Step 1 - Being friends

I dare you

"I dare you to date him!" ,said Jongin proud on himself for finding a person he's sure Chanyeol won't like and will have to reject the dare. His friend would always accept dares no matter how crazy and dangerous they are so Jongin alway tried to check Chanyeol's limits. He was sure that this time the taller one would reject because he made him date a boy. Not just any boy but a neardy Byun Baekhyun.

"Okay." , Chanyeol said bluntly. Chanyeol didn't have a problem with dating boys especially if it's because of a dare. He was also sure that he was biual but he never really bothered to mention that. He actually loved dares that much that he didn't really have time to date. The crazier dare was the more excided Chanyeol was, it made chil run down his spine and his adrenalin rush. He felt alive, something that to others was falling in love.

"Wait seriously? You'll date Byun Baekhyun? The biggest nerd in school, the loner? Since when is that your type?" , Jongin asked confused with his friend's decidion. I mean, Jongin tried so hard to think about the dare, to make it hard and make Chanyeol at least consider saying 'No'. Also, just dating someone out of the blue was surely not easy task.

"Yeah." Which wasn't bothering Chanyeol obviously. Being the little he is, Jongin still tried to get something out of this situation.

"So, what you say we make a bet too?" , Jongin smrked evilly. He knew Chanyeol wouldn't like the idea but he knew how to convice his friend.

"Excuse me? You want money? Betting on person?" , Chanyeol actually sounded offended by his friends proposal.

"Why not? If you date him for a month I'll give you 50$ . " 

"I don't know...Isn't that a little..."

"I dare you Chanyeol!" , Jongin took out the 'dare' card and Chanyeol couldn't think anymore. All offendedness trown out of the window.

"I accept!" , Chanyeol said. Jongin smrked again, there was no way that Chanyeol will stand that pipsqueak for more than a week. Baekhyun was known for being cool and neardy but also for hating moving around too much. On the other hand, Chanyeol loved being hyperactive, he wasn't really smart but he wasn't stupid also. Just an overgrown, warm-harted idiot. Still, they are too different to be together. So, Jongin will be the one getting  money. He needed a new keybord anyway.


Boys didn't realise that next to them stood a skinny student ready to mess up their plans.



Chanyeol wasn't sure how to approach the small boy. He wasn't really a person that was approached a lot and he also rearly approached someone else since all he did for his eighteen years was doing dares. He, Jongin and Sehun would always just have fun and never really care much about their love lives. He knew he was bi but he didn't know if Baekhyun was or would he experiment if he's not. Also, Baekhyun isn't just some person you can meet at the club and do him in the bathroom, maybe call him next day. No, Baekhyun was his schoolmate and he felt very awkward about that fact. Since Jongin didn't really gave him a time limit for when he should start dating he decided to start of with Baekhyun as a friend. There is nothing better from friends growing into lovers, in Chanyeol's opinion that's the story with the best outcome.

The next day, Chanyeol decided to sit with Baekhyun at lunch and try to befriend him. It wasn't that easy though. He could see his friends at their usual table giggling and lowkey mocking him for standing in the middle of cafeteria searching for Baekhyun with his big eyes and not really seeing him even thoug he's the tallest person in the whole school. He never really noticed the small one near him, he saw him once or twice in the hallway and that was it. Althoug he knew him for his famous 'nerd' title and his cool but cute personality. At least that's a little info Sehun gave him. He wasn't really sure why Jongin chose Baekhyun in the first place. 

He finally found the small one sitting by himself, sheltered between two walls and tables and crowds of people. You probablly wouldn't notice him if you weren't looking for him and even then it would be hard because how small he looked.

Chanyeol slowly made his way to the table at the back not once looking away from Baekhyun afraid that he'll somehow disappear. When he finally reached the table he sat harshly and asked

"Is this seat taken?" , he smiled brightly, all teath shown. Chanyeol was, most of the time friendly person so this was the best he could do. Baekhyun looked up from the book and looked lazily at him then returned to his History book. Chanyeol pouted a little because he was ignored but cheered up right away.

