
Pride Of Passion
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Taehyung looked down at his test score and smiled. Another grade right where he wanted it to be, which made him happy. He was right where he should be for everything, always finding time to study in between hanging out with his friends and school and watching anime. What he would use it for was still unknown to him. But that wasn't what he was told to concentrate on right now, according to every adult he came across. Getting the best grades in everything was what he was told to do, so that's what Taehyung did. He was always a er for listening to authority. Although, his friends told him a different tale, so he was a little confused there. So he just went with it, keeping up his grades. That was, in everything but physical education - but that didn't really count, did it?

He felt someone loom over his shoulder to see his score, and quickly shot backwards in his seat so he could look at the person. He came to face one of his best friends, Namjoon, who was also in this class. He looked accusingly at his tall, smiling friend, but smiled his box grin back anyway. "Good score," he complimented, gesturing Taehyung's paper with a nod of his head.

At the mention of a grade, Taehyung's other best friend in the class, Yoongi, lolled his head over in their direction, his usual disinterested expression displayed on his face. Taehyung rolled his eyes at his nosey friends - even Yoongi cared a little too much about Taehyung's general well-being than he let on. His two best friends were practically ruling this class in terms of scores, Taehyung following closely behind. He didn't mind, and hated to compare scores, really, as long as he stayed focused on his own grades. His friends would always support each other, and Taehyung got used to the fact that his three best friends were pure geniuses.

"Thanks," Taehyung replied to his friend. He looked over to Namjoon's sheet, and noted the almost perfect mark on the top right corner of his paper. "Well done."

Taehyung lifted the corner of his mouth into a smirk, not really sure why. It was probably for his own benefit, as if he was being cocky with himself because he'd already guessed that Namjoon would ace it. To lift his self-esteem further, he glimpsed Yoongi's paper, which he left lying haphazardly on the table, to find it with a similar score to Namjoon's. Taehyung smiled. He was right. Honestly, that was more important to him at the moment than any old score on a sheet of paper; knowing his best friends.

The class that they'd just been given their results for was History, which the three of them in his little friend circle took. The only one left out was Hoseok. All three of Taehyung's best friends were known for something around here - mostly getting almost perfect grades for everything but especially for getting perfect grades in that one thing that they excelled in. Taehyung was much more well-rounded, and that was how it had always been. From a young age, the boy was taught to put his all into everything and always try his best. Unfortunately, that left him very little choice in focusing on one particular thing like his friends, otherwise all of his other grades would drop.

In this day and age, he'd come to accept the fact that everything you'd get in life came back to how well you did in school. Personality aside; if you didn't have decent enough brains, you were pretty lost. It was unfair, but the way it was. So the most he could do at the moment was do the best he could, his parents' advice becoming more and more real and useful as the days passed.

"Another great test, everyone," the sudden announcement from his teacher making everyone in the class quieten their ongoing chatter so they wouldn't be scolded. "Especially to a few of you." The History teacher then not-so-subtly stared too hard in the direction of Namjoon and Yoongi and then some of the popular kids in the big huddle in the centre of the room that always found time to mess around with each other and not study, but always seem to come out with good grades that the teacher would never be able to tell.

Taehyung hated those people. They put no effort or passion into anything, but still seemed to know it all. To the boy, it was some twisted turn of fate. They never worked for anything - not like he and his friends did. He couldn't count the amount of times they'd all passed out from studying too hard. And then those unmotivated, popular kids got to walk straight through school like it was a walk in the park. It was a pain in the .

Once their teacher had apparently stopped sending silent congratulations and praise around the room, he turned back to the expectant class. "Well, now that that unit is done with, you're all going to go onto the next one next lesson. Make sure you keep up on all of your revision for the past topics, though. Wouldn't want you to forget all that material, would we?"

There were collective murmurs of the word "no" littered around the room, but the teacher seemed satisfied enough. The middle-aged man, Mr Kim, was always strict and stiff, but was a good teacher, so Taehyung would never complain. He nodded his head, as if convincing himself that he was done, and then turned back out to face the class from the small movement. Taehyung took a moment to glance up at the clock, and was relieved to see that they only had one minute of the gruelling class left. After Mr Kim had given the results back and they'd all looked at them, the excitement was pretty much gone.

Taehyung kept a watchful eye on the clock until it got to exactly the right moment that he would be free from sitting in the stuffy classroom. The long, black second hand seemed to be moving much slower than usual. However, with the teacher's droning voice in the background, the clock eventually reached the time that they would all be allowed to go. Taehyung knew he hardly missed anything at all, as Mr Kim was probably just talking to pass the time. To make sure, the brown-haired boy turned to look at Namjoon and Yoongi, who didn't look in the slight bit interested. That meant that he certainly hadn't missed anything important.

Once the teacher noticed the time, Taehyung could see him visibly sigh in relief. "Well, you can all go now, but remember to keep studying!"

He seemed almost too joyful about it - he wasn't the one who had to put in those hours of cramming everything in. Despite that, Taehyung kept all of this thoughts and opinions to himself as he started packing his stuff away with the rest of the class. And by packing away, he meant shoving his books into the depths of his backpack so he wouldn't have to look at them for the rest of the day. "Hold your horses!" Yoongi practically growled as Taehyung and Namjoon - another swift packer - stood up almost in sync, not wanting to be left behind.

