3 Hours Too Late

And What About Us?

Jackson to convince me that it’s best if he drove me to meet with Jinyoung. Not only had we almost got into 3 different accidents, been stopped by the police about 6 times, and had been screamed at by other people on the road, but I am now also late to my date. Jackson seems not to be bothered by any of this considering that from the time we got into the car to until now, he has not stopped asking questions about my date, which may I remind you, I am late for. I was too busy panicking to really pay attention to anything Jackson was saying to me; what if this messes up everything with Jinyoung? What if he starts to think I’m blowing him off? What if he just leaves and never answers any of my calls ever again? Those were all extremely, likely possibilities but I was trying very hard to think positive in a time like this. Maybe Jinyoung won’t hate me for being 2 hours late to our date...yeah, I think I have every right to panic. “Jackson, pullover. I’m driving the rest of the way.” I demanded quietly, trying not alarm Jackson that I was freaking out inside. Jackson just looked over at me for a moment before he actually parked the car in front of a random building; the building wasn’t necessarily run down but it wasn’t exactly in the best condition either. We both opened our doors and switched seats.

“Listen man, I’m really really sorry. I know this is your first date in a long long longggg time and I kind of ruined it for you. If you don’t want to talk to me when we get home, I get it...I mean, you already don’t talk to me but still.” Jackson said.

I honestly don’t know whether to be offended by his over exaggeration of how long it’s been since my last date or touched that he even apologized. I didn’t reply, I just pulled out of the parking space and continued to drive. “You should call them and let them know why you were late.” I could call Jinyoung and tell him everything but...if someone called you and said they were late because they got in 3 accidents, pulled over by the police 6 times, and yelled at by other drivers due to their idiot roommate, would you believe them? Better question, would you even still want to go on a date with them? There was no way I was telling Jinyoung that.


After 3 dreadful hours, I finally arrived at the restaurant Jinyoung and I chose to meet at. I bid Jackson farewell and then entered the restaurant. It’s a fancy restaurant named Congdu located in Seoul; the walls are painted a white color along with everything else in the place. The chairs were beige and the booths were lime with brown lights hanging over them. There was an area with a TV and another with a long window overlooking the beautiful city of Seoul. Watching the city from high up was always something I enjoyed doing since I arrived in Korea from the states. Sitting in front of one of the windows was a very angry looking Jinyoung. Now that I’ve made it to the restaurant and found Jinyoung, all I have to do is find the courage to actually walk up to him and just deal with the consequences...or I could quickly run away;

I was a little too late to do that though because Jinyoung spotted me before I could decide. I froze as he got out of his seat and started to approach me; he eyes did not look as friendly as they did when we first met.

He did look extremely good though. The outfit just fit his body nicely...what are you saying Mark? Get it together.


“I don’t usually mind when people come a few minutes late...but I’ve been sitting here for 3 hours. You could have texted me saying that something came up and we could have just pushed the time back but you left me sitting here, without a word from you, for 3 ing long hours. I would leave right now but I want an explanation and it better be a good one.” I hung my head in shame as he scolded me.

The floors were made out of a dark grey concrete with no pattern, just smooth. From my peripheral vision I could see Jinyoung tapping his foot impatiently. I lifted my head up so I could look him in the eyes but I quickly looked away when I saw his disappointed stare. “

I… I had some issues. My roommate drove me here but he isn’t the best driver. We nearly got into some accidents and got stopped by the police multiple times. I know you probably don’t believe me but it’s the truth and I’m really, very, extremely sorry.”

I didn’t see his reaction, I just felt him grab my shoulder and guide me over to the table he was sitting at when I first saw him inside. The white tablecloth moved a bit when my leg brushed up against it as I sat down. “I’m sorry Mark hyung. You still could have texted me and let me know; I wouldn’t have been so mad.” Jinyoung apologized and laid his hand on top of mine. Besides the weird fuzzy feeling forming in my stomach from his touch, I couldn’t believe what I was hearing; Jinyoung actually believed me. “I considered calling and telling you but I was afraid you wouldn’t believe me.” I admitted, looking down at our hands.

“Of course I would have believed you, Markeu. I don’t think you would lie to me or at least I hope you wouldn’t lie to me” Jinyoung smiled and my heart melted.

It reminded me of how much I never want to see him frown ever again. A frown just didn’t suit his face the way a smile did. I smiled back and shook my head. My smile slightly faded when he moved his hand from off of mine though. “Those 3 hours have made me a bit hungry; I didn’t eat anything before I left the house.” Hearing him say that didn’t make me feel any less guilty about being late.

“Umm…okay, to make up for how late I am, I'll pay for everything.” I offered in a mix of English and Korean. He laughed, covering his mouth with his hand, “That's a nice offer hyung but there's no way I can accept that.”

I sunk back into my seat and frowned; I just didn't feel right allowing Jinyoung to pay even a dime. He had to sit here for 3 hours with no food; how on earth could I let him pay? “No really Jinyoung, I don't mind paying for everything. I have quite a bit of money and you shouldn't have to pay for anything. Just pick whatever you want and I'll pay.” He stopped laughing and look at me with a bewildered expression, “You really don't have to do that-” I waved my hand to cut him off. I wanted to do this. I smiled at him and he smiled back, “Okay then Mark hyung. I'll let you pay but just so you know, you're really weird.”

I shouldn't have felt bad about being 3 hours late. Later he would be 3 hours late, 9 hours late, 24 hours late, and never to be seen again.

How did it get so late so soon? Its night before its afternoon. December is here before its June. My goodness how the time has flewn. How did it get so late so soon? - Dr. Seuss.



This is long overdue and really short but I'm facing an extreme case of writer's block again. Sorry guys. 

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Chapter 3: Yeah i don't mind if is late for a few minutes.. But hours?? 3 hours exactly?? LOL i would leave if i were Jinyoung.. But he is not >_< aw
Chapter 2: Who will asking someone for date at their 1st meeting??? Well, it was Park Jinyoung! The only person that makes it happen ≥﹏≤
Chapter 2: Papillon tho.. . Yaaas a date
Chapter 1: I curious what will be happened next