Step 2 - Being lovers

I dare you

After Chanyeol sent off Baekhyun to his bus station he came back home. He felt tired and nauseous, and all he wanted was to just lie down in his bed. He took a shower and went straight to bed too tired to eat. He heard his phone ring.


Baek :3 < 01:47 >

Got home safely. See you on monday! < peace sign >


Chanyeol stood up in his bed. He passed with his hand throug his hair and pulled it a little bit. He trew away his phone on the other side of the bed and screamed in his pillow. Why was everything so hard for him? Other kids always had friends, he was alone. Other kids always had parents by their side, he was alone. Other kids had siblings, he was alone.

The thing  that gave him friends, his parent's attention was just one thing, dares. Stupid dares he did over and over just to beat his loneliness. Yes, he did get friends later, real friends he knew he can count on but there was still a part of him that was scared that they may left him. So he continued with dares. They gave him security he always craved for, they were more than just dares. No mater how dangerous or crazy they were, he felt the best when he did them.

Now, thing that save him from self misery was the thing that blocked him. He knew that if he wants Baekhyun he needs to stop with dares. Not just this one, this once, but forever. If he ever manage to tell Baekhyun the truth in the first place. And if Baekhyun ever forgive him.

Chanyeol reach to the other side of the bed and took his phone.


Chan :D < 01:52 >

I'm glad! I just took a shower. Sleep well Baekki ~


He's screwed. In more ways than one.




After he woke up with a headache, barely getting any sleep the night before Chanyeol was in a very bad mood. The day was boring and gray, it was raining hard. It mached Chanyeol's feeling good though.  Everyone was finishing their weekend homework and studing, witch of course wasn't the case with Chanyeol since he had other things to think about, and math wasn't one of them. He felt like he was going crazy. He needed to talk to someone. He couldn't get in touch with Jongin or Sehun and he didn't really know what to do with himself.

Chanyeol is a friendly person and he has a lot of friends, quite different from when he was younger, but he couldn't just call any of them. His neighbour, Minseok, with whom he watched socker games every Sunday ever since he had moved, left the country and went to China to work with his boyfriend Luhan. He's never there when Chanyeol needs him, dullard. His other friend Kris was busy with his college assigments and the only person left was Yixing. Which was both, perfect and scary as hell. Still, Chanyeol didn't have much choice, even if he knew that he's going to get scolded by Yixing for doing dares he knew that his Hyung can help him do the right thing.

He called him up.


"Hey, hyung! Are you up for some trouble?" , Chanyeol tried to sound as cheerfull as possible,

"Hey Chanyeol. I missed you too."

"Hyung, I'm soooo bored right now. Do you want to meet up at the cafe so I can complain what asses Sehun and Jongin are?"

"Well...I'm in the animal centre now but I'll finish here in an hour. Can we meet up then?"

"Sounds okay. But, why are you there again? Those people are using you I swear!"

"It's okay Chanyeol-ah. I love animals. I'll see you later."

"Okay hyung. Please don't overwork yourself. Bye"



He did well. He's good at playing cool, so until he become brave, he will be cool.




Yixing was probably only person, beside grown ups, that didn't like Chanyeol doing dares. He was always overprotective towards younger ones, acting like a mom, always trying to keep them safe. Yixing was Minseok's friend at first, but when Yixing introduced his friend Luhan to Minseok things changed. The boys started dating pretty fast after they met and somehow Yixing was excluded from their dates. Not because they didn't allow him to hang out with them but because he was grossed out. He then started hanging out with a year younger, always around them, too energized Chanyeol. They went to the same high school but they really started hanging out after Minhan 'incident'. Their love for music brought them even closer together.


Chanyeol and Yixing met at the coffee shop nearby Yixing's college. It was a small shop with nice and cozy atmosphere, it had quotes written over the walls and flower pots on the table. Boys made their orders and started catching up with each other. They haven't seen each other since the summer break two months ago. Yixing talked about how great his second year on coledge is, how he just love animals and how he can't wait to graduate. Chanyeol talked  about how Jongin and Sehun annoys him more and more and how he can't wait to run away from them. Of course, he didn't mean any of that, he woud probably die if he doesn't see them for more than a week. He will also cry his eyes out on graduation day, but it's easier for him to pretend that he doesn't care than to cry even before he leaves.