Taehyung smirked in Namjoon's direction, which the other, blonde boy chose to ignore, but Taehyung could see the dimples showing proudly on his cheeks, meaning that he was smiling at least. Yoongi moved in almost a snail's pace as he got ready to leave. Taehyung felt movement and chattering sounds all around him in the now more hectic classroom, as everyone was moving about. At this rate, he knew they were going to be one of the last out of the room. Just as they were waiting there, their teacher, Mr Kim, decided that he would walk over and stop right before the three boys. Taehyung inwardly groaned. When a teacher came up to him, it's never usually any good. He flicks his eyes to Yoongi, who's practically hidden himself behind his bag to get out of this. Namjoon had the same oblivious look on his face. Taehyung cursed them.

Mr Kim stopped just in front of Taehyung, giving the boy one of those smiles teachers gave when they thought that they were popular with the student. Taehyung forced a smile back at his teacher. "Taehyung," Mr Kim began. "I've got to go on duty at the lunch hall. Would you mind taking some of my documents for the class down to my office? You know where it is, right?"

Taehyung knew that it wasn't optional, and Mr Kim wasn't expecting him to say anything against doing it. He was just glad that he remembered where his office was, because if he didn't, it would've been a disaster trying to remember the way. Taehyung was hopeless at directions. "Yes, sir," he replies.

Mr Kim claps his hands together and smiles back at Taehyung cheerfully, and Taehyung holds back a sigh. "Thank you, Taehyung," he says before scuttling off to his desk, most likely to get the pile of documents that Taehyung had to take to his office. The boy huffs when he's out of earshot and looks over at his friends, trying to keep giggles back. Yoongi was slightly more subtle, keeping a straight face and standing up with his bag now flung over his shoulder, but Taehyung could see the amusement behind his eyes. He wanted to slap them.

"Shut up," he hissed, trying to keep his voice down so Mr Kim couldn't hear.

He looked back to his teacher, the older, more solid man making his way back over, a stack of neatly ordered folders in his hands. He was resting them on his forearm, as they were way too thick to be held in his hands alone. It was a really big pile. The teacher's slightly chubby fingers wrapped around the the longer edges of the folders, keeping them in place. As soon as Taehyung saw his sturdy teacher carrying them with such control, he knew that they were important and he had to be especially careful. He gulped, hoping that he wouldn't turn into Namjoon over the next five minutes. His taller, blonde friend had a knack for managing to trip over at the most crucial times. Mr Kim, upon getting back to the three boys, slipped the folders carefully into Taehyung's arms.

"Alright?" Mr Kim asked, stepping away but still looking at Taehyung and making sure that the boy was steady on his feet with the folders. "Be careful with them, okay? They are really important for my lessons for the rest of the year. They're completely organised, so please don't mix them up."

"I won't, sir," Taehyung tried to reassure his anxious teacher. However, in reality, he was nervous, and was wondering in his head again and again why Mr Kim decided to pick him of all people to get the documents back to the office. Looking at his teacher's apprehensive face, though, Taehyung was driven to get them back to the office safely. Even as he held them in his arms, gripping them much like his teacher had, Taehyung could feel the weight of them. He dreaded to think how long Mr Kim had been sorting all these out.

"Good, then. I need to go. Thank you, again, Taehyung." With that, Mr Kim strode past the three boys - now the only ones left in the classroom - smiling at them gratefully, and made his way out the door. Taehyung could hear his footsteps echo down the halls.

Once he was gone, Taehyung felt like it was okay to properly glare at his friends, all the while keeping the documents cradled to his chest. He feared loosening his grip, but at the same time, didn't think he had the strength to keep the tension in his arms all the way to Mr Kim's office. He had to travel up stairs, as well. It made him even more frustrated. "Why are you looking at us like that?" Namjoon asked, a dimpled smile plastered on his face. "It's not like we asked him to tell you to do it!"

Taehyung didn't want to admit that his taller friend had a point, and chose to grumble nonsense under his breath instead. But why him, really? He heard shuffling beside him and looked up to find Namjoon and Yoongi joining together and starting to turn towards the door. Taehyung's radar snapped to them, almost jumping in alarm. "Hey! Where are you going?" He questioned as he shuffled after them, documents feeling all the looser when he was moving.

"We're going to lunch," Yoongi stated bluntly, making his way to the door.

"What? You're not coming with me, hyungs?" Taehyung sounded whiney but he didn't really care. Just because he was the youngest didn't mean he was incapable, but it didn't mean that he wanted to do jobs alone, either.

"Why would we? You'll be fine, Tae," Namjoon assured him, gently patting his shoulder, hoping not to jostle the boy.

The three of them slipped out of the door, Yoongi holding it open for Taehyung at least, so he had less of a chance of dropping the folders. After that, Taehyung watched as his shorter, pale-skinned friend stuck his hands into the pockets of his blazer, flipped his silky hair out of his face, and took off in the direction of the lunch hall. Taehyung sighed at his friend, who tried to make himself as small as possible - smaller than he already was - in hope to become as inconspicuous as possible to the so-called 'toxic' students around. Taehyung looked at Namjoon for support, widening his eyes in a plea, but Namjoon simply shrugged in return. "Sorry, but it shouldn't take long," was his attempt of reassurance.

