Water It

Like A Tree...

If you had told Woohyun two months ago that he was going to get married and honeymoon in Hawaii, he would have told you that you were crazy. No way was he getting married; he was too young! And he was going to be a singer! Just wait and see!

And indeed, he would do anything to become a singer… including getting married and packing his bags for his honeymoon in Hawaii.

Which was what he was doing right now.

He scoffed at the irony of the situation as he stuffed more of his shirts and his… husband’s… shirts into the suitcase.

Woohyun had been a married man for two weeks already. The honeymoon got a little delayed due to Sunggyu needing to finish some work that could absolutely not be postponed, not even for the honeymoon.

“I had to move many meetings because of the wedding, so I have to make up for lost time,” the older man had told him the morning after their first night as husbands. “Don’t wait up, I’ll be working over time.”

And it turned out that his husband was a workaholic…. Great.

Was Woohyun now going to be one of those dutiful housewives who waited for their husbands until dawn with nourishing food and a relaxing back massage?

Hell no! He wasn’t even a wife! 

“Waifu, are you done? The cab will be here soon!”

A vein popped dangerously in Woohyun’s forehead as he tried to ignore his husband’s teasing. The man had been calling him “waifu” for the past week and the younger man was one "waifu" away from strangling him and rendering himself a widower.

“Will you stop calling me that?!” he spat at Sunggyu who just entered their bedroom, already dressed in a plain black t-shirt and jeans.

For the only heir of one of Seoul’s biggest corporations, he was pretty simple when dressing down. But, Woohyun knew that simple-looking black t-shirt was designer. And expensive.

Like Sunggyu’s, Woohyun’s family are also of old money, one of the infamous socialites of Seoul’s upper class. And although the Nam family also owned a Food Corporation, one as huge and as extensive as the Kim’s, the Namu chain of restaurants was something that his family branch, in particular, could truly claim as their own.

Namu was formerly a failed restaurant with a different owner, name, and concept. Woohyun’s father bought that restaurant, completely rebranded it with a new name, logo, and menu and with a little time and patience (and money), it grew into the beloved restaurant chain it is now. They were about to start expanding into the rest of Asia’s food market. Thus, this little marriage arrangement with the Kim Food Corp.; they had access to international deals and contacts outside of South Korea.

His brother, Nam Boohyun, renowned Chef, was to take it over when their father retired. And Woohyun? His business degree was so he could someday help his brother in managing the company.

But, as stated before, Woohyun would much rather be a singer, thank you very much.

He was so lost in his musings and irritation that he didn’t notice his husband coming closer until he was standing right in front of him. He looked up at the older man.

Sunggyu wasn’t that much taller than him, an inch give or take. But he had a somewhat of a regal composure. Strong. Confident. Would never take no for an answer. A true leader.

And Woohyun felt somewhat small next to him despite being almost the same height. But that didn’t mean he wouldn’t give him a piece of his mind.

“Just... stop calling me that! I’m not your waifu! I’m a man!”

To his annoyance, Sunggyu only chuckled before ruffling his hair, fondly… like he was some kind of child.

Was that how his new husband saw him? A child? Woohyun admitted that he could be childish sometimes (okay, maybe a lot of times), but that didn’t mean the older had to treat him like he was a teenager!

It didn’t bother Woohyun at first; the older was a gentleman (too much, sometimes). But, after two weeks of being teased to the point of getting flustered (from the teasing, not something else… whatever that something was), the younger had had enough. He wasn’t a child! Or a woman!

He had to constantly remind his husband of that. He would show him! He was a man!

“Are you ready?”

Woohyun blinked at the man. While he was quietly fuming, Sunggyu had finished the packing, shut the suitcase, and had grabbed his jacket and Woohyun’s.

His husband smiled, gently as he handed him his jacket. “If you’re ready, let’s go.”

Woohyun could only nod in acquiesce. Sunggyu grabbed the suitcase handle and extended his other hand to Woohyun. The younger looked at it and shook his head before turning around and grabbing his carry-on bag. Behind him, he could hear Sunggyu following.




Their honeymoon in Hawaii was, plain to say, okay.

Yes, just okay.