Chanyeol wanted to ask Yixing about what to do, he wanted to tell him everything but he just didn't know how to start. For some reason Yixing was oblivious to his misery and contined with talking about he's new favorite band. After some time Yixing realised that Chanyeol is not really keeping up with him but rather lost in his mind.

"Is everything okay Chanyeollie? You seem a bit out of it." , asked Yixing worried for his younger friend.

"Well...I don't know. I just have some troubles lately.."

"What is it? You know you can tell me anything. Is someone bothering you?"

Well someone certanly does bother me but not in the way Yixing thinks.

"No, it's just...Well, there is this boy..." , Chanyeol blushed slightly at the tought of Baekhyun.

"Oh! Boy?! You have a crush on him? Are you going to date him? OMG! That's great what's the problem in that??" , Yixing was all excited since this was the first time ever that Chanyeol liked someone that way. All worry from his face disappeared and he looked at Chanyeol with awaiting.

"Well...problem is that he' dare." , said Chanyeol quietly wanting to disappear into the thin air.

"He's your what?! You're still doing that Chanyeol? Why...How did all that happen?" , Chanyeol asked himself why is he doing this. Asking Yixing for help, even if he knew how the older one will react, was blade with two edges.

"W-well," , Chanyeol swalowed thick "It's not me , Jongin made me do it. Besides that's not the point now." , Yixing just sighed. 

"Can you explain it better? Start from the begining."

And so Chanyeol did. He told Yixing everything, how Baekhyun was really bitter about him trying to befriend Baekhyun, how he relaxed with time, how smart and seet Baekhyun is, how he acts cute without realising it, how they started hanging out more and more with time, how funny baek became and how Chanyeol forgot all about the dare. He told him that he fell in love with Baekhyun slowly, without even realising it and how everything could be destroyed now, when he actually realised it. At the end he told him what the real problem was.

"Hyung, he asked me out. If I date him now I would fell really bad because I will always thing about that as a dare and if I don't we may never be even friends. Hyung he's the type of person that hardly talk about how he really feels and he confested to me! Do you know what that means? That he really likes me! How can I just say no? Also, if I say ' yes ' to him, before that I will have to explain him all about the dare and he may hate me for that. You know what more? If he actually forgives me I'll have to stop with dares, because what kind of would I be if I continue with it."

"Chanyeol calm down." , Yixing told him and took his hand to calm red and too emotional Chanyeol. He stayed quiet the whole time and paitiently waited for Chanyeol to finish. Chanyeol started breathing and looked at Yixing after calming down.

"Hyung, what should I do?"

Yixing still held his hand. He started to thing, he knew that Chanyeol made things sound more complicated than they were so he smiled at the younger boy softly.

"Chanyeol, the answer is simple."

"It is?"

"Yes, you just need to follow your heart." , he said and chuckled a little.

Follow my heart? What the hell? How is that done?

"Hyung I need you to tell me what to choose not to make me think." , Chanyeol said a little disappointed by the answe.

"I am telling you Chanyeol. Tell me would you be happier to be with Baekhyun, have fun with him or do dares? I know that dares are special to you but you're not a kid anymore. You need to start with thinking and stop putting yourself into dangerous situations."

Chanyeol stayed silent. He knew that Yixing was right and that he needs to let go of his past and starts believing in himself. But it was too scary to think that someone may leave him because he won't be the 'do-anything-Chanyeol' , that he won't be himself.

"Besides Baekhyun may won't even accept you. Or if he does he may won't mind you doing dares."

Yeah, like things like that happen. Does he really care about the dares that much? Is Baekhyun more important? He has another night to think about that. He can't avoid it forever. Or at all, that's everything he thinks about.




