
And You
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“Seungri could just give it himself but he asked me to give it to you because he has to fly back to Hong Kong today,” you sit on my couch.

I sneer as I roll my eyes. “He could’ve just text me?”

“Can’t,” you shrug. “He said it’s a very very private party where your status doesn’t matter as long as you bring the invitation. The real invitation card.”

“Not even if you’re his bandmate?”

Your face fall and I taste the bitter in my tongue as memories resurface between us. I pulled out the seams and the waves are now crashing down, chasing each other, drowning us.

“I’m sorry,” I speak first. “Not everyone will recognize us in a club Seungri owns.”

You smile but it’s a sunset, orange for a second and fading into black the next.

“He has too many friends,” I argue because it’s hurting me too, the fact that we had changed so much.

“They would recognize you, you’re quite popular these days.”

I shake my head embarrassedly. “They blew it off, whatever I said or did.”

“They love you,” you smile.

Do you? I almost ask. Did you?



“Hyung?” I tried to make out your shadow through the dark. You smelled fresh of raindrops and fallen leaves.

“It’s me,” your voice reached me first than the light you . “I’m sorry I woke you up.”

“It’s okay,” I lay back on the bed, adjusting my blanket over myself again. “Where were you?”

You seemed troubled to answer and I thought maybe I shouldn’t ask. “Out.”

“We’re not supposed to go out this late, hyung,” I should really shut up. “What if –”

“You won’t tell anyone, will you?” you slipped in your own bed, just seven steps away from mine.

“No, I won’t,” I sighed and closed my eyes. “Of course, I won’t, hyung.”

“I trust you, Daesung,” you smiled. “Thank you.”



You slip through the door as the sky paints itself with darker shades of grey, the moon makes its way lazily across the horizon. Your car, I notice, is different than the one you brought to pick me up yesterday. Do you have a collection now? Do you change it every week? Did you ever drive around the town to find a place where people would not recognize your face and your past?

“What is it?”

“Nothing,” I lie, even before completely understanding your question. “Wh

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This story contains shifting timelines, first person pov (Daesung's), mix of canon events and our imaginations.
In case you're following this story, please be warned of slow updates. Thank you.


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nolee84 #1
Chapter 12: Even when we know that will hurt, somethings can't be stopped. Seunghyun really loves Daesung but maybe he'll hurt him again. So much feelings in this fic ^^
nolee84 #2
Chapter 11: So much feelings. I want to know what Seunghyun was thinking writing that song, why he chooses to leave. I think he really loves Daesung, he comeback for him. Really nice story.
longtimenosee #3
Chapter 10: deep story. tell me how this storys gonna end.... miss them miss todae miss bigbang ?
Choibaby04 #4
Chapter 6: I love it, I'm excited for the next update. ?
banjak #5
Chapter 6: I’m enjoying this, thanks for updating!
Chapter 2: Is that the end? It isn't right? U can't end it like that! Give something Daesung to hold on to please... And seunghyun, man up!!