Woohyun couldn’t say that the beautiful beaches, the great food, and the adventures around the island weren’t fun. They were.

It was just… well... it didn’t feel like a honeymoon. If it weren’t for the rings on their fingers and the one queen-sized bed they slept on those 5 nights, it would seem like they were just two friends going on vacation together.

Although there was that strange incident during one of the beach parties they attended...

Woohyun had gotten a little drunk… Okay, a lot drunk!

Could you blame him? He didn't go to any parties while they were preparing for the wedding (“To avoid scandals”, his father had said) and he was getting antsy. So he had a little too much... fun.

All he could recall was downing shots of bright colorful drinks, one after the other… and dancing. A lot of dancing. Nothing major, right? Dancing was fun and typical for a party!

But, to his embarrassment, he could also recall running his hands all over a cotton shirt to feel the muscles underneath that fabric. He remembered pressing his lips against a slender neck, a sharp chin, and chapped lips.

He remembered gentle arms wrapping around him, leading him away from the party and back into his hotel room. He could vaguely recall the soft thump of his body against the downy sheets of his bed and how his arms had wrapped themselves around that strong neck to bring the other down for a searing and passionate kiss.

And before he passed out, he could hear a faint chuckle and a soft whisper, “Go to sleep, waifu. I won’t take advantage of you, I promise.”

That damn bastard husband of his!

Woohyun pretended not to remember a thing the next day and ignored Sunggyu’s disappointed look.

And when they returned to Seoul, they simply fell into a pattern.

As much as it pained him to admit, life as Kim Sunggyu’s husband was not terrible.



The morning alarm blared, disrupting Woohyun’s precious sleep. Groaning in annoyance, he forced his eyes open to meet the bare wooden ceilings of their bedroom. He blinked a few times, willing himself to wake up and get out of bed. Slowly, he turned his head to the right to look at the clock: 7am.

He then turned to the left; his husband was still peacefully sleeping despite the alarm. It amazed him how the man can sleep through a racket. Then again, he was probably exhausted from work. He always was.

Woohyun slowly sat up and shut the alarm off before getting out of bed. Sunggyu had his own alarm on his phone which would get him up in half an hour. It gave the younger enough time to get breakfast ready.

As he scrambled the eggs and prepared a pot of coffee, he wondered what he could do about Sunggyu’s breakfast when school started next week.

As the son from a family who owned a food corporation, Woohyun was well-adept in the kitchen. Surprisingly, his own husband was not. In fact, it turns out that because Sunggyu had been trained to take over the business practically since birth, he was simply adept on that side: the business. But when it comes to preparing food, he was useless. So, Woohyun had taken over that aspect of their married life, even making a bento lunch now and then.

Woohyun really felt like a housewife sometimes.

Resolving to just figure it out when they get to that point, he set the table. Right on time, Sunggyu entered the kitchen and sat at the table, blinking blankly at nothing, sleep still evident in his tiny eyes. It was only this time during the day that Sunggyu looked less than the perfect and composed businessman that he usually was.

Woohyun relished it.

Dutifully, he placed a mug of coffee in front of the older man and a plate of eggs and rice. The older looked at both items before looking up to Woohyun with a smile.

“Morning,” he said, sweetly.

The younger was now familiar with the heat on his cheeks whenever this happened so he just mumbled a “Morning” back at him before sitting down and eating his own breakfast.

As usual, it was a quiet affair. At first, the silence had bothered Woohyun. But, now, it was comfortable.

After breakfast, the younger cleaned up while the older got ready for work.

He waited until Sunggyu was fixing his tie in front of the mirror in the living room before coming over to bring him his bento lunch.

“You’re going to be home for dinner, right?”

It was not a request from Woohyun. But Sunggyu simply shrugged.

“I might be late again,” he said, apologetically.

Woohyun narrowed his eyes at this.

“What are you doing today?” Sunggyu asked him, as he gave himself a once over on the mirror.

“Just going to see the guys, we might as well get a little practice today.”

“That’s nice. Say ‘hi’ to them for me.”

“I will.”

Finally satisfied with his look, Sunggyu turned to take his bento box and briefcase from Woohyun.

