Two couples, one exam room

A Small Clinic in Hawaii Somewhere

There were two couples in the exam room in a small clinic on one of the smaller islands in Hawaii.

There was only a thin curtain seperating the two pair so conversations could be heard on both sides.

“Aish….” grumbled Chanyeol as he threw one of the pillows against the wall, “why did I have to go and twist my ankle now and ruin our trip.”

His  boyfriend patted his shoulder, “It’s ok,  you really didn’t ruin anything, the doctor said it would only be a couple of days, we have another week.”

Chanyeol looked at Baekhyun, “You are right, Bakkie...are you going to take care  of me?”

Baekhyun hit the back of his lover’s head, “Don’t I already take care of you?  You can't  even boil water to make ramyum.”

A shocked whisper could be heard from the other side of the curtain as Dr Park told Minwoo his diagnosis.

“Pregnant….how can I be pregnant, “ he asked his boyfriend Eric with his eyes open wide.

Eric smiled, “Well, we do have alot of …” he started with a proud smile on his face, but was cut off.

“But I am a man….”Minwoo protested, “I am not supposed to get pregnant.

“It happens with about 1 in a million men, Mr Lee, “explained Mr Park.  Tears started to flow down Minwoo’s face, he didn’t know what to do.  Eric grabbed his hand and said softly, “I told you that you were one of a kind, baby.”  He then kissed the hand of the crying man.

A nurse walked in with a pair of crutches, “Excuse me gentlemen, I will be right back, “ as he took the crutches to the couple on the other side of the curtain.

“Here are your crutches, Mr Park,” said Dr Park with a big tooth grin, “ha ha we have the same last name, “You are free to go now, just keep that foot elevated and ice it up for 15 minutes once in awhile to keep the swelling down.”  He gave the crutches to Baekhyun.

“Is that true...what we heard, “ask Baekhyun, “is that man pregnant?”

“Now now now, Bacon…”scolded Dr Park,”that would be breaking confidentiality laws, I can’t tell you that.”  He waved them out of there, “Come back if the swelling does not go down or if it starts to hurt really bad,”  He left to go to the other side of the curtain.

Chanyeol got off of the exam table and practiced a bit with the crutches, He whispered to Baekyun, " I am not going to complain about by is better than being pregnant,"  Baekhyun shushed him by covering his mouth, "Let's get out of here Channie."

Meanwhile Eric was holding a still sobbing Minwoo, who had heard the comment that Chanyeol made.

“It’s ok baby,” Eric kissed the top of his head, “We will raise this baby together...let’s get married.”

Minwoo looked at him, “What If….what if I don’t want to have it Eric?”

Eric stared at Minwoo for a moment, “I will still be here for you, whatever it is that you decide, I will never leave you.”

Minwoo sighed and laid his head back on Eric’s chest.  Dr Park was giving them literature and prescriptions for prenatal vitamins and anti-nausea pills.

“At least we know you don’t have food poisoning now.” Eric chuckled softly as they got ready to go back to the hotel.  


A couple of days later, Chanyeol was sitting at the table by the window of their hotel room, while Baekhyun was making breakfast.  His ankle felt so much better due a lot to the care  that his boyfriend gave him.  He gazed out the window and saw that other couple that was in the exam room with them at the clinic.  The taller man was giving the smaller man a piggyback ride and they were laughing happily.  He saw how radiant the smile on the small man's face was. Anyone could see the love that these two had for each other it was almost palpable.  He looked at Baekhyun, “Have I told you how much a appreciate you and love you Bakkie.”  he asked as Baekhyun sat their plates in front of them and sat across from him.

“You don’t have to, babe, I already know, Channie” and smiled a big smile that spoke volumes and that he absolutely felt the same way.

At the door of the other couple’s room, Eric set Minwoo down so he can open the door.

“Hurry up daddy, I have to pee, “ Minwoo started to do the pee pee dance. Eric started laughing.

“Daddy...since when did you like ..”then he stopped and looked at Minwoo with his mouth stretched into a huge smile, “Daddy?...does that mean that you have decided?”

Minwoo pushed Eric into the room after the door was open, “Yes baby, let’s be daddies together.”

Eric picked up and spun him around.  

“I love you Minwoo.” and let him down so he could go to the bathroom  so he would not pee his pants.   

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Chapter 1: So cute!!