Namjoon then dismissed Taehyung's pout and hurried to catch up with Yoongi, who in his slow strides, hadn't gotten far. Namjoon's long legs made up the distance quite quickly. Taehyung huffed again, and wondered how he got lumbered with such friends. It was probably because Mr Kim's office was along the crowded hallway and they wanted to avoid people, so they used lunch to get out of getting mixed up in the crowds. What great friends; leaving Taehyung to suffer the shoving students by himself - with important documents as well! Taehyung tore his eyes away from the picture of his two best friends disappearing down the long, empty corridor and towards the one he had to travel down.

He looked forward, tightened his grip on the folders, and started marching with as much confidence as he could muster. He could hear the onslaught of stomping feet and loud, overlapping conversations before he managed to see the waves of bodies making their way around the school this lunchtime. The small corridor he was in at the moment was only a passage to the main one where the festival of students would probably be. His one was practically empty, and as he moved through it, started dreading the one he would join more and more. As the end came into view, he was finally able to see the carnage that his ears provided before.

Taehyung could hardly find a space to fit into the crowd when he got there. He felt like a car trying to pull onto a very busy motorway. Soon enough, he was part of the flow of people wandering down the hall. All around him, bodies were blocking his view, and Taehyung had never felt so small. Now he understands how Yoongi feels. Luckily, the people he'd found himself crammed against were quite calm, and mindlessly chatting as they travelled about. The sea of students in uniform was a bit like a rocky ocean; some people moved at more rough, angry strides, trying to get around faster than others, impatient and uncaring for other droplets of water in the ocean. The others were the droplets that got pushed out of the way. It was some sort of hierarchy that people like Taehyung had to learn.

Taehyung shuffled along, trying to keep a fair distance between people behind him because he didn't want to suddenly get shoved and trip. It would be a nightmare. Taehyung wasn't short, but since he was standing behind a dark-haired boy who seemed like a human giant, Taehyung had to shift his body from side to side in hope to see the staircase on one side of the hall that he was pretty sure was coming up. He'd walked these halls too many times, so now he pretty much knew by instinct where things were in this particular section of the school. Upon slightly jumping onto his tip-toes for a moment, Taehyung managed to see past the shoulder of the guy in front of him and found the grand opening of the staircase that he had to use.

Sighing in relief at the prospect of getting out of the most crowded part of the school at this time of day, Taehyung cut across the width of the corridor to get to the section he detached himself from being part of the crowd. It was a struggle to weave in and out of people, but he managed it, and as he got to the stairs, he suddenly felt the air around him again. It was freeing, because in there, a constant heat seemed to linger over his body. The effect of too many people on his slight body, probably. He'd get trampled in the wilderness. There only happened to be a few people coming down the stairs as he went up, so he didn't need to watch out as much for people that could possibly harm him. Plus, they were all going the opposite way, so he could see them coming. He prayed for their souls as they joined the current of bodies in the hall below. As he travelled up the stairs, his body became a whole lot less stable, and the documents in his arms seemed to rock about more. This made the boy cradle them closer - if that was even possible by now.

The staircase curved around in a sort of 'U' shape, so Taehyung was left with the view of the corridor on top of the one he'd just left. This one seemed to look much brighter, mainly because there wasn't as many bodies crowding it up with their navy uniform, making the place look almost dreary. No. This corridor made his school seem almost acceptable. Even the near-empty corridor his History classroom was on was quite dreary because they didn't bother to give the branch of a corridor vibrant lighting - it wasn't part of the thicker trunk of the school; the main corridors. This one was easier for Taehyung to get down without having people surrounding him at all angles. Sure, there were students passing him frequently, but the feeling of being boxed in was gone.

Light brown doors were lining the sides of the corridor, and Taehyung decided to keep closer to the left side, not the middle. It was as Taehyung was walking past a notice board that he caught sight of a door about five feet ahead of him swing open, and a very familiar figure step out of the classroom that the door led to. Taehyung smiled upon meeting the face of his last best friend. Hoseok was a chirpy boy that always had a smile on his face, and it was a radiant one at that. He was about the same height as Taehyung, give or take, and was well-built. Hoseok had a passion for dancing, just like Namjoon and Yoongi had a passion for music, so it wasn't really a surprise that the boy kept his shape. Honestly speaking, Taehyung didn't have that bad of a body himself, despite sitting on his for the majority of his days. It was something that he never quite seemed to be able to grasp. He was still hopeless at sports and had less motivation than a sloth, so at least that made sense.

Smiling, Taehyung hurried over to his older friend as he was shutting the door behind him. "Hobi!" He called out so the boy wouldn't run off before Taehyung got the chance to talk to him.

At first, Hoseok looked confused, but as he turned around and saw Taehyung, a softer look of realisation came over his face. He smiled in adoration at Taehyung. "Hey, Tae," he greeted in his sweet voice. "What are you doing up here?"

Since Taehyung didn't usually come up here, only having one of his lessons on the second floor, there was a reason for Hoseok to be curious. Taehyung happily lifted his arms to the attention of his friend, who's eyes were immediately drawn to the mass of folders in the brunette's arms. "What are they?" He asks Taehyung.

"Mr Kim's sheets of work for the rest of the year. I've got to take them to his office," he explained.

Hoseok made an "Ah" sound, as if thinking that it made perfect sense. Taehyung gave Hoseok his infamous box smile and the two of them took off walking in the direction of Mr Kim's office at the end of the hall. Taehyung's heart filled with gratitude. At least he didn't have to go on his own anymore. "Thanks for coming with me, hyung," he spoke up. "Namjoon and Yoongi ditched me to go to lunch the first chance they got."

