Pull The Weeds

Like A Tree...

Sunggyu forgot his bento lunch. He realized only when he arrived at the office but didn’t have anything to put in his personal fridge.

For a second, he considered calling Woohyun to ask him to bring it. But, in the end, he decided against the idea. He didn’t want Woohyun to waste time to bring him food when he could be using his lunch hour to actually eat and study.

They had been married for 5 months now.

Woohyun had been back to school for 4 of those months and was drowning in assignments and papers and tests – he was graduating next year, after all. And after that, he could start auditioning for companies. Sunggyu had asked his Secretary find out and keep a schedule of all said auditions. He planned on presenting them to Woohyun at his graduation.

He now somewhat understood what people meant by the Honeymoon Stage of every relationship. For years since moving out of his family home, he had lived alone. Aside from the weekly housekeeper who had kept his apartment clean and tidy, he saw no one else when he was at home. His relationships were short-lived and never serious. His meals consisted of eating out at restaurants or food from takeout boxes.

But, now, all of a sudden, he was sharing a home with someone else. Someone who cooked meals and made him bento lunches to take to work. Someone who stayed up to wait for him to make sure he had eaten and showered before heading to bed. Someone with whom he could spend weekend nights just watching whatever was on T.V. and order Chinese takeout if they didn't feel like cooking.

And even though a housekeeper and gardener did come twice a week to help maintain their home, he finally had a companion who was there every day.

He liked the way his husband would welcome him home and talk about how great or terrible his day was and then asking Sunggyu about his. His heart would fill with warmth when Woohyun would shyly ask for help on some of his homework and randomly texting him during the day to say he did well on a test. And he loved how Woohyun felt next to him when the younger would unknowingly cuddle up to him after falling asleep.

Sunggyu couldn’t imagine the rest of his life without Woohyun. In fact, he couldn't help but wonder how he stayed sane without Woohyun.

Even though the younger acted annoyed and often complained, never once did he stop acting like a dutiful husband to Sunggyu.

Now, if only he would return his good night kisses, Sunggyu would be the happiest man in South Korea.

A knock on his door interrupted his musings and he looked up to see his Secretary with takeout lunch for him.

“Thank you, Bora-shii,” he said, as she came in and placed the plastic bag of food on his desk.

“Are you eating here today, Sunggyu-shii?” she asked.

Sunggyu nodded. “I have too much to do and if I want to be home for dinner, I need to get to them now.”

Bora giggled as she began taking out the food cartons. “I guess the missus is not too happy whenever you’re late, huh?” she teased, knowing of his habit of calling Woohyun his wife. “Last week was probably unpleasant.”

The company was wrapping up a huge business deal and so all hands were on deck to ensuring it closed with no issue. And his husband made his displeasure at his coming home late very clear, even if he thought he was acting normally.

At the memory of a sulky Woohyun, Sunggyu sighed. “It felt like winter every time I entered the house after 9. I have to make it up to him.”

He was aware of the goofy smile that made its way to his lips as he thought about Woohyun’s pretend nonchalance that he didn’t care that Sunggyu came home late all of last week.

(“I don’t care what you do!” he had insisted when Sunggyu apologized after the third time. “I just think it’s rude to make the food wait! Have you no respect for food?! You’re in the food industry for God’s sake!”)

His husband was so cute.

“Omo! I’m so sorry, Sunggyu-shii!”

Sunggyu blinked in surprise. It appeared that while he was thinking of how adorable Woohyun was, Bora had accidentally spilled the carton of rice on his desk.

What a waste of good rice.

Nonetheless, Sunggyu got up and began to help Bora scoop up the rice, both chuckling and laughing a little at the embarrassing situation.


At the familiar voice, Sunggyu looked up in surprise.

“Woohyunnie?” he exclaimed, a fond smile immediately on his face. “What brings you here?”

Curiously, Woohyun was glaring at him from his spot by the door of the older’s office. What did Sunggyu do now? As far as he knew, they parted on good terms that morning. His younger husband had even allowed him a kiss on the cheek – one that he had detested their entire first month together!

Woohyun cleared his throat and lifted a familiar red lunch box. “You left your bento at home,” he mumbled. “I thought I’d stop by during my lunch hour to bring it to you. But, I see you don’t need it anymore.”

He glared at the food on the table. Or, more specifically, glared at Sunggyu’s hands which were almost touching Bora’s while they were both scooping up the fallen rice.