"I guess that that means no." , he smiled again even though Baekhyun didn't pay attention to him. "So, what are you reading? Is it interesting?" , Chanyeol contiued.

Baekhyun looked up and raised his eyebrows together with his history book. Chanyeol was oblivious to Baekhyun's Does this look interesting to you? look.

"Oh, I guess you like that kind of thing. It suits you though."

"What do you want Chanyeol?" , Bakehyun took off his glasses and held his nose bridge. He was clearly annoyed that some giant was disturbing his peace and studing and eating and just wanted him to leave him alone so he can learn something before his history teacher once again ask him to teach the lession because she's too lazy to do that herself.

"Wow, you know who I am?" , was everythin Chanyeol said, amazed, his smile somehow growing even wider. Baekhyun though mentally facepalmed himself for having to deal with the idiot in front of him, wondering if Chanyeol is just pretending not to notice Baekhyun's frustration.

"Yes, yes I do.And that's probabbly because we have almost every class together and you always make noise and you are as big as the soliter and always do stupid things and annoying me." , Baekhyun said in one breath, like he wanted to drop a weight from his shoulders. Even if he didn't know why the taller one did that, he was actually glad that Chanyeol sat with him so he can finally tell what bothered him all these years.

"Wow, you know so much about me that I feel bad for only knowing your title and appereantly cool but cute personality.. Does this make us friends. I mean we sould be." , Baekhun started picking up his plates and his book not wanting to deal with Chanyeol anymore.

"Yeah, I don't think so, Goodbye Chanyeol."

"I guess that means I'll see you later, friend." Chanyeol continued his meal happily. It was better than he expected.

I got him. He will be head over heals for me soon.



Next class Chanyeol had was history. He would always sleep on history since all those years and names make Chanyeol's head hurts. Today though, since he knew that his knew brown haird friend will be on this class he was actually glad to be in class. So glad that he was the first one to enter the classroom. He sat on his usual seat, third desk by the window, and chearfully humed. This dare was different from the others, it involved another person, and it didn't make his blood go faster , he could feel itching on his skin. Like when you ride a roller coaster, and you  are climbing up, finally reaching the top and waiting for it to come down but it doesn't. You just stand there, waiting for it to happen, not knowing when or if it's actually going to happen, you just wait, swallowing screams of excitment and changing them for shorth breaths.

Chanyeol forgot about his desire to ride a roller coaster once a small boy came in with the rest of the class. He could clearly see how surprised Baekhyun was when he saw Chanyeol, but his face fast came back to the usual blank self. Baekhyun sat in front of Chanyeol, now Chanyeol was surprised one.

"You always sit there?" , asked Chanyeol. Baekhyun ignored him at first but when Chanyeol started poking his ribs with his pen he turned and faced him.

"Yes, I always sit here. I've been sitting here since the first year of highschool. Nice you noticed." , ended Baek sarcasticly.

"I've been sitting here too. Wow, we must be solemates or something."  said Chanyeol grinning stupidly.

"What does...? How do you..? Are you stupid or something?" , Baekhyun really didn't understand this Park Chanyeol. What the hell was he tallking about and why is he annoying him and when is he going to stop?

"Hey, that's not nice. I'm not stupid, I just trust my heart more than I trust my brain. And my heart says that this, us sitting next to each other, means that we're solemates" , Chanyeol explained happily.

"Yeah? Dose that means that the person next to me and in front of me are my solemates too? "

"No, just me."

"And why is that?" , Baekhyun seriously didn't now why he was even talking to Chanyeol and why is he actually answering to his craziness. Still, when Chanyeol waved him to come closer so he can whisper him the answer, Baekhyun did.

"Because they are not trying to seduce you and I am." ,Chanyeol whispered softly.

Baekhyun was disturbed by Chanyeol's breath warming his ear so he didn't realise what the younger one told him until Chanyeol sat back to his chair. When Baek understood what was happening he blushed a little but then he started laughing. He didn't know if he ever laughed as hard as he did then, and seeing Chanyeol's confussed look made him laugh even harder. Teacher finally came, running late once again, so Baek swalowed his laughter and pretended it never happened. Although it did, because this completely nuts boy said the really stupid thing. Seducing? Really? Like, he litteraly noticed Baekhyun few days, maybe less, ago and talked to him like, an hour ago and he thinks that they are solmates and that he's seducing him. Seriously? This Park Chanyeol boy was something special.

