
That GIF


Wendy heard their maknae exclaimed followed by a devilish snicker. She did not mind and continued to bake a snack for her and her members. It was one of those days where she and some of the members doesn't have any schedules and just chose to stay at home and relax.

"Omooo...unnie! Seungwan unnie!" Yeri suddenly stood up from her seat in the kitchen and rushed towards Wendy.

"What is it?" Wendy asked.

Yeri did not answer and just showed Wendy what she was looking at her phone.

Eyes turning into saucers, the older girl was shocked by what she saw and suddenly gave back the younger one's phone. She did not say a word until she finished baking.

"Have some of these cupcakes but don't eat them all. Your other unnies would want some too." Wendy told Yeri as she walked towards her room.

"Unnie, aren't you going to have some too?" Yeri mumbled while stuffing a cupcake into .

Wendy just waved her hand and went inside her room.


"I'm back." Seulgi announced as she entered their dorm.

"Yah. That's the third vampire movie already. Can't we watch something else?" Seulgi heard a familiar honey voice with slight irritation. Seulgi went to their living room and saw Joy taking away the remote control from Yeri. "Why are you even watching tv at this hour? You have school tomorrow." The youngest just stuck out her tongue to the older one and was trying her hardest not to let go of the remote control.

"Hi, guys!" Seulgi greeted showing her eye smile to everyone.

"Seulgi-yah" their eldest, Irene, who was ironing the youngest's uniform, greeted back with a smile. "Go have some dinner. We left some for you. Seungwan also baked cupcakes so have some for dessert."

Seulgi nodded and motioned to the two younger ones, "Aren't you going to stop them?"

Irene laughed a little, "They'll get through it on their own."

Seulgi just nodded her head and proceeded to the kitchen to get a cupcake before entering her shared room with Wendy.


"Baby" Seulgi started as she entered the bedroom. "I'm back..." she was awed by the taste of the cupcake she had just bitten "...hmm this is really good."

"Seul, be careful of the crumbs. Ants may go into our room." Wendy nonchalantly said while her back is facing Seulgi and she was already lying on the far side of her bed.

The lack of enthusiasm went unnoticed by Seulgi and she went towards their pushed together beds, "Baby, you know what, we did a lot today, from press conference to the live broadcast..."

"Seul, can we talk tomorrow? I got tired today and it seems like you did a lot too. It's better to sleep early." Wendy interrupted Seulgi's lively chatter.

"Oh. Okay. I'll just finish this and wash up." Seulgi stood up and went to the bathroom to wash up, all the while thinking of the sudden coldness from her girlfriend.

After some minutes, Seulgi went back to their beds. She figured Wendy must be sleeping already so she just slipped into the sheets quietly and spooned her girlfriend, relaxing to the smell of her hair as she burried her head into the back of hers. "Goodnight." Seulgi whispered before succumbing to sleep.

Goodnight. L'm sorry. Wendy thought to herself. She does not want to be cold and mean to her precious bear but she cannot help it. What Yeri showed her kept on flashing on her mind and she cannot help but be eaten by jealousy. She sighs and hopes tomorrow will be better.


Rays of sunlight went into the room and slowly woke up Seulgi. She still did not want to open her eyes and just blindly reached for her source of warmth every morning. She kept on reaching but then she felt nothing. Ah. Must be cooking breakfast already. She thought to herself. She stood up lazily to go to the kitchen where her girlfriend must be.

"Morning, unnie." She greeted their leader who was making breakfast for them. She looked around and saw no trace of Wendy. "Wannie is not here? Where is she?"

"She said she'll go for a morning jog." the eldest answered and handed her a plate of her breakfast. "Seulgi-yah, I'll just go to the nearby supermarket to buy some things. I'm leaving you in charge. Don't let the two little devils burn down the dorm or something. One is still sleeping anyway."

Seulgi raised her right hand and did a little salute, "Got that, unnie."

As the door locked, she heard footsteps coming near her, "Hi, unnie." Yeri greeted, she was busy with her phone while walking past Seulgi and sat down on the chair in front of her.

"Aren't you going to school yet?" Seulgi asked the younger one who was already wearing her uniform.

"Still has time." Yeri answered while eating and typing something on her phone. "Have to chat Saeron first. I might get cold treatment if I don't."

With that she remembered how Wendy was the night before. "Yerim-ah, did anything happen to Seungwan yesterday?"

"I don't think so. She was just here all day. Baked cupcakes. The usuals."

"I think something made her upset."

"Ah! I know now, it was your fault."

"My fault? I wasn't even here all day yesterday."

"See." Yeri said as she showed Seulgi what she showed Wendy the day before.

Seulgi was shocked. For moment she did not say anything. "You see unnie, it was your fault." Yeri said feeling proud that she actually know the answer to Seulgi question.

"What the...that was nothing..." Seulgi still can't believe it. "How..?"

Yeri smiled slyly to Seulgi, "I might have showed it to Seungwan unnie." Then she made a run to save her life.

"Yah! You! Come back here!" Seulgi screamed as she ran after Yeri.

"What the noise all about?" A still sleepy Joy went out of her room, scratching her head.

"Sooyoung unnie, help!" Yeri shouted as she continue to ran away from Seulgi.

"Sooyoung, catch Yerim and I'll buy you chicken later." Seulgi countered which got the sleepy Joy to her senses.

Joy ran and tried to catch Yeri too.

"Aaaahhhh" Yeri screamed while running. Their dorm got a little disoriented from all the running.

"Yah! Stop!" the three heard a stern voice and they all stopped. "What is all this? Yerim-ah, shouldn't you be going to school already?"

"Yes, unnie." Yeri responded obediently and went to get her bag. Before going out, she smiled truimphantly towards Joy and Seulgi, earning her a scoff from the two.

"Seulgi-yah, I told you to look after them and not play with them." the leader said with a soft yet stern voice.

"Sorry, unnie." Seulgi apologized.

Irene nodded and looked at the younger girls in front of her. "Now, you two clean the dorm up." Both nodded in unison. "and Sooyoung-ah, I know you have not eaten yet..." Irene let out an impish smile. "you cannot eat unless the dorm is clean."

Ugh. Irene heard Joy's groan as she turned to go to the kitchen and unpack what she bought.


"Why were you trying to catch Yerim?" Joy asked as she and Seulgi were fixing things up. "The evil kid did something evil again, right?"

"As if you yourself is not." that received a scoff as a response and Seulgi laughed. Then she got serious and told Joy the whole thing. "I don't know what to do." Seulgi admitted.

"It was actually your fault unnie."

"I know."

"I know what you should do!" Joy exclaimed.

Seulgi then doubted if she should follow what Joy suggested her to do to not have Wendy be angry to her anymore.









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Here you go 😊 Thank you for reading! I hope it gave you joy.


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Chapter 2: Really so cute.
rhk7130 #2
Chapter 2: Thanks for this cute seuldy story and I like to see Wendy
Hope to see more seuldy sweet and fluffy fic from you.;)
Chapter 2: a part of me dies everytime they call each other 'baby' >< didn't have a single clue about the said gif cause i'm not updated about them anymore :(((
Chapter 2: Aw, it ended cutely. Good job
Chapter 1: This was so good to read. I'm always in the mood for some seuldy/wenseul ^^ plus evil maknae yeri lol.
Chapter 1: I'm so ready for this!!
fateflysoul #7
Chapter 1: My guess, it can be a gif from IDOT ?