“You should be home for dinner tonight,” Woohyun mumbled, trying to keep the disappointment from showing in his tone.

Sunggyu smiled. “I’ll try.” He pressed a kiss to Woohyun’s forehead. “I’m going now.”

Woohyun stood there in the foyer, eyes wide in disbelief as the front door closed at his husband’s retreating back.

Did he forget? Seriously, Woohyun wouldn’t make such a huge deal out of this if his parents had not been insistent. He figured Sunggyu would know, he was the smart one! (Not that Woohyun wasn’t smart, because he totally was!)

Woohyun sighed. Why was he even annoyed?!

He and Sunggyu have been married for exactly a month now. Today was their 1-month anniversary.

But his husband forgot.



Sungyeol, Myungsoo, and Kibum were Woohyun’s best friends since Elementary School. Although Sungyeol and Myungsoo were a year younger than him and Kibum, they connected due to a mutual love of music… and for being in detention together for an entire week.

In high school, they formed a band. Sungyeol was on drums, Myungsoo on guitar, Kibum on bass, and Woohyun as the lead singer and occasional keyboardist.

They have been through so much together, through grueling music lessons and rejections and” boo’s” from audiences, they vowed to always be together through thick and thin. Which was how they immediately noticed his mood when he missed his cue at least 3 times.

“Alright, Hyun, what gives?” Kibum finally blurted out what everyone else was thinking.

Woohyun sighed as he removed his hand from the mic stand. “Nothing,” he mumbled.

“Bull, it’s not nothing,” the blonde retorted.

Oh, Kibum, always the sassy one – never afraid to say exactly what was on his mind. Their little circle was not complete without him.

“Ah! Is it about your hubby?” Sungyeol piped from his drum set. “What did he do now?”

“Did he try to kiss you good night again?” Myungsoo smirked from his spot.

Woohyun glared before flashing a rude finger at him. “For your information, I got used to it!”

Wrong thing to say; his friends were now all sporting teasing smirks. The ever childish Sungyeol started making kissy noises.

“Ugh, why do I bother?!”

He plopped into the nearby couch of their practice room (actually Myungsoo’s garage that they’ve used since high school; old habits die hard).

“You know, for someone with such a devoted husband, you sure complain about him a lot,” Kibum said, sitting down next to him.

“It would be easier to hate him if he wasn’t so nice,” Woohyun mumbled. “Why can’t he be one of those husbands in dramas?”

“You mean Lee Minho in ‘Boys Over Flowers’-level ?” Myungsoo asked, sitting on his other side. “Cause despite what all the girls think, I still don’t like his character. You want Sunggyu-hyung to be like that?”

Woohyun scoffed. “Like I said, it would be easier to hate him if he was.”

“And you’re supposed to be his Jan Di that he falls head-over-heels for and changes for the better?” Sungyeol joined in, perched on the sofa’s arm by Myungsoo. “Life is not a drama, Hyun.”

“Mine feels like one.”

Kibum cleared his throat. “So what? You’re irritated again because Sunggyu did something nice?”

Woohyun scoffed. “He did something worth my annoyance this time.”

His friends waited, expectantly. Probably ready to tease.

He sighed. “He forgot our anniversary.”

His friends all turned to look at each other, actually looking offended and scandalized.

“Yikes, that’s rough, buddy,” Kibum said, patting his knee in a comforting manner.

Myungsoo whistled. “Well, you got your wish for an husband. Now your anger can be justified.”

At that, Woohyun’s eyes widened as he suddenly shot up to his feet. “You’re right!”

Why didn’t he think of it that way?! It would have saved him a whole lot of grief all morning!

From his seat, the younger tilted his head to the side. “Eh?”

A plan was forming in Woohyun’s head as he turned around to face his friends.

“You know what else? I’ll make him sorry!”

The three on the couch now sported confused and concerned looks… probably because Woohyun started giggling in glee to himself.

“Um… what are you gonna do?” Sungyeol asked.

Woohyun smirked. “I’m going to cook him dinner!”

There was a silence. The three looked at him in disbelief, surely wondering what the heck was wrong with him.

“Um… Forgive me if I don’t understand…” Kibum started, looking more confused than ever. “But, how exactly is that going to make Sunggyu-hyung sorry?”

