
Four years

The door opens with a soft click, revealing a red and white apartment. Not too small, not too big, just enough for her. We didn't dare to say anything, not to ruin the incredibly huge tension, nor we dared to look into each other's eyes... just in order to not get lost. With the same soft click the door opened, it closes; so slowly you would think time froze in this little bubble of ours. 

My skin itched, wanting to take you right in the spot, but I knew I couldnt do that. No. Not yet, because it wouldnt be me. I walk closer to you, not taking my eyes off your back, not hoping you face me this time. 

I let myself fall on top of your shoulder, inhaling the intoxicating jasmine scent of yours. Oh, you really never change. You winced, seemingly tense for my touch, breathe getting heavier and heavier with each inhale, until you turned around.

'Do you still want me?' I asked you - my hand falling down on your neck, tugging your hair to bring our foreheads closer. 

'Yes', you muttered, hardly holding back a groan.

'Then take me' 

Mina's lips found Momo's right away, her hands travelling all over her face, looking to hold on to for some reality. She longed this, she waited for this, but she couldnt believe it. 

In the blink of an eye, Momo was slammed againts the wall, with Mina's lips all hovering over her; but she wont give in like that, so she fought for dominance. She lifted Mina up and backed her up to the wall, tongues and teeth bumping in the process. 

'Di-did you train these 4 years I wasnt here?' Mina said, in between sighs, with a slight tremor in her voice. 

Momo hummed, not in the mood to talk right now, she quickly took Mina to her perfectly arranged black bed, black sheets, black pillows. 

Everything's black. 

As her back hit the comfortable bed, Mina whimpered, grabbing the older girl by the neck and straddling her. 

A moment where all living things froze. It's strange, that when you look at something so beautiful you hold your breathe back. Your chest tightens at the sight, your mind excusing itself as you can't just think of more words more than 'beautiful'. Ethereal, pure, perfect. The moment Momo and Mina interlocked their eyes, time froze. Short seconds went longer, the both seemingly lost in the last spark of their old relationship. A new dynamic. A new start. Two candles that will eventually melt into each other, that's them. 

None of them was willing to submit, both were too proud to let 'right' win over what's 'wrong'. 

Time resumed when Momo kissed Mina, and Mina kissed back, with every bit of passion and desperation. Four years is, after all, a ing long time for the two of them. 

There were no need of words, for they always understood each other with only looks and kisses only. People often asked themselves how did they become a couple, when the common interests are... different. But in one part, they're just the same, even worst than the other. They found peace in their own pain, two souls in complete synergy. Even if one tried to deny the other, the force of attraction would be too much to fight back. 

Wildness. Need. Desperatation. Anger. Loneliness. Resentment. 

With every kiss, every touch, every moan and whisper, deep hidden emotions resurfaced. With the blink of an eye, darkness consumed them.

If this is their way of love, then they dont need anyone - anything else. 


Mina and Momo, in the darkness of a red room. Mina opened her eyes to find a sleeping peach, the clock read 4:17am. 

Mina groaned. As silently as she could, she rose from the bed to her apartment's balcony, not forgetting to bring her pack of cigars and her lighter. 

With a movement of her wrist, she lit up the cigar and took a long puff. 

This pack leaves a bad aftertaste, but she liked it. She liked the sourness it left, how the smoke impregnated your body and how it leaves a trace of you, somewhere. 

Mina heard soft footsteps, sighing into the air as if she didnt need to breathe anymore. 

'Since when do you smoke?', Momo whispered, the night too quiet to be loud. 

'Since two years ago. A bad habit of mine' 

'Why do you smoke?' 

Mina rolled her eyes to this question. She hated this part because she gets too emotional and instrospective of herself, something she didn't like. 

But she couldnt lie to Momo,

not now, not tonight. 

'Because I...', she bit her lip, trying to control her respiration, 'I need a reminder to breathe, Mo' - Momo hummed, quiet, 'I need to breathe, something to fill me in. Something to remind me I am alive, I'm feeling right now', she breathed out, smoke hovering around them, 'it's- it's just a need'

'I see. Can I take a puff then?' 

Mina widened her eyes, since Momo used to say she hated smokers. 

But Momo couldnt hate her. Not again. 

Hesitant, she handed what's left of the cigar to the older Japanese, deep, brown eyes staring at its . 

'Mina, when did you come back?' 

'... Some time ago' 

'Why did you come back?', Momo said in between the smoke. 

Taken aback by the sudden question, she remained silent.

Momo didnt push the topic further, waiting for the younger to answer. Mina takes her time, but she'll make sure she answers every one of your questions, you only needed patience. 

With a small smile, Mina chirped, 'I didn't feel like doing ballet anymore' - 'Not by myself, at least. Russia was too much for me. You know I never liked to be alone' 


'So... I no longer felt like dancing. Nothing more, nothing less'.

A beat. 


With Momo's last puff, smoke covering the balcony (yeah yeah i'm exaggerating, let me be), two bodies found each other in a tight, tender hug. 

'Mo,', Mina muttered, 'do you know what we are?


'Yeah, we?'

Momo shaked her head, not knowing exactly what to say. 

Mina took this as a signal to continue, 'we are Zero and Infinity. Zero exists whereas infinity doesnt. Zero is real, meanwhile infinity is just a philosophical concept. Zero seems like nothing, but is something. Infinity seems something, but its nothing' 

Momo hummed.

'I mean, without you, I wouldnt exist. There's no ending without a beginning. I exist because the whole of you allowed me to. Infinity can exist if there's something else to hold on to. So...'

'You always liked philosophy, right Mina?', Momo interrupted her with a chuckle

A nod. 

A beat. 

Mina felt like crying, but as strong hands took her head, it stopped. The growing pain in her chest stopped. 

'You dont have to feel alone anymore, if you let me be with you' 

Momo lifted the younger's chin up, making her face Momo's cold yet tender eyes. 

'There's no we, if you dont stay' 

Lonely tears trailed down Mina's cheeks. Too late to hold it back, she let out a broken sob. 

And she let herself be one with infinity. 






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Chapter 3: Art
barron_8 #2
Chapter 3: I just noticed that I haven't commented in this. So I'm going to do it now.
I love this. Seriously.
Chapter 3: Love the way u wrote the story. It was amazing the last few lines got me shook. Great job. More stories plsssss
AugustK88 #4
Chapter 3: The philosophy part though... love it! hope this is not the end and you continue the story! :)
AugustK88 #5
Chapter 2: Love your style of writing. Looking forward for the next update! :)
babbyoink #6
Chapter 2: I love the last lines.. Lol...
AugustK88 #7
Chapter 1: Sweet... a sequel would be great! More MiMo! Thanks!
dinosaur_pjy #8
Chapter 1: Wow i think you need to make sequel haha. Nice story btw