The Deal

What Does My Love Mean To You



“Hyo… Hyo Jin? As in Jung Hyo Jin?!” Youngmin exclaimed, and instantly, laughters exploded amongst the boys while the girls stared intensely at HyoJin. However Hyo Jin, who by now had turned a bright shade of red, was oblivious to her surrounding and instead, was hurriedly sweeping off the dust that had accumulated over the break off Youngmin’s chair. Youngmin, on the other hand, dreaded each step as it brought him closer to the “legendary” Jung Hyo Jin. He dropped his white bag on the floor and carefully sank into his seat, trying his best to not come in contact, of any form, with her, which of course includes speaking to her. Noticing his lack of initiative, Hyo Jin shyly held her hand out for him to shake as she introduced herself, “An..Anyeong? Youngmin ssi, im Jung Hyo Jin…” her voice trailed off at the end, as she waited for him to take her hand into a handshake like a gentleman. To her dismay, he just looked at the hand extended out to him from the corner of his eye before replying arrogantly, “I know, and for the record, we are not close, so use formalities when speaking to me,” without even bothering to return the gesture. Hyo Jin timidly retreated her hands and hid it under her desk, as the two boys behind her chuckled at her actions and expression. “Looks like that Hyo Jin girl is in for BIG time.” Minwoo whispered to his tablemate, kwangmin, who nodded knowingly back.

Finally, the bell signaling the end of lesson sounded. “FINALLY,” Youngmin thought as he heaved a sigh of relief, “I can leave this class, away from her …” With that, he squeezed everything he had into his bag, and dashed after his brother and Minwoo, towards the dance studio, where he can finally be away from Hyo Jin.

Meanwhile, back in class, the girls circled Hyo Jin as she frantically packed her things. Noticing the crowd, she looked up with a fear-stricken face, but quickly looking back down at her desk again. Almost immediately, a cold finger touched her chin, the long, manicured finger slowly picking Hyo Jin’s face up, revealing a slim girl with snow white skin, a devious smile plastered on her face. “Oh…. I guess all the worrying was for nothing. Jung Hyo Jin… really isn’t much, is she?” she asked, more of a rhetorical question to herself. The girls around her snickered sacarstically at the sight.  “YAH Lee Na Eun! Watch what you say!” Kimmy rebutted from across the class attempting to defend her best friend. Na Eun simply rolled her eyeballs and diverted her attention back to Hyo Jin. “Looks like she isn’t much of a threat to me. But Jung Hyo Jin, don’t ever dream of flirting with MY Youngmin oppa, or else. Well, not that you have a chance anyways.” She whispered at Hyo Jin’s ear, the cold breath stinging her skin. That, sent a shiver down her spine as she continued to dump all her things into the bag, wishing very much to escape from the current situation. Most importantly, she doesn’t wish to be late for her favorite lesson, dance.

Once again, Hyo Jin sprinted down the hallway with Kimmy following behind her, hoping to get to dance class unnoticed, and hopefully not late. In this new term, they were all assigned to a new dance studio and she was praying with all that she had that she would be in a class where the people couldn’t care less about her. However, things do not always go her way.

Down in the dance studio, the clueless boys were discussing about the thing that had lately gotten their interest, sports cars. “Hey have you boys heard,  the new line of sports cars are being released today. Any interest in getting it? It suits you Youngmin. The white one.” Donghyun, the oldest of the 6 boys asked casually. Youngmin shook his head while Kwangmin pointed to him accusingly, “This guy here thought it was funny to make cheese explode in our mum’s new oven, so we’ve been grounded.  Our allowances got cut off by half in this month. We can’t afford that now.” However, the boys would not stop just like that. “But we are all going to get those. In fact, I’ve already placed my order.” Jeongmin boasted, hoping  it would tempt the twins, but to no avail. “Awww come on, theres only one of each! I’ve already ordered 6 for the 6 of us. Don’t be the black sheep! Which in this case, sheeps.”  Kwangmin just shrugged while Youngmin shookhis head repeatedly.


Just then, Hyo Jin barged into the room, apologizing profusely for her tardiness, while adjusting her clothes and fixing her hair. Once again, with her eyes glued to the wooden floor, she greeted, “Annyeonghaseyo, I’m Jung Hyo Jin. Please take care of me.” Having said that, the class of six fell into an awkward silence, each having an indescribable look on their faces.  Hyo Jin slowly lifter her head, only to notice that the dance instructor haven’t even arrived yet and in its place, was the sight of six shocked boys staring blankly at her. Instantly, Hyo Jin recognized them. Boyfriend… she muttered under her breath. Boyfriend was a group of boys who each came from wealthy families known not only across Korea, but also internationally. They were also known in the school as flower boys.