Before teacher made Baekhyun do her job again, Chanyeol had sent him a paper. It said:

You see, you are already laughing because of me. I'm the best aren't I? 

Baekhyun didn't have a chanse to tell him that he was laughing at him not because of him.

Oh well. There will be more opportunities.


It's been two weeks since Chanyeol started hanging around Baekhyun. The later wasn't always happy with that but he had to admit that Chanyeol was preaty funny. Their relationship was slowly progresing and Chanyeol was more than happy. He thought that with Baekhyun's personality he would at least need a month to go to class with him, eat with him, send him notes and actually getting an answer (wich sometimes made him smile or even laugh) from him. Today Baekhyun even gave him his number and told him they should hang out after school sometimes. What really surprised Chanyeol though was that Baekhyun actually had a lot of personalities in him and he didn't really understand which one is the real Baekhyun. He was really cool but sweet guy. He would always help others if they didn't understand something on class or would help girls if they had to carry heavy books but he was at the same time cool while doing all that. Somehow, inexplicably, Baekhyun managed to show Chanyeol that he's not only blank faced sloth with super brain but also smiling puppy.

Baekhyun started smiling more to him the more time they spent together. He started relaxing around Chanyeol and somehow became more sweet than cool.

 Chanyeol wanted to find out that before his dare ended who Baekhyun really is. He unconsiously got interested in Baekhyun, like for real, something other than doing the impossible dares intrested him. Little Byun Baekhyun managed to creep his way in Chanyeol's heart right next to his other friends. He would probablly forgot about the dare if for every lunch break they had (witch was now Chanyeol and Baekhyun with Sehun and Jongin) Chanyeol's two friends didn't look at him with mocking eyes. Waiting like a hawks for real thing to happen.


Another thing that surprised Chanyeol was that even though Baekhyun was a nerd he didn't actually acted like one. He loved music a lot and didn't mind drinking, also had a sharp tounge that wasn't merciful even to profesors that would bother him. Sometimes he would do what they asked but other times he would tell them to do their own job, it depended in what mood he was that day. Sometimes they would still annoy him after that wich really pissed Chanyeol off. Also, Baekhyun really fast became friends with Sehun and Jongin so Chanyeol wasn't really sure why Baekhyun didn't really have friends. He didn't ask him that though, he thought that he just liked being alone.



Chanyeol called Baekhyun the day after he got his number and they agreed to meet at the bar that alowed minors to be in.

Chanyeol didn't now how he should dress up for this outing. Was it a date? Was it just clubbing? Was it 'get me a drink while I will find someone to make out with'? Oh, it's too complicated. Chanyeol wanted to get together with Baekhyun already. Being with him made his body feel weird, his ears would be redder and redder every time they talked and somethimes he would even forget how to breath. It's because of the dare right? He was too calm for these two weeks, doing nothing but folowing Baekhyun around, not even having time too meet his friends outside of school. All his time belonged to Baek.

At the end he decided on ripped jeans and black t-shirt with alien printed on it. He wasn't really someone who clothed well but he was satisfied with his look. He spent another thirty minutes on styling his hair, wanting it to look perfect. He took the money his parents left him before they left on their two-days-one-night trip and ran out of the house. Since he didn't have a car he told Baekhyun that they should meet at the club. 

Jongin called him and told him that he should hurry up and get dumped by Baekhyun since he's not getting any younger and he wants his money. Chanyeol promised that he will do something about that and that he's the one to get the money. They talked for a bit untill Chanyeol reached the club and had to go in. He told Jongin to say 'hi' to Sehun and quickly hung up to text Baekhyun that he'll go in first.

