..Our Life as an Idol..



            I was watching tv because i was so boring cause there is no my sister.I always played or talked with her at time like this.I hate to admit but I already miss her.Then I heard my phone ringing.

“Annyeonghasaeyo”i said after i pick up the phone.

“Annyeonghasaeyo is this Mr. Lee Hyun Jae?”

“Yes this is me”

“Im from Woolim entertainment.Can you come to our company a day earlier?”

“Owh okay.i will” I said without hesitation cause I feel already bored and my parents busy with their works.

“Thats good you can come here now”then he cut the link.

            I go to my room and get ready.I feel relieved cause I already  packing my bag yesterday with my sister.Then i called my father to inform him.After i ready i go to the company.The company is so big.I go to the receptionist and she bring me to a practice room.Then she left me aone there.I step in the practice room and there were loud music when the people see me they the music and their dancing.Then a guy with a very small eyes come to me.

“Annyeonghasaeyo, Lee Hyun Jae imnida”I bow to him n the others.

“Why your name like a girl?” a girly guy said with a chuckled.

“Yah Lee Sungjong” the other guy smacked his shoulder.

“You have no right to say that with your girly face”the other said.The Sungjong guy pouted.

“Annyeonghasaeyo,im Kim Sunggyu Infinite’s leader”the small eyes guy introduced himself.

“Sorry about Sungjong he just mad cause you the new maknae replace him” Sunggyu hyung continue.

“Hyung im not mad but im happy cause u will not bully me now cause u got the new maknae”Sungjong hyung said

“Who said we will stop bully you?btw,when we bully you we just playing”a tall guy said

“Playing?”Sungjong hyung scoffed.

“Sorry to interrupt but what do you mean new maknae?”I said cutting Sungjong who was pissed at the tall guy.

“What do you mean?are you still not know about this?”Sunggu hyung said.

“Know about what?”i said with a blank face.

“About you will join this group” said a muscular guy.

“W-what im what?”I was so shocked about the news.I will join the popular group Infinite.I’ll be dead.Inspirit will not accept me and they will kill me.

“No need to be worry we already tell our fans about the new member they are not mad but they happy”Sunggyu hyung said when he see my scared face.

“Really?”I ask them.

“Yup and let me intoduce you to the other member” Sunggyu hyung said.

“Thats Dongwoo” he said to the guy with a big mouth.

“Thats Myungsoo but he likes people call him L”he said to a guy who just stared to me from i enter the room until now.

“Thats Hoya”he said to the muscular guy

“Thats Woohyun” he said to guy with a smile

“Thats Sungyeol”he said to the tall guy.

“And i am Sungjong sorry about the names thing”the girly guy said.

“Its ok hyung” I said.

“Now i know how it feels to be hyung.its feel good” he said and daydream

Sunggyu hyung rolled his eyes at Sungjong hyung and said “Dont mind him. his a diva n drama king in this group.btw,just ignore the sung brothers when they fight they act like a kid or you will have a headache like me”

“Hyung you also has sung thats mean u also sung brother and you have headache cause you grandpa gyu”Sungyeol hyung said.The others laugh but Sunggyu hyung just glared at him.

            Then there was a guy who came in the room. “thats the manager” said Sungjong hyung and  you nod. “Pack your things we will go back to dorm”said the manager. “just call me manager hyung” said the manager to me.After we arrive at the dorm.I was so shocked cause the dorm was so mess and dirty.i look at the other members but they just see it without any weird looked.

“You will share room with Sungjong”Sunggyu hyung said.

            Then Sungjong hyung show me the room.After that we all get ready  to sleep.Suddenly I hear a group of girl shouting “Supprise!!” besides your house thats mean your neighbour.

“Hyung Apink throw a party lets go” Sungyeol hyung said which earned a smack in his head.

“Apink?” I asked

“Sungyeol stop it you will give bad influence to the younger.btw,hyun jae our neighbour is a girl group called Apink”Sunggyu hyung said.

“Dont tell me u dont know them?”Sungyeol hyung said.

“Of course I know the hottest girl rookie this year”I said.

“then do you have you biased in the group..I has she is”he is cut off when sunggyu hit him again.

“Hyun Jae you can go sleep now”Sunggyu hyung said.

            I nodded and go to sleep totally forgot to tell my sister about infinite and i.

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owhh im not update for a long time..i will update it soon


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Blossom:actually i already write it in my lappy im just hav to copy im makin the fourth chapter.<br />
Kyumee:thanks i will update it soon^^
wowowowow!!<br />
updatee soonnn~ ^^
yeay! first,second and third chapter in a day!! you're amazing..i never done this before~ 0.0<br />
hihi, i'm quite suprised with Namjoo..but then it was just a trick. kekeke<br />
love it! keep updating,okay? :)
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