[Jeti & Jungli] Crossing Borders

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Crossing Borders

Author: jungkrys1024


Pairing: Jessica x Tiffany (SNSD) / Krystal x Sulli ( f(x) )

Genre or Theme: Mixture of all, Rich/Poor Au

Length: On Going (20 Chapters)

Rating: PG-15 (M Rated scenes in later chapters)



Description: "The world was divided into two, the rich and the poor. Standards and standings, principles and reputations, how important are these if the most powerful thing called love hits them? Can they defy rules and regulations for this thing called love? This is a story of two daughters of a billionaire man, two sisters who will be challenged by love, a love from an opposite world they revolve around."

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I think I need to go back and look through all the links. A lot of the fics I've recommended have been deleted or drafted :(


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reveluv316 907 streak #1
thanks for the suggestions
Chapter 172: Can you repost chapter 158 the Mihhyo Bookmark? It's one of my fave mihyo stories
1290 streak #3
Chapter 199: Aye don't apologize we love a good self promo every now and then lol
Chapter 199: ♥♥♥
Madamadu #5
Chapter 197: Hmmm... It's doesn't work,,
1nsomn1ac #6
Chapter 75: Aw man the link of Can I borrow your lawnmower (wheesa) isn't working :'/
Nimbus2250 #7
Chapter 44: Does anyone have Of life & love (jeti) downloaded and could send it to me? I used to have it on my phone but I lost it and I really want to read it again.
caseyxreyes #8
Chapter 94: Does anyone have a working link or copy of jensoo - through the lens? I can't seem to open the link :(
Chapter 62: Ooo where can I read this??
Wattpad or here?
Chapter 198: HELP! Do any of you remember the name of a yulsic omegaverse where yuri takes Jessica in an elevator while they are strangers? I remember reading it but I don't remember the name