A Time For Each Other.

A Time For Each Other.

Her eyelids felt heavy as she tried to open them for the third time and eventually opened up as she tries again. Her vision was blurry so she gently rubbed her eyes only to see a familiar ceiling above her. She felt her body is somewhat exhausted for who knows what happened. So she stretched her toes and her arms and next she placed her left hand on the top of her head and slowly tilting it on the same direction. After that, she got up from the bed and felt a yawn came out. She looked around the familiar room and when her eyes finally landed on the bed, she saw a pink haired girl sleeping cozily with only half of her body covered by the duvet leaving her top exposed. She carefully stared at the sleeping girl who was only wearing a black lacy bra. Her sleepy eyes suddenly widened, when she finally caught on the situation around her.

Crap. Damn. WHAT THE- Moonbyul said cursing in her mind while heading towards the bathroom. She placed her hands on the sink counter top as she let out a huge sigh.


“Calm down, Byuilyi. CALM DOWN. Why are you even panicking? It’s your girl, ..”

She said as she slowly looked into the mirror. She turned the faucet on and washed her face immediately.


When finished washing, she turned off the faucet and looked into the mirror again and noticed something. Wait. Wait. Wait. She thought to herself. She traced her fingers on the red marks placed on her neck and down to her collarbones. She let out a smirk as she heads out the bathroom looking at the bed again where the pink haired girl was still sleeping.


She looked at the digital clock placed on the lamp table, 6:55 AM. She got nervous suddenly remembering about their schedules and immediately calmed down.


“Ah right. We don’t have any schedule today.” Moonbyul said as she heads to the kitchen, she noticed it was raining so she decided to warm herself up with a drink.


Since she visits Yongsun’s place all the time, she makes herself feel at home as she gets a coffee mug from the cupboard and makes herself a hot chocolate. While leaning on the counter and blowing on her hot chocolate before sipping, she scratched her head as she remembered all the events from last night.


“One. I bought dinner and some tteokboki. Two. So I decided to go to Yongsun unnie’s place, since I got her favorite food. And what a great timing because she didn’t have her dinner yet, is what she replied to my text I just sent to her.” Moonbyul said nodding. While she heads back to the room, she realized she was only wearing her underwear and her button up long sleeves from yesterday. She stopped in front of the door and leaned on the door frame with the coffee mug on her right hand and stared at the pink haired girl who just got up and was sitting on the bed.


She can’t help but stare at the beautiful woman in front of her eyes. Her hair slightly disheveled, her eyes wandering around the room and stopped when she spotted her on the door. The older girl smiled at Moonbyul.


“Good morning Byul-ah…” she greeted before letting out a yawn. Moonbyul was busy staring at the woman who was finger combing her hair. She walked towards the bed before releasing a gulp. She sat beside Yongsun and looked at her in the eye before going down looking at the girl’s lacy bra then looking up again. The older woman motioned her  head, 'Really?'


Moonbyul let out a grin and said, “Good morning beautiful.” and then shifted reaching for the duvet and then placed it around Yongsun who immediately wrapped herself around it making herself warm.


Moonbyul gave her coffee mug to Yongsun which she gladly accepted and then let out a smile saying “Thanks.” Moonbyul smiled back as she brushed Yongsun’s hair behind her ear before placing her hand on the girl’s mochi cheeks gently caressing it. Afterwards she placed a kiss on the older girl’s forehead while she was busy sipping her hot chocolate.


Yongsun was surprised by the younger one’s actions.


“You’re acting weird.” she said jokingly while placing the coffee mug on the lamp table beside the bed.


Moonbyul raised her eyebrow and smirked.


“Is being affectionate towards my girlfriend weird?” she said smiling while crossing her legs. Yongsun then let out a small chuckle.


“Unnie, look…” Moonbyul said tracing her fingers on the red marks. Yongsun’s eyes followed the young one’s fingers as she traced the red marks from her neck down to her collarbone. The older girl felt her cheeks turned red when she started to remember what happened last night. She bit her lower lip as she slowly looks up to Moonbyul who was staring at her with a grin on her face.


“Uh…” Yongsun said. Her eyes shaking.

“...let me wash my face first.” she continued. The older girl quickly stood up from the bed and heads towards the bathroom. Moonbyul chuckled and said “Cute.”


After washing, she wiped up her face with a towel hanging beside the counter. Yongsun then scanned her face then her body in the mirror. She then noticed red marks on her neck down to her collar bone, below her chest and around her navel.


“Byul…” she sighed. She turned her back on the mirror wondering if Byul also placed hickeys on her back. Surprisingly, there was. “1, 2, 3…” she started to count the marks on her back. Two on her nape, two more on her right shoulder, and three on her lower back. She marched out of the bathroom while she found Moonbyul sitting on the side of the bed leaning on the headboard fidgeting with her phone.


“YOU! Miss Moon Byul Yi! She shouted. The young woman almost jumped out of surprise when she heard her name then she looked up at the woman who was standing at the edge of the bed with her hands placed beside her waist.


“What’s up Miss Kim Yongsun? She asked sarcastically while placing her phone beside her.


Yongsun sighed while she walked towards the side of the bed where Moonbyul was sitting.


“What do you mean what’s up?? Look.” She showed the marks to the young one. Her front first then her back.


Moonbyul let out a grin, “Looking good unnie.” Yongsun shook her head and just sighed.


