Demons Make Me Woozi


You and your family came from a long line of the best demon hunters around. Your father was off on a mission a few years after your birth that had gotten him killed, making your mother swear to never let you lead the same life. To cut off your family from demon hunting completely. But months had passed and your mother was killed the same way your father had died. By the hand of those monsters. Now it was your turn to become the very hunter that your mother wanted to keep you from. But this time you had your eyes set on the king himself. Satan. Or as he and thousands of other people called him, Woozi. He was the literal devil walking the Earth with his 16 band mates who were the highest ranking demons he had in his army and he knew exactly who you and your hunter friends were, seeing as you were the top hunters in a while. Seventeen may have had their fans fawning over them, but you knew not to. Or would you end up doing exactly that?

There will be swearing and description of death and mentions of blood. You have been warned <3

This story has Supernatural themes and has information from the show Supernatural and the Mortal Instruments series. Other than that, the story is mine. Please do not steal the story. <3 Feeedback is always welcomed


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