


Being a drop is....difficult.....and boring....and tiring. Nothing is really exiting or at least that's what Minseok thought. 

See being a drop of water, he had a all of thing to do. For instance, in the morning he was a regular drop of water. He was formed by the humidity of the early morning. By noon his volume had decreased significantly until he came into his gas form. As a gas he would travel here and there, his molecules separated yet still close enough so when he had a chance to be liquid again he would still be Minseok. 

The wind made him travel to a lot of places. He had once been in the North Pole where he managed to go back down to earth in the form of a snowflake. He really liked being a snowflake. He thouht that he was much more beautiful and elegant than when he was just a drop of water but this, this was a long time ago. Many, many water circles ago. 

How he had managed to become liquid and then gas again he didn't really remember. But after that he traveled a lot again. Now he was somewhere in China. He didn't really like being in gas form there because of the polution. It was too packed, so many molecules moving around. He felt like he could suffocate from all the carbon if that was possible. But his life was like this and so he had to move forward.

It was morning again, early morning the sun was just about to rise. "Move, that's my place," Minseok heard them saying. He groaned in his sleep. Well yes drops sleep too. Or at least they rest in between of all the forming and shaping and everything. 

"Since when?" the other shot back. 

"Because I am older!"

Tardigrades, Minseok thought. And not just some random for the million of tardigrades around the world, the three most annoying ones who seemed to be able to follow him everywhere. Or to be exact everywhere but the North Pole and this might have been one of the reasons Minseok loved his time as a snowflake. 

"Guys you woke up Minseok, he will throw as out again," one of the tarigrades said.

"That's very smart of you to say Chanyeol," Minseok rewarded the tiny creature for his not so usual thoughtfulness.

"Nonesense , I am Minseok's favorite," Baekhyun continued unphased.

"Ha! Not even close, you are the first Minseok throws away," Jongdae said swimming forward to where Chanyeol was laying on a part of  leaf. This time Minseok had managed to be formed to a park and thus the fiona aroud him.

Do drops sigh? No? Roll their eyes? No? They should be able to do something, Minseok thought. But no, it was just another day with those three inseide of him swimming around and annoying him. Life is so difficult. 

"Hey Minseok! Cloudy today it is, you might get some friends!"

"Hey Suho, yeah it seems although China is always cloudy," Minseok greeted the friendly warm that lived in the park. He had seen him a few times this week.

Truly, to Suho's prediction it rained that day, water drops falling everywhere even on Minseok. The tardigrades left for a while to swim elsewhere and find something to eat, they rarely drunk water of Minseok, the few times they had Minseok had threw them out. 

Minseok was used to other drop falling on him, it was a weird sensation because sometimes they merged and they had to get separated and it's not easy because you have to be sure you didn't leave an oxygen or hydrogen behind. He had once lost Jongin like that. An oxygen kind of forgetful and easily destructed. 

This time, when a drop fell and merged with him it felt different. It wasn't an unpleasant feeling and Minseok didn't even want to separate immediately.

"Oh sorry!. Hi! I am Luhan I just fell, Sorry I thought the wind was faster and I could avoid the collision but look at me falling on you and scaring you. Did I scare you? I am sorry really," the new drop - Luhan - said so fast Minseok was sure if the didn't get dizzy from the impact he would get from this.

"It's ok it happens a lot, no need to worry. I am Minseok by the way."

"Oh Minseok nice name, nice to meet you, fall onto you, you know. Anyway, it looks like we are stuck like this for a while," Luhan said trying to move his molecules. "Sehun, Sehun please come here we have to stay close, please don't disturb other hydrogens. Where is Tao? Go find your brother and go to Yixing." He appeared to try and organnize his molecules which Minseok should have been doing us as well but he was amazed by how organized and calm Luhan seemed to be.

"Does this happen a lot to you?" he asked.

"Falling on other drops?" Luhan asked turning his attention to Minseok. "It seems to be the trend this month and those two keep trying to run away. They are such a pain... Anyways" he sighed. "You live here?" 

"I have been here the past couple of days, maybe moved a few meters or something. It hadn't rain a lot recently," Minseok explained. 

