Chapt 2

Fall for Me

Taekwoon steps into his office and slams the door behind him. He leans his back against the door and pants. Suddenly, he gets an idea. He will make this beautiful man his husband. His father said he wanted him married soon, so why not marry Cha Hakyeon? Taekwoon likes the idea. And he likes Hakyeon. He sits at his desk and logs in to his computer. He goes to the company records and searches for the man. He finds that he is a few months older than him. 
"That's alright. We're still the same age." He thinks to himself. After a few more minutes of stalking, he gets an even better idea.
Hakyeon said he was Kim Wonsik's secretary right? Taekwoon is good friends with Wonsik. He can ask to trade secretaries so he can be closer to Hakyeon. Taekwoon buzzes in his secretary.
"Yes, Mr. Jung?" The secretary asks through the intercom.
"Come to my office, I'd like to discuss something with you." He says, then releases the button.
The door opens and Taekwoon looks up. A tall young man with a sharp nose and slicked back hair steps in to the room.
"Jaehwan," Taekwoon begins, standing up. "How would you like to become the secretary of Kim Wonsik?"
The man called Jaehwan ponders the other's question for a moment.
"Isn't Cha Hakyeon his secretary?" He asks, raising an eyebrow.
"Yes, but I was thinking of trading."
"Am I not satisfactory?" 
"No no, you are. I just thought maybe you would like a bit of a change. You have been working for me for 5 years, you know." Taekwoon reasons.
Jaehwan considers this for a moment.
"I don't know... I just repainted my office." He says furrowing his brow.
"You won't have to move, Wonsik's office is on this floor." 
"Oh, well, then alright I guess. But I'll miss you, sir~" Jaehwan whines.
Taekwoon reaches out and flicks the younger man's forehead.
"Don't give me that, I know you're sick of me." 
"I'm not, really! I just wish you would hang out after work with us like you used to. I miss you." Jaehwan puffs his cheeks.
"Are Hongbin and Sanghyuk not entertaining enough to you?" Taekwoon asks sarcastically.
"They are, but you're also fun to hang out with. You don't even talk to us outside of work."
"Well, get this. My father gave me off from my night training for a month. So, I'll be able to go out with you guys again." Taekwoon says, sitting back in his chair and spinning around to face the window behind him. He prepares himself for the next events to come.
Jaehwan takes a moment to comprehend what Taekwoon said. His jaw drops.
"Really?????"  He practically screams. Taekwoon puts his hands  over his ears as an ecstatic Jaehwan bounces around his office yelling.
"Calm down, please." Taekwoon says, turning back around.
"Can we go out tonight? We can go clubbing! Or we can all go eat! I bet Hongbin will pay!" Jaehwan rambles on.
"Tonight.... We should go out. Yes. We should bring Wonsik and his secretary too, so we can discuss a swap."
"Sounds great! Where should we eat? I'll tell the others." Jaehwan asks excitedly.
"You said Hongin's paying? Find somewhere expensive." Taekwon says smiling to himself.
"Ok! I'm so excited I could explode! Oh my goddd we missed you so much-" Jaehwan is basically talking to himself as Taekwoon pushes him out the door. Once he's out, Taekwoon pulls the door shut and heads over to Wonsik's office. He knocks on the door politely before opening it. He sees Wonsik at his desk staring at a pile of papers with his head in his palm. Wonsik looks up and sees Taekwoon, a smile forming on his face.
"Woonie! You've come to visit me~" He says.
"I have. How have you been?" Taekwoon asks, looking at the mess on the other's desk.
"I've been alright. Recently I've been extra stressed, but I've managed."
"Hey, how would you like to relieve some of your stress and come out to diner with us tonight?" Taekwoon asks, leaning on the desk.
"Really? You haven't gone out in so long." Wonsik's expression changes to that of genuine shock.
"Yes. And I'd like you to invite that secretary of yours. I also have something I'd like to discuss."
"Aww man, I knew there would still be business involved. You are Jung Taekwoon, after all." Wonsik sighs. 
"No trust me, it's really not about business." Taekwoon says. "So, will you two come?"
"I guess. I'll ask Hakyeon now." Wonsik says buzzing in his secretary.
When Hakyeon walks in the door, Taekwoon swears his heart stops. This man really is gorgeous. He cant help gawking at him as he strides towards the desk. He stands next to Taekwoon and looks at Wonsik.
"Yes, Sir?" Hakyeon asks. He gives a side glance to Taekwoon, seemingly uncomfortable. Taekwoon turns but keeps looking over at the other.
"Would you like to go for dinner with us tonight? Taekwoon, who else is going?" Wonsik asks, turning to him. 
Taekwoon hesitates for a second, as Hakyeon's glance has switched to him. "Why am I letting him make me nervous?"  Taekwoon asks himself. "I'm the one in charge here."
"Lee Jaehwan, Han Sanghyuk, Lee Hongbin, Wonsik, myself and hopefully you, too." He says with a slight wink.
Hakyeon's face heats up as he looks quickly back to his boss. 
"I-I don't know.. I kind of have to-"
"Taekwoon also said he has something to discuss with us as well. I think you need to be there." Wonsik basically answers for the other.
"Alright.." Hakyeon says, heading for the door. Taekwoon follows after nodding goodbye to Wonsik. Once out the door, he grabs Hakyeon by the arm and pulls him closer.
"Wear something nice." Taekwoon whispers into his ear.
Chills run down Hakyeon's spine. He turns to look at the other. He is about to say something, but suddenly Lee Jaehwan comes out of his office spouting off restaraunt names or something. He pulls out of Taekwoon's grip and briskly walks away.


this chapter is longer aaayyyy
next chapt will have more neo and also other ships (especially raken) ayyy
I might write more tonight im not sure but expect it soon lol


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Chapter 3: I can't wait ^^ update soon please ~~~
Chapter 3: Phewww.... what a bolddddd taekwoon heree!
khalyss #3
Chapter 2: This story is soooo cute. I love it. Good job author-nim :D please update soon....
Ai24_Jung #4
Chapter 2: Uwaa,, I think I'll always wait for your story to update... Thank you for double update, author-nim.... *sorryformypoorEnglish
najaem-acorn #5
Chapter 1: Double update?! But I'm getting ready for school!! NOOOOOO!!!! Guess I have to leave for school with a sad face....