He knew the person at the door ( no, not because he's been here for his 'drink as much as you can' dare he had almost every night during summer) so he waved him and came in without making up a stupid story others usually would. He decided that he will go to the bar first and wait for Baekhyun there. He checked his phone after he had ordered a bottle of whiskey spending all his money at once, and saw Baekhyun's 'be there in five' answer. For some reason his palms started sweating and the room somehow became smaller. He didn't know why though. He was familiar with this place, the music was great, there were a lot of good-looking people, lights were dim and didn't make him have a headache, bartender was checking him out, everything was as usual. Yet, he was still nervous for some reason. Even when he came here for the first time he didn't swet. He's probabbly a bit sick he thought.

His drink arrived and just when he wanted to start a conversation with the bartender, a familiar voice called him.

"Yah! Chanyeol!" , Chanyeol turned around and somhow couldn't recognize the person in front of him. It was Baekhyun but somehow it wasn't.

"B-Baekhyun?" , Chanyeol stumbled on his words. Baekhyun looked stunning. He looked that good that people would actually misplaced him for a celebrity if they looked closer. Some of them were looking, some imprested some lustful and some curious. Baekhyun had a messy, bed-hair, which looked too hot on him, black shirt and tight black jeans. He wore contacts and put eye-liner, and just had the most charming half smile on his face. Smile thoug turned into smirk and Chanyeol then realised that he's staring. He quickly looked at his drink.

Wow. Just, why the hell is everything spinig around Chanyeol and why the hell does Baekhyun looks hot as billion burning suns!?

"Hey, are you shy? Do I look too good?" , Baekhyun .

"I think you do." , answered Chanyeol and looked back at Baekhyun with serious face. After a second they started laughing, and after a minute they started drinking.

"I'm really surprised thoug, I never expected you to look this good. If you went to school like that you wolud get a lot of fans and people crushing on you." , Chanyeol pured himself another drink. He didn't know how he managed to sound calm when he actually was anything but. The power of drink probably.

"Well that's the exact reason why I don't go to school like this. I seriously can't deal with people running after me, I have a better things to do."

"I somehow feel bad for bothering you now." ,said Chanyeol fakely.

"Yeah, I'can see how bad you feel." , said Baekhyun sarcasticly.

They drank more and soon the botle was finished. Boys decided that if they surrvive a dance floor without passing out they will get another bottle 'cause, why the hell not? They went to the center of dance floor and started jumping and dancing with the crowd. Chanyeol felt hot and tired but he didn't want to stop. He moved his oversized limbs up and down without stopping. He also didn't know where are the brakes on his body so all he could do was jump until something stop him. He didn't really see Baekhyun since he was jumping up and down and his head was spining at the same time so he tried to slow down. Fortunately or unfortunately someone stopped him. It was Baekhun, he held Chanyeol's t-shirt a burried his head in it. Chanyeol's heart skipped a beat. Chanyeol thought that the little one was feeling sick so he patted his back not really sure should he move or not. Baekhyun looked at the side then quickly burried his head in Chanyeol again. Chanyeol folowed Baekhyun's gaze and saw a coupl of boys dancing  y and looked too for their age and waving Baekhyun too join them. Chanyeol laughed a bit since he realised that they scared the out of Baekhyun. The sigh of y Baek acting shy somehow looked ridicilous but it matched Baekhyun so well. To put the boy aut of misery and shame, Chanyeol pulled Baekhyun towards the exit.

When they were on the street loud music far behind them Chanyeol let go of Baekhyun's wrist and started laughing. The whole situation was too ridicilous not to.

"Khm, sorry about that. I felt a bit nauseous, no big deal." , Baekhyun was blushing hard and looking up at the sky to avoid Chanyeol's look. He was embarrassed by himself. 

"I guess you really don't like atention." , said Chanyeol softly and started pulling Baekhyun by his arm again.

"Where are we going?" , asked Baekhyun now feeling cooler because of the air.

"To really cool place."



The really cool place was a park bench near the lake.

It was actually really pretty. The moon was reflected in the lake and it looked sparkly. It was a bit cold but bearable. Trees were dancing with wind and flowers were sleeping. Even the hard bench was somehow comfortable.

