TINA: Before we begin the interview what do I call you with..
Author: KAI.

TINA:Hi ­­KAI Welcome to the interview.

TINA: Any special reason behind your journal name or aff account name. if yes what and how did u come by it ?
KAI: I am a graphic designer by profession and when I was in college I work as intern in a small animation studio in my country. The studio told me that inside an animation studio there is a culture where a person must have a nickname or codename then my coworkers start to call me kai. Originally I use the name Kudo Kai from the anime entitled E’s Otherwise but in time I change it to my own as “BlackQueenKAI” a queen word because I am a woman and black is my fave color.

TINA:Where are you from?
KAI: Manila, Philippines.

TINA:Age relationship status partners and kids..
KAI:I'm single.

TINA:What is your occupational status as if right now?
KAI: I work as Freelance/Outsource Graphic Designer.

TINA:Birthday ?
KAI:July month.

TINA:What is your favorite past time or what do u do in your free time?
KAI:To read yunjae fanfiction, read news, play games.

TINA: Favorite color/s?
KAI:Black and RED.

TINA: Favorite food and favorite country cuisine?
KAI: Pinoy food.

TINA: favorite movie/s. why?
KAI: Hannibal, because it was a mind blowing Movie.

TINA: Favorite book and favorite Author/s. why?
KAI: Actually I hate books in general, if I read books I only remember the content not the author name LOL.

TINA: Favorite Dress code?
KAI: Leggings or pants with long blouse of shirt that can cover the crotch area.

TINA:Comfort or Fashion?
KAI: I like semi-formal attire and any comfortable cloth like denims.

TINA: Favorite designers dress/shoes?
KAI: I don’t care about brands, I create brand because I am a designer LOL.

TINA:Personal style statement?
KAI: I don’t really have a style in particular like for an instance, when I draw I draw anything that I thought but in pure black and white format I hate colors. When t comes to writing I will just write whatever comes to mind.

TINA:Dream destination?
KAI: I dream to go to japan and meet my childhood hero gackt-san and salute to him and say thanks for giving life inspiration.

TINA: Favorite perfume?
KAI: I don’t usually use perfumes.

TINA: Branded or Generic clothing?
KAI: whatever as long as it suits me.

TINA:Hobbies you are involved in?
KAI: play games.

TINA:Ideal man /woman?
KAI: Someone that can control me.

TINA:Have you ever been attracted to the same ?
KAI: most of the time people look at like and thought I was a bi or lesbian but I am not. I never feel attracted to girls.

TINA:Who and when is your first crush?
KAI: it’s Gackt.

TINA: Natural hair and eye colur?
KAI: Black and brown eyes.

TINA:Beauty according to you is?
KAI: Beauty is CONFIDENCE…if you are confident to say your beautiful then you are beautiful.

TINA: What’s in your purse?
KAI: Coins LOL.

TINA:2 things you cannot live without?
KAI: Console game, tv, pc, handphone, internet…I need it for living.

TINA:If u get to meet one celebrity either dead or alive who will it be and why?
KAI: Gackt and Jung Yunho because I respected them too much.

TINA:Iam obsessed with______ fill it?
KAI: I am obsessed with pasta.

TINA:Iam Passionate about____________ ?
KAI: whatever the things that come to mind.

TINA:Motto in life:
KAI: Never give up no matter what the odds.

TINA:If u get stranded on a isolated island .name 3 things you want ?
KAI: Knife, Ligther and clothes.

TINA:Proudest moment ever?
KAI:When I graduated as youngest Masters degree graduate in my university.

TINA:Most embarrassingmoment?
KAI:The moment that my handsome company boss appeared in my door all of a sudden caught me off guarded.

TINA:One day you open the door and find Yunjae on your door step?
KAI: I’ll immediately tell them to come inside my house to prevent exposure, I don’t want them to go to public.

TINA:If you are to write your life story what will the title be?
KAI: Already did…some parts of "Unbeatable" was based on my own life story.

TINA:Goal in life...
KAI: To have a permanent job because so far I change company every 3 years.

TINA:How do you describe yourself?
KAI: Think I am a 4Dperson… I’m calm, I’m angry, i‘m emotional, I’m optimistic.



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thank you so much for posting this and sharing weehhheehhe i discover this just now im too late, i admit it im a lazy fir these past month LOL

thank you and love you n.n
Chapter 3: Couldn't agree more with her answer about yunjae ^^
faithot5 #3
Chapter 3: somehow we have the similiarity.afterall,we are yj shippers.enjoy reading it
Chapter 1: loved this interview.
I also love the color black.
Chapter 1: (≧∇≦)b