Woohyun giggled some more. “Simple. If I cook him dinner and expect him to come home to celebrate our anniversary, but he doesn’t show up, he’s the one who ends up looking bad! Not me! But he does! And maybe that will convince abeoji that he was an unworthy husband in the first place and we’ll be forced to divorce, but because I held up my end of the bargain, I can still audition!”

He was very proud of himself for coming up with such a scheme.

This last month, Sunggyu had gotten nothing but compliments from Woohyun’s family but all they had for their son was criticism on how he treated his husband. His father was constantly nagging him that he needed to support his husband more, his mother kept sending him recipes and daily reminders on how to be a good spouse, and his brother… well… his brother just kept telling him to stay on his husband’s good side and throw in a compliment or two for Boohyun’s sake.

In short, his family thought Kim Sunggyu was the perfect husband… and Woohyun was a lacking husband.

And now he was going to prove them wrong!

“Uh… you sure that’s gonna work?” Kibum asked, skeptical.

Of course it was going to work!

Woohyun giggled again and patted Kibum’s dyed-blonde head. “You have so little faith in me.”

“Cause your plans never work,” Myungsoo stated, in a deadpan.

Well, so much for encouraging friends. But, he was not going to let that deter him. Tonight, he would show Sunggyu how great of a husband he was and make his family realize that Sunggyu was not perfect!



That night, Woohyun prepared all of Sunggyu’s favorite foods – steak seared to perfection, steamed eggplant, seasoned spinach, and braised potatoes. Oh, and rice! Sunggyu loved rice! He even added a bottle of red wine and lit some candles for effect.

Putting on a show, he sat at their formal dining table and waited.

Seven-thirty came around and if Sunggyu was a good husband, he would have been home right then, just in time for dinner.

A part of Woohyun was disappointed… because he was hungry! He would have started eating but he needed to play the role of scorned husband. So, despite his hunger and the delicious aroma of steak, he kept waiting.

8:00pm. Still no Sunggyu.

Woohyun played games on his phone.

8:30pm. He was about to call his mother to complain about the missed dinner when he heard the door open and close.

No way. He was home?! Woohyun wasn’t expecting him for at least another half hour or so! Why was he already home?!

How was he supposed to complain to his mother now and ruin her expectations of his so-called perfect husband?! And why was his heart beating so fast?!


Within minutes, Sunggyu entered the formal dining room at the same time the younger had stood up from his seat in panic. His husband was still in his suit, jacket and all, dark brown hair a little disheveled, but still as pristine as could be.

They stared at each other. At least the older had the decency to look guilty and ashamed.

As he should! He kept Woohyun waiting! And forgot their anniversary!

“I’m sorry I’m late,” he apologized. “I made a few stops and traffic was bad.”

It finally occurred to Woohyun that his husband did not come home empty-handed. In his right hand was a bottle of what appeared to be champagne. And on his left hand was… a bouquet of flowers.

Woohyun felt the familiar red blush on his cheeks. Did Sunggyu thought he was a woman?! Why would he bring flowers?!

Yet, he couldn’t seem to stop the beating of his heart when Sunggyu raised his arm to hand the bouquet to him. It was made from a combination of red roses, white irises, and orange blossoms.

“Um… thanks,” he mumbled, taking the flowers and curiously breathed in their scent; they smelled heavenly. He placed them on the table next to his plate. “Um… The food’s a little cold now. I’ll go warm them up.”

He turned to grab the plates.

“Woohyun, wait.”

He turned back around. Sunggyu smiled at him before taking a few steps closer. Woohyun instinctively took one step back. He would have taken more if the table wasn’t directly behind him. Still, Sunggyu only kept smiling as he reached into his jacket and pulled out… a box.

It was small and tied with a blue ribbon. He handed it to a surprised Woohyun.

“Happy Anniversary,” Sunggyu stated, his smile now wider, his eyes glinting with excitement.

Woohyun felt his heart drop into his stomach. What?

“W-What?” he stammered out, staring at the box then at Sunggyu.

The older only chuckled. “I know I messed up by being late, but I hope this makes up for it. I really hope you like it.”