Hyo Jin held her breath as she examined each and everyone in front of her admiring their perfect features, finally laying eyes on that familiar face. “Young..Youngmin ssi…..” She greeted, blushing. Youngmin just stared at her, unable to comprehend what was going on. “Hy—hyung, since when was she in our dance class?” Youngmin managed to force out. As if the question was directed to her, Hyo Jin answered as-a-matter-of-factly, “We were each assigned a new class, and it so happens I was assigned here.” Donghyun nudged Kwangmin who was beside him. “So this is the girl everyone’s been talking about? The one Youngmin is stuck with for the rest of the year?” He asked in a mocking tone. Everyone around him nodded. “Wahhh….” Donghyun gasped, his eyes carefully scanning her from head to toe, before grinning to himself. “oooohhhhh that’s THE smile! Hyung what are you up to this time?” Hyunseong asked while shoving another chocolate bar into his mouth. Donghyun just leaned back, where he had a clear view of the obviously annoyed Youngmin, “Date her for 2 months and that italian sports car is yours.” He whispered loud enough for only the 6 of them to hear. Youngmin’s head shot up having heard that and waved his hands in front of him desperately. “No. No. No. No. NO! It’s bad enough im already stuck in class with her, dance class, and now you want me to date her for a sports car?!  It’s not like having to sit with her isn’t bad enough and now I have to ACT like I like her?” He answered, half whispering, occasionally glancing at the helpless Hyo Jin across the class. Kwangmin leaned over, obviously not caring about his own twin and added “Throw in my sports car as well and he’s there.” “DEAL.” Was all that was replied, giving poor Youngmin no say in this at all. “Come on Youngmin, you have been dating girls and dumping them as easily as drinking water, you can do it again!” Kwangmin begged with puppy eyes. “Oh yeah for all you know we can CHOKE on water and DIE!” Youngmin half shouted, causing Kimmy and Hyo Jin from across the studio to turn and look at them. Having noticed the attention given to them by the girls, Jeongmin raised his index finger to his lips, signaling for them to tone down. Before Youngmin could defend himself any further, the dance instructor walked in and finally, dance lessons began. 



Hello !!!!! ^^ Here's the next chapter ~ Enjoy and suscribe ! ^^ 

Thank you to akasukibowen and kpopgirl366 for suscribing !!!!!

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AlforYeol #1
I had already read this story looooong before I made an account but I wanted to come back and express my grattitude to the authors who had done an amazing job of pulling my heartstrings. >. < So here I am! Thank you author-nims for the beautiful story which was actually one of my firsts in fanfiction reading :) May you shine bright always!! :) *bows*
bookangel2603 #2
Chapter 37: awwwww this story is just amazing wait no , great, no uhm okay PERFECT uhm nope okay this story is just indescribable! bcuz its just sooo goodd! awesome job ! i was freakin bored to death until i stumbled upon ur out-of-this-world amazing writing :D
Chapter 37: OHMYGOSH... What did I just read?!?! IT'S THE BEST FANFIC I'VE EVER READ IN MY ENTIRE LIFE T-T and... It ended D: This fanfic had been accompanying me for 3 days... Coloring my boredom into a fantasy realm of romance.... It was awesome.... Stunning... Amazing.... Oh gosh... I still can't believe it ended and I'm spazzing all over>.< the use of vocab was fantastic and the plot was MARVELOUS:D It's such a cute, sweet and adorable story^^ I really hoped it didn't have to end but... Awwwwh:( all great things have to come to an end:( thx for brightening this 3 days of my life with such an awesome fanfic I came across:D Do continue to write more fanfics!!! I'll be there~~~ *wink wink*
summerenigma #4
Chapter 37: sequel !! :3
the story really attracted my attention and i enjoyed reading it ! though the ending is a bit confusing especially the namjoo-kwangmin part. i hope you could be more detailed about it next time :) good job for the two of you ! :)) keep it up ! :3
1say16 #5
Chapter 37: what a cute story the last part was soooo cute as well
Xueting2 #6
Chapter 37: What a nice story!! Should learn from you. Hehehe~ SEQUAL!! ㅋㅋㅋ
It's finally completed, I remember it was just yesterday when one of you (two)'s friend recommended this to me and the storyline attracted my attention that made me subscribe! Hope to see works done by you both again! :-)
Chapter 37: It's been a long time since I visit aff, it's been a long time since we talk, it's been a long time when I read this story and when I saw that it is completed, I was like: wait. pause. I miss everything!! >< waaahh~~