Hoseok threw his head back in laughter, the sound making Taehyung wince and want to block his ears. But he couldn't because of the damn folders. Honestly, though, he wasn't expecting much else from Hoseok. "Yep, that's Namjoon and Yoongi alright. They probably didn't even go to lunch; they probably took the opportunity to go straight to the music room and get some extra work done on their project."

Taehyung nodded his head in agreement. The two of them shared a deep, emotional passion for making music and were convinced that it was what they wanted to do for the rest of their life. They were top of the class, at least, so they had a great chance. It was the same for Hoseok and his dancing. Taehyung struggled to comprehend how they found what they wanted to do so easily and kept it up. It was almost embarrassing how Taehyung couldn't stick to something for so long. This was why it was so hard for him to find a job prospect. From time to time, Taehyung did get jealous of how dedicated his three best friends were to their dreams, and couldn't help but crave for something like that which he could care about so deeply.

"You're right," Taehyung clarified Hoseok's earlier comment verbally, before huffing and continuing with his journey.

In the distance, he could hear the sound of boisterous, rowdy laughter and the pat of feet on the cold, tiled floor the school had to offer. There were still people dotted around the place, but enough space for immature, confident-enough-to-run-in-school kids to race past if need be. Just in case, Taehyung pushed Hoseok and himself towards the wall a little more, so they could remain as hidded as possible. It was at moments like this when Taehyung was thankful for his and his friends' image around school of being practically never noticed at all. The high-pitched, near squealing sounds got closer, and so did the sound of shoes slapping the floor, and Taehyung held his breath.

It was all in a blur, because one second, his vision was perfectly stable as he looked forward like any normal person does when they walk. The next, however, the air had been knocked out of his lungs by brute force slamming into his shoulder and sending him flying. Taehyung squeezed his eyes shut, losing all control as every part of his body went limp. He faintly heard the sound of crinkling paper spill out all over the floor, but his brain hadn't quite registered what had happened yet. All he could think about was the shattering pain as his flat palms and knees slapped the tiled floor beneath him as he fell. Luckily, he landed on his hands and knees and not his precious face, so his nose wouldn't smack the floor. Stiff as a board, Taehyung felt like he had to absorb the situation before being brought back to life by a gentle hand caressing his back. With the signal, Taehyung's eyes immediately shot open, the importance of the situation finally taking toll on his poor, over-worked brain.

Taehyung looked at the floor in front of him, and the white sheets of paper spilling out of the open folders scattered around literally everywhere on the floor. Taehyung had to wonder how they managed to spread so far. Firstly, he craned his neck to look up to his left, where a concerned Hoseok was kneeling next to him and rubbing his back comfortingly. Taehyung felt like sobbing. How was he supposed to pick all this up? He didn't even know how to sort it. This was a disaster.

Coming to realisation, Taehyung lifted his head up to stare in front of him, where the culprit might still be running off. What he was not expecting, however, was to find two red-faced, panting boys not three metres away from him. The first boy was shorter and standing behind the other one; he had messy chestnut brown hair and round cheeks. The boy standing in front of him was much taller, with piercing eyes staring down at Taehyung. This boy had an air of arrogance around him, and unlike his friend, even with all the running around, his raven hair still seemed pretty presentable. He had a muscular build, but not quite as much as the shorter boy. The taller one in front was holding his left shoulder; the one he had to have used to hit something. Taehyung. The boy instantly recognised the boy that made him drop all of the folders - his name was Jeon Jungkook.

From the floor, still on his hands and knees, feeling like he was begging Jungkook or praising him or doing anything that the other boy didn't deserve, Taehyung's cheeks heated up in shame - and anger. The shorter boy that Jungkook was with was one of his best friends, Park Jimin. On the floor, Taehyung was feeling all the more ridiculous and embarrassed. Slowly, he shifted so that he was sitting on his knees, not taking his eyes off of the other two boys. What really ticked Taehyung off, though, was the fact that the two of them looked down at Taehyung - the boy they've just knocked over and potentially gotten into trouble - and started laughing. If Taehyung thought he couldn't get any more humiliated, he was wrong. The two boys were practically cackling their heads off, and Taehyung had nothing to do but stare at them in shame. He didn't even do anything.

Jungkook and Jimin were both part of the same set of people that Taehyung loathed. They walked around the school like they owned the place, not caring that other people had to learn there too, acting as if everyone else was beneath them. What ticked Taehyung off was the fact that most people actually liked them. There was a large group of people in their friend circle that acted like they ruled the roost, and the worst part was that they got on pretty well with everything. It ignited every coil of hate within Taehyung at that moment, because even with all of his popularity and ability to cruise through life, Jungkook doesn't even bother to look back at Taehyung after he looked away in something like disgust at the boy on the floor.

Taehyung watches as Jungkook shares one final laugh with Jimin before taking off down the corridor again. No. Their ordeals were more important. It didn't matter that they probably lost Taehyung's name in every one of Mr Kim's good books. Taehyung clenched his fists; they couldn't bring themselves to feel compassion for anyone. His eyes hardened as he glared daggers into their retreating backs. "Taehyung, are you okay?" Hoseok's caring voice brought him back from his valley of rage, and he managed to look back over to catch the worried look on his friend's face. It was weird seeing Hoseok without a smile.

