Chapter 2

Not One or Another

You groaned and rolled over in the bed, meeting a warm body. You scrunched your face. That’s weird. I don’t remember getting into bed with Jiho. At that thought, the memories from last night flooded into your brain and your eyes snapped open. Who the . Oh. It was just Jessi.

Last night after leaving your shared apartment, you called up your best friend. Thankfully, she was still up and lent you a place to stay no questions asked. But you knew she was going to force it out of you sooner rather than later, so you laid there preparing for what you were going to say when she woke up. You heard a shift next to you. Welp, here we go.

You don’t know how long you sat there releasing your bottled in pain to her as she just sat and listened to you explain how you felt lonely, mistreated, and underappreciated. Even when you started to tear up, she encouraged you to keep going so you could get it all out and by the end of it you were sobbing into her lap, her hands through your hair.

“Y/N-ah. You can’t let him do this to you anymore. I know you love him, but you have to love yourself, too. If he hasn’t been treating you right, then you have to let go.”

“I know that! I just wanted to give him another chance.”

“You’ve given him plenty of time already. It’s time. I mean look he hasn’t even texted or called to ask where you are.”

“Maybe he’s still sleeping.”

Jessi shook her head. “It’s noon already. Stop making excuses for him. That’s the problem with you. You always give others another chance but never yourself. You’re impossibly kind and sympathetic and I love that about you, but you also never treat yourself with the same amount of care and I hate that so much. You deserve the world and if Jiho isn’t giving it to you then you need to move on baby girl.”

It hurt that she could hit you deep in your heart, but your pride fell to shambles. She was right. Except you couldn’t help it. You loved deeply. No matter how much someone hurt you, you could never turn your back on anyone. And that was both your greatest merit and flaw.

You and Jessi continued to cuddle in bed as she gave you time to think. She trusted you to do the right thing for yourself and if not, then she would do her job as your best friend.

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