It was like a light bulb lit up on top of Sunggyu’s head. Ahhh… his husband… his waifu… his Woohyunie was jealous.

It made Sunggyu incredibly happy that he actually started grinning like an idiot. It was the first time that Woohyun had shown any sign of possession towards him. It was endearing.

Meanwhile, Woohyun’s murderous glare did not go unnoticed by Bora who took her hands away from her boss’ and began quickly clearing up the rice.

Once the desk was clean, she grabbed the plastic bag and bowed before excusing herself from the office.

As soon as the door shut, Woohyun directed his glare to Sunggyu. “Well, you have food. I guess I’ll just take this back to the University and eat it myself.”

But, before he could move, Sunggyu was already walking over to him. The younger took a step back, but Sunggyu gently grabbed his wrist.

“I’m happy to see you,” he said, jovially. “Thank you for bringing it. Let’s eat together?”

And thus, the two settled on Sunggyu’s desk, eating the take-out food and Woohyun’s cooking in comfortable silence. Sunggyu had taken the bento box for himself while his husband had the take-out. If you asked him, Woohyun’s cooking was better than any restaurant, and he wasn’t just saying that because they were married.

Maybe his taste buds had gotten so used to the younger’s cooking that everything else just didn't taste as good to him.

By that time, Sunggyu had already forgotten that he still had work to do. Woohyun had never visited him at the office before, and this was a first.

He was so happy.

“Waifu, ahhh.” He brought a chopstick holding a piece of grilled chicken to his husband’s mouth.

The younger scoffed but accepted the food anyway. The simple action made Sunggyu feel incredibly warm.

Woohyun had more or less been more receptive to his affectionate gestures. He had allowed Sunggyu to feed him now and then, and would even let him into the kitchen to watch as he cooked. Sometimes, Woohyun would let him taste a dish to gauge how it was. The whole affair was ridiculously cute and utterly domestic; Sunggyu could not have imagined himself in such a position prior to the announcement of his arranged marriage.

Then again, his younger husband had not been what he was expecting. He had intrigued Sunggyu from the beginning and only motivated him more to become a good and devoted husband to Woohyun.

“So… your secretary is pretty.”

Sunggyu blinked at the sudden comment. He pursed his lips in contemplation. “Yes, I guess she is.”

Woohyun huffed and not-so-subtly dug his chopsticks into his rice.

So cute…

He reached across the table to put a hand on top of the younger’s. “But, you’re cuter.”

Woohyun fumed. “I’m not cute! I’m a man so I'm handsome!”

At that, Sunggyu laughed and nodded his head. “That you are.” He then smirked, teasingly. “Are you jealous?”

He delighted in watching the red spread all over Woohyun’s face as he stammered, “J-jealous? Why would I be jealous?! Of her? Pfft, I don’t care what you do or who you do. It’s none of my business.”

He ended with a pout and a quick shove of rice into his mouth.

Sunggyu laughed again and brushed a stray rice kernel from the younger’s lips. “Don’t worry. I’m gay, remember? And I only have eyes for one person.” He pinched the chubby cheeks. “My handsome husband.”

Woohyun swallowed his rice, suddenly looking uneasy. Sunggyu blinked in confusion.

Was it something he said?

“Don’t say things you don’t mean,” the younger mumbled quietly. But, before Sunggyu could further inquire, Woohyun cleared his throat, loudly. “Um… will you be free Friday night?”

Recognizing Woohyun’s need to change the subject, he allowed it. After all, he didn’t want to make his husband feel uncomfortable.

“Depends on what time, but I’ll probably be working as usual. Why?” Sunggyu then grinned. “Did you want to go on a date?”

The cute blush was back and he relished the appearance of that redness.

“D-Don’t be ridiculous!” Woohyun puffed out his cheeks in annoyance. “Aish, forget it!” He made a move to start putting the food away.

, Sunggyu had to back track now. But it wasn’t like he could lie to Woohyun and say he didn’t mean it. They were long overdue for a real date, after all. If he hadn’t been busy with work, he would have taken his husband out a long time ago.

“I’m sorry, Woohyun,” he finally said, regret in his voice. “I’ll behave.”

The younger paused in his actions and looked closely at him. Sunggyu did his best to look as pitiful and sorry as possible. He found that Woohyun could not resist when he pouted; his sister as well had told him that he looked like a kicked hamster when he pouted and no one was immune to it.