Monday morning is always the worst time in the week, but for Chanyeol, today is even worse than for the rest of high-schoolers. Sehun texted him asking when will he finally do the dare but Chanyeol ignored it. He ignored everything and everyone and just wanted to go back to bed and sleeps forever, since he alreday didn't the whole weekend. He would come in class right after the bell and come out just before it so that he could avoid Baekhyun. He was lost in thoughts the whole morning. He didn't go to lunch and Baekhyun texted him asking where is he, Chanyeol just said he was busy so Baekhyun let go. Chanyeol didn't go to the afternoon classes instead he went to the park he went the other night with Baekhyun.

The answer was easy, Chanyeol knew it, he knew what he wants. The trust is the problem, he didn't trust in himself enough. He will maybe choose Baekhyun and he will maybe stop with dares but will Baekhyun still like him? He won't be the same since dares are big part of him, not just Baekhyun, what if everyone stops liking him?

Scared, he was scared. But he should do what Yixing told him. He should do what is normal to do, he should trust his heart to do the right thing. He will be brave, even if it backfires him, he will for once do the thing he wants to do and not what others dare him to.

He will trust.

Even if he can't trust in himself, he can at least trust Baekhyun?

Chanyeol sent text to Jongin.

You won. Congrats. ;)




Chanyeol texted Baekhyun to come to the park after school. He was nervous and his palms were sweaty but he had to do this. It was know or never.

"Hey!" , Baekhyun said and sat next to Chanyeol which made the younger one even more nervous.

"Wow, it's even more beautiful here now." , said Baekhyun and smiled brightly. A pang hit Chanyeol's heart and he wanted to punch himself for even doubing his decision this much.

"Baek I need to tell you something important." , he started slowly, quietly.

"Oh, have you decided already?" , Baekhyun looked at him a bit surprised althoug Chanyeol didn't know why really and he really didn't care since he had to tell something to him.

"Ugh, this is really hard but.."

"Are you going to reject me?" , asked Baekhyun.

"No, what I wanted was.."

"Oh my god I'm going to be rejected by Park Chanyeol. How will people look at me now." , Baekhyun said sarcasticlly. Chanyeol smiled a little when he realised that Baekhyun just wanted to calm him a little, he must have looked too nervous. Baekhyun probably touhgt that Chanyeol will really reject him since he was nervous and wanted to tell him that that would be okay even if that wasn't actually the case. Chanyeol then hurried to tell him everything, he became more confident by looking at Baekhyun and he wanted him to know Chanyeol's real feelings too.

"I like you Baekhyun, I like you so much that I don't know what to do with myself. I can't stop thinking about you and how perfect you are." , Baekhyun wanted to say something but Chanyeol put his index finger on Baekhyun's lips stoping him. "But Baekhyun, you need to know everything about us, me and this relationship before it becomes something more. If it becomes something more."

Chanyeol huffed and tried to tell Baekhyun everything in one breath.

"Baek, you were actually my dare. I was never supposed to fall in love with you but I did. I was supposed to date you, make you like me and then dump you. Jongin even offered me money and I accepted the dare. At the beginig everything was okay but eventually my heart started beatting fast when I was around you and I didn't know what was going on and then I realised that I'm in love with you and then it was hard. I really am in love with you, and the dare and everything. I just want you."

Chanyeol removed his finger from Baekhyun's lips and waited for the smaller one to say something. But he didn't, he just looked at Chanyeol, poker faced.

"Hey Baek! Say something." , Chanyeol waved in front of Baekhyun's face. "Oh my god, I broke him. Are you broken? Completely sad and hurt and want to punch me in the face? Punch me! Please do something just don't stay silent. Baekhyun I'm so sorry, if I could I would turn time and never used you but I can't. The only thing I can do is beg you for forgivnes. I will never again do dares! I don't expect you to date me but I hope we can at least be friends, I don't think I can live without you anymore..."

"This is slowly turning into proposal." , just said Baek, blank faced, still looking at Chanyeol.

Chanyeol stopped talking. He was lowkey scared of this kind of emotionless Baekhyun, but Chanyeol wasn't really brave to begin with. He had hope know thoug, since Baekhyun was still in front of him, that ment that he had something to say.