Taehyung let out a sigh, mostly to let out all the hate for the two boys at the moment so that he wouldn't accidentally yell at Hoseok or something. It didn't mean that he wasn't still holding onto some anger, though. "I swear," he growled through gritted teeth. "Those two are going to get it one day."

Hoseok wrapped an arm around Taehyung, and it helped out some more of the rage built up inside Taehyung. The latter whimpered as he looked back down at the documents sprawled over the floor. The worst part was seeing all the people around him just walking past without even bothering to spare him a glance. But Taehyung knew his place. It was down here. "Let me help you," the kind voice soothes again. Taehyung really owes Hoseok.

That's how Taehyung and Hoseok end up spending the majority of lunchtime sorting the documents back into their appropriate file, and try to work out which orded everything goes in again. It's slow and frustrating but they work together and end up with the documents tucked away in their respective folder, and try and take them to Mr Kim's office again - this time without any disruptions.



It's about a week after the 'folder incident', and Taehyung likes to call it, and it's back to usual routine. So far, he hasn't been chased around by a furious Mr Kim, so he figures that he and Hoseok did a pretty good job. Or a decent enough one. He's glad, but still gets nervous whenever he enters the History classroom. Namjoon and Yoongi were told with vigour about the events of the incident, but seemed none in the least bit guilty for leaving him alone. Yoongi just told Taehyung to carry on blaming Jungkook, which didn't seem like a bad idea, in all fairness. They too shared an equal distrust for the hooligans that made up the group Jungkook was in. However, to Taehyung, Jungkook was the worst of the worst. Oh, why did it have to be him that decided to run into Taehyung, laugh and leave without apologising. It made him feel like absolute .

This lunchtime, Taehyung found himself getting dragged along with his friends to the library, where they were going to get some homework done for the only class they shared together. The four of them sat down at a large, thin table, two either side of it. They were at the end of the table, away from everyone else. The library was quiet, the only sound being hushed whispers between small groups of people. The librarian was sitting behind the desk, reading. The whole room was an array of colours for each different book. Shelves behind shelves of books were caging the middle section of the library in, where the tables were all laid out. Taehyung was sitting next to Yoongi, who had already gotten his pad and pen out and placed them on the fake wood table. Taehyung blinked in disbelief at his friend's antics, because most of the time, Yoongi seemed to be the slowest person on Earth, and then he'd do something unexpected, and everyone will be grovelling at his feet. At least, that's what Taehyung did.

Soon after, Taehyung started to pull his own paper and pens out for the essay on a book that they had to write. Taehyung's body moved slowly; he was dreading the essay. It wasn't doing the essay, exactly, because he really didn't mind it. What he didn't like, though, was the amount of energy that he put into it all. He wasn't so sure he had all of that to give right now. The day seemed to be the life out of him, and all Taehyung craved was to get it over and done with. Still, he pulled his notebook open and grabbed his pen to start the essay about the book they'd just finished studying. Taehyung was just in the middle of writing the title when he heard a meek squeak from a couple of spaces down. It caught his attention almost immediately, and so he turned his brunette head in the direction of the sound.

He came to see a girl around his age looking down at an array of workbooks and worksheets with a look of utter confusuin and dismay on her face. Taehyung looked down to see a multitude of Maths equations scribbled across the worksheets and methods in the notebook that obviously made no sense to the girl. Taehyung recognised them at once, being quite the genius at Maths himself, coming about second in his class. However, the girl seemed lost, and Taehyung's heart filled with empathy. Just because he found things easy, he knew that other people didn't. Heck, some things even Namjoon, Yoongi and Hoseok couldn't get their head around. It was at times like this that he cherished being well-rounded. The girl was pretty and had a lively look about her, which made Taehyung want to help her more. "Are you okay?" He asked, leaning over the seat next to him so he could get closer.

She whimpered again and looked up at him with almost pain in her eyes. "I don't get it," she told him in a whine. "I got the last topic, but when we went onto this, I just got so lost-"

"Hey, hey, it's okay." She shut and looked at him pleadingly. "What's your name?"

"Wheein." Taehyung smiles while he slips out of his seat so he can join Wheein a couple of spaces along.

"Well, Wheein, I'm Taehyung. Would you like a little bit of help?"

Wheein nods her head ferociously, giving Taehyung the all clear to look at her worksheets. Taehyung's eyes scan the page, becoming more and more familiar with what Wheein had to do. He wracked his brain for the solutions, and it didn't take him long to remember the method. Maths was all about patterns, essentially, so Taehyung told himself to think logically for that subject. Everything had to fit. For subjects like History, where you had to write a lot of essays, the thing you had to focus on was your gut instinct, mostly. Taehyung found that if you learn the key requirements for all subjects, you'll be able to go far in all of them. However, if you were like his friends, and could only really do one thing especially well, then you were only meant for one set of subjects. For example, Yoongi and Hoseok only ever really worked on feeling, which was why they hated Maths.

Since Taehyung had worked out all the short cuts, he felt that he was the best person to help here. "Yes, I know these. Try taking it from the top. Brackets first, remember." Wheein nodded to the fact that they'd learnt years ago, and started to break apart the algebraic equation. Step by step, Taehyung guided her through, making sure to explain all the reasons why she had to do each step so that she could remember for next time. "Why don't you write the steps down so it will be easier when you come to revise?" He suggested, which she complied to, writing the method Taehyung just taught her on a coloured post-it note, meaning it would stick out when she came back to it. As they went along, a smile gradually made it's way onto Wheein's face. "There, done. Do you get it now?"