“It matches well with your cute lacy underwear.” The younger one added.


Yongsun realized she's only wearing her undergarments, she felt her cheeks turned red again and immediately crawled back under the duvet and lied down beside Moonbyul. She was watching the young one fix her bangs. She then remembered what happened last night. Moonbyul holding her, kissing her passionately, nibbling on her neck, her warm hands between her thigh, teasing her. She also remembered what she muttered on the hot scene last night.






I missed you so much.


A-and I want you badly right now.


AAAHHHH! Byul-ah stop teasing me.


Please. Put it in.


She felt her whole face turned red and immediately covered her face with the duvet. Kim Yongsun you are so shameless. How could you say all those things?! She muttered under the cover while slapping her face.


Moonbyul noticed the other woman beside her fidgeting. She then removed the duvet covering the woman’s face and let out a laugh revealing a cute pink mochi in front of her.


Pffft. Unnie, why is your face red?” she said while still laughing. She then lowered herself to face the other, her right hand on the pillow while the other on her waist.


“I-it’s nothing!” Yongsun said.


Moonbyul finally recovering from her laugh,


“C’mon unnie. Don’t leave me hanging here…” she said as she catch her breath.




“...or maybe it was the, Please. Put it in.” Moonbyul said while letting out a grin, her nose muscles showing.


Moonbyul then felt consecutive slaps on her shoulder.


“O-ow! Ow! OWW! Unnie!” She cried while laughing.


“How can you say that?! That’s embarrassing Byul-ah!” Yongsun exclaimed.


“Me? You’re the one who said that. Besides…” Moonbyul stopped for a bit and scanned the woman in front of her, “…you looked so mesmerizing last night. Ah, so beautiful.” She said while staring at Yongsun.


Yongsun caught Moonbyul’s eyes and couldn’t help herself but smile. She then landed a final slap on the other’s shoulder.


“It’s just that…” She shifted herself to face the other and placed her hand on Moonbyul’s shoulder rubbing it gently. “…we had a lot of schedules and we barely have time for each other. And it’s been so long, you know…” Her hands shifted up, brushing the young one’s hair.


Moonbyul was just staring at the beauty in front of her, as her hand wanders along the older one’s waist. She then pulled Yongsun closer to her.


“I know…” She pulled her into a hug.

“...well we all have the time today. So let’s make the most of it.” She continued, then kissed Yongsun’s forehead after.


Yongsun smiled then pulled Moonbyul’s face closer to her leaving pecks on her lips. She felt the young one make a smile, the small kiss latter turned into a passionate one.


After a while, they then broke the kiss to catch their breath. Two of them panting slowly, after recovering they smiled at each other and nuzzle each others nose. Yongsun then buried her face into the young one’s neck muttering I love you. Moonbyul smiled and let her chin rest on her unnie’s head saying I love you too. They stayed like that for a while.


It was quiet. The only sound they can hear was the pouring rain outside, their heartbeats and the

exchange of their breathing. Moonbyul was feeling drowsy when suddenly…




She suddenly felt wide awake after hearing that sound. She looked around the room but nobody else was there besides the two of them. Then she looked down below her only to see a Yongsun pulling her clothes to cover her face. Ah, I almost forgot. She then realized they haven’t had any breakfast yet.


“Unnie…” She said while brushing the older one’s hair.

“...let’s get up. I’ll cook us some breakfast.” She gently sat themselves up. And sees Yongsun twirling her hair, her face slightly embarrassed. Moonbyul let out a smile.


She then took Yongsun’s hand, rubbing it before placing a kiss. She then got up, took the scrunchie on the lamp table then tied her hair on a messy bun.


Yongsun was just staring at her, while preparing to get off from the bed.




“Hmm?” She turned and gave Yongsun an over sized shirt to cover herself up.


“...you look so cute.” Yongsun took the shirt and smiled.


“I know right.” She said, then winked at Yongsun.


They both let out a small laugh before heading to the kitchen, Yongsun humming a song while linking her harms with Moonbyul who has a smile on her face making her nose muscles show up yet again.



Hello there friend!
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Please do share your thoughts!

Planning to release [M]oonsun soon! ♥

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Writing this at Sept 08, 2020. Where the heck is my [M] Moonsun I promised y'alls??? I'M SORRY BUT I'M WORKING ON IT


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sayamomo #1
Chapter 1: i like it a lot..please continue make a good stories
Chapter 1: This is amazing. You should really write a longer moonsun fanfic!
You captured their personalities perfectly and your writing is really smooth and pleasant.
Please write more moonsun if you wish to. x)
usermix #3
Chapter 1: Arggghhhhhhh
Guess I cant handle Moonsun being sweet >///<
cjmoo_ #4
Chapter 1: asdfghjkl this is too cuteee and fluffyyy
I like how the story starts with the next day and then with them gradually remembering what happened the night before.
This is some good stuff!
Yas for [M]oonsun :P
Chapter 1: My parents' moments is gold hahahah
baesato #6
Chapter 1: Ahhh so cute and they are so lovely :) great story!
aila123 #7
Chapter 1: This story is sooo fluffy!
nekokawaii #8
Chapter 1: it seems like they do these kind of stuff in off cam. moonsun is in love lol
MyBaex #9
I love this!! Thankyou so much :)
Chapter 1: Aww they're so fluffy