When his husband sighed in resignation, Sunggyu knew it worked, but he kept at the act longer until Woohyun finished speaking.

To his surprise, the younger began to fiddle, nervously with his chopsticks. “Well… Friday is the University’s Battle of the Bands… and The Chaser is part of it… I was hoping you could-.”

“Of course I’ll go!” Sunggyu couldn’t even let him finish asking as his excitement grew. The pout had disappeared from his lips, replaced by a giant grin instead. “You didn’t even have to ask, waifu! I’ll be there!”

Woohyun must have been so shocked at his response that he even let the waifu comment slide, as his eyes widened in surprise.


“Of course!”

“But, what about work?”

“I’ll just leave early!”

“You don’t have to go-.”

“Don’t be silly, Woohyun, of course, I’ll go! Just tell me what time and I’ll be there. I promise.” Ideas began swirling in Sunggyu’s mind. “Should I bring a banner with your name on it? Or the band name? Oh! I should wear a ‘Nam Woohyun Is My Husband’ t-shirt. I’ll have Bora find a shop that customizes-.”

“Yah! There’s no need for that!” The red cheeks of embarrassment was back on the younger’s face. “Just… just come, if you can, okay? And if you can’t… it’s fine.”

He sighed before starting to clean up again, mumbling about needing to get back to the university for his next class.

When he finished, Sunggyu walked him to the door of his office. “I’d show you downstairs, but I really need to get back to work.”

Woohyun shrugged. “It’s fine, I can walk myself out. Are you going to be late to dinner tonight?”

“I might be… sorry.”

A sigh from the younger. “It’s fine. I’ll have dinner ready anyway, just text me when you’re on your way so I can heat it up.”

“Okay.” He stepped forward to wrap his younger husband in a hug. Woohyun let out a squeak, but didn’t pull away. He allowed Sunggyu to hug him tighter, returning it tentatively by loosely wrapping his arms around his waist. “Thank you for lunch. It was the best. You’re the best.”

He pulled away and pressed a sweet kiss to Woohyun’s cheek. “Drive safely, okay?”

Stammering an “okay”, Woohyun quite literally fled the office.

Even after 5 months of marriage, he was still so easily flustered at Sunggyu’s displays of affection. Sunggyu himself didn’t even know where the sudden greasiness came from, but if it means seeing the cute blush on his husband’s cheeks and rendering him speechless and incoherent a lot of times, he supposed he could live with it.

“Um… sir?”

Bora had come up to him with a sheepish look. “I’m sorry if I had possibly gotten you into trouble with your husband.” She chuckled, nervously. “I saw the way he looked at me… and you. I hope there was no misunderstanding. I’m sorry.” She bowed to him.

Sunggyu could only laugh, softly. “No need, Bora-shii. In fact, I  think I have to thank you.” When his Secretary tilted her head to the side in confusion, he continued, “I think because of that incident, I was able to let Woohyun know that I really value him as a husband. I hope someday, he sees that. Until then, can you get me the number of a shop that customizes t-shirts? One that can finish a design before Friday night.”

And with that, Sunggyu tackled his overbearing paperwork with a content smile on his face. Despite all the work, it had been a very good day.




The café was crowded with students and outsiders, alike. The event was starting soon and everyone was buzzing with excitement.

In his seat, Sunggyu, too, was vibrating, although he tried to keep a composed look. The Chaser was not playing until the second half of the night, so he spent the entire time before the lights went out texting encouraging and cheering words to his husband.

He hadn’t seen the younger very much all week because of band practice. Sunggyu, himself, had been coming home pretty late all week too. But, he managed to finish all his work early by working those extra hours so he could be here tonight.

He considered it lucky so Woohyun wouldn’t say a word about his shirt.

Yes, despite his husband telling him not to, he ended up getting a customized shirt. One that said, “The Chaser” on the front and “Nam Woohyun’s Husband” on the back. He had already gotten a few compliments from his husband’s fans.

It bothered him a little that most of his husband’s fans were girls.

But, no matter, Woohyun was married to him. The girls could only watch from a distance.

Before he knew it, the performance was beginning, so he settled in more comfortably in his seat.

The performers were all great and talented, and he wondered how the judges were going to pick the winners. He hoped that The Chaser would be one of them. Yes, he was biased, but could you really blame him? His husband was the lead singer of said band, of course he wanted them to win.

