Nappeun EXO

My Arranged Marriage with EXO-K's SeHun--- PLEASE STOP TRANSLATING
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I opened my eyes. My classes will start in 30 minutes. Not much time left for me, I guess. I'll have to change my clothes in school.

Another thought entered my mind.

Se Hun has not eaten breakfast yet.

And I looked at him. He was still sleeping. I can't believe how patient he was last night. I was leaning on his shoulder the whole time I was sleeping, and he didn't move a single bit.

I slipped my head away from his shoulder, my pillow. 

Aigoo. Joo Young, stop dreaming. 

I decided to buy him food.

I also bought a box of pastries for EXO and Se Hun.

He was still fast asleep when I returned from the convenience store. I placed the food beside his bag and left a note that said,


>>> SE HUN'S POV<<<

Last night had been thrilling. I was secretly wishing to catch a glimpse of her, but I acted so stupidly . My jealousy screwed everything up. I thought that she would not want to talk to me ever again. Baekhyun-hyung promised me that she will never tell Joo Young of my whereabouts.

But she found me, and I had to surrender.

I was planning to give her the silent treatment, but I couldn't. I saw her soft side for the very first time. Those tears on her unblemished face were just sooo. ugh. I can't even explain it.  And she has a fear of lightning and thunder. (Astraphobia) I just had to do something about it.

Last night, I went out of my comfort zone and did something I've never done to any woman before. not even my mother.

I tried to make her sleep soundly. I must admit that I was having rapid heartbeats when she leaned on my shoulder. 

What's happening to me? Why am I so concerned?.....

>>>I woke up. Where is she? 

She left early. Tsk. 

Then I noticed that there was a bunch of foods beside my bag. 

I read the note. "Gumawo"

I think I like the idea of her as my wife.

I did not just say that. I did not.

I did not.

EXO's schedule isn't hectic today. We just had to attend a conference then we're free. Finally,  I'd get to sleep.

All throughout the day, I sent her random text messages like "jdsn"..... "hsjaiwwd" just to try pissing her off.

Silly Joo Young did not reply. FINE.


We went back to the dorm after the conference.

"Ya, Se Hun. You don't belong here anymore. Go back to your lovey dovey couple house." Kai-hyung mocked in between laughter.

"Hyung, do me a favor." I told Kai-hyung.

"What?" He asked.

"Please shut up." I replied.

"Hey Se Hun!!! Your wifey  actually looked like she was about to cry when she asked me where you were yesterday. Obviously, I

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Chapter 11: his precious sleep haha
Chapter 6: sehun is a tsundere lol
myungsooist #3
Chapter 1: come here to re-read? thanku authornim?
SeHunsha #4
Chapter 10: Sehun is teaching maths that's impossible bcoz he's not good at them ...anyways its just imagination so yeah its fine
Chapter 55: Come here to reread ..
i miss this story of yours a lot, dear a author ~~~
Lolypop123 #6
Chapter 55: So sweet
212 streak #7
Chapter 55: This is a great story to be read
22 streak #8
Chapter 55: Self restraint no more hahaha