Part 2

{*Kings and Queens*}

Kings and queens


The next morning lady Catherine was to move in to court to live with his majesty this morning. She packed up all of her belongings and was helped into a horse drawn coach by Charles, Mary also came with them to see what her sisters apartments would be like. Her Father was already at court waiting to see the new ladies for Catherine.


Catherine had decided to wear a green dress that her mother had given her sometime after John had died for her to wear after the very expected mourning period was over.



She felt it would be appropriate to also wear the dress to move in to the apartments that day, it was a whole new chapter in her life and she was anticipating it a lot.


Sat in the coach on the way to court she anticipated what would happen while she lived there and if the King and her still really love each other. 


--- x ---


Meanwhile at court A young girl walked to the doors of court with her mother. The guards looked at her not sure what to make of the girl, she was a villager with a small bag at the gates of court. 


"This is it now Rose, be kind and polite to the lady Catherine."


"Yes mother and I will write to you often." 


"I love you Rose Shepard."


"I love you too mother."


Rose's mother watched her walk up to the gates and show the guards her letter from the King, she had been picked out of obscurity to be a lady to Catherine and was very excited about the position. She smiled at her Mother before a member of staff lead her to the place at court she would call her home at court for the foreseeable future. 


When she arrived another lady was also in the room. They looked at each other quickly before Sir Richard entered the room. They both curtsied to him.


"Good morning ladies, shortly my Daughter Catherine will be arriving at court to reside here with his majesty and you have been selected to be her ladies."


He walked over to the other lady first.


"Ah Nan."


"Sir Richard."


"It is good to see you back at court Nan. I am very pleased to have you as a lady to my daughter."


"The honor is all mine sir Richard."


"You are very kind Nan."


And then he walked over to Rose.


"Rose, welcome to court."


"Thank you sir Richard."


"You are very fortunate to have Nan as a lady with you my child Nan is a very good lady you will learn from the best."


And then he stood at the head of the room again and said.


"Here are the dresses you will wear as members of my daughter's household in the same style as her former lady Clara who now is a lady to another of my daughters. Catherine will be arriving soon so hurry and get dressed for her arrival."


And then he left the room and they began to dress to meet lady Catherine.


--- x ---



A short time later and Lady Catherine arrived at court. It was hitting her that this would be her new home and she was excited to be there with everybody. Father was always there so there would be no real problems with homesickness at all. As they pulled in to the courtyard she was met by the King. Charles helped her out of the coach and then Mark took her hand like he had done the night before and smiled at her.


"Lady Catherine, welcome to court once again."




She smiled and with Mary following they walked to the apartments where she would be living.


"You are not too far from my rooms so we can see each other as often as we please."


He said walking through the halls to her new apartments as the servants opened the doors he said.


"I hope everything is to your liking?"


She looked in the apartments for the first time and it was beautiful, a lot of woodwork and a lot of detail had gone into making the room perfect just for her. Out of the corner of her eye she could see her bed that she would sleep on, it was beautiful.




"Yes your majesty I am very thankful for all you have provided me."


Catherine said with a smile and then Nan and Rose were allowed in to meet Catherine for the first time.


"Ah and I have your ladies here for you Nan and Rose."


Both girls were very well presented and ready to serve lady Catherine while she was at court. 


"My lady."


They both said and curtsied to Catherine. They looked very presentable and well dressed in clothes very similar to Clara's which also made Catherine very happy it felt like home already.


"I shall leave you to settle in, will you join me for dinner?"


"Yes of course I will your majesty."


He smiled and left to attend to royal business. 


--- x ---


On pluto things were very different. Sapphire was getting inpatient with everybody she just wanted Gideon to herself.


"I know it's frustrating darling but Morgana refuses to grant me a dicorce."


"But why? You marriage to her is null and void you told me so yourself."


"I did, I did she is just being a stubborn woman about all of this."


"Well I'm tired of waiting, divorce her, banish her or kill her I don't care anymore I want to marry you my one true husband."


"We will I promise sapphire we just need to help the other planets see our way of thinking over all of this, especially that buffoon king Mark of earth."


"Why him especially."


"Earth is the planet everybody respects deeply and without earths backing of our legitimate love it may be harder to get this divorce."


Sapphire sulked at the thought of waiting any longer she wanted Gideon to herself.


--- x ---


Back on earth Mark was in talks with the Archbishop Eric Nam.




"Archbishop, what is the current situation on Pluto?"


"The people are now aware on unrest at court on the planet and they are starting to talk. Mostly in Morgana's favour."


"I shall report that back to the powers that be, hopefully this matter can be stopped."


"Hopefully so."


"Also I understand you are religious council to Lady Catherine."


"I am, I see she is moving in."


"Yes she has done."


"You still have a fondness for her."


"I do and I believe she feels the same way of me."


"I do too I saw the way you looked at each other at the celebration last night."


 --- x ---


Back at Catherine's new apartments she was all unpacked apart from one thing, her portrait of John. Mary picked up the photo and and asked her sister.


"Now sister where is John going?"


Catherine looked around the room and found the perfect place, a shelf next to her bible. She took the picture from Mary and placed it there, she looked at the photo and knew that John would be happy to see her at court it was a big moment for her and to have it happen was a moment filled with pride.


Then all of a sudden a package came for Catherine with a letter. She picked up the letter and read it.




I am so happy to have your beauty and grace here at court and I wish to make you forever happy.


Please accept these gifts as a token of my fondness for you and I cannot wait to see these on your person.




She opened the parcel and inside was some of the most beautiful jewels she ever did see.



And a beautiful headdress to go with the set.



"His majesty still has affections for you."


Mary said, Catherine blushed she knew he was serious about her and she was about him, but for now she took things very slow especially with the talk about Pluto in the court at this time it would not be a good idea to fall in love with his majesty, or would it?

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