He had listened to Woohyun sing in the shower before; it was the most beautiful sound Sunggyu had ever heard. But, he had never seen him in onstage with his band.

He was feeling really giddy and excited for it.

When The Chaser’s turn came, Sunggyu braced himself.

The song started out with a hard guitar intro by Myungsoo followed with some bass from Kibum. And then, Sungyeol slammed on his drums and thus, Woohyun began to sing.


I see you under my breath

I can’t conceal my heart towards you

Awake me, fill me, come to me.


Sunggyu, all of a sudden, felt hypnotized by the soft lilts of his husband’s voice. Woohyun’s eyes were closed, as he swayed with the beat of the drums.


I want all of you to be mine

Unmask and kiss me, oh

Awake me, fill me, don’t hide from me.


Then, Woohyun’s almond brown eyes snapped open and gazed upon the audience with a strong gaze.


Can’t you feel me now, my love?

Will you come to me?

Running to you to hold you

Anytime, anytime

I want us to be together everyday


As Woohyun held the note, Sunggyu could feel the power emanating from the younger. Around him, it was affecting the crowd to as they cheered and shrieked and he could swear he heard a few girls crying.




Was this the effect that Woohyun had on everyone? He acted so unconfident and flustered at home with Sunggyu but up there on stage, he was like a whole different person.


Shining so bright

My heart beats for you


Sunggyu felt drunk from it… that power… that confidence…


I wanna get colored by you

You are beautiful

Awake me, fill me, come to me


No matter how much he liked shy and flustered Woohyun… he liked this proud and powerful Woohyun as well…


Sometimes we’re like friends

Sometimes we’re like a couple

You’ll always be by side

Awake me, fill me, don’t hide from me


Woohyun was now running all over the stage, jumping around, raising his arm to the air, and getting the crowd on their feet to jump along with him, including Sunggyu.


Can’t you feel me now, my love?

Will you come to me?


The younger winked to a few of the audience upfront, letting them hold his hand as they screamed his name.

Sunggyu felt a flash of possessiveness wash over him as he watched it all unfold.


Running to you to hold you

Anytime, anytime

I want us to be together, everyday


Woohyun’s eyes shined with pure joy and happiness.




The softness and hard edge of that voice enveloped Sunggyu like a warm blanket on a cold, rainy night.

And somehow, some way, Woohyun’s eyes had found him through the crowd. Sunggyu’s heart was beating so painfully hard inside his chest, it felt like Sungyeol himself was beating it like he did with his drums.

And Woohyun sang his next lines, just looking at Sunggyu.


I will only exist for you and keep you away from being hurt

Saying “I love you” isn’t enough

Hold my hand


Too soon, their eye contact broke as Woohyun closed his eyes again to hit a high note. Yet, Sunggyu felt dizzy by those few seconds of looking into his husband’s eyes and seeing softness and affection.

Meanwhile, Woohyun had returned to running and jumping around the stage, hitting the notes perfectly, not even gasping to breathe from the effort.


Can’t you feel me now, my love?

You can come to me just the way you are

Running to you to hold you

 Anytime, anytime

I want us to be together every day



He wondered who Wooyun had in mind when he wrote this song...


Shining so bright, my heart

Beats for you


Sunggyu tried to catch his eye again… just another glimpse of that softness…


Beats for you


And just like that, with a few plucks of Myungsoo’s guitar, the song ended.

The crowd went wild. The Chaser’s fans cheered their name, cheered the members’ names.

Sunggyu sat frozen in his seat as he watched the band take several bows and wave at the crowd. Woohyun sent a lot of hearts and kisses and the girls squealed even louder.

Meanwhile, his heart was still beating hard against his chest, but it wasn’t painful. Quite the opposite. He had never felt so exhilarated.

Seeing a whole other side of Woohyun, another layer peeled back, it was one of the most breathtaking experiences he had ever had.

At that moment, Sunggyu knew that he had seen all of Woohyun’s walls completely down. He had seen the real Nam Woohyun on that stage.

And suffice to say, he may have fallen in love.



Backstage was crowded. Everybody wanted to see and congratulate all the bands, even the ones that didn’t win.

Sunggyu wished he had brought flowers or something for Woohyun. He looked forlornly at all the girlfriends who brought bouquets for their boyfriends. He hoped his husband wouldn’t be too disappointed.

“Sunggyu-hyung! We’re over here!” Kibum was waving at him from the corner where The Chaser were taking photos with their fans and signing their programs for them.