Wheein beamed back at him, and Taehyung wondered if the girl felt like hugging him in gratitude or something. She certainly looked ready to pounce. "Yes! Thank you so much, Taehyung! I owe you one."

"It was nothing, really."

Wheein gave him one last smile, thanking him profusely again, before returning to her work, this time getting through it with a look of ease written across her face. Taehyung grinned once more before saying goodbye and making his way over to his seat again. As he turned around to walk back, he came to face his friends looking at him with an almost wondrous expression. "What?" Taehyung questioned as he perched back down in his original seat.

"You should be a teacher," Yoongi jumped straight to the point from next to him.

"What?" He was stumped. His friends had suggested things that he was good at and could focus on to build a career, but never had they really been sure. However, with the unwavering tone in Yoongi's voice, Taehyung could tell that his friend was going to stick to his choice this time - and judging by Namjoon and Hoseok's expectant expressions for his answer, they were in agreement, too. According to them, Taehyung should have something that he wanted to strive for, be a little bit more inversed in. He understood that it worked for them, but the whole idea seemed far-fetched to him, because it seemed like an awfully mandatory decision to make at such a young age. You had to be practically in love with it to stick to it, was his idea. Taehyung never had that determination. It was also against everything he'd currently worked on. If he focused on one thing, then what about the other things?

Taehyung then thought about the actual suggestion, and everything seemed to fold into place. Yoongi always surprised Taehyung with his logical, mind-altering thoughts. Taehyung pictured himself teaching; doing what, he didn't know. Wouldn't he have to pick one thing? He thought about it more, and then realised that he didn't have to decide right away. Because right now, he could do everything. Still he wanted Yoongi to elaborate - or anyone, really. "A teacher?" He questioned.

"Yeah, did you see yourself just then?" Hoseok practically squealed to the whole library. Taehyung, Yoongi and Namjoon shushed him, leaving the boy folding in on himself with a goofy, sheepish smile on his face.

"I did, but - what makes you say it?"

"Do you not realise how perfect you would be?" Namjoon explained to him, Taehyung resting his elbows on the table and his head on the palms of his hands. "You're good a everything, right?"

Taehyung blushed, because having it said out loud was different from knowing it in his head. It was different when Taehyung or anyone said it out loud. He suddenly didn't want to brag. "You are, don't deny it," Namjoon continued. "Not many people can be a few places from top score at everything, despite yourself, others find it hard, Tae. So you can help a wide range of people. That little stunt there just proved again to us that you're so good at helping people. When you want to, that is." Taehyung laughed when he thought about his errand for Mr Kim. He figured that Namjoon was right, because he did love helping people. It brought a happiness to him that he really couldn't quite explain.

"You're good at making speeches, trust me," Namjoon continues. Taehyung thinks over all the times that he'd over-explained topics he's found interesting, or gone into a tangent when trying to teach anyone anything. He had a tendency to talk about every detail or possible scenario. "You know what you're talking about, too."

As Namjoon listed all the reasons why it would be a good idea, Taehyung couldn't help but be drawn more and more to this idea. "Plus, you don't know what you want to do, so perhaps just start by tutoring and you can get a feel for it," Yoongi suggested.

Taehyung nodded to his elder friend's plan, and grinned back at his friends. "It's a good idea, guys," he stated.

"Really? Because I think you'd be excellent at it, Taehyung. Do you have any idea how good at things you are?" Hoseok continued, almost like a fan. Taehyung flushed again, because why had Hoseok got to point it out so bluntly? "However, there is another person that can do it that I know of. Off the top of my head."

As the topic was brought up, an eerie silence descended across their section of the table. Taehyung's eye twitched, knowing damn well who Hoseok was referencing. It was the same person that Taehyung was having a big problem with now; the cocky that had run into Taehyung last week. Jungkook was another person that managed to do well without dropping in one thing. What annoyed Taehyung was that he was even good in sports. It still didn't count; but the way that the popular boy made it look easy irritated Taehyung within an inch of his sanity. But like all the others, Taehyung knew that Jungkook didn't need to work hard for it, brushing through life like it was going to give him a hand. Taehyung knew the type, and didn't care to waver his opinion one centimetre.

Jungkook didn't care, not like Taehyung cared, and didn't put in nearly as much effort. He was naturally gifted, and Taehyung hated it. There was no way that he was going to ruin this for him. If, upon some miraculous reason, that Jungkook felt that he could do the job better than Taehyung - more people are drawn to the other boy, definitely - Taehyung would surely flip. It was no mystery that Jungkook liked being the centre of attention. Everyone knew that. "That better not mess it up for me," he half-growled. "If he even thinks of copying, I will personally cut his ears off."

Not feeling threatened by Taehyung's malicious tone, Hoseok asks, "Why his ears?"

The cloudy, hot air of anger evaporates from Taehyung a little as his friend's question runs through his mind, and Taehyung shrugs light-heartedly. "Don't know. It was the first body part that came to mind."

"Well, thank hell for that," Yoongi mumbled, causing Hoseok to let out a screech of a laugh in return. The other boy rolled his eyes, done with the group now and returned to writing his essay.

