Tug on heartstrings

Tug on heartstrings

“Hobi, hurry up! We will be late,” you warn your nowhere-to-be-found boyfriend three minutes before you should hit the road and head to the theatre to make it in time for the play. You are almost ready, already standing in a pretty, lacy patterned white dress so your appearance only needs the last touches. Yet him who didn’t have to put his hair in an elegant bun, do his makeup and struggle with high heel straps still haven’t showed up at the door.

“Coming right up, honey, it’s just… I’m having a midlife crisis,” he’s mumbling the latter part mostly to himself while walking up to you behind your back. You don’t pay much attention to his complaint since you know well he tends to exaggerate.

“About?” you ask nonchalantly, putting in tiny diamond earrings you got for your university graduation. As you check the result turning your head from left to right, you are relieved it completes well the classy look you were going for. Meanwhile you catch a glimpse of your boyfriend’s theatrically offended face in the mirror.

“Yah! I just told you I’m having a midlife crisis and all you can ask is about what? Without any sign of empathy or sympathy? Where is this world going when one can’t even trust their own girlfriend to support them?”

Oh you know that tone very well. He’s not mad, not at all, he just desperately wants your attention and as a good girlfriend you are willing to give in.

“Don’t be such a drama queen!” you turn towards him with lips already pulling in a smile and rolling your eyes at his dramatic acting. However, you can’t keep the poker face up anymore when you see the matter at hand, a light-hearted giggle escapes your mouth before you can stop it. “Oh my, are you really having a crisis over a tangled tie?”

“It’s the devil’s knot,” Hoseok pouts like the big baby he is and you can’t help but let out an endearing aw.

“Let me.”

Your heels click-clack as you make your way over him, taking the tie from his hands and you quickly untie that ridiculous knot with precise movements. You are well aware that like this, with the two inches advantage of your footwear, the two of you are almost at the same height. It makes the helping process easier but your boyfriend’s feather-light breathing hitting your cheek is rather a huge distraction.

“Don’t look at me,“ you snap at him because even if you are concentrating on the tie, you can feel his burning gaze at the curve of your lashes, your lipstick-coated, shiny lips or maybe that low neck-line of your fancy dress.

“You stand in front of me! How could I not look at you?” he protests indignantly, the smartass. You click your tongue and correct yourself.

“Don’t look at me like that.”

“Like what?” he singsongs merrily, batting his eyelashes at you and you snort at his little innocent act.

“You know that well,” you pull on the tie a little harder than you should but he merely winces, not even his smile falters. He deserves it anyway, he’s even humming in acknowledgement.

“Where did you learn how to tie a tie?” The curious question escapes his mouth musingly and he stands up straight when you are finished with fixing his collar and necktie.

“I have a younger brother, remember?” you pat his shoulders once you are satisfied with your work, ready to go.

However, as you catch a sight of your watch and the time displayed on it, you switch to panicking mode. You hate being late from formal events, especially if you have to make a handful of people in the audience to stand up so you can sit down in the middle of your row.

“Done. Let’s go,” you quickly grab Hobi’s arm ushering him towards your apartment’s door. But you can’t even make a damn step before he squeezes you hand and easily pulling you back so close that you can’t help but snuggle up to his chest. You look up at him in confusion with furrowed brows and mouth agape in annoyance. “What?”

“You are beautiful,” he says out of nowhere with eyes so fond and expression so smitten you are a blushing mess under his intense gaze in seconds.

He also catches you off guard when he’s cups your face with one hand to draw you closer but you lean into his touch willingly. The press of his soft lips on your own isn’t a surprise anymore but you welcome it anyway. A single touch, that’s all it takes for him to make you forget about everything and you enjoy being lost as long as he holds you close. It’s a gentle and chaste kiss but he’s savouring your rosy lips’ taste until both of you are out of breath. Otherwise you don’t know whether either of you could pull away.

“You ruined my makeup,” you whine wiping your lipstick’s stain off of Hoseok’s lips with your thumb.

“Well you didn’t protest. Come on, you can fix it in the car,” he grins at you widely, not buying your complaining and you rush out of the apartment with pink cheeks and a fluttering heart.

He wants to say so many more things about how lucky he is to have you but he will tell you those on another days. You still have a long, long time together after all.

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Chapter 1: my heart is ... >.< this was too cute to handle o maynnn i can't stop smiling like an idiot
Heading to practice tying a necktie that I have ><
Young-woon #4
Chapter 1: aww that was cute, my hope my angel kkkk~
Chapter 1: Darling,
ahw, it was so cute that I really, really cannot bear it. I still remember the day when you first told me some details about this story. We walked on the street towards Ramenka I guess, and I found it adorable. Well, it is still is and even though I cannot tie a tie (and never wanted to, because I like those forward concluded ties with press buttons), I'm willing to learn it now. All in all, these love birds were amazing and I cannot wait to read something else from you ^^
Have a nice day xx
Chapter 1: Awww, this was so cute! ^^ I can totally imagine Hoseok like the cocky yet adorable boyfriend who can always make your day with his silly jokes, playful remarks and wide smiles. This little piece was really adorable, the flow was lovely and the plot was also cute! It reminded me of last weekend when I went to the theatre with my family but sadly, I didn't have a Hoseok by my side. *-*
Anyways, thank you for this lovely drabble! I enjoyed every word of it! <3
Chapter 1: Omg so cuuute