The end

Goodbye, my love

The two of you were the couple that everyone envies. They say opposite attracts and you were starting to believe in it. Because Zico is fair and you are slightly tanned. Not dark, just slightly tanned. Black and white are opposite, aren't they?


The both of you are finally together again, not officially but still, together, after 3 years. Back in 2009, you had to leave him. Because your dad found out about you and grounded you. He moved on. For someone else better. Fairer than you, prettier than you, slimmer than you and even taller. She was everything that a guy could asked for. And you moved on too. Well, you thought you did.


Truth is, you never did. You were just hiding in that shell of yours. Your own world. Constantly telling yourself that you have moved on when you never did. All of the relationship that comes after him didn't last long and you hurt yourself in some of the relationships too. Slowly, you started building walls within yourself, around your heart.


One day, you received news about him. Finally. But it wasn't for you though. You overheard it. "Zico is going to remove the tattoo he made for Minshik on his wrist soon," was what you heard.


Tattoo? What tattoo? Of me?



Yes, he had a "M" on his wrist.


He loved you so much that he made it on your 1st monthsary, the day right before you broke up with him. He was supposed to show it to you, but you never show. What came was a text that broke his heart.


It was also that tattoo that made the both of you got back together again. But it was never official. He didn't pop up the question. The both of you just go out together, acting like a couple but it was never official.

Recently, texts are getting shorter. Replies are taking longer. What's wrong? You thought. It was hard making the conversation going. He wasn't trying. He still loves me, right? You weren't sure.


Finally, you snapped. You made one of your girlfriend to text him, and even promised she will tell you exactly what he told her.


"Shiky ah.. He kept avoiding the questions."


"What did he say?"


"He keeps saying he doesn't know. He said he guess he doesn't love you anymore....... He just doesn't know what he's feeling.."


I hesitated on my reply. Then, another text came.


"Please be okay Shiky...."


"It's up to him whether he wanna tell me or whether he wanna drag. I don't mind. And I'm okay, I am. :-)"


"<3 you got us okay?"


":-) I know. Thank you. <3"


"He's gonna text you soon I guess."


"Okay .."


"No matter what, be strong. Love you babygirl."


"How the am I suppose to be strong when it's the second time this happened."


Oh , I snapped.


"Need a shoulder?:( please be okay.........."


"Nvm, just leave me alone. I'm fine."


"He texted you?"


"Text me about what? Nope he hasn't."


"Nevermind. I'll leave you alone."


"Did he mention he likes someone else or......."


"His feelings for you faded, that's all he said."


"Okay can......"



Feelings for you faded.......


Hello you! It's not the end yet, next would be something dedicated to him. :-) Do comment~~~! And yes, that text conversation is true. Word by word. ^^

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bella_ #1
I knew it! Your from S'Pore too heheheh
ohblackroses OH! Haha okay I think I calculated the years wrongly^.^ chingu~ <br />
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You're welcome! We're still young~ there are many better guys out there. Don't give up the whole forest because of one tree^.^
ohblackroses #3
ONLYSUJUSHINEE: Why are you calling me unnie!!! :( I'm a 94-liner.<br />
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Anyway, thank you. I can't seem to express my gratitude towards you, whom showed concern in a stranger like me. Really thank you. ^____^
Hey unnie! Be strong okay! I'm not good in consoling people but still yep be strong! All these that you've gone through is part of living. It's alright to be wary of people but don't shut yourself away from others. I'm sure you'll meet someone better who will love you cherish you okay! ^.^ I know it's hard because I've been thru something like this before but time will heal the heart okay? ^,^. Remember. Smile, laugh, forget and move on. Give yourself a chance. <br />
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Ps I'M A SINGAPOREAN TOO! 18 this year^.^
ohblackroses #5
Dj-ejan: I guess the whole planning of future thing occurs in every relationship especially when you really liked the person so much that you wanna have a future with him? Anyway, thank you for reading this story, or rather, this rant of mine. ^___^
When i read the first paragraph, the part where they plan their future i thought 'it is my story?!!?' <br />
I like the way u write it. I totally can feel it bcoz some of it, is the same as my feeling toward my ex ;_;
i totally can feel it :'( <br />
even, i was hurt just reading it. Update soon.
xSanjaax #8
Aww.. :/ Update soon <3