxing when he realized he was being touched by his mate.

“Jiminnie.” Jimin looked up at him. Jeongguk smiled. “I know we’ve known each other for a moons but I also know you’re closer to my than my own father is. I know I’m closer to you too. Whatever happens, whenever it happens, whoever does it – you always come to me. Because I’ll always come to you. I can find you no matter where you go, no matter what stands between us. You can feel it, right? The honesty behind my words. Right?”

Jimin nodded, eyes glittering and hand covering his mouth. “Yes, I feel it.”

“The bonfire will have to be delayed for a bit but when the moon comes you will be the happiest one among us. You know why?”

“Because I have the most wonderful mate who’s also an idiot?”

The two of them laughed. Jeongguk nodded after awhile. “Yes and yes. But also because there’s nothing to be sad about. I... I’m sorry.”

Jimin’s eyebrows furrowed. “Don’t apologize Jeongguk-“  “-No, you’ll kill me after I tell you this.”

Jimin’s eyes widened as he anticipated something bad. Jeongguk looked guilty but not Jimin felt that it wasn’t anything bad. He could feel happiness behind the guilt.

“You smell different.”

Jimin was quiet for a moment. He raised his arms and sniffed his armpits, already feeling ashamed. Jeongguk laughed. “No! I didn’t mean it that way! I meant you scent!” Jimin laughed along, embarrassed that he sniffed himself in front of someone.

“Is that supposed to mean something? Maybe I’m coming down with something.”

Jeongguk slowly shook his head, wrapping his hands around Jimin’s. “Jimin remember-“

“Jimin! Jeongguk!”


Jimin felt his heart leap out of his chest when he heard his mother’s voice. Jeongguk was confused. “Your mother came?” Jimin jumped off the bed and ran downstairs. Jeongguk followed after him, trying to remember if the woman told him she’d be visiting but she was sick – shouldn’t she be resting?

Jeongguk gasped at a feeling that made him trip and hit the wall. He ran down the stairs with wide eyes, calming down when he saw Jimin standing in front of the door. He wrapped his arm around his waist and pulled him to his side, hoping his scent would calm him down. But Jimin seemed too afraid to even notice the scent.

Jeongguk looked at Minji and Jihyun standing between Jimin and Momo, the one Jeongguk was suspicious about. Minji was crying, holding Momo’s wrist. “Jiminnie.” Minji cried. “You’re safe.”

Jimin didn’t seem to hear her. Jeongguk looked at him, trying to see what was it that frightened him so much. Minji tugged Momo and the girl tripped as she stood in front of Jimin, arm bandaged and eyes full of tears. As she looked up at Jimin the boy turned away and hugged Jeongguk, a fearful cry escaping his lips. Jeongguk growled, staggering back to get him away from the one he thought was dangerous.

“Stay away!” Jeongguk growled, eyes bright red. He was taken aback when red flashed in Momo’s eyes.

“I’m... I’m sorry about what happened, Jimin. But I’m not a hunter.” Momo glanced at Jihyun who was confused with the situation. “I’ve been infiltrating hunter groups for five years now and they’ve ceased to exist.”

Momo jumped when wolves jumped down in around her, circling her. “What is this?” Junghyun appeared, warily eyeing Momo before looking at Minji and Jihyun. He smiled at the familiar woman. “Minji.”

The woman nodded, swallowing back her tears when she remembered all the times she had seen Junghyun with Youngjae by his side.

“Jeongguk? What’s going on? Why is there an alpha here?” Junghyun stood between the two. Jeongguk glared at her before crouching down in front of Jimin, his eyes glimmering with worry. “Jiminnie? Hey, it’s okay. I’m here. What did I tell you a moment ago?”

Jimin shook his head, pulling Jeongguk closer in hopes his scent would help him forget about that place. “Shh.” Jeongguk kissed his temple and hugged him. “You should go before I do something. Jimin’s family is welcome here. You can leave.”

Jeongguk turned away and slammed the door shut.

Momo fell on her knees, realizing how weak she felt when Jimin was no longer in sight. Jihyun was beside her, arms wrapped around her and glaring at the wolves around them. Minji walked over to Junghyun, hugging him tightly.

“Hey.” Junghyun muttered. Minji nodded. “It’s been so long.”

“You should’ve visited. I had no idea you had pups.” Junghyun said, glancing at Jihyun who was helping Momo stand. Minji nodded. “Yeah.” “Stay for supper. We can catch up.”

Minji looked at Jihyun. He shook his head and helped Momo walk, leaving the pack. “Jihyun!” “I’ll be at home!”

Minji looked heartbroken. She couldn’t believe her son picked someone over her. It was something she never thought would happen. “Mom...” Jihyun glanced at her before looking at the wolves. He looked at her again and smiled. “Don’t be home late.”


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Chapter 5: I, usually, have a hard time leaving a comment, because I just don't know what to write but I feel the need to left a comment for your story because I trully, really enjoyed it!!
I like this type of stories, but I was captivated by this one!!
Good Job !!!
MoChuJiKook #2
Chapter 5: OMG SUPER DUPER GREAT I really like it
I can't wait to read this one XD
D description tells me its gonna be good