"So, " Namjoon became the calming voice amongst them. "Are you going to set up little tutoring sessions or something?"

He looked at Taehyung with an expectant expression, but Taehyung could see something like pleading in his eyes. It seemed that his friends really thought that he could help people. They thought he could be good at this. It gave Taehyung a feeling of pride. It was alright to feel like this, he figured, like Yoongi and Namjoon knew they were good at making music, and Hoseok knew he was an amazing dancer. It was fitting that you knew when you were good at something or not. "I think I am," he clarified.

Namjoon and Hoseok practically cheered, while Yoongi gave him a sort of appreciative smirk before going back to his essay. "And I'm sure that Jungkook won't get in your way. He doesn't even look at us," Hoseok assured him.

Taehyung nodded at the known fact, and felt slightly better about it all. He was sure that Jungkook wouldn't pay attention to them - for people like him, Taehyung's sort meant nothing - so he had nothing to worry about. It didn't stop him from having some kind of inkling that Jungkook wouldn't let him live it down in peace. He'd nearly ruined his life once, why not do it again?



Over the course of the next few days, Namjoon, Hoseok and Yoongi helped Taehyung set up his tutoring sessions. They made leaflets containing the details of what subjects Taehyung did and could help with - minus sport, something that everyone had to, unfortunately, do. They made them as vibrant and eye-catching as possible, and stuck them around the school. Taehyung ran private sessions after school now, after talking to the librarian, who let him run them there. This saved trips to people's houses, or inviting strangers around his. 

It was a slow start, but Taehyung managed to build up his own kind of help system, completely free of charge. This was a cheaper alternative to hiring a tutor, and Taehyung figured that fact was his main highlight. It was free because Taehyung was doing it for himself and the students, not the money. Over time, when word had gotten round, he found himself building his clients. Of course, they all came from his side of the school - the popular people never subjecting themselves to getting help from the likes of him. Taehyung wasn't even offended.

One of the first people to sign up for it was in fact Wheein, the girl he helped, because she apparently liked his way of teaching. True to Namjoon's words, Taehyung loved helping people. Taehyung also managed to find out that he was a natural people-pleaser, and tried his best to adapt to each student's needs like his subject's requirements. The idea came easily to him that he deemed himself a natural. Before this, he never would have known that he loved to talk to different kinds of people so much - he was growing and he loved it. His friends remained loyally by his side over the weeks that his sessions were growing and tried to help any way they could. They seemed determined to have Taehyung stick with this passion, to have something to strive for. For the first time in his life, Taehyung understood where they were coming from on that front. He'd been undecided for so long, and now his life was going somewhere. It seemed that anyone could go forth and find their passion; they just couldn't give up.

After Wheein, who also invited a couple of her friends who needed help to get a session, the word spread around pretty quickly. So weeks later, he was agreeing with his friends that his life was going somewhere. He realised where they were coming from when they showed pride for what they wanted to do. Taehyung realised that in the school, tutoring was his thing, no one else's, and that fact made it all the more magical to Taehyung. The boy finally had passion coursing through his veins, and he wasn't prepared to let it go. He also had a sense of possessiveness to it, a childish inkling that said he'd be upset if anyone took it up, too. He was smart enough to know he was being ridiculous, because there obviously would be others that had the same idea. But still.

He was happy doing this, and had, by then, almost gotten past the whole 'folder incident'. It was about time he moved on and worked on his own thing, anyway. His pride for it trumped his irritation at Jungkook and his friends. The only time he had to see their godforsaken faces was in the classes he shared with them. It was enough to settle his rattling soul. What made him feel great was the praise he kept getting from teachers, and how they doted upon him now. He was no longer entirely invisible. He was known around school now as the person to come to if you needed help with your studies - everyone heard it, even if they weren't interested. It wasn't big news, because Taehyung wasn't important enough, but it was still something that was out there, and getting his sessions known. He wasn't complerely under the radar anymore; he was someone that people could look for in need. Taehyung had never been happier.



It was one day that after setting up a tutoring session with a new boy, Taehyung wa walking to his next class with Yoongi at his side. The shorter boy was quiet and listening intently as Taehyung jabbered on about his new students that he was getting. Only Yoongi's close friends could tell that he was proud, because not many would be able to see the proud twinkle in his eyes, or see the softness in his smirk. But Taehyung could, and he couldn't be happier. "You should see how much progress she's making, hyung," he went on. He was talking about one of his students, who he wouldn't disclose any information about, other than to his friends. He needed to keep quiet about it too. Even then, he couldn't give them very many details.

"That's good," Yoongi replied.

The two of them were passing the school on the path outside in the courtyard, which they had to cross to get to the seperate building their next class was in. The two of them liked to turn up early to class, mostly so that they could get the best seat. Yoongi was convinced that the best should get the best. Taehyung just went with whatever his best friend believed. The field was on one side of them, where a football match was going on, and benches were on the other side, for people who wanted to eat or hang out around here during lunch. There were groups of people around, but what drew Taehyung in was the larger group around one of the benches by some overgrown bushes. His eyes locked onto the group for some reason, and until he knew why, he studied the bodies of different shapes and sizes like a predator would his prey.

