Just A dream

Just A dream

Chaelin woke up to humming caused by an air conditioner running. She looked around and noticed the little hole like area she was in was really dirty. The walls were whitish , dirty, and they had some yellow and red paint on them. It smelled like rust and dirt. She got up using the rough wall because she felt like she was going fall over. There was a knife on a rusty table and the knife had blood on it, alough with the table. Chaelin scrunched her nose in disgust and ran up the stars that also had blood on them. She almost slipped going up them but caught herself. She looked around and noticed a person on the ground near the top of the steps. It looked they were hurt but she couldn't tell because they were laying on their stomach.

“Are you alright, you look hurt” Chaelin questioned. When they didn’t answer she rolled them over and she was horrified of what she saw. This person had chunks missing from their face and they had blood all over them. She screamed and pushed them away, she started running and ended up in a white plastic building that was probably a greenhouse. She went inside to see if anybody was in there that could help her. After going in and looking around the tall plants, she found a man crouching. The man had his back facing towards her and it looked like he was eating. It was loud in the room due to some fans running so she yelled and asked if he knew what was going on. She went closer cautiously and touched his back since he didn’t turn around or respond to her. The man whipped around and she screamed because he had an arm in his hand and was eating it. She immediately ran out of the greenhouse and went into a large building that looked like a school. She ran into a room that said auditorium and ran into the back room.

She leaned against the door panting after the door had shut. It was dark so she started looking for the light switch along the cold smooth wall. After roaming around the room that smelled like dust for a couple minutes she sighed and gave up. She couldn't find the light switch so she started looking for the door because she didn't want to stay in this dark room anymore. After finding the door she ran around the school looking for anyone, so she could find out what was going on. She ran down some stairs and found a room that had a bunch of tables and chairs in it. She figured it was the cafeteria and she was correct. It smelled like food and she could hear the air conditioner hum again. She went into the middle of the room and sat at the table. She sat there for a few minutes but got up because she heard a groan.

After getting up she turned to where she heard a groan and saw a bunch of people that looked like zombies. Before she could utter a word or move they rushed at her. She fell in shock and slammed her head on a table. Groaning she tried to get up but was pushed down by one of those people. She felt something tear into her back and then she woke up. “It was just a dream” she sighed. She rolled over a little too much and fell off the bed. She groaned and got back up on the bed slowly because she hurt her back when she fell. She looked at her alarm clock and saw it was five a.m. She went back asleep because she had three hours before she had to work.

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I like it *two thumbs up*
its kinda real in some ways even if just a dream :))