At the sight of a sweaty but happy-looking Woohyun, Sunggyu felt that familiar fluttering in his chest once again.

But, then, his eye twitched when two girls each grabbed Woohyun’s arms, squealing in excitement before taking a selca with him.

He knew his husband was popular with women and even some men. He was handsome and charming, and now, after seeing him on stage, Sunggyu could see the appeal. He could see why Nam Woohyun was an infamous Bachelor prior to their marriage. He wasn’t a playboy, per se, but he didn’t deter any advances towards him either. He spoke to everyone with glee and eagerness. Sunggyu was witness to it now as he watched both guys and girls approach his husband with flirtatious winks and admiring words.

This went on for another good ten minutes before he could even have a window to approach and congratulate his own husband. And, frankly, it really… irritated him.

Knowing that eyes were watching them, he grabbed Woohyun by the arm and captured his lips into a deep but gentle kiss.

When he proudly pulled away, Woohyun’s eyes were wide with shock as his face turned the familiar shade of red. Around them, Sungyeol and Myungsoo had started hollering along with a few guys and some girls were squealing and taking their photo.

But Sunggyu paid them no mind, choosing instead to smile in adoration at his embarrassed-looking husband. “Congratulations,” he said, lovingly. “You were great.”

Woohyun coughed. “T-Thanks,” he said, his unconfident stammering back. “But, it was just third place, no big deal-.”

“No,” Sunggyu protested. “It is a big deal, a very big one. And it’s worth celebrating.” He turned to the rest of The Chaser who were watching them with curious gazes. “What do you, kids, say? Barbecue on me?”

He didn’t have to say any more than that. The three whoop-ed in excitement, thanking him, and telling Woohyun how awesome his husband was. Through it all, the younger was quiet, still seemingly stunned from Sunggyu’s earlier actions.

“You know, if you don’t stop staring at me, I’ll kiss you again,” he teased the younger.

True to his predictions, Woohyun turned even redder before punching him on the shoulder. “Yah! Don’t think I didn’t see what the back of that shirt says! Seriously, Sunggyu, that’s embarrassing!”

“Why? Our marriage was public, wasn’t it? Everyone in South Korea knows I’m your husband.”

“S-Still! You could have been more subtle about it!”

“I will never subtle when it comes to my waifu.”

Before Woohyun could sputter out an answer, Sungyeol came bounding up to them, placing an arm over Sunggyu’s (jeez, this kid was tall! What did he eat?!).

“Hey, lovebirds, we’re all packed and ready to go,” he announced, grinning with his gums showing. “Sunggyu-hyung, will you drive with Woohyunnie? He can show you the directions to the barbecue place we always go to.”

Sunggyu gave Woohyun no time to protest as he responded with a gleeful, “Of course! We’ll see you there.”

And with that, Sungyeol, Myungsoo, and Kibum went ahead to load their equipment into Sungyeol’s van.

Sunggyu was left with Woohyun, who was awkwardly scuffing his sneaker into the floor. There was little trace of the strong and confident Woohyun he saw on stage earlier. He wondered why Woohyun always closed himself off whenever it came to him. Were they not husbands? Sunggyu had opened his heart to him, why couldn’t Woohyun?

Perhaps, he had to try harder.

“Woohyun?” he asked.

The younger looked up, shyly.

Sunggyu smiled with all the love and affection he possessed for the younger before holding out his hand to him. “Shall we?”

It was like déjà vu. Woohyun looked at his hand, shook his head, and turned away to grab his backpack.

Sunggyu felt disappointment seep through him and was about to lower his hand when Woohyun turned back around and slipped his hand into his.

“Let’s go, I’m hungry,” he mumbled as he pulled Sunggyu through the crowd.

The disappointment was immediately replaced by unexplainable joy. He was practically floating all the way to the car.



That night, Sunggyu received the surprise of his life. He was just finished brushing his teeth and washing his face when Woohyun entered the bathroom.

Without a word, he walked up behind Sunggyu… and hugged him.

The strong arms wrapped around his waist as the younger leaned his head between his shoulder blades.

Suffice to say, Sunggyu was stunned into silence.

Woohyun continued to hug him, silently. Sunggyu was afraid to speak and break the spell.

Eventually, it was the younger who spoke first. “Thank you,” he said, his voice soft but steady. “Seeing you in the crowd today… it strengthened me… you kept your promise.”