The gravel scraped beneath his feet as he went, but he could hardly listen to the pattern like he usually did, as his attention was snapped away. Even Yoongi's "What is it?" didn't stop him from finding the source of his turmoil. What made his feet come to a grinding stop was when he was in earshot of the group across the grass part of the courtyard, and heard a strikingly familiar voice. He'd heard it laugh at him and make crude comments in class too many times to miss it. Taehyung turned his body towards them in alarm and a bit of shock. He listened to Jungkook's suddenly unbearable voice talk to them, and worked out what he was doing.

Was Jungkook teaching?

Clear as crystal, Taehyung could hear Jungkook giving a sort of lecture about Biology - one of the classes Taehyung shared with him, as well. What was this? Why did Jungkook feel the need to take Taehyung's skill away? Was it something he wanted to go into, too? If not, why was he taking the spotlight for it? Just because he was good at it, didn't mean that he had to do it. Why was he stealing Taehyung's thing? Why him, of all people? "Do you see what he's doing?" He asked Yoongi, still gawping at Jungkook in outrage.

"Yeah," Yoongi sighed in defeat. "I guess he couldn't go around having someone be better than him. Lets go, Tae."

Yoongi dropped his shoulders in defeat and started to walk away, but Taehyung was not a person to be walked all over twice. He was here too, so why couldn't he do his thing without Jungkook, Mr Perfect, know-it-all, interfering? He clenched his fists and prepared himself to march over and give Jungkook a piece of his mind. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught Yoongi stop and look back at him, wide-eyed, probably wondering why he didn't follow him. "Taehyung, lets just go. There's nothing you can do."

"Oh, yes there is."

With that, Taehyung disregarded everything he'd ever done to follow his friends' example and not speak out of turn in front of people that could easily make his life a living hell. However, now he seemed to lose all of his self-restraint, because this time, Jungkook had over-stepped his boundaries. He may not even know Taehyung, but he needed to learn to treat people with much more respect than he does. If no one was going to teach him that, then why couldn't Taehyung? He was an aspiring teacher now, after all. It seemed that everything had come back to the 'folder incident', in the end. 

Taehyung squared his shoulders and started to march over to the group not far away on the grass. The scholl building loomed behind them, like it was caging them in so they couldn't escape Taehyung's wrath. He felt scuttling behind him, and for the first time in what seemed like ever, he saw Yoongi running after him. The boy, who usually remained rather stoic, had a desperate and panicked look on his face. If it were any other situation, Taehyung would have stopped and complied to his friend's wishes, because he meant everything to him, as well as Namjoon and Hoseok. But he couldn't today. This was something he had to do.

"Taehyung," Yoongi hissed. "Stop! Seriously, have you thought this through?"

As they got closer and closer to the crowd, Yoongi became more and more uncomfortable. Taehyung could see it on his face. Yoongi spent his whole life staying away from crowds, and here Taehyung was, dragging him to one. The black-haired boy looked out of place amongst them, and became stiff, like they were going to trample him or kidnap him or anything like that. Guilt curled within Taehyung's stomach, but he still didn't stop pushing forward until he got close enough to the group of people Jungkook was talking about microorganisms with. One look at his smug face reminded Taehyung of why he needed to give him a piece of his mind.

He didn't answer Yoonngi because the truth was that he had no plan whatsoever, and decided to roll with his gut feeling. It was completely irrational but seemed right. He was probably going to make a fool of himself and give Jungkook a reason to make his life hell; getting noticed for a different reason now, trying to teach Jeon Jungkook some manners. He stopped at the back of the group consisted of Jungkook's friends and other people that were deemed worthy enough to be noticed at the school.

Yoongi was fidgeting at his side, head shooting from side to side like he was looking for a way out. It was as Taehyung was about to open his mouth that the facts Jungkook was talking about caught his attention. "Actually, the first person to see a live cell with a microscope was Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, who was born in the sixteenth century," Jungkook explained in his cocky tone of voice.

At the fact, Taehyung keeps his mouth open, but it's gawping in shock. From there, his mouth talks on it's own, because it's like a switch has been set off in his body. "Seventeenth century, actually," he speaks up, voice echoing over the whole group of people.

It goes silent, and Taehyung watches as most of the group twists around so that they could face him. However, Taehyung's eyes are locked on Jungkook, who has a look of pure shock written legibly across his face. The boy's mouth is open, his deep brown eyes are wide, and his perfectly formed eyebrows are raised. He seemes stumped and in pure disbelief that he got it wrong, and Taehyung almost laughs at his expressio

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Chapter 1: This was a well developed one shot that wasn't too rushed or poorly written. Loved it and i'm glad to have found this gem ^^ really love tae and kookie's personality in this story~ taekook forever <3
Minority12 #2
Chapter 1: Hi there, fellow European^^
I loooved the story and the plot and the characters. Really, this story should get more attention. I am going to follow you and check everything you write (lol, not in the creepy way xD)
Chapter 1: enjoyed this read :) thank you for creating this masterpiece.
daniaza #4
Chapter 1: this should be more appreciated???????
sassyvip #5
Chapter 1: This was beautiful and so well written!!! Amazing!
Chapter 1: this story is sooo cute huhu i am inspired to be a better person!♥
what_even_ #7
Chapter 1: This fic is adorable!!! Your story is great!
PutriLoveHae #8
Chapter 1: omg this gotta be one of the longest one shot (not that in complaining i love long chappie) and one filled with so many things. i love thissssss and wouldnt actually mind reading more of your plots & stories! you did well hunn
peggyw #9
Chapter 1: Ty for such a charming story coupled with a good moral.