"Chanyeol" , started Baekhyun and looked away from Chanyeol. " I don't know what to do about this. You really hurted me now. I think I will have to colect the parts of my heart for eternaty."

"Oh my God, Baekhyun I'm so sorry. I deserve to die. Please just let me drown in this lake." , Chanyeol's eyes started tearing and he started walking towards lake but was stoped by Baekhyun's laugh and hand on his upper arm.

"Chanyeol...hahah..Do you really think I didn't know about that?" , asked Baekhyun still laughing. Chanyeol was confused.

"W-what?" , Chanyeol was on the edge of tears.

"I knew about the dare, about the bet, everything." ,said Baekhyun and smiled.

"B-but how? Since when?" , Chanyeol sat back on bench in disbelif.

"Jongdae, my friend, overheard you and Jongin tallking and told me everything. I knew from the beginig." , Baekhyun said and held the back of his neck somehow feeling bad for that even if he should feel anything but.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Well...I don't know, at first I just wanted to ignore you and thought you would go away. Then I wanted to just make fun of you, do something, revenge, but at the end I just fell for you." , said Baekhyun finally looking at Chanyeol. Saying everything like he didn't have a choice and just accepted the fact that he likes Chanyeol. Chanyeol admired him for that. Baekhyun was brave enough to ask Chanyeol to date him even if he didn't know how Chanyeol really felt about him. He was ready to give his heart to Chanyeol knowing that it may be broken. He trusted in Chanyeol despite that.

"And you still wanted to date me?" , asked Chanyeol in disbelif and affection.

"Well it's not my fault that you are funny, nice, caring giant that is too clumsy and too good-looking for his own good. And that my heart is melting whenever I see you." , a blush creeped on Baekhyun's cheeks and he looked away again. Chanyeol realised that Baekhyun keeps his blank face whenever he feels embarrassed so he smiled a little. Chanyeol kissed Baekhyun's red cheek.

"You're the most amazing person that I've ever met. You're cute and lovely and also hot as . Your personality is so interesting that I can listen to you and look at you and I would never get bored. And I also like you, so so much that I might die." , Chanyeol smiled happily. Red now all over  his face and ears Baekhyun looked at Chanyeol.

"I think we need to clarify our relationship." ,Baekhyun now smirked, grabed back of Chanyeol's neck and kissed him fully on the lips. Chanyeol was caught by surprise so when he finally returned kiss Baekhyun smiled. They kissed for a few seconds more and relised to catch a breath all red in face, foreheads touching.

"I think everything is clear now." , said Baekhyun smiling.

"Well there's this one thing."

"What is it?"

"Who the hell is Jongdae?"




"So you're like togheter now?" , asked Sehun standing up from lying next to Jongin. They were in Jongin's room playing games when Chanyeol came to give Jongin money he promised him and to tell boys about his knew boyfriend. They were really surprised to hear that they actually liked each other for real. They were just brats so that was kind of expected from them.

"Yup, that's literally what I just said." , said Chanyeol trowing a pillow at Sehun.

"Are you going to stop with dares if he asks you?" , asked Sehun. Chanyeol thought about that and he realised that he doesn't really care about dares anymore. Baekhyun's bravery showed him that he himself should be brave and leave whatever bothers him. He decided that from now on he would find excitement and adrenaline in other thing. He doesn't need to move on from dares, he will just shape them into something better.

"I will." , he said not feeling a bit sad. Boys stayed quiet for a little. Even if younger ones didn't really know why Chanyeol was so obsessed with dares they knew that they were important for him. The silence was broken by Jongin.

"So you like kiss and hold hands with Baekhyun-hyung now?" 

"Yeah." , Chanyeol smiled.

"Groooss." , said Jongin and Sehun at the same time. " Poor Baekhyun-hyung, he has to touch you and kiss you. Oh my god I want to trow up just by thinking about it." ,said Sehun.

"Yeah, Baek-hyung deserves someone way better than you, he is so cute and nice and you're just disgusting." , added Jongin and then high fived Sehun and they both said "Yeah."