Except Chanyeol and Baekhyun the park was empty so they could talk comfortably. Or stay quiet, even better. Baekhyun hugged his knees and laid his head on it while Chanyeol just stared in lake. They were still a bit drunk from earlier but the cool air helped them get better faster. Chanyeol glanced at Baekhyun and admired the little one's looks.

What a beautiful sight to behold.

Baekhyun looked at Chanyeol and smiled so later one blushed and looked away.

"Well than you." , said Baekhyun smirking.

"Oh , did I said that aloud?"

"Hahah, yeah. But looks like you're regreting it now." , teased Baekhyun.

"I-I..N-no, That's not it Baek you are really preaty...Oh ...I mean not like a girl, like manly preaty and everything.. I don't know what I'm talking and I blame it all on alcohol!"

"Pff, you're cute when you're flustered.."

Chanyeol blushed again. Talking to Baekhyun was always nice, but it was harder than any of his dares. When he was with Baekhyun he felt like he swallowed the sun and he slowly realised why.

He fell in love with his dare.

He fell in love with everything that is Baekhyun. He was know awake for every history class. He would alway look for short boy with glasses whenever he entered the school. He loved how grumpy Baekhyun was from time to time and how he would smile sweetly whenever someone praised him. He disliked when others would bother him to help them with their schoolwork and how someone would wake him up while he was napping in the library.

He loved the way Baekhyun would move his glasses up while reading and the way  he would scratch his neck when he doesn't understand something.

And he loved how easily he fell in love with all that.


"...I want you to date me." , said Baekhyun like he just read Chanyeol's thoughts. Chanyeol looked at him, surprised.

"Why?" , he asked quietly.

"Because I like you. Don't you like me too?"

Chanyeol didn't say anything. He just sat there not sure what to do. Baekhyun is a dare, nothing more and if he admitted his fealings....No, that can't happen.

Chanyeol could accept this. He could win a bet and get money. Even get Baekhyun if Jongin and Sehun staied quiet.

But it felt wrong. Lying to Baekhyun and having secrets was not a way to start a relationship. 

If he sais 'yes' now, he would get a lot. He would get money, and the person he loves. But it would all be built up on secrets.

If he sais 'no' he may lose Baekhyun. As a friend, lover or whatever the hell they were.

And all he wanted was to keep him.

"Give me some time to think." , said Chanyeol. Before he answeres anything to Baekhyun he will have to deal with his friends, and with himself. He will have to tell Baekhyun everything. And for that he needed courage. And for courage he needed time.




Hey, so this is first chapter. I'm still new to writing so please be patient with me. 

Thanks everyone who read this even though it's crappy. I re-wrote this fic like five times but I'm still not that satisfied. I'm sorry if there are mistakes but I think that if I read this chapter once more I will change the whole story and probably won't ever update.

This will probably be two/three shot since I'm an idiot. It was suppose to have a lot more but I deleted everything. I will update another chapter when I re-read it again. So not really soon I guess, but who knows. If there are people who like this it would probably go faster. I hope.

I had a block with this fic so next to this one I wrote five more so once again I'm really sorry for this being crappy.

I love each and every one of you who read this and I thank you from the depth of my heart for supporting me. 

Sorry for long AN.

This is unedited and unbeta-ed.


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Beau1996 1385 streak #1
Chapter 2: Sneaky Jongdae had it figured out but those two goofballs were cute and fluffy!
Phoepe #2
Chapter 2: oh my gosh i'm squealing into my pillow first thing in the morning ....... that was inhumanly cute thank you soooo much for the update
_Jennie_ #3
Chapter 2: Ahhhh so cute I love it
Chapter 1: Can't wait to see what happens next
I like the plot of story
ilovesuhoandchorong #5
Chapter 1: I like this already. XOXO
My kind of au ?
Well, I posted this by accident and was like 'oh whatever, I'll just write' but don't worry, I prefer happy endings. :) <333
By the way, this is my first fic so thank you for being the first person to comment and notice this, I'm very grateful.
_Jennie_ #8
Sorry for the "?" it is suposed to be smiley
_Jennie_ #9
I trust you with this fic???don't make it sad please❤️❣️❣️??