Surprised, Sunggyu finally found his voice. “Of course, I would be there, Woohyun. Why did you think I wouldn’t?”

Woohyun sighed. “My parents have never gone to any of my performances. They think it’s a waste of time. Boohyun-hyung goes sometimes, but he couldn’t for this one, he’s busy with the restaurant. But, you came tonight, despite your work. Thank you.”

“I made you a promise.”

“I know.” Woohyun sighed. “I’m sorry it was just third place, I wish we won first to make your leaving work early more worthwhile-.”


He felt Woohyun’s arms tense as he turned around to look at his confused husband. Gently, he placed his hands on each side of Woohyun’s face.

“Stop putting down your achievements. I don’t care if it was just third place, you and your friends worked hard tonight. You worked hard tonight.” He smiled, adoringly. “And you were great, Woohyun. No, you were amazing. You shined. You belonged on that stage. And I…” he pressed a soft kiss to the younger’s nose. “I couldn’t be prouder of you, Woohyun.”

His husband’s eyes were wide now, a look of disbelief evident on his handsome face. He looked as if he had never heard such a thing in his life.

And it got Sunggyu thinking.

How long had Woohyun felt like this? Felt so unworthy and so eager to prove himself to everyone that he didn’t realize that he was already enough?

All his life, everything came easy to Sunggyu. School was easy. His family life was easy. Even his career was, despite all the hardships that got him to where he was now, was still somewhat easy. His marriage to Woohyun was the only thing that was full of challenges at every turn.

He never realized that this was his husband’s entire life. Full of challenges. Being acknowledged by his own family was a challenge in and of itself.

If there was something he learned about his husband all these months, is that he was so strong-willed. When he wanted something, he would do everything in his power to get it, whether it was the last egg roll, the new Day6 album, or an A in his Calculus test.

He worked hard. Yet, for his family, it wasn’t enough. All his efforts and hard work were never enough. So, he rebelled to be noticed. To be acknowledged. To be seen.

Sunggyu realized it all now, as he watched Woohyun through open eyes.

Gently, he pulled Woohyun into his arms. “You were born to shine, waifu. And you know what? I’m here to support you. I will cheer you on and scream your name every time you’re on that stage to shine for all of South Korea, no, for the entire world to see you and hear you.” He pulled back a little to see a small smile tugging at Woohyun’s lips. “Can I stay by your side while you make your dream into a reality?”

Woohyun’s breath hitched, his eyes shining with unshed tears. “I… I…” He nodded. “Yes…” Slowly, he laid his head against Sunggyu’s chest as he wrapped his arms around his waist again. “Thank you, Gyu.”

His heart warm and light, Sunggyu chuckled. “Gyu… I like that…”

He heard Woohyun scoff. “You’re weird.”

Sunggyu chuckled, pulling him closer. “So you tell me.”

That night, for the first time since they got married, Woohyun allowed Sunggyu to hold him as they pillow-talked to exhaustion.

Sunggyu was sure that he had fallen asleep with a smile on his face, his heart beating in the same pace as the one next to his.

Ahhh… So this is what they call love… He could get used to it.


A/N: There it is! Sunggyu has realized his feelings! But, what about Woohyunnie?

The song I used is one of Woohyun's solo song, "Everyday." I would have picked one from his album, but I wanted to give him a rockstar vibe, and that song was perfect!

By the way, in reference to my little rant in the last A/N, thank you to everyone who has shown support. I wish there was a way for all of us to tell that author supporting words. If she's still here and somehow reads this, just know that we miss you and hope you make a comeback! We all still have your back!

Anyway, thank you for reading, chingus! Until the next one!

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705 streak #1
Chapter 8: Shy Woohyun is so adorable 🥰
Chapter 8: So fluff,, so cute, so nice and soo wonderfull,, thank you for your story ^^ i love it
Chapter 6: I just want to cry T.T
Chapter 8: I miss WooGyu so much!
Chapter 8: my emotions for this fic are still as strong as the first time no matter how many times i’ve already read this ahhhh hope you’re having a nice day miss caithy <3
Chapter 8: here again! woohyun inspired me to read again, he said, "sunggyu-ssi, sarangheyo!" during their vlive this afternoon! i miss them so much!
Chapter 8: I lost count of how many times i have been here rereading the whole story, it's still as wonderful as the first time i read it ♡♡♡♡
Chapter 8: Hey how r u doing??? I was just missing your writing so i came back reading it again.