Donors and Sponsors!


The list below is everyone who donated to my giveaway so far!

(I may use some of the points everyone here gave me towards the giveaway. If you don't want me to use what you gave you, please message me and I will subtract it out.)

Starting Karma Points: 100+
Current Karma Points: 1667
Ending Karma Points: 1902

Thank you so much, everyone~

♥ kagura-w4l

♡ OrcaWolfy

♥ gorjessdestaeny


♥ anhton20

♡  salmamohamed482



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Chapter 4: I just submitted the one-shot request form. :)
Chapter 11: Omg, thank you for promoting the one-shot help blog. I really need writers to complete these stories for requesters. They've waited for too long already and I feel really sorry for them yet they're still as patient as ever. And you're even offering incentives... bless your kind heart. I'm already paying them so you don't have to. ;__;

I hope you're doing well and feeling better. :)
Chapter 1: As I said, I finally got on my computer to be able to see what all this was about. I am very slow (as you may have noticed with Lucky part2.... again I am so sorry about that, so disappointed at myself there..) and I don't know why it usually takes me a while to decide to follow someone even if I like them or their stories. Also, I wanted to apologize because I am not able to upvote. And to be honest Lucky was the very first story I was eager to upvote for/to .. My English is a mess tonight. And I have been on AFF for ... A while now. THIS is how special Lucky was and still is to me. When I started reading it, I just couldn't stop myself. I didn't want to let go of my phone and my sister was making fun of me because I brought the damn thing with me everywhere and I would react to it out loud.
Anyway, I was reading all this post about the give away and at the same time I was smiling and thinking about what I could ask of you because you seem so eager to please everyone and that is just so cute <3 I don't think I've met someone that was so kind to want to please everyone with anything on AFF and again, you made me smile a bit too much. SO, what do I want ? Well, you know I'm 22 and all I want today is find a job, quite college and settle down with my boyfriend to raise a family and cuddle my cat all day while reading fanfictions and Stephen King's novels. So from you? I don't want anything. I want you to continue making me frustrated, I want you to continue to make my heart ache for Baekhyun and Chanyeol, I want you to continue replying to my stupid comments that are completely useless, I just want you to continue and write these beautiful stories of yours. I didn't get the chance to talk to you a lot, but I have this feeling that you are a great person and that alone makes me happy, because I just feel that you are the kind of person I would want to make a friend out of them. So I don't want anything from you, you could give me anything I would be happy, with even just a smiley really.
I love what you have done with your story, I love what you are doing for your readers and I just want to smile some more when I see that you replied to one of my comments.
Again, thank you so much for everything, it means a lot to me to be able to read your story and to see that you are so kind and cute, so thank you <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
I requested for a oneshot huehue
11 streak #5
Other than subscribing how do we apply for the giveaway??? ((btw what you're doing is absolutely amazing)
Chapter 9: This gone be good
Chapter 8: Hope you get well soon ^^ Don't stress yourself too much the GA can wait HAHAHA
Chapter 8: Omfg I hope you recover soon T-T
Chapter 8: Get well!!