His smile was just so annoyingly genuine and kind that Woohyun had no choice but to take the gift and open it, gently untying the pretty blue ribbon and removing the top of the box.

Inside was a dog tag – platinum if he wasn’t mistaken –  on a silver ball chain. Engraved on the back was his name in English and Hangul and etched on the front was a treble clef.

Overall, the gift was personalized, beautiful, and sweet.

Woohyun hated how it made him feel.

When he looked up, Sunggyu was watching him with trepidation. He was waiting for Woohyun’s reaction.

Swallowing the lump in his throat, Woohyun allowed a small smile of gratitude to grace his lips as he put on the necklace.

“T-Thank you… I… I like it…”

Sunggyu’s beaming smile sent a pang straight into his heart.

“B-But, I didn’t get you anything. I’m sorry.”

Sunggyu’s brow furrowed. “What do you mean? You prepared dinner for me. And all my favorites too!” His smile got wider. “This is the best gift you’ve given me. Thank you, Woohyun.”

His gratitude was sincere. No hint of malice. And what was more was that he didn’t forget. His husband remembered their anniversary!


“U-Um, I better heat this up so we can eat,” he managed. “I’m sure you’re hungry, it will just be a second!”

And with that, he grabbed the plates and fled into the kitchen, willing his heart to stop beating or it was going to jump out of his chest right into their steaks.

Why did his husband have to be thoughtful?!



A/N: I know, I know, I said I was updating weekly but hey, I finished it early and got started on the next one, so why wait, right?

But, don't expect this all the time!

Also, I would like to bring up a subject that has really ruffled my feathers and made me quite disappointed. There was an author here, whose stories I loved so much. They were creative and unique and fresh; I looked forward to all of their stories. 

But, then, this author started receiving awful comments (not even critiques, just awful comments), had her stories reported for ridiculous reasons (and the reports eventually dropped because she didn't break any rules at all). She felt so bullied and utterly discouraged, that my words and the words of her supporters couldn't even bring up her spirit. 

She ended up deleting her account, along with all of her beautiful stories.

Guys, remember that every story on here, no matter if it's good or bad, was written out of pure enjoyment and love for their fandoms. It takes guts to be willing to put your work out there for strangers to read and take apart. And it takes a lot of work to have an idea and form it into something concrete; that's why it takes some authors days, weeks, and even months to update stories. If you don't like a story, just don't leave a comment and move on. Or if you really want to, give constructive criticism, but never flame to the point where it's bullying.

I can take constructive criticism; I've taken creative writing classes and write and edit for a living. I am familiar with criticism. But make it constructive; HELP the author, not bring them down. I haven't received anything similar to that nature in my 1 year on this site and I hope I never have to. But if I do, trust that I won't back down. 

I am very saddened by the loss of this author; I tried to encourage her the best I could and even talked back to the trolled commenters to defend her. But, sadly, that troll won. And it makes me so disappointed that it happened; I'm sure she wasn't the first and she certainly won't be the last to be trolled away from writing.

With that, I just want to say that I love you guys, whether you're an old reader of mine or a new one stumbling upon my stories. I will always do my very best to write and create stories that you would enjoy; in return, I only ask for your respect (and fun comments!).

To my fellow authors who are creating amazing stories on this site, I salute you, guys! You're the real M.V.P.!

And with that, I end this chapter. 'Til the next one!

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706 streak #1
Chapter 8: Shy Woohyun is so adorable 🥰
Chapter 8: So fluff,, so cute, so nice and soo wonderfull,, thank you for your story ^^ i love it
Chapter 6: I just want to cry T.T
Chapter 8: I miss WooGyu so much!
Chapter 8: my emotions for this fic are still as strong as the first time no matter how many times i’ve already read this ahhhh hope you’re having a nice day miss caithy <3
Chapter 8: here again! woohyun inspired me to read again, he said, "sunggyu-ssi, sarangheyo!" during their vlive this afternoon! i miss them so much!
Chapter 8: I lost count of how many times i have been here rereading the whole story, it's still as wonderful as the first time i read it ♡♡♡♡
Chapter 8: Hey how r u doing??? I was just missing your writing so i came back reading it again.