Hanging out with Niel..^^

How will you make up to it...??

"Now, will you follow me.?", he asked.



Feeling a little uncomfortable about it. You followed him. The whole way to the elevator no one spoke.

Then he stopped and asked: " What's actually your name.?"

"Oh....I'm Cho_______ and you.?", you answered. "I'm Niel. How about I take you somewhere else and show you the other things later.?"

"Eehm...Okay, but why.?", you asked being curious.

"Because I don't feel like doing this now and the way you're looking right now. I can't show myself with you. If you come with me you'll look even cuter and prettier, then you look now."
*Great how nice  of him to say that. Then again he's right, I look like a bum..!! BUT I don't even have any money..!!*

"So..? What ya say sweetie..?"

"Well I'm not so sure about that. Did you just call me sweetie..?", you asked surprised.

"Aaah...well I guess, I did...Will you hang out with me now.?", Niel asked with a sweet smile.

"But I don't have any money", you mumbled.

Niel looked down at you and said: "Oh..that's alright. I'll pay for you."

"What part of I don't have any money don't you undertsand", you asked.

"That's fine. You'll make up to it somehow..", he said and ran away.

"WHAAT..?? WAIT FOR ME", you shouted and ran after him.

But what you couldn't see was, that  Niel was smirking.........



Outside the building. The two of you stopped, to catch your breath. After you were done Niel started to laugh.

"Hey..!! Why are you laughing..? What's so funny..?", you asked tilting your head to the side.

"No reason. I just felt like it."

"You're lying". 

"If you think so", was Niel's answer.


"What's that for an answer.?", you asked.

"There was no question...Now will you follow me..? We have a lot to do today. So stop wasting time".

"Hmpf....meanie..", you puffed your cheeks and followed fish-lips.
  ( xD )

After riding the train for half an hour, you arrived at a hairdresser.

"Question..!!! What are we doing here.?", you asked.

"We're giving you a new hairstyle. Your hair don't really look healthy", Niel answered.


*I absolutly not like HIS honesty....!!!*

You entered the shop and it seemed like the hairdresser lady knew Niel.

Hey, Niel-ah. What brings you here. Didn't I just give you a new hairstyle.?", she asked him.

"Yes, you did but I'm not here for me. I'm here for her", Niel said and pushed you lightly infront of him.
"Oh..I see..Come and sit here...What kind of hairstyle did you have in mind for her..?", the lady asked.

"Hmm...something cute but not too cute...So I'd say a cute-y mix", he answered.

"Ok...I get what you have in mind".

It seemed like you weren't even there. No one asked for your opinion, but then again Niel was the one who was paying.
*How did I get in this situation..? Huh..! -_-*

After 20 minutes you were done and your new hairstyle looked like this:

Looking in the mirror, you were surprised and happy about it. You thought it looked really good.
"Wow...thanks Noona...It looks really great. How much must I pay.?", Niel asked, being super happy.

"If you come to my birthday party next week, I won't charge you anything only if you don't come".

s Noona. I'll come for sure", Niel answerd.

They huged eachother goodbye and then we left to the next shop, that was only a

few streets away.
"And now what are we doing here.?", you asked.

"Your make-up...My sweetie".

"Question..! Why are you calling me sweetie..?"

"Because I feel like it...My sweetie..!", Niel answered and turned around to you with a big smile on his lips.

Without another word you just entered the make-up shop with Niel.

Fish-lips went to the counter and talked there with a lady. *What a surprise, he talks again with a woman...-_-*

"_______-ah come here. Sit down", Niel said and waved you over to him.

"Yeah..I'm coming".
Sitting down, the woman already began doing your make-up. She only put light make-up on you.
Luckily it didn't take so long.
At the moment you were really happy with your looks. Niel was also happy...

"So sweetie...next are your clothes...That'll be fun", Niel whispered beside your ear with a grin.

Next on the 'list' were your clothes, so you two went to the big shopping center.

"So..You ready now to have new clothes..?", Niel asked you with a big smile on his face.

"I...guess so", you answered shyly.

As soon as you both entered the big shop, a man came your way and offered straight his help. *Seems like they know eachother...Niel has a lot of friends.!* You thought with a smile on your lips.
The man whispered something to Niel, to your surprise you heard it and felt a little ashamed about it.
Man: "Who's that..? She is pretty, but her clothes are a absolute no go.!"


Niel answered: "Yeah...I know and that's why were here..It would be great if you help her pick the right things..!"

"I'll do my best for my Dongsaeng," the man answered with a smile.

"Lady, will you please follow me..?", the man asked you.
You nodded and followed him.


"By the way, my name's John. Lee John. And yours.?", he turned around asking you.

"Cho______," you said.  

"What a beautiful name you have".  

"Thanks", you smiled.

After waiting for a while, John came back with a pile of clothes and shoes.
You widened your eyes in shock. "Isn't that a little too much.?", you asked still a little shocked.

"Nah, that's alright", John answered with a big smile on his face.

These things you tried on:

Shoes for the 1 outfit:


Second outfit:

Third outfit:

Fourth outfit pajama:



All outfits you tried on, eccept for the pajams. Niel saw all of them and he liked it.

He payed and the first outfit you kept on. Your clothes you had on, you threw away and then the two of you left the shop feeling happy.

"Really, thank you for all this what you did Niel", you thanked with a big smile.

"Nawh, it's alright, my sweetie. Can I get a hug.?, Niel asked spreading his arms.

You rolled your eyes and hug him while smiling.

"Come Sweetie let's go eat some ice-cream and then we'll go back with the train.

You nodded and the two of you went to get some ice-cream.







Sorry for the super late update...!!! :( 

I was a whole week sick and then after I got better my school class did a ski-trip..! ( that was fun )

AND then after we came back school was a lot of hectic..!!! :O


Hope you enjoyed the chapter...!! ^^




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readingglass #1
its getting there!!
Love it <3 Btw get well soon <3
!! Update soon :3 <3 PaliPali~ <3
Woah! Update please. ^-^