"I should really find the better friends." , said Chanyeol and stood up to go out.

"Chanyeol-hyung." , Sehun called. Chanyeol turend and looked at the boys. They looked at each other and Jongin said, without looking at Chanyeol.

"We are happy for you though." 

Chanyeol smiled. They may were brats but he still loved them dearly.




"Chanyeol were are we going?" ,asked blinded Baekhyun, following Chanyeol by holding his hand.

"Just a little more, we're almost there." , answered Chanyeol and picked up Baekhyun bridal style. Baekhyun yelped but Chanyeol just said " It'll be faster this way."

When they reached the destination Chanyeol put down Baekhyun and told him to take off the blindfold. Baekhyun did and what he saw made his breath stop. The bench in front of the lake was decorated with lights, in front of it there was a small table with a candles and roses on it, there was food on it too. Everything looked so romantic and it became even more when Chanyeol some slow music.

"Chanyeol this is so beautiful. Did you do this by yourself?" , said Baekhyun still dumbfounded.

"I'm glad you like it. This is all for you. And, maybe Jongin and Sehun helped a bit, but the idea was all mine." , Chanyeol smiled and offered Baekhyun a hand. "Do you wanna dance?"

Baekhyun smiled and took Chanyeol's hand. Chanyeol's hands were holding Baekhyun waist while they were slowly rocking back and forth. Baekhyun looked beautiful, his eyes were shining with love and he couldn't stop smiling. Chanyeol was grateful for whoever was wathing out there for the person he held in his arms. The person he didn't deserve but was beautiful enough to accept him. Help him become brave.

"You know, I'm really sorry about everything." , said Chanyeol, guilt written all over his face.

"Shh, don't talk about that." , Baekhyun kissed his chin since he was too short to kiss anything higher. Chanyeol smiled.

"You know, you're my hero. I really love you." Chanyeol kissed Baekhyun lips shyly, still not used to touching Baekhyun.

"I love you too." , Baekhyun smiled. He grabed Chanyeol's chin, pulled him down and kissed him hungrily. He deepened their kiss when Chanyeol opend his mouth a little. He explored Chanyeol's mouth with his tongue until he lost his breath. When he finally let go of him, Baekhyun noticed how dizzy he feels. He felt hot and noticed that Chanyeol is as red as potato. Baekhyun liked that. He knew how great he felt and was glad that Chanyeol is feeling the same way, and that it's his fault for that. Baekhyun smirked.

"But, I think things in this relationship will have to go faster."





So, this was second and last chapter. I already said that this will have two or three chapters but I still feel like something is missing. I still hope you liked it.

Thanks for everyone who read and commented on this, I'm unimaginably thankfull. As I said before this was my first fic but I have a lot of ideas for more, so I hope that in the futre, if I ever give myself a chance, you will read my fics again. I will try to fix my bad sides and mature a little.

Please love Chanyeol even if he is an idiot here, and Baekhyun is litteraly an angel so...You probably love him already. Sorry if this was unrealistic or stupid but once again, this is my first fic.

I love all of you and I hope I will see you again in my future works! Thank you too the moon and back.


This is unedited, sorry for all misspeld words.

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Beau1996 1391 streak #1
Chapter 2: Sneaky Jongdae had it figured out but those two goofballs were cute and fluffy!
Phoepe #2
Chapter 2: oh my gosh i'm squealing into my pillow first thing in the morning ....... that was inhumanly cute thank you soooo much for the update
_Jennie_ #3
Chapter 2: Ahhhh so cute I love it
Chapter 1: Can't wait to see what happens next
I like the plot of story
ilovesuhoandchorong #5
Chapter 1: I like this already. XOXO
My kind of au ?
Well, I posted this by accident and was like 'oh whatever, I'll just write' but don't worry, I prefer happy endings. :) <333
By the way, this is my first fic so thank you for being the first person to comment and notice this, I'm very grateful.
_Jennie_ #8
Sorry for the "?" it is suposed to be smiley
_Jennie_ #9
I trust you with this fic???don't make it sad please❤️❣️❣️??