Baking with Markson


“So?” Jackson asks, “How does it taste?” 
Mark just stares at Jackson, trying to figure out what to say. He then leans into the younger, kissing him on the nose:

“Salty, just like you.”

Featuring!: a terrible got7 pun, salty cookies, and a hot make-out sesh


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Chapter 1: Wahahhahahah wahahaha

Kind iof reninded me when i bakes coffee cupcakes and ended up not putting any sugar at all. My bro was like, this tastes weird, its too bitter and when i tasted it i had a mental breakdown


Good times

And i think Mark and Jackson had a good time too, with or without cookies
Chapter 1: Whoah, that is really fluffy and I quite fancy that they are doing this, in reality, hahaha gosh!