"Ah that's nice," Luhan sighed again. "I don't remember when was the last time I stayed in a place for a while. You see I was caught in the rainy season and I have been travelling a lot. I was even in the ocean this time, boy if it is packed there..." Luhan let Minseok know about his experiences the last, well several of his last water cirlces and Minseok got excited and amazed by every single of them. He was so focues on listening to Luhan he didn't realized the trio of disaster had returned.

And then he said 'You know how a raindrop tie its shoes?' 'how?' I asked naturally because hell if we wore shoes too we would miss them all the time. 'With a rainbow' he said do you believe it? A rainbow" Luhan laughed with all his heart and he trembled giving Minseok a tickling sensation. 

"Ew gross" Minseok heard Baekhyun saying but ignored him instead. It turned out though that the three tardigrades liked Luhan since he had a lot of interesting things to tell them and he was funny, and a little cute and maybe strong for a drop. Even Suho stopped to chat with him in his way back to his hole. 


A day passed like this, the two of them still merged. It felt nice because it was a particularly cold night and so it was fortunate for Minseok to have someone else to stay close to, their molecules moving around together producing enough energy for them to stay in liquid form.

But the day was soon to come and with the day came the sun, and with the sun came the heat and Minseok started feeling the effects of evaporation. "Ah Minseok how lucky I am to have found you after such an unfortunate day?" Luhan said as the sun rose behind the trees of the park. 

Minseok felt heat emerge through him which wasn't good because like this he would evaporate and he would lose Luhan and oh how much that mattered at the moment. 

And it happened in the end. Somewhere around noon, Minseok could feel the last of Luhan's parts evaporating and flying into the air. They said goodbye earlier when most of Luhan was gone and oh how much Minseok would love to have some more time with him.

They didn't meet until a month later, further than where they were last time.  This time they stayed together even less, they weren't even that close one in one leaf one in another. Nevertheless Minseok was thrilled to see Luhan and so was the other. Life is difficult though and no matter how much they would love to see each other the sun rose again taking them apart. 


There was a time that they met in their gas form, Minseok laughing at Luhan's continues attempts to control Sehun and Tao. Even Minseok had come to be fond about their antics. At least they didn't talk as much as Baekhyun, Jongdae and Chanyeol which made them far less annoying. 


One of the times they met Luhan confessed to Minseok, saying that no other drop had made his molecules move so fast. And that was the most amazing thing Luhan had ever said to him.

Unfortunately after that they made years to meet again. Wind and rain and thurders and storms taking them more and more apart. It was as if they travelled around the world before they could meet again. .


"Maybe, maybe I don't know we don't have to separate again..." Minseok trailed off..

"But how, how can this happen? We will evaporate soon," Luhan said, hurt in his voice. 

"I don't know!" Minseok sad distressed

"Maybe you can exchange molecules..." Jongdae offered. Somehow he and his brothers still managed to follow Minseok.

Minseok and Luhan looked at each other, hope evident in their eyes. Well if drops had eyes...."We could try that?" Luhan suggested. 

"We should merge first," Minseok thought. 

"I will go find Kris, maybe he can help you come closer," Chanyeol offered. Kris was a small frog they had met when Minseok first formed in that lake. Well near the lake, he was actually on a bench. 

After a while that seemed like eternity for Minseok and Luhan he returned back with Kris. The frog took Minseok with his tongue and placed him on top of Luhan, the two drops slowly merging together. At first it felt like every other time they had become one. Yet this time as thier molecules moved around forming different bonds they truly became one. 

And nothing, nothing could separate them now. They traveled everywhere together, forever. 



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Chapter 1: Awww ...cute ...you know what ,the words like forever ,always are meant for xiuhan !
Thank you so much :)
LeliosDeOctavian #2
Chapter 1: Too cute and exactly what I needed to read today. Something unusual and heartfelt.
Chapter 1: Tis so cute and wow!! I didn't think something we only look carefully just to have a good grade in science can turn out to this. I can't even flinch from the word tardigrade because I was familiar with that little sht
Great job!!! XD
Chapter 1: I love weird things like this hahaha this was so cute and great!! :D
Chapter 1: alkjfkdljkladj I LOVE THIS. And the joke bahahahahahaha. Good job!